
Negativity Quotes

There are 3917 quotes

"You find what you're looking for in life. If you're hurt, you're looking for bad."
"Reiki helps change negative conditioning and behavior."
"We have 60 to 80,000 thoughts per day and studies show that 80% of them are negative and repetitive... You can't control 60 to 80,000 thoughts per day, but you can control the first thought of the day and the last thought of the day."
"Use negative people to fuel you to become a better person. It doesn't hurt them and it massively improves you."
"The worst thing you can do is focus on negativity. It won't spare you from the cage of death, the pain of disease, the cruelty of time, the cold shell of human nature, or the eventual loss of everything you've ever held dear. Whatever you do, don't focus on that."
"I learned something called the five-minute rule: it's okay to be negative when something goes wrong, but not for more than five minutes."
"We all know you around someone negative, it can impact you."
"What we say on the internet really does affect people... negative comments... I don't care how strong you are, that's going to affect you in some way."
"Studies show we have 60 to 80,000 thoughts per day, and eighty percent of them are negative and repetitive."
"Positivity has a more powerful ability to transform reality than negativity."
"Good Vibes only is terrible. Most people that are like all positive type [expletive] are usually more negative."
"Have a zero tolerance policy for your own negative thoughts."
"If people are being mean or negative, just keep your head held high."
"And now that I love myself, when you say something mean, I can go, 'Oh, I'm not going to let that in.'"
"Evil spirits are attracted to nightclubs, concerts, and any place with alcohol. Demonic things gather in dark places."
"Nothing can get any better with this constant mantra running over and over again."
"When people post negative things... the algorithms in social media, if you click on something negative, you're only going to get fed negativity."
"The more that you say mean things to yourself inside of your head, the stronger those things become."
"Most dreams are negative, full of anxiety. Our brains try and make us forget these dreams as quickly as possible, and that's a good thing."
"That doesn't delete the hundreds of thousands of shitty things that people have sent to me, said about me, thought about me, or the way in which it has jaded me."
"It's kind of sad that such rampant negativity can be spawned from a franchise that is all about never allowing the darkness to win and holding on to hope at all costs."
"The quickest way to kill a big dream is to introduce it to a small mind."
"Only recognizing negatives and only perceiving things as a negative is just as bad as only perceiving things as a positive because neither one of them are rooted in reality."
"If you're in a room with 100 people and 99 of those people are good people but they're not talking, and one person in that room is screaming and shouting abuse, all you can hear is abuse."
"A little bit of negativity in how you frame yourself can ruin your self-perception."
"Being around people that are negative or being in situations that are negative can significantly affect you."
"I used all of that negativity and that anger from people doubting us when I was younger... to just really prove people wrong."
"Desire is not the problem, it's negative desire that's the problem."
"All negativity is caused by an accumulation of psychological time and denial of the present."
"When dealing with negativity, it's crucial to maintain composure and respond effectively."
"Be maniacal about your intake; negativity in means negativity gets stored and negativity comes out."
"I myself have seen numerous posts on the Steam discussion threads and elsewhere that could charitably be called spiteful and vitriolic at best."
"If we bring ourselves to bear, we would say you should not have to have this in you, because it is something negative. It is making unhappiness for you, it is taking away from empowerment."
"It to me it just looks like people just want to hate on people really. I don't really get it."
"These people are so angry about everything and they are so locked in this bubble of Rage about the world around them that they cannot even step outside of themselves and realize that this is a good human doing something good for other humans, which is objectively good."
"Gaming is about having fun, dude, and these people are trying to ruin it."
"Denise, you're the negative in the restaurant."
"Any negative voice that ever entered into your space that said you couldn't was lying. The truth is, they didn't want you to."
"The universe does not understand negatives and it doesn't attract negatives."
"Negativity is a multiple of four to seven times more powerful than positivity."
"When people are negative, it actually has a very distinct effect spiritually and even psychologically."
"There's a very loud community around gaming, which is great... but passion can be directed in some pretty bad ways."
"By complaining and being negative you are not helping the situation in any way whatsoever."
"Does hating an influencer really help anyone, or does it just add to the overwhelming negativity that we see on social media?"
"If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside."
"Negativity takes a toll. There is a reason why people say keep a gratitude journal... that creates more happiness in your life and that is a fact."
"Do we just focus on the negative things of history because they're more exciting to us?"
"People who spread negativity have already made up their mind, so don't let a few define your worth and your skill."
"Social media is toxic; when we are constantly exposed to negativity, it subconsciously starts affecting our mental peace."
"My mind is like a bad neighborhood. I don't like to go there alone."
"Our media tells pretty much only negative stories about disability."
"You've turned a beautiful timepiece into an evil thing."
"Remove the bad out of your life. That can really be the thing that's holding you back."
"Whatever you focus on and whatever you're putting out there, it's going to come back to you tenfold, for better or for worse."
"If you put out negativity and drama, you're going to get negativity and drama back."
"Things that have a positive are going to have a negative as well."
"Everyone got no haters, that mean you ain't doing no wrong."
