
Life Priorities Quotes

There are 1466 quotes

"If you don't have health, you don't have anything else."
"If you don't prioritize your life, someone else will."
"Eulogy virtues matter more than resume virtues."
"You can measure your wealth in terms of how much money you have in your bank account, or you can measure your wealth in terms of how much free time you have."
"The focus fallacy: so many women are focusing on making a living, they're forgetting to make a life."
"The reality is, because my time is finite, because my time is limited, how do I want to spend my time? How do I want to live my life?"
"You know, cash in the money for experiences when you're young, give the money away to your kids when they're younger and they actually can use it."
"What am I actually chasing here? Like, what's the idol that I'm worshiping at the feet of?"
"At some point, you take a step back and re-evaluate your priorities in life, and you realize that maybe if you can treat the world a bit more positively, it would be a better place."
"Your time means more than any amount of money."
"No matter what disasters and obstacles step in your way, no excuses, commit this to yourself. This is your life we're talking about; nothing is more important."
"It's a constant journey for me to kind of get better and improve the way I'm spending my time because if improving the way I'm spending my time according to the priorities I made earlier, I'm gonna be improving my life, right?"
"Contemplating your own mortality clarifies what's important to you."
"Minimalism is the thing that gets us past the things so we can focus on life's most important things - which actually aren't things at all."
"Nothing else really matters if you don't have your health."
"We all have this set time on this planet, and we should use that time to do the things that actually make us happy, things that make it all worth it."
"Nothing in life matters if you are sick. I don't care how much money is in your account, your family, your kids, your relationships, none of that matters if you are in a hospital bed fighting for your health."
"No one on their deathbed ever said, 'I wish I worked more.' Everyone always says, 'Where's my family?'"
"Structure your life in such a way that you're focused on the main course and not the garnishes of life."
"No one on their death bed looks back and says, 'Gosh, I wish I'd spent more time at the office or I wish I'd accumulated more riches for myself.'"
"You can always make more money, but you can never make more time."
"Sometimes it does take a serious illness or a shock to make you realize it's not the little things that matter anymore."
"I'd rather you have a job that you enjoy, three people that you like around you, a home that suits your needs."
"If you ask the dying what matters most to them... they always talk about other people."
"It's important to use money in service of your happiness and fulfillment because what else is there?"
"Life is too short to run in place if it's not pushing you forward, drop it if it's not what you need, forget it."
"When I think of life, I don't want to argue about, 'You were late, you supposed to be at my party.'... I'm grown."
"I'm a firm believer in there are only four or five things in life that if I regularly do them, give me that feeling, and I should just spend as much of my life as possible doing those four or five things."
"The way I see it, there's probably five different things that we work for the sake of: money, having fun, helping people, purpose and meaning, and social status."
"It turns out that life is shorter than people think. You know, I've worked in female-dominated industries my whole life, and what I've observed is among men and women alike, that it's a very rare person for whom career is the most important thing in their life."
"Important things in life are love, happiness, family, hope, finding inner peace, and helping others."
"We have a finite number of years here on the planet, and to live them working a job for decades just to afford a fancy car, or a fancy house, or maybe to go out to dinner a couple of extra times a week wasn't a trade-off that I was willing to make."
"Believing in paradise...is ruinous for prioritizing what we should be prioritizing in this life."
"Given the choice between being hungry and glass, most people are still going to choose alive but hungry."
"I've been rethinking my life priorities and figuring out what do I actually want from life."
"No matter if you get that 15 minutes of fame, ladies and gentlemen, the goal in life is to remember you're a man and you're a woman. Don't let fame take you out of the lane of being responsible, being accountable for your life."
"What's the point of having money when you don't have good health, or you can't even get out of bed to go and enjoy the money?"
"People spend more time updating their phones than updating their minds."
"Nothing matters but the important relationships in your life."
"You're not going to get to the end of your life and wish you'd posted more online; you're going to wish you spent more time with your family and friends."
