
Semantics Quotes

There are 591 quotes

"Everything is relative and everything is intersubjective and everything is semantics."
"If you debate, you must accept that language has meaning."
"Words such as better, greater, or even good are always in reference to something; otherwise, they just make no sense."
"The semantics of the scene does not exist in the real world, but the engine still implements the correct physical rules that we expect."
"It's not a comfort zone; it's a safety zone."
"The words Bhava and Pada...Bhava means meaning, and Pada means word. There is a link between the meaning and word - word is tangible, external, whereas meaning is internal, intangible."
"Words don't have intrinsic meanings; they have usages, and the value comes in this is what I mean when I use this word."
"Atheism is a word. That word has a definition which is the lack of belief in any gods, and no syllogism is going to change the fact that that's how people have defined that word."
"Semanticity-- the notion that there is an endless array, an infinite array, of sounds that could be generated by voices."
"The meaning of any word is infinitely expansive."
"That's part of the problem, right, we're dealing with terms that some people might be using in different ways."
"Semantics are important. Semantics is about what words mean, and how can you have a conversation if we can't agree on the meaning of words?"
"Words are just stand-ins for a set of features that are similar to each other."
"The word 'Patriot' is attached to that in a very disingenuous way."
"Content words are important words that carry content, they carry meaning."
"The word fascist basically just means 'bad guy' today."
"The very word 'prayer'... originally meant a different operating system."
"You can't just say any word means what I like and still live in a world where trains run and operations are successful."
"Synonyms are words that mean the same thing."
"Antonyms are words that mean opposite things."
"That is why it's called getting to, not got."
"These aren't just fancy named things, these connect to something."
"Words have a meaning that is invested in them by experience."
"If you don't want to call it universe, call it schmooniverse or make up another word for it, but it deserves to be called something, right?"
"The power of a word and the power of a name to identify things and distinguish between them."
"By describing something like the Ark of the Covenant as a MacGuffin, you are robbing both the word MacGuffin and the Ark of the Covenant of their meaning."
"Why don't we dispel something about this word conspiracy and get down to the court? It just means whisper and it means that you agreed with something with one other person."
"Words have meaning, and when a meaning is brought up, people have to wonder why."
"While all of this might seem like mere semantics, the legal definition of the edge of space has profound consequences for national sovereignty and international relations."
"You can't call it a raise when it's not a raise."
"I honestly think it would do most people good if they just gave up the word discipline entirely and replaced it with the word consistent."
"Water's not wet. Water is water and it gets things wet."
"We need better words that don't water down pre-existing words."
"There are no instances where...dictionary definition of a word."
"Policing is law enforcement, isn't it? It's not service."
"The name of something is not the same as the value of something."
"Being strangled isn't that different from being hanged."
"Naming a division is kind of like naming nothing."
"To see how we could have made that mistake, let’s remember the famous Clintonian dictum that often 'it depends on what the meaning of "is" is'"
"Just because you can replicate the syntax of the language doesn't mean you can truly understand it."
"Collusion and conspiracy are essentially synonymous terms."
"The Quranic description actually alludes to this point with the word 'alaq' which means 'like leech'."
"The word conspiracy doesn't even necessarily mean that there were other people involved in the planning and execution of the assassination."
"We are rounding the corner of the pandemic. Yeah, I'm outside and we shouldn't say this is some kind of a rally. From now on it's called a protest."
"He doesn't like to use the word steal; he liberates relics of antiquity."
"When word games are permissible, then you can just redefine it."
"Because as it turns out, you can in fact change the definitions of words."
"Nothing is technically a vegetable if you want to be technical."
"The battle of culture is about language and defining words."
"It's a battle about language and who defines words."
"The battle is about language and defining words."
"You can switch out the word alcohol for any word you want."
"Fault is a word that gives people emotional distress."
"Semantic SEO is a natural thing for a human being."
"Even the word Evangelical in almost every case someone who will push back and say I don't like the word Evangelical let's not use it that's almost always somebody who is the most committed uh kind of Evangelical."
"It's not the actual tax that they had worked for tariffs in Chinese is Guan which way it means a tax at the gate."
"There is no holistic non-contradictory definition that you can give for why a word might be bad."
"It's just a word. It only has the power you allow it to have."
"Does it matter what Minecraft themselves call a biome?"
"Semantics matter because words match up to reality."
"Words they matter if they don't matter we can't speak."
"Prostasia uses semantics to foster a pro-pedophilia message."
"I don't think the word 'spying' has any pejorative connotation at all."
"The bullet is the weapon, that gun is just the launcher."
"Like salt so that's why they're called crisps and not chips. Is that crazy?"
"You want to make a four-letter word 'wall' when the president said you can call it whatever you want."
"Every word and term is going to have its misuses and abuses."
"Communication matters, not necessarily the words themselves."
