
Language Quotes

There are 10169 quotes

"Language is a tool to communicate your message...since people are emotional and listen emotionally, you're better off defining the words and using the words that speak to their emotional compass."
"Words are in a sense a way for us to do mental telepathy with each other."
"I think the language of sustainability is the wrong language because sustainability sounds like a liberal philosophy... I think the word that we should be using is resilience."
"Words are powerful, man! And the words that you choose to use tell people a lot about the type of person that you are."
"In Sanskrit, bhavana means to cultivate. In Tibetan, gom means to become familiar with something. So obviously it's like training."
"The open-ended recursive combinatorial power of language... there's no finite limit on the number of sentences we can utter."
"The way we define the problem, because we live inside of language, defines how we create the solution."
"Between eternalism and nihilism, between Asti and Nasti, that between language is peculiarly Buddhist."
"What Acceptance and Commitment Therapy really gets at is this idea that language imprisons us."
"Shakespeare... also came up with the word 'swagger'."
"The only truly universal language is mathematics."
"It would be rude to visit a country and expect everybody there to speak English."
"Speech corresponds to the communication signal... Language is something much broader."
"We can call it the same thing, but we could also call it different things. It's just a nuance of our language."
"Cancel culture is a way of saying 'I'm canceling you as a human being', but I think we should be canceling that language and those actions, not canceling people."
"When asked what I think of the most erotic words in the language, I sometimes think, 'slowly, captive audience.'"
"Language gives us the ability to convey thoughts; that's why sophisticated languages are important."
"For people who are right-handed, 99% of the time, the language part of the brain is on the left side."
"In people who are left-handed, it still turns out that the vast majority of people have language on the left side, but it's not 99%, it's more like 70%."
"If it's a new word that you've never seen before, sometimes you try to, like, pronounce it in your mind, you know, and try to hear what that word is."
"It's the same thing with language where you learn what jargon you can use... it's almost this kind of like intra-tribal in order to bring people in and we communicate between us and at the same time exclude the people that aren't like us."
"When you realize words are spells, that's why it's called spelling."
"Something is something because people describe it to be something, but we get utility from these definitions."
"I like the idea of Alex as an adjective as well as a noun. I like to use Alex as an adjective and a noun."
"Recently, our experience with 'gr' showed that we can now speak using 'gr' as a verb, and we actually understand what's being said."
"This is part of an overall campaign to change language to change how reality is perceived."
"He talked, they taught me this: Don't use the word 'I,' just use 'we.'"
"From a leadership perspective, I learned to eliminate the word 'I did it.' It's just 'we.'"
"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world."
"The point of language is we can pose that question or any other question; that's the beauty and power of language."
"Time is a bit more mysterious despite the word time being the most used noun in the English language and most other languages."
"The words 'I am' are incredibly creative. 'I am hungry, I am lonely, I am tired.' You've been saying it, haven't you seen?"
"Your brain automatically translates WTF but not LOL."
"Be really careful with your language since it shapes your reality."
"Arguably, the most important feature of the human race is that we can communicate with each other. And by definition, words are things that are one thing and not another thing, so it can't be arbitrary. It has to have a strict definition."
"Nature doesn't care about the words that we use or our need to categorize and define everything."
"Language is not sufficient [to capture the complexity of emotions]. One language is not sufficient."
"I think that a lot of the words that we've used have become so watered down that instead of them actually conveying meaning about a person, they just tell us how the author or speaker feels about that person."
"Imagine saying 'Oof' in 2024, as the younglings say. That's cringe core."
"Science is the contemporary language of mysticism."
"Words are used to express reality, not create reality."
"Our conversation is littered with metaphors, scattered with metaphors."
"Metaphors create realities for us. Metaphors can be self-fulfilling prophecies."
"Our linguistic choices affect our cognitive frameworks and vice versa."
"Poetry isn't defined by what's outside, by the structure, the rhyme scheme, the meter; it's defined by what's inside, by its sounds and its use of language and what it does with that language."
"To understand the universe, you have to understand the language in which it's written, and that language is mathematics."
"If I could grab the whole world right now and replace the word hate with pain, I think we'd have a much clearer understanding of what's happening."
"Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe." – Galileo Galilei
"Taxation is an affliction, and every time you hear 'tax relief,' that is what goes in your mind."
"We've got to be careful we're not being useful patsies for dialectical materialism by using language that continues the divide, increases the divide rather than bring people together."
