
Personal Benefit Quotes

There are 260 quotes

"The first person who benefits from compassion is the one who feels it."
"Empathy isn't just something that makes you good, that expands your moral universe. Empathy is something that's good for you."
"When we forgive, ladies and gentlemen, it's not for the other person; oh no, it is for you."
"Making money is good for me and for everyone in my life."
"Tai Chi is for yourself. I do Tai Chi to make me feel good, and that is actually the most important purpose of Tai Chi."
"I think it helps me as well. I think we all benefit from living a little bit better life."
"In essence, nobody cares about the topic. They care about how anything and everything will benefit their life."
"I belong to the category of people for whom COVID has actually been a good thing in the sense that I can be very close to my family."
"The whole point is to convince yourself, see the truth, and get the benefit from it."
"Use your life to serve the world, and you will find that it also serves you."
"I see what it does for me in those moments when things are stressful or like I'm feeling anxious. It settles me."
"In my experience personally, there's been a huge benefit to be gained from decluttering the excess and working to be really intentional about what I bring in next."
"Every single thing in my home either benefits me, or it doesn't. And if it doesn't benefit me, then it ends up costing me something, either time devoted to managing it or the space to store it."
"Just know it's for your highest good. That's the good stuff, that something's ending that you don't need."
"Trying to move away from thinking what is this pose doing to me and thinking about what is this pose doing for me."
"The beauty is at least when you're an entrepreneur, every hour that you put in goes to your 100% benefit."
"Ultimately, changing your appearance benefits you."
"Use your time wisely to focus on the things that are actually going to benefit your life, even if they're hard."
"Who benefits from you believing whatever they feed you?"
"I don't want you to tell me something because you think it's going to make it better for you."
"A simple proposition: you built these iconic companies, you deserve to benefit when these companies thrive."
"Ultimately, policies are going to improve your life."
"Doing little favors for others ultimately helps yourself in the long run."
"You know, making these videos has just been really helpful for my sanity and my happiness."
"You benefit not just from the resources in the community of course but you'll also benefit from all of the knowledge and experience that we've got."
"I mean, sometimes you have to be in a position that you just can't do something in order to do the other, it forces you to do what's better for you, absolutely."
"It's definitely okay to just selfishly want to share your story because it's cathartic or therapeutic for you."
"God often sends for us not for his benefit but for ours."
"If the government said, 'Hey, would you like $3,000, $3,600 per year?' I don't think anybody here would say no. I mean, that would be pretty awesome."
"Do it for yourself, you actually will feel better."
"Those freedoms have served me and my family well."
"I want to use Instagram in a way that serves me, not me serving it."
"You might get some kind of email, phone call, or news about a financial opportunity that's very good for you."
"Keep up the hard work. I don't care how drained you get, it's all going to work on your behalf."
"Get rid of your prejudice and your bigotry because it's like giving yourself a huge raise."
"Good things are going to happen to you because of it."
"Being true to ourselves and true about ourselves to other people isn't just good for us, it may be the most important thing you can do."
"If you're ever like considering having kids and you're not sure about it just remember there's a heck of a lot in it for you as well even though you do have to put yourself out an awful lot it's totally worth it."
"If she can afford the car to be a blessing to his wife or sons of whoever he feels like she has been through him then kudos to him or her."
"This is going to make my world so much better."
"For gifts, it's more about improving my everyday life. Like a shoehorn, it's a win-win-win."
"The number one benefit is to connect with the divine source."
"I find the most effective filter is the kabono filter: who else benefits from this, right?"
"Cooking is supposed to serve you, you're not supposed to serve it."
"Keep doing what you're doing. This is confirmation for you that whatever you're manifesting is going to benefit you."
"Learn the setup of life to avoid getting hurt and to benefit."
"I think it takes an amount of objectivity to be able to separate yourself from that and see how it's just immediately going to benefit you."
"This was a major bonus, dealing with the anxiety and the pressures."
"The airports are a life-changing piece of tech... I've listened to so much more audio content than I would have done otherwise."
"If my work is feeding my life and my family then it's of benefit."
"You're allowed to do things that are considered rude when it's for the good of you."
"Our Dean is not offering you benefits to join it. It's the truth, and it only benefits ourselves."
"You have to utilize this technology to work for you, it can be a beautiful thing if it can work for you."
"Ultimately it will be for your benefit because it's gonna put you on the course of the right track of where you're wanting to go."
"Your difference is going to pay you, promote you, elevate you."
"The faster I can shoot, the more videos I can make, the more content for you, the more money for my family. Win win win, right?"
"The air fryer is the best thing to ever happen to me."
"You can really have your cake and eat it too."
"Online testing for college is the worst thing for education but the greatest gift to me."
"Minecraft is a pretty therapeutic game for me to play."
"Not all truth is good. Truth is only good so long as I can utilize it to make my life better."
"Our belief systems are there to work for us, not against us."