"You're not going to get to the end of your life and be like, 'Oh, if only I'd posted this blog post.' You're going to be like, 'Why didn't I spend more time with my family and my friends?'"
"It's really about looking at what holds true value for you, not just financially but personally."
"You need to slow down, realize what's really important."
"Success is not about how much money you have or how many possessions. It's about happiness and enjoying the simple, important things in life."
"The most important thing in their lives is family."
"People will always rate their families the most important thing in their lives."
"Everything I once counted as gain in my life, I now consider those things as loss compared to the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus as Lord."
"Families are important, if not paramount, to people's existence and in maintenance of well-being of life."
"Money isn't everything; you got to get happiness points too."
"It's not about having money. It's about having chemistry, love, respect for each other."
"Needless to say, no one ever died wishing they'd spent more time in front of a computer screen."
"You can gain the whole world and still lose your soul."
"What are the things that are most important in life? Health, making sure that you take care of yourself and keep yourself in good shape. Loving friends and family, because having the relationships, the family, and making time for friends is perhaps one of the most important things."
"Relationships are probably one of the most important things."
"Family, faith, sobriety, and then I would just add exercise, have been really important for me in dealing with tough times."
"Money doesn't matter if your heart is bankrupt."
"Your intimate partner relationship is the most important relationship you will ever be in."
"Love, liberty, and time: once so disposable, are the fuels that drive me forward."
"The two most precious things in life are time and love. If you can give both of those abundantly, you're going to be around the target somewhere."
"Money has literally zero benefit when you are dead."
"Turn your back on anything that is not emotionally fulfilling or does not meet your needs, Aquarius. Life is too short."
"What does it prosper a man or profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul?"
"Money doesn't really mean much to me. It's important, but it doesn't drive my life."
"You're going to go, the world will leave you behind. So, your best bet is to develop that link."
"A person on their deathbed never wishes they spent more time at the office."
"Everything that actually matters to us in our life, our loves, our hopes, our dreams, our bonds of affection, that's immaterial."
"Your number one job in life is to serve your intuition."
"Time is precious. How you spend your time matters."
"Material things mean absolutely nothing; it's the memories that we make that are going to sustain us."
"The most important thing that I learned in all this is that material things mean absolutely nothing. It's the memories that we make that are going to sustain us."
"None of them wished they'd worked harder, achieved more wealth or fame. They only wished for giving love, spending time with loved ones, and also pursuing their dreams and not just blindly following fame and wealth."
"You cannot focus on thriving if all you trying to do is survive."
"Female comedians worth millions and billions of dollars, therefore they must be funny."
"You need to submit all this job, all these children, all my husband, stop it. Because whatever is important for you, you would make room for it, you will make time for it."
"I think my family. Most important thing in my life."
"You will miss out on the things that you love and care about if you don't start telling people you love and care about them."
"I don't want to die in the office, I want to die on the beaches."
"Use your time wisely to focus on the things that are actually going to benefit your life, even if they're hard."
"What do you really love? What's actually really important to you?"
"Spend more time with friends, family, those that you love."
"People don't die wishing they'd spent more time in the office."
"The most important thing that you will ever invest in is you."
"Ideally, we could all focus more on what is truly fulfilling and satisfying for ourselves."
"We have a lifetime to clean your house and so if it's not perfect that's okay."
"What matters most in your life: your health, your family, your loved ones."
"You can't lose if you just invest in family."
"A near-death experience can make anybody think about what's really important in life which is family settling down and the small intrinsic things that you get out of life versus Fame and Fortune."
"How you spend your time is what your life is all about."
"If life isn't about that, then do something else, you know? Like, it's all well and good for you to say that, but if you have those things then you're not in a position to be able to say that from like a genuine good place, are you?"
"Take my advice, let no trifling diversion or amusement or company to coy you from your books. That is, let no girl, no gun, no cards, no flutes, no violins, no dress, no tobacco, no laziness to coy you from your books."
