
Belief Change Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"My litmus test for how insane somebody is: What would it take to convince you otherwise? For any belief that I have, if something I said was completely wrong and somebody showed me a way that I was wrong, I would change my mind very quickly because I'm not crazy."
"Words have power and they can actually change your beliefs and they can actually change you at the cellular level."
"The more we proactively practice these three steps, the more we literally change the way we believe."
"The power is within, and the power is found in changing belief."
"Mindset...when we can expand what's capable, your beliefs change, you uplevel yourself. It's powerful."
"Arguing towards empathy can sometimes change the beliefs of those who do not enjoy the suffering of others."
"Your views should change when the evidence changes and assumptions that you had in the past are proven wrong."
"Whenever a miracle occurs, there has been a change in our belief, a change in consciousness, a change in the way we think about ourselves and the universe we inhabit."
"I was born again that night. I was so radically changed. I say atheist to revivalist in one second. That's all God needs is one second."
"They came to believe that if Jesus had been raised from the dead."
"Change your story, your beliefs and your emotions will change as well."
"All of the belief I had that had been eroding away over those years, I had to give in to the evidence before my eyes, really, and realize that this is futile."
"Nobody likes to be wrong, and people don't understand the idea of changing your opinion based off of evidence."
"If you could be convinced from science that maybe you're wrong on this would you be happy to accept a different view?"
"What could change your mind about God? If a naturalistic foundation for morality was demonstrated."
"If you can somehow change your beliefs or your limiting beliefs then you're going to maybe increase your frequency and get you into a higher level."
"Sincere Believers are the only ones who will change their mind when it is appropriate to do so."
"Change those beliefs; that is a good starting point."
"There's a strong theme of changing your belief system, changing how you view the world."
"They got a lot of work to do but they are not believing these things anymore either right."
"March 2024 is set to be an exciting and transformative month for those born under the sign of Leo."
"Watson says that she never used to believe in the paranormal in any way, but after this incident, she's no longer sure what to believe."
"When empirical data breaks that faith, it's no longer magical."
"There's a rhythm to how we actually go from believing one thing about the world to shifting and believing a different thing."
"The meltdown is changing long-held beliefs about the Arctic and its weather patterns."
"Do you believe in the Loch Ness? Maybe after looking at this photo it'll change your mind."
"Change your beliefs by going into the feeling of the wish fulfilled."
"This transformation taking place, you're gonna shed a lot of different beliefs."
"How much simpler it is to change your belief and raise your ceiling to the sky."
"You can change your beliefs simply by intending to do so."
"Mason Kratz has never caught anything paranormal on camera, that's not even a believer in the supernatural, but this experience just might have changed his mind."
"You can radically change your results by shifting your beliefs. What belief is limiting you?"
"I love when characters have to change their beliefs when they're confronted with things that change their worldview."
"Other than a passing interest as a child, Brian was not a believer of Bigfoot before this experience."
"Every time you learn a new truth and drop an old belief system, your consciousness expands."
"That is how to reliably change your belief system."
"This has healed something in for me hugely and shifted my belief system."
"I felt privileged to have seen it. It really changed my view on UFOs or UAPs."
"As our understanding of the world gets better, we have to change what we believe to be true."
"You have the power to shift our desires and our beliefs that have been created in the past to more closely get us to happiness."
"A psychic's insight not only helped to solve this case but helped to change some skeptics into believers."
"There's nothing wrong with being wrong. Like changing your beliefs is a natural thing, it's healthy."
"Disconfirmation occurs when new experiences contradict old beliefs, opening the door for change."
"A lot of people use 'grifter' in dumb ways. If someone changes their beliefs, that's a good thing. You can change beliefs for good or bad reasons, but regardless, if nobody ever changed their beliefs, that would be doxastic closure."
"...regardless of how incapable you think that you are or that you feel right now, you can change your beliefs."
"The most common way we change core beliefs isn't to target them directly but to target thoughts and behavior."
"Core beliefs can be difficult to change not only because they're long-standing and deeply ingrained but also because they influence our thoughts and behavior."
"Changing core beliefs doesn't happen overnight, but if we're willing to try out some new beliefs and start gathering new evidence to support and reinforce them, our old beliefs that haven't been working for us will start to fade."
"Before Jesus showed up, they believed in a group of beliefs. Afterwards, they abandoned those beliefs and adopted new ones virtually overnight. What would cause them to do this? The only thing I can think of is what psychologists call an impact event."
"The Christ of creed and Dogma who had been firmly in place in the Middle Ages can no longer command the ascent of those who have seen the heavens through Galileo's telescope."
"I didn't believe in God and then the argument from contingency led me to think first that there's a necessary foundation."
"I was completely skeptical of anything paranormal; this building has changed my views."
"The idea that you can't use reason to discard a belief if you didn't use reason to gain it is demonstrably false."
"People leave their unreasonable beliefs for more reasonable ones all the time."
"When you begin to think big about your dreams and goals, you change your beliefs, you control your expectations, you activate the law of attraction."
"I'm not a big believer in the paranormal, but what happened three days ago has honestly changed my mind permanently about spirits and nonliving energies."
"There's no such thing as ghosts... until I visited an actual haunted house."
"The basis of all healing is a change in belief."
"It's not so much a tactic; it's a belief change, an identity change."
"Everything I believed about this place changed when some friends and I went ghost hunting the other night."
"Amber's sincerity convinces Ben to agree with her, gradually eroding his initial doubts."
"What's something you once strongly believed and now don't believe at all?"
"It's most likely to lead to internalization, which means that people change their public behavior and their private beliefs."
"Don't be afraid to seek the truth, even if it means that some of your beliefs or ideas will change."
"...it is very very rare that you find an atheist who comes and says, 'Well, wow, the picture that you draw really is convincing me that my views before were false and I want to change.'"
"I was not a believer until this war, till the Ukraine, this has opened my eyes."
"I would argue that I have a much more open mind than you do because I can change my beliefs easily as long as you have good evidence."
"He had never been a believer in the Paranormal before, but this experience caused him to change his mind."
"Changing beliefs is key because the belief that in order to succeed you have to burnout is incredibly entrenched in our culture."
"By changing your beliefs... by choosing a view of the world that is more empowering to you than making you a victim."
"Changing that belief is really important so that you can turn to yourself and you can talk to yourself."
"Traveling to spiritual places can suddenly change your spiritual belief."
"If a man 2,000 years ago truly rose from the dead, then this has to change everything about what you believe about reality."
"Changing your mind, changing your beliefs, changing your brain, and it then shifts your body dramatically."
"In five seconds flat, you can switch to a more positive belief."