
Group Dynamics Quotes

There are 1895 quotes

"If there were two identical groups of people and one of them were more empathetic...that group...has a greater chance of reproducing."
"Being part of the group was crucial to survive."
"Despite being a bunch of kids, they were a sophisticated group."
"Once they're all put in a group where they have to have a common outcome or a common goal, we see the diversity and the different experiences and different backgrounds lead to less group think and more innovation."
"I love y'all dudes, man. Y'all dudes is crazy."
"We encourage groups to use the rules and the banlist as a baseline to optimize their own experience. This is not licensed for an individual to force their vision onto a play group, but encouragement for players to discuss their goals and how the rules might be adjusted to suit those goals."
"We're gonna go do this and so we were like, 'Oh okay.'"
"It's super important anytime you're a part of a group or a team that you genuinely care for one another."
"Without external threats and challenges, people will just fall apart."
"You have a natural gift of leadership. However, you tend to stay in groups or hide behind other people instead of stepping into the leadership role."
"Morality would basically go towards, like yeah, in many senses there is a group mentality to it."
"The Abilene Paradox is a situation in which a group makes a decision that is contrary to the desires of the group's members because each member assumes the others approve of it."
"They do the gender transition if you guys don't know, the biggest one in the group will switch genders and acquire that role."
"Everyone adds their own little thing, which I think makes us pretty well-rounded."
"The conflicting dynamics is between group identity, where one is promoted on the base of one's membership in a collective, and individual identity, where one has the right to choose what collective identities one wants to belong to."
"In individualism, the individual is more important than the group... in collectivism, the most important thing is to belong to a group and maintain harmony."
"Walking around in a group is a reasonable strategy to ensure survival."
"Some people read Lord of the Flies. We played it."
"You've got to go somewhere else and start your own group."
"Any two groups, when they become so reactionary and oppositional that they never look inward, is a recipe for complete breakdown."
"The group, acting as a swarm, has its own intelligence, bigger than the sum of its parts."
"Leadership is generally the effort of one or more people to convince a larger group of people to follow them in doing something that the leaders think is a good thing for everybody to do."
"We’re much more likely to laugh in a group than we are alone, and we tend to laugh more easily around friends and family."
"Session Zero is essential in guaranteeing that all players are on board with the general feel of the adventure they're about to have."
"High consciousness groups outperform low consciousness groups in the long run."
"An entire cast of villains can unlock group dynamics that you won’t get any other way."
"The true making of a good team: showing up with openness and a willingness to craft something greater than their individual selves."
"The thing about the whole journey was the community, the feeling of everyone in the club being so great, so close."
"Contributing to the group in some way... nails down those directives that we all have in our mind."
"I identify myself as the mom of the group. I always have everything everyone needs."
"You cannot stop the angry army; only the angry army can stop the angry army."
"Symbols are only as valuable as what they communicate, and if they are only communicating your point to your own group who already agree with you, you need a new symbol."
"Everybody knows that while a single ninja is a deadly threat, a group of ninjas is cannon fodder."
"In this era of hyperpolarization, what you're seeing is basically everyone then goes back to their camps pretty quickly."
"This group is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."
"The minute we heard him sing with us, it was like there are the five pieces. It's like your hand now."
"There was something special about that group. I do think that something magic was lost when they separated."
"People in the group tend to reject orthodoxy, tend to reject ideology, tend to be interested in first principles thinking."
"Moving as one not only confuses predators but also decreases the individual risk each starling faces by the sheer power of numbers."
"You make people feel valued; you create this sense of intimacy in large groups."
"The easiest way to get people to invest in a stock is to make people feel like there is an 'us versus them' happening."
"Collective phenomena are not mere aggregations of individual phenomena. There is something different, something special about groups of people, about collectivities that does not reside within the individuals themselves."
"Groups famously follow the opinions of the most dominant or charismatic person in the room, even though there's zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas."
"One of the things that creativity psychologists have discovered is that if you put a lot of middle-aged, white men together and give them a creative problem, then they will report afterwards what a profitable experience it was, how much they enjoyed it, how much they'd like to do it in the future, and it was all totally worthwhile, and they come up with fuck all."
