
Alignment Quotes

There are 7187 quotes

"Aligning what you're great at, your excellence, with what you love doing, what engages you, with your ethical sense, what matters to you, you have what he calls good work."
"Living in alignment with the things that you most want... do you most want to be somebody that pleases others, or do you most want to be somebody that lives in alignment with things that are important to you?"
"Integration is just like you're fully aligned, and that for me is the limitless state."
"Creating a well-aligned future, that's the idea."
"This is a card of aligning yourself with success but also internally you're blossoming."
"Alignment is when the person who you are inside and the person who you are actually being out there in the world are one and the same."
"It's a year of wishes coming true, of things aligning in your favor after a period of struggle."
"Alignment is creating positive words, positive thoughts, and positive actions."
"You have the power to choose your thoughts and align them with love, peace, and harmony."
"If you can get clear on your values and principles and the way you live is as aligned to your values and principles as possible, you will have the closest chance of living a fulfilled, peaceful life."
"When you don't think things are going right... ask yourself: is my element out of alignment, is my environment out of alignment, or is my energy out of alignment?"
"We've got to get to the mindset of understanding who we are first and then who we align with."
"You are going to see some extreme changes very soon in your everyday routine that is way more in alignment and lets you be more free."
"The key to manifesting and being a super attractor is to be aligned with feeling good."
"We both have so much to learn and heal before we can align."
"I am following the path I love, I am fully aligned to my soul purpose."
"Authenticity is the alignment of who we are and how we act."
"We have natural genius inside of us, and when this is aligned with this, when people talk about their mind and their body and the values of the habits, when they're all aligned, things happen naturally."
"When you're in congruence and alignment, things happen, your natural superpowers, if you will, come out organically and are not forced."
"Choosing goals that align with your core values."
"If we follow the clues, there are answers. And if we have the answers, then we can bring things into better alignment."
"Remember, with the law of attraction, you have the power to choose your thoughts and align them with love, peace, and harmony."
"You are about to come into union and alignment with what is truly going to make you happy."
"You're in the flow of things, aligning yourself with your true heart's desire."
"You are going to feel much more inspired and much more in alignment."
"When your actions match your words, manifestation is near."
"Surrender the need, the desire, the want to make it happen right now and align yourself to the understanding, the guidance, the solution that evade you."
"You're going to find people who align with that and I feel like it's going to fulfill you just so much."
"It's a month where you are aligning with your true divinity."
"Everything is so lined up, becoming exactly where I need to be right now. I love life."
"We know when we are aligned when the process of manifestation feels effortless and joyous."
"The secret to manifestation is alignment and action."
"When you feel inspired, the universe will immediately start lining you up with the people and resources you need."
"You weren't given these desires for them to mock you; you're given these desires because it's in alignment with who you are."
"Speak up for yourself... get in the habit of asking yourself how you feel and living in alignment with that."
"Being in integrity simply means that you are wholly yourself and that all aspects of yourself are harmoniously aligned."
"The most important thing in life is to be in a place where your behaviors and your actions are thoroughly aligned with your values."
"Fell in love with Megan so incredibly quickly was a sort of confirmation to me that everything, all the stars were aligned, everything was just perfect."
"It's very clear because when I go on your social media or when I google you, the content aligns with what you do."
"The only people that are meant to be in your life moving forward are people that can align to your level spiritually, mentally, emotionally."
"As long as I'm in alignment doing what I was called to do, I will be fine, more than fine."
"Healing, growing, evolving mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically, it all has to align and it all has to be consistent."
"You are coming home to yourself, getting empowered, stepping back into your alignment and being at home with you because you are enough."
"Everything that has happened in your love life is in alignment with your destiny."
"Success is not created; it's always been there. We just have to align our thinking with it."
"This is a timeless pick a card reading, family. So, regardless of the time that you come across this reading, it's in alignment with your vibration and what's going on in your life."
"Finding somebody that you really can jam with for a long period of time isn't like two puzzle pieces coming together; it's like two ripped pages with all these intricate jagged little edges finding enough alignment to fit well together."
