
Outlook Quotes

There are 805 quotes

"You find what you're looking for in life. If you're hurt, you're looking for bad."
"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
"Your outlook, your way of managing stress is entirely your responsibility and is the choice that you make."
"Thinking positive will bring about positive experiences into one's life."
"You can change the course of what's happening and your outlook."
"You're feeling far more optimistic and positive."
"Positive outlook and positive thinking in everything we do."
"I am preparing for the worst but hoping for the best."
"I always look at the positive side of things in life."
"Expect confidence, expect grace, expect luck, expect comfort."
"I just hope that this is not inauspicious for me."
"The outlook not only is not good, it is terrible indeed."
"If you still sit after all of this, then the world's going to be a very dark place."
"Things are actually looking up, I'm actually very optimistic."
"Some people get depressed because of the outcomes they have today, I think most people need to be excited about where their journey is going to be in the next two years."
"Not all surprises are negative; some lead to something better."
"You have the ability to see the silver lining in everything, to transform everything into a positive experience."
"Isn't it nice that we can feel kind of positive about things for once?"
"It doesn't get any better and it only gets worse."
"The bottom line is, it's all about perspective."
"Anything can go wrong, everything can go right."
"Anything is possible if you thought something could get bad, oh no it could get worse."
"If we lose sight of that and if life becomes this monotonous slog of nothing to look forward to, what is the point?"
"When we try to be as positive as we can despite our circumstances, we actually attract more good things."
"Your happiness is intertwine with your outlook on life."
"Miss Dandridge, you can look at it as thinking it was the end or you can look at it as the beginning."
"As long as you do that, things are looking pretty darn awesome."
"Positivity is the key. Anywhere you go, anything you look at, positivity and the urge to keep you going."
"I've never in my life been hopeful... pessimism is the wise position to adopt because you're always agreeably surprised."
"If you look for the light, you will often find it, but if you look for the dark, it's all you will see."
"The way things are going, not looking too good."
"Luckily though, there is some good news from all of this."
"Things are going to get darker before they get brighter."
"Positivity will always triumph over negativity."
"It'll be fine in the end, if it's not fine, it's not the end."
"Cole had a smile on his face and for someone who's been through what he's been through he just has a positive outlook."
"I just have a good positive outlook on life."
"Choosing positive people to be around and maintaining a positive outlook on the world."
"Positivity and negativity are self-fulfilling prophecies."
"A negative outlook never ever leads to a positive life."
"You're going to be having more reasons to laugh so that is quite beautiful."
"2022 is not just a year of doom and gloom, except for those who choose to focus on the doom and gloom. It can be a very glorious year for all of us."
"Nothing ever works against you, everything is for you."
"I always said, 'So, God, I'm willing to take whatever you give me because whatever happens is the best for me.'"
"What does it hurt if you just go into relationships with a positive outlook?"
"You're such an optimist. Hope for the worst but hope for the best."
"You control your happiness with what you do, who you surround yourself with, and how your outlook is on life."
"The situation will improve and remain positive."
"It's not how you start, it's how you finish, you know what I'm saying?"
"It's not my end, it is just the beginning. It's about the perception of how you see things."
"In 2021, we have no idea what it's going to bring, but instead of always wanting a blessing yourself, try to be a blessing to others."
"It gives you a different outlook and perspective on things."
"It's a great way to look at life."
"I'm a much more positive person... my mood is just so much like, 'Oh yep, it's all good, everything's gonna be good.'"
"When you actively cultivate a positive outlook... the world seems to respond accordingly."
"Everything is looking good for you."
"Now go forth into the world with positivity and try to see the good side of every situation."
"Things are looking up from what you're showing me here, energetically speaking."
"At the start of March, I promised myself that I would have a positive outlook for this month."
"Looking at the future in an optimistic light."
"We're gonna look at the positive in this situation."
"No matter what happens to the Sixers, they have to feel good going into the offseason."
"It all depends on the perspective how you see things."
"It looks like a beautiful day getting out of here."
"We can make it sunny with our attitudes."
"It's a blue bird, a red bird, they sing. I'm gonna have a great day, gonna love like this again."
"Keep a positive outlook on life because not only is that just going to enhance your experience on life but also it's the Law of Attraction."
"So much of my generation basically views life after college as one long pointless depressing downward slide towards a nursing home and death."
