
Agreement Quotes

There are 6168 quotes

"You pretty much can't get 86% of Americans to agree that Monday follows Sunday."
"A man that always agrees with his wife gets 90% correct, and 90% is an A, so you just learn the two magic words: 'yes dear,' and you'll be successful."
"I do care, I wish that everybody agreed with me."
"We can agree on a subject but we don't have to be subject to our disagreements."
"I kind of like when we disagree so much that we end up agreeing, and it ends up good."
"People disagree about how to do that, but as long as you think people being happy is a good thing to fight for, then I think there's at least some agreement to be had."
"Wouldn't it be really boring to live in a place where we all agreed all the time?"
"I really do think that an agreement could be reached. It's really the opposite of a doomer take."
"If we can't agree on what's true, you can't solve any problem."
"Beauty is mysterious and it's not completely subjective. There's wide agreement, at least in some instances, on what is spectacularly beautiful."
"If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them."
"It doesn't matter what book we're reading as long as we're on the same page."
"If I win, you have to be my assistant for 24 hours."
"I think the best thing is for me to acknowledge where we agree, to acknowledge that we're both rational, intelligent individuals, and we're both going to make mistakes, and then go after the point where we have some disagreement."
"Don't worry about it, you know, you can make that up to me with this."
"Maybe we should just focus on the very specific ideas that we do or don't like because it's entirely possible we'll end up agreeing about some of them."
"I think Salah would be in there, yeah, I agree, yeah, De Bruyne."
"Operational definitions are basically agreed-upon terms or agreed-upon definitions and conditions that will define something such as happiness."
"It's very significant that here the scene ends with a handshake and the two of them standing on level ground."
"You are correct, and it is fundamental that people hear this."
"The music responds like magic. You can rarely get people to agree on things."
"When the right song comes on, they'll agree to enjoy themselves."
"Economies are just like one big... economy is all just what we agree on. If every single human being on the planet agreed that all currency is worthless, then it's worthless."
"Mathematics is in fact a framework for agreeing on things."
"The Bible says again, truly I tell you, if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven."
"We're all in agreement on certain aspects: free speech, civilized discourse on the most important matters, and much more."
"You're right, I think that's a really good point."
"The only way that you bridge that gap between how you view the dress is by saying, hey, maybe we can see this in different ways and still agree to be friends."
"You cannot grieve what you don't properly agree."
"That is a very good point, James. That is a very good point."
"I admire what you're saying, and I agree with what you're saying."
"When we see something beautiful, we actually feel that we have a good reason to believe that everyone should see it the same way as us."
"Just because we disagree about some things, possibly many things, that doesn't mean we disagree about everything, and where we do agree, we can and we should work together."
"We had the same appointment and we were 100% on the same page. Let's move forward with this." - Magi Pinto.
"Living together? I couldn't find any reason to argue with her."
"Smart contracts basically replace what people would do in any agreement... It's all automatic, done exactly as both parties had defined in the agreement."
"If we're not on that same page, there's no reason to even have a conversation."
"That does fit in with what we know about him."
"Most people believe in the same kind of fundamental things. Most of us agree on these things."
"It is actually rewarding to talk to people that you don't agree with but you respect. You learn things from this."
"I agree with every word you said. We are the future. Unfortunately, you killed my mother."
"Your products are amazing. I agree with 90% of what you guys do; 10% is a healthy difference."
"Yes, based on the premises and reasoning provided in our discussion, I have agreed with the statements you've outlined."
"Democratic elections are a system to resolve disagreements between people who already agree on the basics."
"If all of that goes according to plan, sign me up."
"We agree in extraordinary numbers on basic common sense."
"We found ourselves agreeing with a lot today. Common ground. It's called middle ground."
"As I'm listening to him, it's hard for me to disagree with a lot of the stuff I hear."
"When there's a universal agreement, it's difficult to practically distinguish that from objectivity."
"What is important is that people agree not on their positions, they may not even agree as to what the facts are, but they usually agree as to what constitutes conversation."
"A price is a number at which two mutually consenting adults agree to transact."
"What's the point in having a discussion if you agree with everything that is said?"
"There is a lot of truth in what he's saying; there definitely is."
"I'm happy to agree and give ground on things that are true."
"Conversations can be fruitful, and it doesn't always have to be about agreement."
"It's so funny there's this phenomenon...if you agree with the outrageous thing, then you can talk about it. But if you disagree with that outrageous thing, well, you're not allowed to talk about it."
"Most Americans agree on most things if you frame them in a certain way."
"Is this working? It's a handshake in progress."
"In connection, I do agree that the Kennedy assassination, Martin Luther King's assassination, Bobby Kennedy, certainly pinnacle moments that impacted our history."
"The confusion has lifted. I'm so glad we're on the same page and understand each other."
"It's only possible and sensible to continue this conversation if we agree that life has value and that its value is inherent."
"We want to get an agreement on these changes and develop them rather than have them imposed on top of us and on top of the public."
"You're only here because you already suffered. All the suffering you already did, let's you and I make an agreement right now. You paid, that's enough, that's enough suffering."