"It's human suffering, and so if it holds that that's the intention that we have, our language will not divide; it will only try and bring people closer together."
"The term 'midget' is a derogatory word against dwarfs, which the N word is also a derogatory word against Black people."
"Five thousand years to develop a language, now we're back to hieroglyphics."
"Every time you use the word 'but,' you learn something about yourself."
"The world calls us Albanian... we don't call ourselves Albanian. The word that we use in our own language is called 'Shqiptar'."
"Baldwin has this very sort of Shakespearean way of speaking... When you get it, it's poetry in motion."
"The nice thing about descriptives is it allows you to achieve maximum density."
"You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language where a house can burn up as it burns down."
"Sexism in language is an offensive reminder of the way the culture sees women."
"Every the words you use have visceral reactions for everyone. Our words matter what words we use matter."
"I've always been a very firm believer that the language people use will give away how they truly feel."
"Brazil is the most populated country in South America, and they do not speak Spanish."
"I think the sedation word is just such a beautiful term in this one."
"We're gonna take a really deep dive into the structure of language, thought, philosophy, reality, post-modernism, and non-duality and we're gonna tie all these things together in a very beautiful and profound way."
"Encourage you to start your new language learning journey today."
"The idea that the language that you speak gives you a certain pair of glasses that you see the world through is very attractive."
"Language, it's what I'm using to talk to you right now. The thoughts I have in my brain are being transferred to your brain because I'm making mouth sounds that you interpret as symbols of meaning."
"English is top dog when it comes to clout on the world stage."
"Neanderthals definitely might have used language."
"You actually can. It's part of my disgust with the word 'unbelievable'."
"It's a lifelong process. We live, we learn. This is one of the most exciting things about the language."
"Language is the fundamental human institution."
"Tagalog is spoken in the Philippines. The people are like the nicest in the world."
"Knowing a language really means understanding the culture and being able to interact with other people in real-life situations."
"The difference between a native and a learner is vast, and bridging that gap is where the real challenge lies."
"The accurate use of words is crucial... the practice of law rests almost entirely on the precise use of the English language."
"If you can't, if you don't have the language to describe systems of power, you can't confront them."
"Dictionaries are not authorities on what words mean; they describe how words are used."
"Words have power, the right words change what things mean to us."
"A simple change in language can help us destigmatize mental health."
"Words are not just words; they're ideas, they're concepts. The definition of a word defines how it moves us."
"Language is profoundly powerful and enables us to have the close ongoing social connections we have with other humans."
"Atheism is a word. That word has a definition which is the lack of belief in any gods, and no syllogism is going to change the fact that that's how people have defined that word."
"We think with words. The ancient Greeks said that the revisiting of definitions is the beginning of wisdom."
"Language is crucial to understanding a culture... language tells you a lot about mannerism about assumptions."
"How would you define perfection? I mean, if somebody comes and tells you they have a perfect language, it's well, it's either a fool or a salesman or both."
"We've learned to split science and philosophy, facts and values in our language, and I think we're being misled by language. We have this space of truth claims, possible truth claims about which we form beliefs and our beliefs can be justified to a better or worse degree."
"We're very wired to pick up our language influences from peer groups, and slightly older ones."
"The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis being that language constrains thought, that your capacity for thinking, the way in which you think, is constrained by the language you have been taught, the language you speak."
"Human brain lateralization for language is probably the most distinct feature we've got other than handedness."
"The tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap at three on the teeth: Lo-li-ta."
"Love is the trickiest word in the English language."
"Feeling unconditional love... and experiencing that in the absence of language I think is really powerful."
"Learning a new language helps us understand and appreciate different cultures, allowing us to connect with the world around us."
"There are many things that set us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom, but language might be right at the top of that list."
"Words are a toxic man's weapon, and he knows how to wield them and use them in a way that he looks innocent."
"Expanding the lexicon instead of trying to bloat the terms that we have to the point where they're meaningless is extremely useful."
"The two most dangerous words in our language are 'I can't'."
"The truth is eternal and so, this is why language matters, this is why understanding your rights are crucial."
"We seem to be playing a language game with ourselves, one that's augmented by the language of mathematics, producing less ignorance and more knowledge."
"Snake is a smart cookie. He's fluent in six languages and has an IQ of 180."
"I think words have power, and the way we use them begins to expand in our culture."
"Embrace your own unique accent and focus on effective communication rather than perfection."
"When you change the words that you say, you also change the way you think."