"Hey, we're not thieves, but we did take that card key. We borrowed that. There's a difference."
"Muslims aren't a race so Islamophobia can't be racist."
"Ultimately, I think the word propaganda should be reserved for the really bad cases."
"It must mean something to be a word, and it must be a shared meaning. If either two of these rules are not followed, you don't have a language."
"Critique exists to redefine words so that they are understood in terms of the structural power dynamics."
"One word could change the whole meaning and the whole sentence of what you're trying to say."
"Focus on the intended meaning, not the terminology used."
"Names are not meant to be objective. Titles are meant to be objective."
"It's like very advanced but like sentience is just a weird word because like you know you could argue that an insect has sentience."
"Justification: a new word for a new phenomenon."
"Cancel culture is basically meaningless, it's not accurately representing what's happening."
"Even when words are synonymous, the implication of the word is slightly different based on its usage."
"Literally, the old definition of literally got changed to basically what the definition of metaphorically means."
"Equating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism is not necessarily a conspiracy, but a certain aligned interest."
"He was always looking for ways to legitimize what he was doing um whether by wrapping it in the the trappings of it's not a militia it's a community preparedness team um we're not a militia we're an educational outreach group."
"Snopes declared that the story was false, but false on a very specific play on words."
"Taking flight is not a jump, and I am sticking to that."
"Changing the definition of fully vaccinated is more than just semantic, it's serious stuff."
"The truth is the truth, the meaning of 'each' can never change."
"It's all about love. Whether or not the idea, the problem is the word, that word has gone co-opted."
"Words aren't just strings of letters that we put together."
"Any attempt we make to describe something that far unexplored is going to be riddled with error, even down to the fundamental semantics."
"The word vote means to wish, if you look up the derivation of the word, nothing to do with anything else."
"Arguing about definitions instead of addressing the point is an incredibly useless endeavor."
"He's dead forever, that's 15 victory points."
"Redefining language does not change the meaning of language."
"The problem may simply be the way 'full' is being defined."
"Readily restored vs. readily convertible... restored means to go back to a condition where you were originally at."
"What's the definition of a woman? It's a noun."
"Words mean words. That words are important, people."
"Words mean things, so if you're going to use them, ah, there you go."
"It's made of glass, you can't call it a mug. That's crazy talk."
"Words are defined by how they're used colloquially, not objectively."
"There's very little between what you have been saying and what I've been saying."
"Progressivism is regressive. It's not Progressive."
"Anarchism is a semantic shortcut for a collection of specific patterns, ideologies, and systems."
"It is possible for a male to claim to be a woman without claiming to be female and mean something clear."
"I really kind of despise the word fetus because I'm... that so much... you know, injustice has been done in that name. Again, it's a name that people don't really identify with, they don't really understand."
"That's not the same as like abuse that's recent."
"Things with similar meanings wind up nearby in this meaning space."
"There are these sort of semantic laws of motion that describe how you move through the space of meanings as you add words into a piece of text."
"Words having different meanings but I do love that part."
"There is no scientific distinction between a language and a dialect."
"The less syntax, the more semantics as it turns out."
"Rescue sounds better than retrieve."
"If language is optimally designed, it's going to provide structures that are appropriate for semantic interpretation."
"I hate the term toxic masculinity because it doesn't exist. I'm telling you why because masculinity and femininity is divine. So if you really operate in masculinity, you can't be toxic. It's like saying toxic happy."
"No one's an employee they're religious volunteers."
"The meaning of a word is just its use in the language."
"Did you realize that one word could actually change the entire meaning of a sentence?"
"The word 'God' has been hijacked by religions."
"Headers actually give semantic meaning, saying this is the main topic, this is a sub-topic."
"Headers do have semantic importance and that means giving meaning to our content."
"Documents need organization and our HTML files are no different. HTML achieves document organization with semantics."
"Did you know that when words change, the meaning of the sentence that they're in changes? That's crazy."
"HTML achieves document organization with semantics."
"Semantic HTML helps us quickly see or read the different sections in a web page and navigate to those sections."
"...is it. It sounds like such an aggressive word for what it is."
"I did have somebody mention that this is not a Butler's Pantry, it's a pantry."
"I personally like to call it a Butler's Pantry."
"A semantic element clearly describes its meaning to both the browser and developer."
"Using semantic elements makes the code more readable and accessible."
"Why is it called chili if it's hot?"
"I think it's cake, technically it's a cake."
"It says it in the name. It's a thing between two ice cream sandwiches, sandwich. Why the hell wouldn't the sub be assumed?"
"I'll remove that top bread. What's it now? It's an open-faced sandwich. Schlatt's gonna say it's bread with [ __ ] on it."
"Number is just a word, and word is just a thing."
"Proper names must have something like a sense as well as a reference."
