
Model Quotes

There are 694 quotes

"The brain constructs a working model of the world, testing those predictions against sensory information."
"China is setting out a kind of model... for a different kind of world."
"America is a model, a beacon of hope to the world."
"The sports Turismo version of the Panamera is definitely something of interest to me."
"The work that I did is a model of what our nation needs to do and we will be able to do under a Joe Biden presidency."
"Where does it all come from and what is this business model?"
"Wisconsin should be a model for the rest of the country."
"The holy family is a sign after which every family must model itself."
"California can be a model for the future, a model for the rest of the United States."
"NXT is the model in which WWE should be, or the model that WWE should follow as far as what to do with their main roster programs."
"AdS/CFT is a hint that we may live in a holographic universe."
"This is the kind of foundation model that really could change the world."
"Jesus came as a servant to model servanthood for us."
"That's still a work in progress, also the X-Wing here, this is by KV Productions."
"That's like the greatest subscription business model maybe in history."
"If you can demonstrate something that is seemingly impossible, well, I would argue that maybe your model's wrong."
"The longer you allow a model to train, the more variations, the more featurizations can be done against the data set."
"The Audi TT Final Edition is coming, but I what I didn't know is that the TT has been around for 25 years."
"The UCS Venator is beyond incredible to be able to have this in my collection."
"There's a better way, which is much more similar to the Dutch and the Portuguese model."
"I'm on board with the Dutch model."
"If the project works, it could serve as a model for the rest of the city and the country."
"The OSI model... starting with the physical layer up to layer seven which is the application layer."
"The 2022 model gets a mid-cycle refresh in hopes of boosting those numbers."
"I think it's one of the best Ferrari models in recent memory"
"The best business models have always been like usage driven... the current subscription model doesn't capture that."
"You can use any language model that you want."
"So here is our model completed with the chipping effects."
"...the Glock model 28 in 380 ACP."
"The galactic model definitely makes me think of Star Wars."
"...plug-in hybrid model known as the RAV4 Prime also uses a 2.5-liter four-cylinder engine."
"One thing I always remind myself of when I'm painting a model is that the base color is not the real color that makes the model stand out. It's how far I can push that up and create that interest through contrast to really define the shapes."
"We are going to put this sucker through the proper paces of painting every single aspect of a model that I traditionally use an airbrush for. Let's see how well it can tackle each of these tasks."
"America should model democracy, never impose it."
"This Sportage is a model that really stands out."
"You have to find a model for model premium of just under 2 700 pounds over a standard mercedes gle if you're going to own this more stylish coupe version."
"This improved Kona model's sharper, cleaner front end has delivered a 40 millimeter length increase."
"This f/8 tributo is not necessarily just replacing the Ferrari 488 it's replacing the high pinnacle example of that model known as the 488 GTB."
"The TCP/IP model is a framework that is used to visualize how data is organized and transmitted across the network."
"I'm very impressed by the Supreme model."
"Our model is not identity, our model is behavior."
"If the gap is large, then the model knows a lot about the task it's not telling you, which would be very worrying."
"Once they have the model, then they automatically make way more money from everything else that they ever do."
"And here it is, a shooting break XJ40."
"The Enticer TI, that should be the Enticer TI, I believe the S, right?"
"Without a proper ROI model, you can quickly end up in the red."
"The xsr is based on the mt09 as some of you keen viewers might know."
"and then there's sort of the model the government we have today."
"Here is a woman who is modeled at her best when she's making others their best."
"This could turn out to be the most popular model."
"Sentence-BERT is a model made of two branches with respect to architecture and weights."
"The crime control model uses the criminal justice system as an assembly line."
"gp4 is the dumbest model any of you will ever ever have to use again by a lot."
"Think about this model as iterations, overlaps, no rhyme or reason, melded and molded together."
"The hospital model is supposed to be the bastion of safety, isn't it? But it's not doing very well."
"When it comes to the things that really matter in the model of this kind, this one might just be the best all-rounder that you can choose."
"Jesus didn't intend for what we've traditionally called The Lord's Prayer to be recited. He never intended for us to recite this word for word. The Lord was giving us a model for prayer, not something to repeat."
"It's the I5 M60, essentially an electric version of the M5 or as close as we are currently going to get."
"this model which is why I requested it has always been to me like the Workhorse PRS for the people who are just like I'm not into the ornate tops and all the the violin carves I just want something that's comfortable"
"This business model works great for me."
"Explaining the model is really important because once we explain the model we can see its internal logic."
"Having value-oriented models like this 2024 Acura RDX is such a welcome change."
"It fits perfect, it's like a giant model car. It looks great."
"A good model can't overcome a bad sample."
"So the idea here is that we have already a pretty formal mathematical definition of what it means to overfit right overfitting is just when our model starts to perform worse on our test set that's really all it is."
"The next step is to fix up any of the other little bugs in our model."
"That looks pretty good now. I've only got 12,000 faces and I'm pretty happy with the detail just have one last look."
"So just takes a moment to load but then there's our final model that we've optimized."
"...the GX base model reveals this car to be the best GX in a bunch of ways."
"The Transition Model explains the three stages of transition: ending, neutral, and new beginning."
"This model is sufficient for all of computation; anything that can be computed can be computed with just these primitives."
"This is an Allegretti, and it's funny actually a client came in the other day and he's like wow this is that like the little Hill Climb fire well it's not it's a it's a it's a child's car it's a little model child's car."
"But if you're buying new I think I would definitely just shoot for a base model over a premium car."
"This is textbook. This is the way it should be."
"Your trading model doesn't mean anything when the higher time frame context is against you."
"There's a different observer that has a different model."
"Our business model is pretty simple."
"What happens is when we fine-tune these models we can actually see how the kernels update over time."