"I'm glad that we found something that we can genuinely agree on because that has a real...effect on people's lives."
"Unity... what we agree on as an Ummah is far bigger than what we disagree on."
"There are plenty of elements of Marxist theory that I think are highly agreeable."
"It's a high variance format, I agree with him 100%."
"There is total agreement between Jesus and the Bible."
"And yeah, to me, it's the most important thing in the world. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna be talking about it all the time with everyone else to make sure we're on the same page."
"Don't underestimate the number of people that agree with you; there's likely far more than who disagree with you."
"Look you understand what I'm saying I understand we're saying all right look there is a point of contention that the Clone crowd should have the right to build it exactly how it needs to be built okay all right."
"If we can't agree on simple things like the basics, then we've got no chance of solving the really complex stuff."
"I wanted to get to the point where I actually did understand and I actually did agree."
"Are you okay with it? I want to hold a happy business partner if I'm going to move forward. You want to do that? Yes, let's do it. Do that deal."
"Every child matters and I couldn't agree more."
"People can say yes or they can agree or disagree, what have you."
"Playing games is a significantly different experience on your brain than just watching television or movies."
"Racism is pretty bad, I would agree with you."
"Your eyes and your ears are portals. What you let into them is what you're coming into agreement with."
"I actually completely agree with everything they've said."
"Animal abuse is not right. I hope everyone agrees."
"That's a good point, yeah. Damn it, that's a good point."
"But I need your help to fix that. You have a deal."
"We've arrived at a similar set of conclusions, and that means a lot to me."
"I think TI is absolutely right because it is an investment."
"I think we could all agree on this is free britney."
"When you can agree on the basic principles, it allows you to get a little bit deeper into the weeds and talk about more interesting things."
"If you constantly just having a one-sided agreement with somebody where you always agree with them, it doesn't make any sense."
"I feel like there's been nothing but a dialogue these last like let's start a dialogue I'm going where have I been everything's been about race it's everything I totally agree"
"When Britney said that her family should be in jail, I agreed. I agree 100."
"That line right there, yeah, I'd say that's about how I feel."
"We all want the same thing, we all want to be proven wrong."
"I felt you were really fair and nice... You said the same things that I was thinking."
"Acceptance is about loving everybody, not agreement."
"Find out where you agree with people and you need those allies in the great battle."
"Tony was right about supervision; there's no two ways about it."
"I think we're literally down to the last thing that we can all agree on... kids shouldn't be kidnapped."
"If you have a real conversation you might find a lot of agreement."
"Hit that like button if you agree with anything that I say and my concerns."
"Even if they don't agree with every prescription that I have... fundamentally we believe in the same things."
"Just because someone says something doesn't mean you have to automatically agree with them."
"Hold hands and form a circle round a world of agreement. Finally, finally we found common ground."
"There should be bipartisan agreement on how we handle a lot of these issues."
"Take things slow, set the pace, and get on the same page."
"I'm right there with you, I am totally on board with this show..."
"A million for us maybe, but yeah, I see you."
"Every person watching agrees, every person in this country of 330 million agrees: you shouldn't be fired for leaving a freezing-cold truck."
"When these prices hit it's like a gentleman's agreement between all of us that everyone buys at these areas."
"He's like a good combination of flow, production, and lyricism. He's like... I still agree with what he's saying."
"I don't think the message from that was do absolutely nothing. And if you're going to find an area of potential agreement, I can't think of a better one than infrastructure, which is desperately needed."
"It used to be considered a good thing to have people who don't usually agree with you to agree with you."
"We have reached an agreement in principle yet again for Sam to return to OpenAI as CEO."
"We can't agree on facts; we can't agree on truth."
"I've come around to that line of thought as well."
"To translate someone, to study someone, to explain them doesn't always mean to agree with them."
"If it's one thing that should be a subject we all agree with is how to keep ourselves safe online."
"Making it as easy as possible for people to say yes."
"We're all on the same page that they're both it's bad."
"We don't all agree on everything which is so important."
"The laptop and I will 100% agree with you, feels good."
"It's time to just go on strike, I couldn't agree more."
"Generally, if I find out that Vosh is in a disagreement with somebody on the internet, usually I'm like, 'I'm probably gonna end up agreeing with Vosh.' Because generally, it seems like he comes to the correct conclusions on things."
"No way you know, so yeah thanks and they're like, 'Will you agree with them if I'm entertaining, say?'"
"You couldn't ask for this kind of publicity in the inverse right if when you get David Hogg coming out and agreeing with you that's all that's all you need."
"So, Trump is connecting with that anger, so I completely agree with that."
"I'm with you on this one, Cynthia. I don't want to challenge Cynthia or the machine." - "I'm with you on this one, Cynthia. I don't want to challenge Cynthia or the machine."
"What he's saying is true, I do believe that."
"We can all agree on it, I just don't understand what the problem is."
"This encounter demonstrates the importance of proactive policing and how officers can prevent unnecessary escalations by simply being aware of the citizens around them."