"Pain and suffering bring nothing to people except their ruin."
"He's realized that negativity sells on the internet... his content has gotten more critical over time because we, the internet, are giving the impression it's what we want."
"Chronic ruminating about what's going wrong is a habit that doesn't serve you."
"The first thing that has always occurred to me is that the emphasis on the negative, even if it's justified in many cases, can eventually lead to a posture of destruction without creation."
"Focus on reducing negativity, not increasing positivity."
"It is more effective to eliminate the people that get the worst out of you than to increase the number of people that get the best out of you."
"That negativity, that knee-jerk negativity, is indicative of something. It's indicative that you're on the path to preparedness."
"If you constantly have negativity in your ear, you will slowly become negative."
"The easiest thing in the world to do is to be negative, to complain, to quit. That's easy."
"Hatred is toxic and durable and ultimately useless."
"If you're being negative, it's only going to reflect back on you at some point in your life. That's the way the world works, unfortunately."
"Avoid people who are jealous, gossipers, and those who spread negativity. They do nothing but drag you down."
"It's always a slippery slope and bad things always happen."
"I'm breaking free from negative attachments."
"If you have that negative approach in the beginning, how are you going to manifest a solid reality?"
"Anger and hatred have no place in digital gaming culture."
"Once people have had the closure that they need, then they're willing to talk about things that were negative and that they moved past."
"We've had more negative days this year than we've had since 1974."
"If you're always bashing other people, man, you have a lot of stuff in your heart that's not right."
"It's death, it's destruction, it's horrible."
"If you don't believe it's possible for you to not be a loser, you're gonna stay a loser."
"I refuse to agree with the devil and the negative mess he's bombarding me with."
"If you have a negative mind, it's almost impossible to have a positive life."
"If you look for the bad in people expecting to find it, you most surely will."
"It was such an ugly, soul-rending call that it managed to chill me in a manner that the coldest air couldn't hope to match."
"The quickest way to lose control of your life is to try to craft a life with no negative emotion."
"I don't wish that on anybody, and that's not my place to be spreading negativity."
"You are not the negative things that people say about you. You are so much more than that."
"I had to learn that the negative things people said about me did not define me and did not make me a bad person."
"Sometimes, you have to take that negativity from people and turn it into something positive."
"Compassion frees you of their negative vibes."
"It's so sad to see the worst parts of people brought out."
"I don't want to have negativity in my life but every single time I get in a good place, there's always some BS with friends or some BS with family that brings me back and that's not fair to me at all."
"Oh child, some people just look so unhappy in their own lives, they just look for every little thing."
"Imagine logging into your Instagram page and everything is nothing but hate."
"If you don't have a goal, you suffer, and then you get cruel and bitter and resentful, and then you start to actively try to make the world a worse place."
"For everything negative in life, you got to talk about the positive."
"Most people are just like, 'I don't want to open their phone to immediate negativity because that's what Twitter is a lot of the time.'"
"That's right, this is the greatest example of how boredom can just, unfortunately, lead to you being a terrible person."
"Words are powerful. Language is powerful. It can make somebody do horrible things and think the worst about ourselves."
"When you live with anger, resentment, and dislike in your heart, you are actively creating negative forces which gradually undermine your health."
"These guys, they're pretty foul individuals and they're willing to."
"Beloved soul, your confusion over this matter is not caused by any negative reason."
"I think it makes things a lot worse if we're gonna hate each other for [ __ ] sake."
"Half the time Insatiable isn't sure what it wants to say and the other half what it does have to say is not great."
"When it gets terrible and ugly is when you let other people's opinions and energy into it."
"Your life always revolves around somebody not liking you or somebody hating you."
"Don't let negativity take your happiness away."
"Spreading lies and insane theories is only going to do negative things."
"Hurt people hurt people, that's why in the comments that are negative, it's because they're hurt."
"Fearful people try to spread their misery. Misery loves company."
"This is an ugly film in every sense of that word."
"The only thing that happens when you get into a shit slinging contest is that everyone ends up smelling like shit."
"If someone tells me I can't do something, that won't motivate me."
"Being negative almost never serves any real purpose."
"Every negative thing that comes out is a platform for a conversation period."
"You always remember the bad more than you ever remember the good."
"Most people in the world don't see solutions, they just see problems."
"There's nothing good about it at all. It's nothing anyone should wish for."
"Stop being so bitter, stop being so angry, stop attacking us."
"He's been able to unite diversity in his own hatred everybody hates him."
"Cancel culture used to be positive, now it's toxic."
"Bitterness blows out the candle of joy and leaves the soul in darkness."
"Fear is the number one weapon in the devil's arsenal."
"Most people have really bad stories that they tell themselves about money."
"It's pointless to engage in negative toxic behavior, especially if you don't even know 100% sure if you are correct."
"Don't let that hate go. Let it motivate you."
"Forget about the beef, forget about the stupidity, forget about all that stuff. It's just not worth it."
"True freedom is seen by those not free as being negative or evil."
"Demonizing doesn't help at the end of the day."
"I think it's fair to say that Acacia is one of the most hated influencers of all time."