"With full comprehension of how to use this advantageous tool, we are able to manage it in a way so it subtly guides for benefit."
"It's a reliable tool that enhances my life, makes my life better."
"Defining what's in it for me boosts your motivation you have something to look forward to and get you through times when you don't feel like doing work."
"For some people, diet soda can be a real lifesaver."
"We have to define innovation as that you are better off with this than you would have been without it."
"A bonus feature that we can all unlock and that is just by simply being kind to ourselves."
"Being a miserable anti-social shut-in who hates everyone has rewarded me in spades."
"I feel like watching these musicals did me a lot of good in quarantine specifically if only because it helped make room in my head for something other than doom scrolling all day long."
"You want to feel good, right? It's not just about, 'I want to live long,' you want to feel better. And that's what we love about AG1."
"The best time to do something is today. The sooner you do it, the sooner you get to enjoy the benefits of having it done."
"Trust in what is happening in your life, doesn't need to make sense in order for you to benefit from it."
"There's nothing better than giving. When you receive, you get that double back in your life."
"The Lord's commandments: more precious than gold, sweeter than honey."
"You're at a season of your life to where if it doesn't benefit you internally, it's not one of your top investments."
"There's something coming in whether you like it or not, and it's going to be good for you."
"Finding that time nice... has been a massive massive positive for my mental health."
"The strike certainly helped me from a competitive standpoint."
"Toxic people come into your life all the time. It's time to only entertain situations that are beneficial to you."
"If you're gonna buy a Tesla, use my affiliate code."
"Being able to talk to people and gain intelligence... it's been very beneficial to me."
"Run like Forrest Gump. Not only will you lose weight, but you'll gain clarity. That's a win-win for you."
"You started making decisions, and when we start making decisions that are in our best interest, our energy starts to free up."
"Embrace your uniqueness and let it serve you."
"When the voters went and looked they're like well at least I got a shot in my arm I remember I got that PPP money I got the infrastructure I'll have the job I like but I got a job I didn't have a year ago."
"This is a great choice, it's been a life saver for me."
"Being looking differently as a mennonite woman has... only been a benefit."
"The gym definitely saved me with mental health."
"If you can see what you're doing as a craft, you can see it as a game that each day you try to get a little bit better at, not to benefit your boss but to benefit yourself."
"Most people don't know what's good for them."
"Saturn in Pisces is catastrophic, but it can benefit you."
"Justice is coming and you'll benefit, leading to assertiveness and wake-up calls."
"Giving is more for the giver than it is for the receiver."
"It's important for you guys to understand that the intentions are different because my advice is to benefit you first and foremost."
"If you can forgive, you're doing yourself a great favor first and foremost."
"You are worth all those things and you deserve to put all those things to good use for your benefit."
"It pays to understand the system, to use it to your advantage."
"The more closely we can align with nature, the more it will benefit us in the end."
"They had to have a lot of foresight to be looking ahead to get those things in, and I'm happy to be taking advantage of them right now."
"God commanded us to observe the Torah because he loves us. It's for our benefit."
"Following Allah's guidance means benefiting yourself and society."
"If being fair and having morals is not benefiting you why would you want to keep doing it?"
"Penny deserves better because she's demonized for simply doing things that benefit her."
"This is tightening my lip muscles. Oh, this is worth it."
"How does this serve me? Ask yourself that question."
"Definitely the most important benefit for me was really how it protects my online privacy."
"Be more selfish. It can pay off by giving back to the world more."
"Expect the unexpected but in a really good way for you."
"When you bless the Jewish people, God will bless you personally."
"It's actually created a much greater sense of calm in my life."
"I just thought it would be really good for her."
"We live in the knowledge Society. The more you know, the more you understand, the better you're gonna be off in the long run."
"It is in some cases almost a need to do this because we benefit from it as well. Doing good for goodness' sake and volunteering is often its own reward."
"I can't tell you how big he's become. Like, I've got a lot of benefit from this too actually personally."
"Walking away from negativity is not giving up; it's making room for what benefits you."
"In keeping the law, we give ourselves the greatest good that we can enjoy."
"This is going to do a really great job for me and for the things I need to get done on the house."
"Do something with a vision for the future that really benefits me."
"So many modern men today are simply asking the question: What is the benefit to me?"
"Self-serving things aren't necessary. If I'm doing something that only benefits me, it's not essential."
"Taking the path of least resistance is always beneficial to you."
"The bubble in the crash ended up being a good thing for me... but for most American families it wasn't."
"Is it wise? Is it beneficial to me and to others? Will it cause anybody else to stumble?"
"There's always a way to twist something to make it beneficial for you."
"Consumerism is the way that we individually fuel capitalism, and in a sense, it's the way that we get to benefit from capitalism ourselves."
"I felt like I got a little bit more out of my workouts."
"Going into my own stillness and my own connection within always served the equation the most."
"You're gonna find the specific part of your life being very beneficial."