"When I was growing up, to call a person of color like myself or another's black was considered derogatory. Those were fighting words."
"The whole point of words and ideas is to draw circles and boundaries around things so we can discuss them and compare them."
"The Voynich manuscript, a true enigma that has baffled scholars for centuries, remains a captivating mystery with its peculiar language undeciphered."
"Language gives us the illusion of being able to communicate thoughts and ideas to one another."
"The foundational understanding is like language."
"Language is the best we've got, but nobody will tell you that you can perfectly communicate one experience of it."
"Language is messy and often difficult to categorize."
"Lidepla makes an active effort to avoid the issue of Eurocentrism found in all of its most popular competitors, and that alone puts it ahead of the curve."
"Phonology is the categorization of sounds used in languages."
"If you don't know the gender of the person you're talking about, we use gender-neutral 'they'."
"It always comes back to the biological flavor of the important words."
"Think about it: weird, weird, weird, weird. What's that word mean? It implies there's a sense of normalcy."
"I want everyone to think about a word we all use every single day and often: the word 'weird.'"
"Set the tone with word choices... different words have very different connotations, evoke different kinds of moods."
"A simple word you know is better than a complex word you don't know that's incorrect."
"Every time I talk to someone, they're like, 'Oh, I wish I could learn a second language.'"
"When you have enlightenment experiences, the very first thing that you care about after an enlightenment experience is the correct application of language."
"Words hold power; they're intentional representations of our values and beliefs."
"For Kabbalists, Hebrew is a divine language, and the Torah is a living divine document."
"Words are really never just words because ultimately, these can manifest in other ways."
"I don't want those groups of people that are disproportionately impacted by those types of words; I don't want them to feel like shit when I talk."
"Every single bloody word you use was crafted by other people, every phrase has a history, every sentence is a fragment of a philosophical tradition."
"Music is a very strong language for somebody."
"You do not cede the language game to your political enemies. You do not allow them to force you to use their terminology. As soon as they do that, you lose."
"The idea that language and thought are intertwined is not a new one."
"The world is presented in a kaleidoscopic flux of impressions, which has to be organized by our minds, and this means largely by the linguistic systems in our minds."
"Language can facilitate memory and helps us grasp complex concepts like numbers, directions, and understanding the viewpoints of others."
"Language doesn't appear to constrain how we think, but it does seem to be able to influence our thoughts more subtly."
"Language can be a ticking bomb. You can occasionally, obviously, if you start talking about people as cockroaches, we're all aware of how racist language can be a vicious precursor to racist behavior."
"When we read words like 'collaborate,' we are more likely to be collaborative."
"Sanskrit has 96 words to describe love; we only have one, which is very limiting."
"Mother Teresa used to always say she would never go on an anti-war march, she would always go on a peace rally because there's energy to words and language."
"We need to stop using the word racism when we don't get something or when something doesn't go our way and just keep trying."
"Lucky's mother couldn't help but notice the pair busting into the house and cussing in a way unique to the kin of rebels."
"Every time you take two languages to make a Creole, if you Creole-ize English and French ten times, you'll get ten different Creoles."
"Mathematics is the only human language that we know accurately allows us to describe nature."
"The more words you have, the more concepts you have, the smarter you are."
"It's important to remember that English is not the master language for everything."
"The difference between going to 'Ukraine' and going to 'the Ukraine' is significant... 'The Ukraine' implies that Ukraine is a region, a sub-region of something like Russia or the Soviet Union."
"The reality is that language is complicated and when we use words, we're like drawing inferences from other words and other contexts to figure out what a particular thing means."
"People tend to fight the hardest over certain definitions when there is a lot of normativity involved... because when you call somebody a certain thing, there's a whole bunch of moral baggage that's brought along with the claim."
"Language is infinitely more complicated than a lot of people accept."
"It's totally fine that language is complicated and it's even fine that we have disagreements on what words mean."
"Language relies on majority consensus or inter-subjectivity."
"People seem to think, as humans, because we have words and we describe things, we falsely assume that the categories that we've created for things are far more rigidly defined than they actually are."
"You stop being able to construct a sentence that... flows well."
"Language is the source, it's the mode for constructing thoughts and expressing them and that is what forms thought."
"I used to pronounce chaotic with a 'ch' sound like 'chalk'."
"Possession of language is the almost defining characteristic of human beings."
"English doesn't just belong to the Queen; it belongs to anyone that speaks it."
"All language made up rules so we can understand each other."