"You need to get used to the idea that health and alignment is actually the natural state of your being."
"Creating a heart and mind coherence is the key to achieving congruence between our conscious and subconscious minds."
"By achieving clarity of intention, we align our conscious and subconscious towards achieving our goals."
"You're feeling aligned with your higher purpose, embodying your highest version of yourself."
"You are feeling confident about your direction in life, very much in alignment with your higher mission and your higher self."
"The form of self-empowerment that comes with the root chakra is the knowing that you actually do have the capacity to find the people places and things that do meet your needs."
"In alignment with the best version of yourself."
"Everything breaks loose when you get in the right place."
"I feel a flow, I feel a flow, everything in God is about a flow."
"These transformations have brought you so much more happiness, and I think that the universe is currently aligning you with people that are part of your true north."
"Believe in yourself and believe in this magic, and believe that everything is falling in alignment for you."
"You guys are finally finding your soul tribe, people that are so much more in alignment with you."
"We feel so much more in alignment; we feel so much more connected."
"As soon as you are ready, or the universe feels that you are ready, you're gonna be aligned with the right people, places, things."
"The idea is to not get stuck in a pattern but to quickly identify what's aligned with you and change what isn't."
"I feel very in alignment with my vision and my purpose."
"The cosmos is lined up around you; you're right in the right place at the right time."
"When you are living your life out of alignment with your best self, the universe comes knocking."
"Align your business with the things that energize you more."
"When I'm in alignment with the love of the universe, peace cannot be disrupted."
"This machine will work so much more efficiently if your body, mind, emotion, and energy are aligned and organized properly."
"You'll never feel purposeful until you realign with your personal truths, the core of who you are."
"You will not find or feel purpose in your life until you realign to the core of who you are."
"Everything that's truly meant for you, you don't have to force."
"When the personality comes fully to serve the energy of the soul, that is authentic power."
"Power is the alignment of your personality with your soul."
"I always say, judge me by my conduct. If my words align with my conduct, then you can trust me."
"Sometimes endings are a good thing because they open us up to something that is more in alignment with us."
"Aligning your professional career with your values is pretty essential."
"Synchronicity in life is a sign that you're on the right path."
"Align yourself with your destiny and with spirit's will; this is when miracles start to appear."
"If you really want to be happy, what you have to do is to align what you think, say, and do. When those three things have no separation, I think you're going to be really happy and healthier, wealthier, and more successful in life."
"It's important to understand who aligns with you, especially as a man when you're walking in your purpose."
"It's not in the universe's best interest for you to want something and not get it."
"I only work with people who I feel are ethically aligned, who have a good energy, who I feel really good about intuitively."
"You feel more in alignment, more in the proper direction than you've ever felt in the longest time."
"To pray in the Holy Spirit means to pray in agreement with, according to the will of, and in the power of the Holy Spirit."
"When what you think, what you say, and what you do are aligned, then you feel peace."
"It seemed like Equestria's two royal princesses had aligned the heavenly bodies with Rarity's good fortune in mind."
"Group number one, you are entering that time right now where things are just gonna fall into place."
"The more times you show that alignment between what I said I was going to do and what I do, you begin to trust yourself, and then you begin to feel confident in yourself."
"We repent for the sins we committed on the way and we ask that you would bring us into alignment with holiness, with righteousness, and with obedience."
"Once you have a vision and perspective for your life, it's easy for things to fall into their respective places."
"The universe tends to bring us people and circumstances that are aligned with how we view and feel about ourselves, not how we want our lives to be."
"When your heart and your mind come in alignment, whether it be worst case scenario or best case scenario, that's exactly when that reality starts to manifest."
"Things that dissolve in your life dissolve because they are not aligned with your destiny."
"Find your purpose, everything else can fall into proper alignment when you figure out where you're going."
"You're coming into right alignment now and you're going to flow into greater ease."
"Momentum is picking up and things are aligning for you in ways that you can't even imagine."
"What brings out the best in you, and then align yourself with a relationship where those values are valued."