"I was actually approved to go into the choice program which was one of the best things that could happen for me."
"If you pull something into your life that's not gonna help you get to your goal, then why do it?"
"Invest in things that are going to give you utility first and make your life better."
"Focus on how proud of myself I would be and how much it would benefit my life."
"Thank you all very much for donating so I can have a meal."
"You're going to be who God's called you to be and you're either going to benefit from it or you're not. And if you are who God calls you to be and you don't benefit from it, the kingdom still benefits from it. So get with the program."
"Trust God, keep moving, and remember, it's all for your good."
"Every time a tower moment occurs, it is always good for you."
"100% you can forgive someone... forgiveness is something that you will be better off for in the long run."
"Investing has been very good for me and my family and you know I want others to experience that."
"Finally, the wheel turns in your favor where you need it the most, Aries."
"Keep that in mind... do something that benefits you in the long run."
"Obviously being up before your kids is something that moms talk about all the time, but it really does make like a world of difference I feel like."
"Eliminating alcohol from my life has changed not only my health, it's had a knock-on effect in so many other areas of my life."
"Intuition will always have your best interest at heart."
"What is happening in the world right now is about to work for your good."
"One of these days you will look back on this and you will understand that this actually happened to benefit you as long as you believe that."
"It sounds weird, but playing video games helps me out a lot."
"Every trial God gives us is for our benefit."
"God's laws, God's commands, God's ways of doing things are in our best interest."
"Old opportunities can come back around for you to do something that benefits you, something that you value."
"Whenever we do something kind to another person it fills up our heart so it helps us heal as well."
"The internet is nothing but 'what can this do for me?'"
"Biggest benefit is time. We have so much more time than ever."
"When I had struggles, when I had droughts, cold spells where I wasn't selling anything, if I would help somebody else, it always broke my drought."
"You love education, you desire education, and education benefits you in every way."
"Always give a little bit of kindness and you never know by being helping other people and being kind you might help yourself."
"When a relationship isn't serving you anymore, it comes down to not getting any growth out of it."
"...doing it in a way that's actually sustainable and beneficial for you."
"People care about themselves; they want to know what's in it for them."
"We need to be digging into... what our spiritual tools can they benefit us personally and can they benefit us collectively."
"I'm just showing you cool finds on Amazon that benefit me."
"If I turn to religion, it should do something for me. It should help me in some way."
"Always do what's in your best interest."
"This is a nice bonus, that I'm, you know, I'm not wheezing when I walk up a flight of stairs anymore."
"If you align with actual principles that sustain and maintain health, you're always going to be doing the better thing for you."
"Marriage is good personally. Marriage is the way God has brought human beings together in intimate relationships."
"Take photos. It's gonna not only benefit you to see how far you're coming."
"I feel like veganism has benefited my health."
"Being altruistic makes you feel good, therefore it's not a selfless act, right?"
"Everybody can benefit from more self-caring."
"Everything that I attract and bring into my life is always going to benefit me and those that I love in a positive way."
"The act of alleviating stress for other people is one of the things that alleviate stress for myself."
"We are happier with ourselves, it not only benefits you but also all the people around you."
"The five by twenty-five rule really has benefited me because it's like, then that may help me prioritize."
"It will be in your best interest to understand your life, how better to manage your life."
"This for me saves a lot of time and money."
"Every instruction of God is for your own good; it is that He stood from His immortal position, considered the end from the beginning, and He gave you advice."
"You get sober for yourself, and the bonus is everyone else in your life gets to benefit from your sobriety too."
"They taught me a lot; they did me a lot of good; they still do a lot of good."
"If you learn about your body and where you need to work from for an exercise, you will get so much more out of it and you will benefit so much more."
"Just because you benefit, doesn't mean it's good."
"Forgiveness is more for the person doing the forgiving than the person that you are forgiving."
"It's worth it to be nice to you, not for them, for yourself."
"Now it's become more of a way to help me and my mood."
"How do you see solar benefiting you the most, though?"
"When individuals are compassionate, it actually improves the lives of others and serves others, but it is a great benefit to each of us."
"It's nice when people come because it gets us out of the house."
"Most people are just saying, well you know what, this is just simply not in my best interest."
"I think that it's all turning out in a way that's working in my favor, so I can't complain about that."
"You're moving in a direction that is going to benefit you the most."
"It's just been a boon to me my whole life."
"Since I got this steamer, my life is changed for the better."
"Having dual is basically the perfect situation."
"Make sure that you are aware of all of those things and see, is this right for me? Is doing this going to benefit me 100%?"
"What can you learn from this situation, how would it benefit you to do things differently in future?"
"Washington has no state income tax, which is good on your end."
"The child, the student, the animal, the employee needs to feel that it's getting a positive reinforcement, something that benefits it personally, out of that relationship."
"What we care about is the benefit to you personally."
"It never seems to hurt being a better person."