"Putting it bluntly, most of us have stuff we’re willing to die for: friends, family, causes, etc. But we also have stuff we’re willing to live for, or in this case, be resurrected for."
"I choose to use my limited energy on things that make me happy."
"Time is the most valuable resource we possess, so it's important that we pay attention to how much of our lives we trade for the various activities we allow to claim it."
"Sports is not the most important thing in life. Life is the most important thing in life."
"We need to try harder to focus on some positive things in life as well, like health first."
"It's more important than having a dream job. You need to support yourself because when you do that you can do all the other fun happy stuff."
"Quarantine forced everybody to unplug a little bit and reevaluate what's important in life."
"People are often too busy with their lives to take a step back and really think about the important things."
"But if God is real, nothing else matters, all else is of little value."
"If you don't have your health, you don't have much."
"I realized that those material possessions were not bringing me the health and the happiness and the purpose and the passion that I wanted."
"Time is our most valuable asset on this planet."
"Life is important. Health is important. Family is important. Happiness is important."
"You have access to so much joy if only you reach out and seek it... Commit happiness. Make it your priority."
"He had given it all: his fortune, family, friends, his honor—none was worth withholding when the prize was this great."
"I just met my soul mate. What could possibly be more important than that?"
"Live within your means... life should be about people."
"What else is the point of being on this earth if you don't have health? You can be rich and out of shape and not healthy. Is that great?"
"Time is the only true currency that's why there's a threshold on how much money it's worth even making."
"Putting my attention into things that I loved... things that made me happy."
"It's easy to make money, it's easy to get you in shape, but if you don't have a good wife or a good husband... everything that we're going to do is going to fall apart."
"The most valuable currency is not money, but time. Spend it wisely."
"If it prevents you from winning the race of life, you'd far better give it up."
"Everything changed in her life the day she realized that she had enough time for all the important things."
"To have kids and making babies is such important business to the nature."
"If you don't have 10 minutes for your life, you don't have much of a life."
"I realized I already had the best treasure in the world: family, and nothing could ever take that away."
"Options, opportunities, priorities - make sure they're in alignment."
"Discipline instead of focusing our energy elsewhere like you know education or you know climbing up the corporate ladder or Trey or anything else we so."
"I find happiness in the little things in life like my dogs, gardening, yard work, just hanging out with family, things like that. I don't need too much to be really that happy honestly."
"The perfect soul mate would be worth way more than a million dollars. It's priceless to have the perfect soul mate, that's a no-brainer."
"Just to be happy for me off the pitch, you know."
"Testimonials regret not spending more time on family."
"We don't have time to waste our energy in things that are not congruent with our destiny."
"What sorts of goals should we have in the first place what sorts of things should we give a [ __ ] about."
"The millennial age bracket is now the single largest demographic or group of RV buyers out there."
"Mom, I need you to know that you're the most important person in my life."
"Just be nice to people. If you push away everything that is worth living for in order to get power, what are you left with?"
"There are resume virtues and then there are eulogy virtues. The money stuff tends to be not the thing that people would say at your funeral."
"Transcending money is crucial, so it doesn't define you."
"Human beings will spend more time brushing their teeth than on personal development."
"He realizes that being a social media influencer is dangerous, and that there's more to life than just money."
"Your life is too valuable and your calling too great and your God too good to waste your life on things that do not last."
"Ultimately, celeb normo stories remind us just how much can get lost when you chase fame and prioritize the wrong things."
"I'm rich in love, my family love me, and that really, that's really all that counts."
"There's always more money but there's never more love."
"Your time and your health are the most important."
"The way you raise your kids is probably the most important thing in your life."
"There's more important things in the world than money, there's legacy."
"There are many things competing for our attention, but we must be careful not to be distracted from the things that really matter."
"The commodity that I'm worried about wasting now is time, not money."
"So if you just make money your goal, you're missing the point."
"Life is about people, so if you're an A student at production, but your day-to-day is an F student, it's social life."