"War sucks period whatever side you're on it doesn't matter it sucks."
"Be careful what your world view is, it can feed back on you, especially if it is a negative world view."
"If someone is full of drama obstacles and pettiness they're not on the love frequency."
"Negativity is just running the world now, like everybody, like negativity, but it sells, bro, it sells."
"The only people listening to your problems are other losers."
"If you put in low energy, you get back low results. Slow improvement. If you put in negative energy, negative emotions, negative attitudes, you get back failure."
"It's like somebody being an [expletive] right?"
"Haters gonna hate, and I'm just filtering out the negativity."
"He's a racist, sexist, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic germophobe."
"Do you want negative results? Then continue to have negative interpretations."
"Negativity is just so much louder and noisier than positivity."
"Everyone's obsessed with hating. Why can't you just let people be happy?"
"Be careful for the people who are always negative, chances are they got some deep-seated psychological issues as well."
"It's seriously such a nightmare, it really is."
"It is disgusting... just the absolute dumpster fire that our society has become."
"If you're constantly negative about yourself... you're always going to attract that."
"The worst thing someone could say is no."
"It's that 1% that ruins all of those good things."
"Negativity is like a cancer. If you're negative all the time, that's all you'll see."
"If anyone criticizes your success, if they say that you don't deserve it, you need to run from these people."
"One bad story spoils everything in the barrel."
"Creating a negative social consequence diminishes influence."
"This is literally why [ __ ] leave you hating, hating ass [ __ ]."
"My administration will continue to work tirelessly and pursue every possible avenue to bring Britney and Paul Whelan home safely as soon as possible."
"The ugly truth is that it saps the passion out of you. They turn you into a cold heartless materialistic narcissist."
"A critical mindset is seductive because it's easy, it allows you to complain."
"There's no adequate way to explain how much it hates us."
"I can't see any positive telling people you'll never make it because this group of people are after you so we have to destroy these people and these people are irredeemable. I can't think of anything more evil."
"I have stopped looking at the negative comments."
"Complaining is unproductive and it brings other people down."
"God will not bless miserable ass, hating ass, negative ass people. He gave you a baby, a healthy beautiful baby. He gave you a husband."
"It sounds terrible, like a thing that nobody wanted."
"Your helpers will not listen to your haters."
"Words can make you, break you, they can heal your soul, they can damage you forever."
"It's a low point, talking about the murder collection of an MS-13 gang member when he brought up Pelosi again."
"Being in business is hard enough without having people be negative around you."
"Long story short, if someone doesn't believe in you or tells you that you will not achieve your dreams without actually giving you specific feedback, it's just hate."
"Tune into your heart space and dissolve any negativity."
"There's just something about Cod lobbies that brings out the worst in humanity."
"Striking is not the answer you've got to channel that into something better and showing them that you are better than them striking doesn't do that it does completely the opposite."
"You start to lose hope, you start to have a negative perception of things, which now creates negative results for you."
"Cutting negative people out of your life is like a big thing. Like I just don't [ __ ] with negative people."
"Belief is everything wow and it is a decision and once you make it and you stick to it because belief is always going to be pushed up against."
"In terms of its effect on policy ranging from social policy to war I think it's been mostly negative in fact often extremely negative."
"Every major outlet has found a way to be negative about this."
"A lot of garbage has happened in 2020, but also a lot of just wonderful wholesome stuff has happened in 2020."
"I think I get some negative engagement, Mr. Natalie, all berated her with the same message that she's wrong with the intent of bullying her into changing her mind."
"If you want power, you need to become hatred."
"The horror and the corruption and the emptiness of Tywin Lannister's legacy."
"That's pretty ugly stuff, if I say so myself."
"Being negative really doesn't get you anywhere."
"I think a lot of people mix up criticism with negativity."
"Don't let someone else's selfish energy pull you away from self-love."
"Don't share your dreams with haters... they're going to discourage you."
"That's honestly like one of the worst things you could do."
"They're constantly taking and taking... they drain you."
"Honestly, Judas is not great... she don't want to be a friend."
"Your mind becomes a propaganda machine which amplifies the negative and decreases the positive."
"Voicing your opinion on something and saying something is negative isn't inherently a bad thing."
"Abusing any drugs or any substances is a dumpster."
"My advice? If you don't like something, just keep it moving. Stop putting negative energy into the air because you're going to get that negative energy back on you."
"The longer it drags on, the worse it's going to get."
"Just arguing back and forth in a bitter, immature hate on hate way isn't gonna work."
"I really don't feel good like going through life."
"When nobody is talking about the bad things anymore, the hate train loses steam and eventually grinds to a halt."
"It's actually hilarious how genuinely mean he is like all the time."
"Doubt usually heads us in the wrong direction."
"There's no way to slice that where that is not bad stuff and it appears to be bad stuff."
"I think that people should be allowed to be as negative as they want, but I also think people have to be allowed to be as positive as they want."
"Literally, the smell was like rotten sewage."
"They're like really horrible, horrible people."
"What are you gonna do? Nothing positive can come from anything negative."