"Technically it wouldn't be genocide, more of a tidy up."
"Words have different meanings. If you look up the word 'witch,' you may get several definitions, but one of the definitions for sure is wise woman."
"That's one thing I've come across trying to decipher what is the difference between a merry-go-round and a Carousel."
"These things are not fines, they are fees, they are price tags."
"I really hope that I provided you some starting point in understanding the semantics of this language."
"That makes no sense. A hot dog is a sandwich."
"We use vectors to represent words."
"Giving a word its everyday meaning can be sometimes a little bit more difficult when you set the problem of trying to find what is the meaning of the word 'set,' particularly if it's in a set of words."
"I'm not overly concerned about the labels for things if they get in the way."
"I think it's love honestly that we're all looking for and again love is one of these... it's one of these words in the next 100 years we need to start divvying up."
"Is it really a name or is it just a word?"
"Don't call it a strategy call it an action agenda."
"These diagrams are actually also mathematics, and they're morphisms in various categories which are using functorial semantics to convert to differential equations."
"If somebody else carries it out it's terror. If we carry it out it's counterterror."
"Semantic search: understanding text meaning."
"It's a simple, three-letter word, and could have appeared in different languages at different points in time, to mean different things."
"Swift draws a firm line between structs which have value semantics and classes which have reference semantics."
"Value semantics is basic, boring, fundamental, and the future of programming."
"Language matters, but he didn't define Consciousness."
"Since the Nazis never called themselves Fascists, and the Fascists never called themselves Nazis, this became a problem for the Allied and Soviet powers after the war."
"There's an exposure of meaning as natural language, which is a fuzzy thing."
"It's called root beer. It doesn't mean it's beer because it's got the word beer in it."
"Changing the name of something doesn't change the reality of that thing."
"The main difference between BS and non-bs is rigidity of meaning."
"Whatever words you use always refers to the same thing."
"Semantics doesn't change the risks involved."
"Opposite adjectives contain words that have a negative meaning relationship between them."
"The N word? What though? [__] is a [__] means a ignorant person, right? I believe that's the exact definition of it."
"When you talk about asphyxia it is very important to clear up the semantics because I have heard in this case a number of different semantics thrown around."
"Once you say a teapot is a table, anything you can take any two objects, any two things, and once you say one is literally the other, then you've destroyed any reality of that objective thing in the world."
"Fat is an adjective, you're too fat. Well, what did that be a noun?"
"The word Trinity is not in the Bible, believe me."
"Great is way overused. It's become the new 'good.'"
"Semantics is about what assumptions we make on the ground floor and how we propagate them further."
"Humans may struggle to make sense of truths that can be represented semantically, while computers may be able to."
"The word God is a title, not a name."
"It's not correct to say that GPT-3 is unable to deal with semantics at all."
"Why? Because a sandwich implies that there's two pieces of bread that meet."
"Water is not wet. It cannot be wet."
"The true power is being able to get at the semantic actual meaning of what a user's query is and then find them the most similar results."
"The difference between the words 'savior' and 'ally' really tells the whole story."
"Language is both words and meanings."
"Semantic HTML, and that just means using HTML elements that actually have meaning."
"So the keyword 'this' is not really meant to be used in that way."
"You keep using that word. I do not think that word means what you think it means."
"The basic meanings of words don't change unless society agrees to it."
"When a language belongs to all semantic classes, it doesn't belong to any of them."
"Semantic elements are HTML elements that represent their meaning to the browser and developer about their contents."
"Technically it's a coffee machine it's a vending machine stuff comes out of it so please just let me let me have this slide."
"I cannot tell me otherwise this is a vending machine."
"Language isn't a naming process... it's a signifying process."
"Just because you call something something doesn't mean it is that something."
"Semantic information would be somehow transmitting other commonsensical or informal information about the objects you're talking about rather than just their probabilities of the individual items."
"We have to be aware of the words that we use because there's like little words that can totally change the meaning of things."
"Small changes have dramatic changes in meaning."
"Because C++ types actually mean something, they're units of semantic meaning."
"There's a lot more math and control logic, subtraction on byte counts, boolean comparisons, distinct modes for enable asynchronous I/O, and yet the semantics of the whole thing are basically the same."
"Semantic pedants will probably tell you that baked beans aren't baked beans unless they're baked in a ceramic dish in an oven. That's no longer true."
"Pons means bridge and why it is called bridge it must be bridging two important structures let's see what they are."
"The word 'world' does not mean 'some.' Contextually, it never always means that."
"Words have meaning... or do they? Think it's like nonsense sense words."
"You can't call them just green beans."
"A tomato is a fruit. It's just a savory fruit."
"It's difficult to distinguish whether the argument ultimately boils down to some semantic disagreement or whether the debate and the diversity of opinion has something that is quite substantial."