"Social introverts do enjoy social interaction... They're not your big group, life of the party look at me draw the attention."
"I think it's really important...we're all human at the end of the day and we're all susceptible to kind of like weird biases because of the groups that we're part of."
"Human beings, for us to push beyond our limits, for us to push beyond how we see ourselves, our homeostasis, it's very helpful to surround yourself at the right environment, the right group, with like-minded people."
"Remembering the precious members of their group whom he feels very grateful for."
"The Scapegoat Mechanism is the process by which group hostility is transferred onto a single victim and banishing this victim restores unity to the group."
"After that show was probably the first time in a long time that we've all told each other that we love each other."
"You just got into the hottest, sexiest, most dominant faction in AEW."
"Really glad you enjoyed the Kimberley adventure, I had a blast. It was an absolute pleasure to be out there with all the guys."
"Find your tribe and look for a frequency of group collective where there is no real leader, where the leader is encouraging all to be leaders."
"I've been in a group text. I've never been held hostage, but I've been in a group text."
"What happens often in history is that you have a group of people, whether large or small, who don't realize the power they have."
"Hatred pulls worlds the individual away from his own self, makes him oblivious of his will and future, frees him of his jealousies and self-seeking; he becomes an anonymous particle quivering with the craving to fuse and coalesce with his like into one flaming mass."
"The person with feminine energy is happy, everybody's happy in the room."
"Attributing any criticism of your group to the moral or personal failings of critics appeals to the inherent group-is psychology which all humans share."
"Leaders benefit not just by conquering another leader but also by a boost within the group for a victory."
"Before we were married, MatPat saw that Stephanie actually pulled her weight in the group project." - Relationship revelations
"The common experience is that middle group who leave knowing that they've had a great time and it's changed their life."
"Each member had their own perspectives, ideals, and opinions, and they had no problem sharing them."
"Having a warlock in the group is just massive, just so high impact."
"The Shield... a collective of outlaws who were there to rally against any injustices they saw."
"We're no longer the Earth Liberation Front nor karaba we gotta call ourselves something."
"Nobody joins a cult thinking they're in a cult."
"It's an antidote to the idea that your message should be targeted at groups."
"The purpose of respectability is not just individual social elevation; it's group appeasement."
"It's all abuse logic. As a collective, they will act like horrendous pieces of [__], but then they'll be like, 'Ah well if you didn't want this then maybe you should have listened to us when we were being nice.'"
"Mr. Green Ryan instructs everyone else on fruit salad island."
"We're here to take our world back and we're being annoying over here."
"The core of the game's story is about a band of people going on a pilgrimage from one religious shrine to another."
"They are not representing reality accurately. She is acting as a leader, she is devaluing Outsiders and so are her students. They are dependent on her and they are not interested in dissent."
"There's something magical about group acceptance and a group of people acting and doing something together."
"When something positive is happening they always go out of their way to distance themselves from us."
"Sooner or later when we get that effect where there's enough people doing it everybody starts to become entrained."
"We're a drinking club with a patriot problem."
"They demand loyalty to the organization in a way that crushes your freedom."
"Whatever group you're part of, if you are not allowed to ask questions, you're not in a healthy environment."
"Guard your mind, never join a group where you're not allowed to ask questions."
"Group Justice is the opposite of actual individual Justice."
"A group like that is not giving off the energy of fear and violence."
"There would be no discussion until everyone agreed."
"Your goal should be to run a game where everyone, including you, has the opportunity to have fun."
"There's never just one reason why a group of people or a person ends up the way they are."
"That's how you get people, it's a bandwagon effect."
"Small is beautiful because they have an innate understanding that a small group of people... gets top-heavy."
"Religion uses only two instruments to keep their folks in their group: Temptation and fear."
"We're here to have fun, and that's what it's about. We had a lot of fights today, but you know, we're smiling."
"A new face, the only new face on Wild 'Til Nine."
"It's very dangerous when a lot of people identify another group as the enemy."
"When in doubt, we don't. One of us is standing up and we're just going, 'No, cannot do that. It's awful. I can't stand it. We're not doing it.'"