"Manifesting is not a shortcut. It is an alignment of your belief system, your actions, your feelings, and intentions."
"You manifest your desires by getting into alignment with them, not by feeling undeserving of them or feeling like you have to prove yourself in order to have them."
"And even more interestingly, the great pyramids are actually aligned with the polar radius of our planet."
"The fact that I fell in love with Meghan so incredibly quickly was a sort of confirmation to me that all the stars were aligned."
"When you blend that together, and it's this perfect match of your responsibilities and your personal style, that's when you know you're moving the boat in the right direction."
"You're coming more and more into energetic alignment so that you can be in sacred union."
"Once you make a decision, find every way that you can to back up that decision and to fully align with the decision that you've made."
"Prayer is about submission to God. Prayer is about aligning with His will."
"Study the laws of the universe and then make up your mind you're gonna live in harmony with these laws."
"Alignment is more important than assignment."
"You are going to start doing things that are in alignment with your physical body and your spiritual body."
"There's something about you where you're just like, kind of in alignment and vibrating at the same frequency, which is why there's this attraction."
"As you begin to align with that frequency more, you begin to attract more things that you enjoy and then you start to love life a lot more."
"By getting into the Vortex, we immediately begin to close the gap between where we are and where we want to be."
"Things will align. Your wishes in terms of your love life are absolutely going to come true."
"I am a vibrational match to all that is good."
"I am emotionally aligned with all that is good and abundant."
"When your vibration is in alignment with the order you are placing with the universe, things will come to you automatically without much effort."
"It's about really finding people who are on the same page as you."
"It's an amazing moment. It's a complete realignment."
"See if you can align your head over your heart, your heart over your pelvis."
"Integrity is when your words, actions, and the way that your heart feels are all aligned and harmonious."
"Your purpose is to be here fully, to align yourself with this moment internally."
"When our being aligns with the universe and its process through intelligent spontaneity, we begin to experience synchronicity without needing to rationalize the experience."
"Pelvis nice and even, twist coming from your center."
"Make the unconscious conscious and actually see if you're on the same page."
"The tendency to view everything in political terms destroys our ability to properly navigate questions on which we actually ought to have alignment."
"Align yourself with the energy of true love. What does a true love relationship look like and feel like to you?"
"When you align your personal will to the higher will of the Divine, you can move mountains."
"Your will aligns with Divine will, and if you align your will even a little bit with God's will, you become a force of nature."
"If you're setting goals that are not aligned with your purpose, it's what Stephen Covey described as getting to the top of the ladder and finding out the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall."
"You motivate me... His reasons for doing his channel... align with mine, and so I was quite proud to watch his channel grow and encouraged to watch his success."
"If you're not experiencing joy as you think about doing something and as you pursue doing it, then it's off course for you."
"You see this divine manifestation of aligning with your destiny in July."
"The universe is lining things up in a really healthy and exciting way for you."
"If you're thinking about being in the public eye or being in the spotlight for work, the stars are aligning for your success. I feel like things are just going to work out in unexpected ways, and the universe has quite a surprise for you in terms of abundance."
"When you marry someone, that's your person, that's your ally, that's where you should be aligned."
"True alignment is just so crucial in success and true alignment in a positive way where everybody is absolutely together towards the same journey in the same goal."
"Sometimes the stars align perfectly, and a movie game just kills it."
"It feels like things are lining up. Stars might be lining up. I don't know, but it's very again it feels really good, celebratory, and your heart seems to be at peace."
"Everything feels right. I feel lined up appropriately, um, with myself, with others, within my relationships, outside my relationships. I feel whole. I feel complete."
"When your thoughts and feelings are aligned, you're in a state of being."
"The reality is if you don't know who you are then you don't know who belongs in your life you don't know who's the right fit you don't know who you align with properly As you move forward."
"Prayer is the alignment of your will with His."
"Economic progress and environmental progress are actually aligned."
"All this reform does, all this amendment does is put the position of the presidency, it syncs it up with the position of the General Secretary the Communist Party, so now nothing has term limits."