"Language is one of the fundamental topics in the human sciences. It’s the trait that most conspicuously distinguishes humans from other species."
"Language comes so naturally to us that we’re apt to forget what a strange and miraculous gift it is."
"This is what I think of as the miracle of language, its vast expressive power, and it’s a phenomenon that still fills me with wonder."
"Language is a miracle of the natural world because it allows us to exchange an unlimited number of ideas using a finite set of mental tools."
"We have to discuss health issues associated with carrying too much fat in a non-stigmatizing and non-blaming language, but we do need to be honest about it."
"What it's about is the words that we use in order to be profane and how they got that way, how they change over time, and where profanity might be going. That's what the elevator pitch is."
"The worst thing that you can say is a slur against a group. That's evidence of social, moral, and even intellectual progress."
"The words we use are powerful. Anything after 'I am' usually starts to manifest."
"There's a theory of physics embedded in our language: a conception of space in our prepositions, a conception of matter in our nouns, a conception of time in our tenses, and a conception of causality in our verbs."
"Language conceptualizes time but more generally, understanding the intuitive physics in language explains the quirks of language itself but also the mental models that humans use to make sense of their lives."
"Language reflects our own intuitive psychology which conceives of the person as some immaterial entity who happens to inhabit a body."
"It's very easy language makes it very easy to say things like, 'After someone has died, well, he's in a better place now'."
"When you change your words, you will change your life."
"Betrayal is one of the strongest words on the emotional scale. We don't use it lightly."
"Numbers rule everything in this dimension. Mathematics is the universe's language."
"We have more than 10,000 dictionary words available on Diksha in Indian Sign Language."
"Words count because they condition how we think, what we do, and how we feel."
"Words are powerful because they make you feel, and that's what they remember: how they make you feel."
"Language is going to be what we're going to use to flesh this out, to be able to pick things apart."
"Spiritual maturity is reflected in your language."
"The word 'tumor' may disappear from the human language."
"The more we understand about the neuroscience of language, the closer we will get to effectively treating all sorts of aphasias."
"Wordplay is often not meant to be tapered down to one correct definition; it's meant to span multiple meanings."
"Language isn't just something that comes out of our mouth. We move our body, we hear, and we speak. It's all connected."
"In Hebrew, it was known as Babel, meaning to confuse."
"Words are just stand-ins for a set of features that are similar to each other."
"To me, language matters, and so for me, when I'm thinking about the relationship that I had with my mom, it was a partnership. It wasn't that I was just giving all this care to her or she was only receiving. There was give and take in our relationship."
"In all codes and languages, there are vastly more ways of arranging characters that will generate gibberish than there are arrangements that will generate meaningful sequences."
"Language is just so fundamental to connecting with one another."
"This kind of language is at the root of orthorexic eating patterns."
"The word 'Fae' comes from the Latin 'fata' meaning the fates."
"Victoria is a professional teacher; she helps people to speak like native English-speaking Americans."
"What's the most interesting is someone will come to me and go, 'Well, you know your name is spelled wrong.' I'll go, 'You know it's a different language. Oh, stop centering yourself.'"
"Hyperbole is an exaggeration that people are supposed to recognize. When you use hyperbole, you're saying something that's technically not true but you assume that everybody's a good enough reader that they know what you mean."
"The ability to read the ancient Egyptian language...unlocked the vast treasures of a forgotten civilization."
"Content words are important words that carry content, they carry meaning."
"You don't need to speak the language to understand what's happening."
"The constant redefining of existing language, ignoring self-responsibility, constant pathologizing, oppressed vs. oppressor mentality, and the pressure to conform and comply... it's exhausting and honestly, I have better things to do with my time."
"Cursing is actually associated with higher intelligence, better pain control in people, a kind of a social lubricant, and also honesty and authenticity."
"Wow, the double meaning of 'far' like you don't recognize her but far as in she keeps you far away."
"I believe that we speak far more languages than we realize."
"This ship becomes a shipping ship that ships shipping ships!"
"J.R.R. Tolkien, a proud Englishman, once remarked that 'Welsh is of this soil, this island, the senior language of the men of Britain; and Welsh is beautiful.'"
"It is often said that language is the soul of a culture, and if so, then the soul of the Celtic Britons remained alive and well during Roman rule."
"The language of this generation, even sometimes the older people, speaks the language of destruction. It's destroy, deconstruct, dismantle, tear down, whereas previous generations spoke the language of building, of planting."