"I still can't believe we trusted Joe with mapping out our route."
"Skyrim's feeling of a tighter gang with a more criminal vibe provided for better characters."
"It felt as if everyone just decided to not and leave that area."
"The dynamics of the new group could lead to all new storylines, great moments, and plenty of big-screen action to feast upon."
"Chill out, they're more with us than with them."
"We have more power than we think; it just happens that it's a lot easier to exert when we do it as a group."
"Everybody seemed to, that for such an eclectic wild group of people to get put together, they were also supportive."
"It's a crucial moment and one person can ruin it for everyone."
"It's very important that you understand that this is pure selflessness for us."
"Death is something that can be prevalent in the campaign—it can be a threat, and if it does happen, everyone takes it, feels it, grieves, moves on."
"It's the actual depth that we seem to be getting out of the character writing and messaging from this Oddball group."
"In the 27 years I’ve been playing, I’ve noticed that the majority of problems that occur within an RPG group... it can all be summed up by the Social Contract."
"We can't just magically dissolve something... created by a group of people... unless somehow we change all of their minds."
"Blow [ __ ] up on our way out of town, right?"
"Let's explore it a little bit more because you got quite the assortment of personalities to meet here."
"We are innately herd creatures meaning that we often contextualize events and experiences according to the people around us."
"Trust between a role-playing game group is essential."
"We all want Scott back because he's a right laugh."
"That's two against one, and even though I'm still the final say, I respected his say on it."
"The tone is just really, really positive in this group."
"The fellowship is a concrete tangible thing from day one."
"Every person in that picture is a lookbook right now obviously it's a drip."
"It's sucking me in, it's sucking me in, no, we're gonna die, we're all gonna die!"
"Whether you are religious or not, you cannot discount the importance of having a common belief system within a group."
"He reasoned that it was no longer his concern but deep down he feared that their recklessness might soon lead to dire consequences."
"The distinction between the in-group and the out-group, that is very basic."
"Arthur Maxson is great at giving rah-rah speeches and it's clear that the entire Brotherhood contingent hangs on his every word."
"Human group beliefs are really interesting because when you're building things, if you don't have a group belief that makes sense, then you're not going to get anything done."
"Every single person is so critical to making sure that experience for you is not miserable."
"Chelsea, Lil again. Chelsea fans will be over the moon. Chelsea benefited massively from the amount of English teams being in the group. The winners though, didn't they?"
"Sometimes things are only funny when somebody else is laughing."
"They bitched, they moaned, and they began to really hate our guts, but that hatred was the final ingredient needed to really bring them together."
"Although they prefer to be in groups, they do not want to be the center of attention; they are reserved and quiet."
"It's all fun and games, even if someone loses an eye or the entire party gets killed."
"Watch out you never know all the members of steve rogers the musical yes."
"It's a really powerful thing once you get everything there, once everybody's in the room."
"Imagine this: you have a group where everyone is agreeable... but the moment you insert one sociopath, they will take over everything."
"Wokism regularly plays on people's better motivations and compassion, clumping everything into groups of people regardless of individual actions." —
"There's power in numbers, and it's power in congregation."
"Damn, okay, that's pretty good boys, that's pretty good."
"It's not just one person on its own, it's four or five of them all over each other, talking." - Commentary on teamwork in sailing
"Last but not least it's just a little something that happened the other day where for whatever [ __ ] reason Kyle and Sheena were staring at me."
"Playing the character you want doesn't give you the license to be disruptive or to be an [bleep] at the table. You need to work in a collaborative setting."
"I love nothing more than saying something at the table and hearing you all go, 'No, no.'"
"I just want them to know that i'm the strongest member of the roof gang"
"Be patient, and your group will come when you least expect it."
"If you have a nickname in our group, you are in."
"I was like, 'Oh, I'm out,' and she starts swimming away, but meanwhile, she was yelling back to them, 'Yeah, I'm with you guys, still in the boat with you.'"
"You have to be paying attention to a bunch of different groups... That aren't these sort of reliable moderates."
"Working together as a team is the only way that this is possible."