"It's almost like everything is aligning all at once in October, so get ready, you're about to receive."
"If you can't change your behavior, you'll never be in alignment with the way things are."
"It just seems like a video of like clearing up lies of the past and everything seems to line up with that thought."
"Get aligned with what you truly need and want for yourself."
"You cannot please everyone, but there will be people who are in alignment with you."
"What happens when our lifestyle, eating, thoughts, actions, existence becomes aligned with our soul?"
"In order to create a meaningful life, your goals, actions, words, and activities should be in alignment with your truest aspirations."
"When you're sick, any positive focus...will cause you to come into alignment."
"Guys, when I tell you like, sometimes when you're intentional about something, like, it literally all just falls into place."
"When those four things are aligned, you're unstoppable."
"Oh my God, wait, this is actually like perfectly lined up with the stone structure up top. No way did I accidentally build this perfectly."
"Literally everything is aligning simultaneously right now."
"The sun went into Aries, boom, here we go, solar activity jumped up."
"The moment the sun went into Aries, solar activity just jumped up."
"These serendipitous moments, these things that you're almost in disbelief at how well they're linking up because it just feels truly like magic."
"Your destiny... everything's coming together to fit nicely."
"Success for me is feeling like I'm in alignment with myself. Alignment for me is what I think is what I say is what I do."
"Moving into alignment, where attention goes, energy flows."
"You're going to move more into something that is more in alignment with your path."
"The 2020s will be the first time these two cycles align in the same decade."
"You're coming into alignment, so and into balance, it's really exciting energy for you."
"Options, opportunities, priorities - make sure they're in alignment."
"When there's a vibrational match between your energy and that potential that exists in the quantum field, it's going to find you."
"You got to be around the people who know what it is that you truly want to be."
"Is because they know that by doing this, it is inevitable that you will end up, in alignment with your personal truth."
"Venus is protecting you this month, it's making trines to you, and Venus is making trying to your sign that it is protective."
"Keep your vibration high, you will come into right alignment to welcome your soulmate into your life."
"All you have to do today is to figure out one thing that brings you closer in alignment to whatever it is on a sort of higher level that you want."
"Let that be the reason you will soon wake up a different person, moving towards that which aligns with who you are."
"I feel incredibly grateful that this is like so aligned with the core of what I am and what I want to do."
"Breath work really realigns my mind and my body."
"When you're in alignment, doors of opportunity open based on your vibration."
"There's no mistake, only experience. Focus on alignment, everything will come from that."
"Alignment is the space where there is no fear, there's no lack, there's nothing stopping you."
"Move towards things that align with your higher self."
"Change is coming, and it's all about no longer putting up with things that are out of alignment with you."
"Symmetry, the fact that everything is perfectly aligned, perfectly set up."
"Simple bold clean use the grid line things up."
"Live a life where what you think, what you say, and what you do are aligned with your truer self."
"You are in alignment when you speak your authentic truth."
"You are a highly intuitive being; when the energy is aligned, the action path will become clear."
"Don't force it, resonate with what feels right."
"The byproduct of alignment with your higher self is happiness, joy, and true love."
"Remember you got to have what your goals are and you need to make sure that your actions are aligning with your goals."
"Take a step towards it, the universe will match you."
"You are aligning yourself with your heart's desire."
"Trust yourself to trust that everything is falling into place."
"Healing internal battles and embracing spiritual alignment."
"Blade determination and desire. All these must be aligned in the practice of ishiin art."
"When I live and act from a place of spiritual alignment, which is focusing or following what feels good, I can trust that everything is working out for me."
"God is bringing a spiritual alignment right now."
"You are going to align to people who get you, who are more in tune with who you are."
"Make sure that when you meet someone, they're as connected to you or to your dream as you are."
"His need for freedom and his goal to reach new worlds I think lands him in chaotic neutral."
"It's extra important for me and a swimmer to be on the same page."
"It's actually only when we have found that right thing deep within the chamber of the heart and we just there's this yes yes this is the right thing the will then aligns gracefully and eloquently."