"There's real power in learning to agree with others."
"You need an answer, and if your answer is every time too, yep, exactly."
"I'm gonna have to back them on this one. they got the right answer."
"If I let you go, will you let me go? It must be taken care of by its High Priest."
"The whole group nodded in agreement. We will all be patient."
"What General Obasanjo has said is completely correct."
"Hennessy is disgusting. It's gross. You agree with that statement?"
"I'm very glad that you have the same thoughts as I did."
"Guilty, absolutely guilty." - "Guilty absolutely guilty"
"Jeff, you know what? You're right, and I'm so happy that some of the things you're saying are true."
"He's not wrong with this. Not wrong at all with this."
"Well said, Lawrence. I uh completely agree with you on every angle."
"Why can't they do something that Al Gore and I agreed upon? A carbon tax."
"The big question here is gentlemen, is it unreal or not? Yes, I'm gonna say yes, okay, we're all on that page."
"I love the things that Sam says... it's like actually, yeah."
"I completely agree with you. I completely agree with you. Yeah, it's been, it's interesting."
"Once you're done reading this, you can click on 'I agree to the services agreement' and the privacy policy then click submit."
"This agreement will really help America over the long term."
"Dortmund have an agreement with Sancho to let him leave this summer."
"That was one of those ones where I was like, 'I think that's so.'"
"Kevin and Karen signed the agreement and the stage was set ready to launch."
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, that's the answer, yes."
"We'd actually find out that we have way more agreement than disagreement."
"You're gonna take six grand? Um, yeah, I think so. That works, sure."
"Flat taxes is going to take a very... I'm with Adam on this."
"I was quite convinced by her explanation because the reason why I liked Usami was the same."
"Prayer is not always requesting, sometimes prayer is agreeing with the known will of God."
"Democrats immediately joined Mr. Trump's call for two thousand dollars."
"Once the CBA is completed and the final deal is signed shovels are ready to go into the ground."
"I [expletive] with that, I [expletive] with that, that's real."
"I find that to be purely logical, thank you."
"Do you think that might be something that's applicable in culture more broadly that we should look for the areas where we agree with one another rather than focusing on the disagreement?"
"I think we've reached the same thing... you've walked back the auditory principles a little bit more."
"Honestly, I agree. It's a hundred percent truth that that was gonna be the case."
"I hear you, I see you, I'm not ignoring you, I agree with you."
"Pleasure is the ultimate human experience, would you agree?"
"Yeah, Shrek and Donkey. I completely agree, but guess what? No, no." - Rhett
"Intelligent conversation is more important than agreement."
"Everyone's making the same noises. Well, that means it's a winner."
"This is someone that wants to get on the same page with you."
"I totally buy Henry Cavill's comments when he says that."
"I think he's on board, he said he's inspired."
"A minimal thing like that that we all agreed on then everyone could write OS is that rain everyone's software."
"It kind of shares the same sentiment while being a little bit more optimistic about it."
"How boring would your life be if everybody agreed with you all the time? It would be super, super boring."
"The one thing that Fahad, you and I can all agree on is that the goat's last name starts with a J."
"The reality is the first person wasn't like hey wait what are you doing, the first person was like hell yeah."
"We're in a very, very tenuous, dangerous situation, and what I think everyone should be able to agree on is that we cannot let our hospitals get to the point where health care is dramatically threatened."
"Let's see if we can both agree to work on this together. Let's see if we can both agree to do what we want each other to do."
"At the end of the day, I'm not saying I agree with it, or am I? But that doesn't mean I don't respect, okay?"
"I disagree with a lot of what Ben Shapiro says, but I was totally on his side in that moment."
"The team met with Kibayashi to pitch the project... after both he and his daughter played through a copy of Fire Emblem Awakening... Kibayashi later ultimately agreed."
"A win is a win, man. I totally agree with you, Dave." - Julian McKenzie
"Always hitting the nail on the head, bruh. Always hitting the nail on the head."
"Everything you guys are saying is exactly... what he's saying too, so yeah, thanks."
"I sort of agree with at least part of Trump's logic here."
"Asmin Gold was right, that's something so true."
"That was the thing that I think I was so excited about in those creative meetings was everyone was on the same page."
"Which side do you prefer? Do you agree with what I'm saying here?"
"I think I can speak for everyone the entire planet when I say yes."
"I think we agree more than we probably disagree."
"I actually think this is a good answer to Miss. I think this is a good answer, solution honestly."
"Thank you guys for watching my rant. If you agree with me, please drop a like and share this video if possible."
"Ultimately, I think we agree on a lot more than we disagree."
"Honestly, chefs kiss, Robert. That's 100% true."
"I really like the logic in this and you know when I say that I'm not just saying it because I agree with the decision."
"Yeah, Lemonade is like that. I agree, like Tesla, it's just an obvious no-brainer."
"I agree with that statement. My deepest condolences to the family."
"I actually think overall it works out for all parties. It looks like a good move."
"When two partners always agree, one is not necessary."
"Do not pull out of this deal... finish the job."