"A witch on their own can't do that much but when they get together they're so powerful."
"She's the glue which actually holds the group together, the deeper feelings that make a hobby worthwhile."
"People come to the right decision because the masses are smarter."
"I'm gonna have some more experts on as we go."
"They bickered, they got on each other's nerves, they tripped up, they made stupid wisecracks, and didn't listen to reason. It was chaos."
"Let's meet the team: Rianna, Ethan, and Sam."
"The decision to just repurpose the occurrence border's bridge-adjacent Astra Pathak sanctum as a demon throat holding area was reached quickly by Tink and his fellow nerds."
"Those guys are fearless, and there's a lot of ad-libbing, they call themselves the group that heckles back."
"Everybody made it through. I think we only lost two people."
"This is like an unprecedented relation partnership between three groups."
"If you're gonna dance, get in the group with your brothers."
"This was just an absolutely insane out-of-this-world experience that they all went through."
"Chances are for a few of you that chose the first group that could be what's happening."
"The power is in the group... makes it a lot harder to discredit you."
"Men thrive when they fit into a social group in a symbiotic way."
"Their rivalry adds spice to the straw hat group dynamic."
"In one of the rare moments where the gang actually has to face consequences for their past actions..."
"Dennis leading the charge of should we care feels incredibly on brand for him and the gang at large."
"It's never gonna happen, no down with that hive."
"That's ballsy man... they started losing the tightness of keeping this under wraps."
"Feeling embarrassed can even benefit our social group."
"The whole group nodded in agreement. We will all be patient."
"Honestly, it was like the fifth member of The Beatles coming out."
"You're in a group, you should be all in the group."
"It's kind of fun having them all in one room together."
"Let's talk, how y'all doing so far? What are you thinking?"
"Antifa is an extremist left-wing group and it is very real and it is violent and they very much do want people who don't agree with their way of thinking to be punished with violence."
"Everybody's coming from a different perspective and everybody's bringing something a little different to the table."
"I'm talking like like the sand lot type of vibe what would we name the dog what would we [ ] what's a good name for our junkyard dog junk"
"The Republican party has become a very sick and disgusting cult."
"It's interesting to see the guys interact when I'm not around and to get to watch that for the first time."
"Group Energy: Feed off the vibe, compete less, connect more."
"I think as with any successful coup you need a group of people with you."
"Every single night you would have that, and it was really nice to see over the first week the progression of our group and like bonding."
"We're all hyping it up and we're all making ourselves nervous."
"Yo, do we look cool? We look very, let's say, interesting."
"We're following you, egg lady, the whole train is coming."
"Teams argue, teams fight. There's no team that doesn't get in disagreements, that doesn't get in fights, that doesn't argue."
"All we have to do is not die, all righty? We do that all the time."
"We're all going to die... but we're going to die full."
"It is very humbling how much of a community this actually is."
"I love this trio together, it definitely works."
"If you only have one group that you belong to, it has cult-like power over you."
"A lot of the X-Men began to defect away from the Phoenix Five."
"Friendship and brotherhood... supporting each other."
"You make a great leader in groups, influential to others."
"It's not lone wolves, it's all based on a political ideology."
"The gang gave them that sense of belonging, sense of group, sense of purpose."
"We could show off as much as we like, create some noise. All the guys here are top-end."
"If it's a case of the other four of us or would like to continue and have a good time and yeah with you in the group we're unable to do that you might just have to have a messy we can't play together anymore in that conversation."
"What I expect out of the peace talks is that a bunch of groups that had minor problems within each other are coming together to stand against what they think is their bigger problem."
"If they're not mad and if they're laughing there's nothing better than talking about a group of people and making a joke about them and they're laughing the hardest and they get it yeah that's the best."
"Group 4 is serious, they see straight through me, they are a very powerful energy."
"If you call out the bad actors in your group, it only makes your group stronger."
"Dominant people are less likely to withhold effort."
"High conscientiousness individuals were generally unaffected by the potency of a group."
"Can you give us any insight into what is going on inside the Nightmare Family in the Nightmare Factory?"
"We need one more, man. We need one more, bro. This is some jolting, these men are, blood."