"I need to go find my peace and happiness, all this money not worth it."
"Having fulfillment and happiness is way more important than having money."
"Everything that's important when I'm 20 probably isn't going to matter when I'm 26."
"Your community is the most important thing in your life."
"What would it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?"
"Mindfulness and putting your health first is the most important thing you can do."
"The benefits that I get from snooker are more important to me than the actual game now."
"Real life is way more important than anything online."
"I would like to live long but it is more important to live fully."
"I'd rather be happy than successful. I would rather be happy than have multiple skills. I would rather be joyful than accumulate possessions and status."
"The older you get, you stop thinking about worth in just financial or career terms."
"Life is too short, you know, get off the internet sometime, decompress and understand the things that really matter in the real world."
"Money over love? No matter what, you'll always be poor."
"More is always available, but more time isn't."
"I've been lucky enough to taste what I think is a good amount of success... what I'll remember more when I'm on my deathbed is my day-to-day."
"Accomplishments in video games don't matter; there are more important things in life."
"I gave up my channel I gave up everything I gave up my income I don't care about it anymore I just want my son I just want my son I want to see my son."
"Get right with the Lord today. Don't waste the days you have on this Earth chasing things that will make you miss out on being caught up in the clouds with Jesus."
"Once something really bad like that happens, you realize what really matters in life."
"Relationships are more important than money. Time is the highest level of value."
"Finding the good in life and her family is so important."
"It's tricky with characters like this...being a mom is my priority."
"Nothing in your life should rival God, nothing and nobody."
"Remember, you can always make back your money, but you can never make back your time."
"You're wasting so much time in your life with things that don't matter."
"Each large muscle of a bodybuilder represents a language he didn't learn, a poem he didn't read, a fun fact he never memorized."
"Money is cool 'cause it buys things, but it's not everything. Friends all the way, 100%."
"It's about making up lost time, and it's a big deal."
"The first job is to be a whole person in yourself."
"Minimalism is the thing that gets us past the things to make room for life's most important things, which aren't things at all."
"It's like the health-to-money Rat Race... people neglect their health in order to obtain money."
"Taking it back to basics and it just makes me realize like what's truly important."
"Get fresh air, obviously, if you can. Allow yourself some grace. Now is not the time that we all need to like get in the best shape of our lives or you know start the book or start this project or find our dream job."
"And if you do not have health, you can't enjoy the money."
"Life is simpler than it looks, for me, love is the most important thing in the world."
"Don't build your empire based on the social and sexual dynamics of women."
"Family, love, health, happiness, that's all that matters."
"Nothing else will count a hundred years from now except the harvest."
"What does wealth actually give us? Anything we could ever want? Beware. You'd be surprised just how quickly that list of wants runs out."
"The only thing you have in life is to protect your children to some extent."
"Meaningful work and meaningful relationships are the most important things."
"Life is not about how you dress or how expensive your shoe is. What's important in life is: are you doing what you were born to do?"
"Our main concern should be life and living a good and free life."
"If what you're doing for a living right now is a means to the money, you fucking lost."
"It's not just about the money, it's for freedom."
"Changing time for money is a poor man's game. And as you get older, your time gets valuable. So you have to exponentially."
"Obsession with wealth is boring and so I realized that I was being kind of lame by caring about this kind of stuff."
"If Will Smith putting hands on Chris Rock overshadowed your week, you need a life."
"Health is the most important asset you have."
"Focus on is your health because trust me when it comes to health you cannot buy it."
"Time is the most precious of commodities. You ask any billionaire on their deathbed, they're not wishing for more wealth or acquisition."
"Chase God first and always be content and joyful with him."
"Don't waste your life on things that have no importance."
"We live in a world there's a lot on our plates but what's actually valuable and how should we address doing what we actually want to do?"
"Anything that comes in the way of my mental peace needs to be removed from my life."
"Put your happiness first and really focus on what makes you happy."
"Focus on your future, think about your more than anything and don't get too caught up in the things that don't matter."