"I feel very optimistic about the future."
"You are incredibly intelligent. You have an incredible outlook on life."
"Anything that happens to us, we regard as being a personal tragedy."
"I really love your outlook that you have, you still have a lot of years left in you to contribute."
"The future looks really good, the Capri is gonna work."
"You have a brand new outlook on your life; this is a second chance for you."
"I'm going into this new year with a really positive outlook on life, health, family, love, everything."
"I'd love to hear your stories and your outlook on life as someone I look up to."
"Maybe it's time to shift your perspective on what you're looking for."
"They have that outlook of what love is in relationships."
"If you don't have a sense of humor, you're just a [__] person."
"I'm still feeling pretty optimistic."
"That's my prediction for 2024 for everyone."
"He was skilled at cards, he was sardonic, but had an underlying optimism that one could get along in the world with the proper outlook and character."
"The more positivity you have, you know, on the things that you do in life, the more successful they're going to be. And I think it's just the best outlook you can bring with you anywhere."
"The freedom of moving the boat from one position to another, having a different outlook every day or two, I like that. It's the last place where you can have true freedom."
"I'm remaining optimistic with what I have in store for the future."
"What kind of driver through life are you? Because if you are sitting there worrying about every possibility that can happen, you are one uptight person."
"It's all about perspective. That's everyone's superpower."
"A free spirit and always had a positive outlook on things no matter the situation."
"After today, I'm definitely optimistic."
"The future looks really favorable."
"That outlook gave him a stunningly successful life."
"The perspective you have on life is so beautiful."
"SpongeBob was always bubbly and positive no matter the situation, which was always an outlook that I tried my best to adopt in my everyday life."
"Attitude isn't everything, but I do think it's the main thing."
"Automation isn't all doom and gloom."
"Overall, the positive way you show up in a planet."
"You've changed their outlook on relationships and the future."
"It's all downhill after I leave here."
"Even through the hardships, things have always, I guess, 'worked out' for me in the sense that I'm here, I'm happy, I'm healthy, I love who I am today, and my future is a blank slate, so... I generally am not a super worried person."
"When you focus on the positive things I think more positivity Comes Your Way."
"All I know is I gotta stay optimistic."
"What a refreshing outlook... commitment to this football team."
"Expectations, that's what I was talking about."
"Her story is inspiring and her outlook she now has on life is really special."
"The future is going to be a bright future, I don't see a bright future ahead. I see a mess in this future, because this is a mess."
"Don't let the negativity, the anger, the bitterness all around the world get to you."
"Attitude really makes a huge difference."
"There's always something positive to talk about."
"Two other options that we have available in Outlook online to help us manage our emails are focused inbox and sweep."
"You could always tell the first 5 minutes in the morning of how that day is about to turn out."
"You're kind of looking at life differently."
"This has changed his whole outlook and he's willing to compromise. There's something about it that he feels is right for him."
"Can I apply that to looking at life through a happier lens?"
"If you focus your attention on the positives in your life every single day... eventually you're going to have a more positive outlook... and I think that's part of the reason why focusing solely on symptom reduction can sometimes backfire."
"I'm not optimistic but I'm very hopeful."
"He's got a serious chip on his shoulder this year."
"You have this different outlook on the world, you're very patient, very strong, very spiritual."
"The time is looking good for career moving forward."
"It's a good day, that's going to be a good day."
"It's going to be a better year for you financially."
"Try to bring in the gratitude, try to look for anything you possibly can to feel grateful for."
"Every day just feels like it's a good day."
"Everything in life is about perspective."
"when you give up if you have a negative outlook on things then things are never going to go your way"
"I don't think it's all misery, do you know what I mean?"
"It's going to be a good day today."
"I think it's gonna be a good day."
"It's looking good for Samara Maxwell."
"Gratitude has replaced disappointment with regard to the events of my life."
"A positive life stance views everything through positivity."
"I try my best to keep a positive attitude about stuff."
"Even when things don't work out for you, even when things aren't in your favor, or something doesn't work out, you still have this outlook on life or you're not mad. You tend to approach things with love."
"You will feel really optimistic and forward-looking on your path."
"'Wise look on the bright side of life.'"
"Your future really does look very strong."
"I developed a high self-esteem and a very positive outlook on everything."
