
Holistic Care Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"The primary goal is to enhance the quality of life for patients and to provide compassionate and holistic care that addresses their physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs."
"Take care of your mental health... it's not just medications, it's not just therapy, it's like the whole shebang."
"Skincare really is like taking good care of your skin is an inside and an outside thing."
"Nursing is more holistic; it's more of viewing the person as a person rather than just a disease or an illness that needs to be cured."
"Hopefully, it encourages you guys to take care of your health mentally, physically, whatever it may be."
"Employee wellness: it's not just your body, it's also your mind."
"You gotta slow down the bleeding so you can make it into surgery, and you can't just treat the symptom, you gotta treat the disease."
"You are the facilitator... you are affecting them physiologically, mentally, and emotionally."
"Being a doctor is about the person as a whole, but also about their family as well."
"She helps with her, I mean you know she's just a dental doctor not like a psychiatrist but she knows the mind and the teeth are connected to the face."
"She believed they should be treated as a whole person rather than as individual parts."
"When your number one priority becomes me and my state of consciousness, everything else gets taken care of itself."
"Understanding mental health and faith promotes whole person care."
"Someone is mothering their life, not just their body, their mind, and spirit to work in one."
"In order to elevate your energy, treat the body with respect, feed it correctly, pray correctly, exercise correctly, cleanse it."
"Keep him fed spiritually, emotionally, mentally."
"This focuses on your entire system, your blood, your pancreas, your liver, your colon, it cleanses you out."
"Make sure that you're addressing any issues that might be affecting you mentally that could also mean spiritually vibrationally and a lot of other things."
"Let's be life-focused, not just symptom-focused. Take care, good night, and be safe. Thank you, bye-bye."
"...trying to figure out what exactly is going on and so rarely do I find that it's just something psychological versus just something physical."
"...if you treat a disease sometimes you win sometimes you lose but when you treat the person you win every time and that's it you know sometimes it's just treating the person and that's what you need to do."
"When medical professionals let diet culture cloud their ability to see the patient case holistically, it makes for a less productive and in some cases dangerous interaction."
"You have to treat the whole person, not just one part."
"We offer a more holistic approach when caring for women during their pregnancy or labor."
"That is integrative medicine. It's not either or. It's just offering the best."
"Caring for the whole person is and should be our ultimate goal."
"Take care of your body as if you were going to live forever, and take care of your soul as if you were going to die tomorrow."
"When we take care of a patient's heart, their emotional well-being, really their soul, that's when our patients do their best."
"We must never lose track of the fact that we're treating a holistic human being here, so they've got psychological needs, spiritual needs, social needs."
"A man who loves you is not only going to be interested in your body but he's also going to have an investment in where you are mentally, emotionally, spiritually, internally."
"Dentistry is not just teeth... It's about managing patients."
"We need to support our well-being in every way we can."
"Take care of yourself mentally, financially, spiritually."
"An ancient practice of medicine is infused with the rigor of modern science to provide society with truly holistic care for generations to come."
"We want to bring everything to bear to help a person, not just treating the psychosis but treating other aspects of their functioning."
"Treating the emotional state can help with everything else."
"The doctor of the future will give no medication but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."
"We are fully committed to make sure that emotionally, physically, spiritually, the whole child matters."
"If you're only focusing on one aspect of their care, you're not giving your patients all of the life that they could be leading."
"I'm actually looking after the person, not their teeth."
"Cura personalis: care for the whole person, mind, body, and spirit."
"We are not just concentrating on getting people to Heaven; we're also concentrating on their social, psychological, and physical needs."
"Sometimes as nurses, we need to really think about not just that physical issue that the patients come in with but that kind of social cultural issue."
"They care about your total health, including your mental health."
"You advocate for a healthy lifestyle, taking good care of your body, mind, and spirit."
"I'm a big believer of therapy, deep tissue, chiropractic care, special work, even acupuncture."
"Take care of your body from the inside; you don't need to cleanse the scalp."
"Taking care of people's spirits is just as important as taking care of their bodies."
"They made me feel like a whole person, not just like a patient."
"I hope my greatest contribution would be that there's a whole patient sitting behind that set of teeth."
"Investing in yourself, taking care of your mind, body, and soul."