"Life is good. And I have no time for any negative energy or negative vibrations. Only positivity over here."
"I feel like there might be a little bit more optimism."
"There's an optimism about the future."
"It doesn't actually look particularly promising anymore."
"Your story doesn't have a happy ending. Well, that's up to you."
"At some point, on some fateful day, you reach maximum optimism when there's zero reason for optimism."
"Your outlook on life and adversity is wonderfully refreshing."
"It is our attitude toward life which determines life's attitude toward us."
"Knowing the personalities of the numbers you use on a daily basis gives a whole new outlook on them."
"I'm absolutely an optimist, like to my core."
"I feel optimistic about the future."
"How you see the rest of your day will oftentimes determine the way you see the rest of your life. Shift your perspective."
"We don't live in a world of right and wrong good and bad yes and no but a Continuum an opportunity to seek out and find the beautiful ups and the meaningful Downs to set our sights on the horizons that matter."
"I'm a very glass half full kind of a guy."
"I believe the future is bright for Manchester, I do believe that."
"I always like to look on the bright side of things."
"Most of the time when I find something right off the bat it's like you just find stuff. If you're finding stuff, anything. If you don't find stuff, you just don't find stuff. So I just think maybe today's gonna be a really great day."
"I'm always looking for the good that's out there."
"A lot of your life is perspective."
"I would definitely say that they, uh, regular guy and a celebrity, their outlook on life is very different."
"It's amazing what a few calories will do for your outlook."
"The sunshine isn't it, makes such a difference to your outlook and to your health."
"Life really is all about perspective."
"Your attitude can make your day horrible or it can make it great even if things go wrong."
"...we're always looking forward to the day. 'Oh well, if we don't draw well, we'll have our Nando's, we'll have a chill out.' Superb outlook on it, mate. That's really, really good."
"The outlook is brighter than it has ever been."
"This is the year of more than enough."
"You've still always had this super optimistic outlook to life to the point that it's baffled people around you, the way you were so optimistic."
"This gives me a longer-term view, a longer-term bullish view, while short-term somewhat bullish but also not too bullish, if you will."
"That was a bright, shining optimistic look at the future."
"He seems to be philosophical, whimsical, not worrying about the future very much."
"Being inspirational to others and having a positive outlook."
"Long-term things are still looking positive."
"I'm very positive about future ownership."
"I feel fresh today. I feel like it's going to be a better day."
"Options trading strategies depend on your outlook for the underlying stock."
"My HIV results came back positive. I'm clean. Yeah, when your results are positive, it means you should have a positive outlook on life, and that you are definitely Gucci."
"Don't let fear of an outcome cloud your optimism."
"You bring your own weather to the picnic."
"The key to life is having low expectations."
"2024 looks like it's going to be just as good as 2023."
"I think that all the surprises going forward over the next five, 10, 20 years will be higher inflation, not lower inflation."
"Darby Allen, he's got an amazing outlook on life"
"Things are looking pretty up these days."
"Nonetheless, it is possible for you to have an optimism."
"If you're not willing to look, if you're only wallowing, then that's where you're going to be."
"It's gonna be a good day. It's gonna be a great day."
"That's what I love about it, there are always opportunities there."
"Pessimism is completely out of date. Optimism is the only thing possible anymore."
"I have been working lately on trying to stir up curiosity in myself, to maintain a curious outlook on life."
"Waking up at 5 a.m, I have been way more productive and have had a better outlook on the day."
"I think the U.S. economy is in really good shape."
"Life can either be a disaster or an adventure."
"I want to be someone who has a really positive outlook on life."
"Our forecast is for continued strong growth, continued strong labor market with wages going up, and also with inflation coming down. So that kind of an economy."
"I've always been pretty optimistic about just... life in general."
"There's two ways that you could look at life... There is an element of magic in life."
"Successful people tend to be positive people; they tend to look at the glass as half full rather than half empty."
"You can decide whether you want to see your life as beautiful, amazing, or if you want to see your life as just negative and just horrible."
"Every relegation, it kind of looks no great for the club at the time."
"It's both pessimistic but kind of optimistic at the same time."
"Prophecy is an Outlook into a possibility of the future, not an Outlook into the guaranteed."
"He sees the good in everyone, and is ready for whatever life has in store for him."
"Attitude is probably your most important."