"We were able to create this wonderful business model that's amazing, that's really amazing."
"Different chipping effects bringing out different colors in the model and it really brings out an awesome rust tone."
"It comes in a bigger size model as well."
"Here's the model one completely splayed out of the desk."
"The American Revolution is looked at as still a major model alongside the emerging French Revolution."
"In short, this is a model rejuvenated. It's worth your attention."
"A model is only as good as the inputs."
"Somalia is a very well-known model for other countries in the continent."
"The thing that is sacred is unknowable but I have to continue to sense into it and not live inside the model."
"The best model of the world is the world itself."
"The more creative you are, the more the venture studio model is the right model."
"Regular model is not going to perform as well as the baseline model, but it's less likely to overfit because you have essentially penalized way too large of a weight and you've kind of distributed the weight better."
"Good data, good features, and a lot of data will always, always, always beat a lot of data, crappy features, and a complicated model."
"The model is up to date and accurate."
"Mutual trust is the foundation of a zero trust security model."
"The eternal interpersonal love of the triune God becomes the model and the empowering for Christians loving one another."
"Going secondhand though means that you could get that model today if you can find it of course."
"To keep the model in line with the tree revenants and kernel hunters I chose bright yellow green for this task."
"Europe's history of design and interconnectedness serves as a model for the rest of the world."
"937cc L twin Tester Streeter engine."
"He's the most beautiful model in Testosterona."
"...the Rapido model is almost entirely made of metal."
"How do we get this broader, more compassionate model that has wellness right at the heart?"
"The model can be used to make predictions on new unseen data."
"A solid base coat a lot the time is exactly what you need, but when you don't need one it lets you do things slightly more softly slightly more organically and you're working with the model rather than against it."
"The 172m is one of the most desired models out there."
"...the T1 is essentially the earliest model that Goie sells and the technology is a little older and more simplistic than the other two."
"So at this point our model is now ready for the table top."
"I'm aiming at different parts of the model."
"Whenever it will say that you wanted to identify some products within the images, we need to go with the first model here."
"jesus goes to great lengths to establish for us and model for us that he is as concerned about our enemies as he is about us"
"Our Goldilocks hybrid sits right smack bang in the middle of the Toyota range - the Corolla cross."
"Here is the finished model. I'm really, really happy with this guy."
"This vehicle is a 2024 Blazer EV RS all-wheel drive."
"It's the ideal entry-level model for those just dipping their toes into the world of air frying."
"However, more often than not, we don't know what the model of f of x looks like."
"This is an early base model, but it is a fantastic interior."
"The jump from the base model SR to the SR5 is nearly six thousand dollars. Yeah, it is. That's a big jump."
"It's very important to have a model, even a basic one, having some plan, and then taking action on it, and then obviously you want to improve your plan as you go."
"That personalization is an athlete-centered model."
"One of fashion's most seductive synchronicities is that between model and moment."
"I think of Twiggy or Verushka or Linda Evangelista or Kate Moss, where the model defines the moment so perfectly that she becomes something more."
"This model comes to you to meet the requirement of protecting plants from rough climatic conditions such as rain, wind, and snow."
"This is a 2023 Honda CRV... the first year for the new sixth generation version."
"This model of Pride Rock. Such an expansive array of such an expansive museum."
"As much as I may be the base model RAM for Australia, there is not a thing that is base model about this car."
"At its best, Flick's model relies on players who can do both of those things."
"We're going to fit a model, in our case the model is very basic."
"We have a model in staging, it's ready to do inference."
"The secret to dealing with holes in the model is to be able to cut through them, but how do you cut through them? You don't want to cut the model, and knowing how to do that is the whole secret to dealing with holes."
"I just have a very cool miniature 64 model that I can put on the shelf."
"Our entire business model is empowering people in organizations."
"It's really the perfect business model for anyone just starting out."
"The model for romantic love turns out to be friendship."
"One of the most incredible models without a doubt here at Lego house is the massive tree of creativity."
"What is remarkable about this model is you have in terms of writing paper strategy is to produce the maximum number of results with the minimum of number of assumptions."
"It is important to start with a simplified model, develop a strong understanding of it, and then add elements from there."
"Depending on how you specify the model, you'll get a different definition of volatility."
"The best bang for your buck model is going to be the RT."
"It's a really cool concept and a cool model."
"Well, this woman was a much sought after model then became a very successful actress. Please welcome the Fantastic Lily Cole."
"In its mainstream guise... model in the segment."
"...none of which were removed when making this limited edition model."
"You could ask, is there anything else, it turns out there is not, so you really can construct a well-defined model of the universe."
"We're not interested in the probability that the model is true because I know the probability that a model is true is 0."
"...introduce a more basic version of the Passat Alltrack."
"I support a driver, absolutely a model of a car."
"One of the nice things about our model now that it's trained with XGBoost, we can check out the feature importances."
"Our model has 100% accuracy! It works perfectly."
"We definitely need to test this model out more."
"Combining both into a single multi-modal model, that model is CLIP."
"This isn't simply the model you choose because you can't afford the factory."
"We score the transaction using our model, the model produces the 0 to 100 score as always, and no matter what the score is, if you're in that X percent, the transaction is 11."
"I believe there are three parts that really matter: a business model that is very clear and adds value, a culture to reinforce the model, and fanatically executing the model."
"The Italians created the model for any oppressed ethnic group on how you can pull yours."
"Tree supports can branch and arc over different sections of our model and support them without ever having touched them."
"...but if he missed that light it gets lower lower energy but as they all emit in this particular way according to this model you get the sum of all the contributions and that model is also borne out by looking at nuclear physics labs all right."
"This model, while on the pricey side, is actually quite good value for money for a serious hobbyist."
"The panda continues to define everything that a very compact multi-purpose model should be."
"The fluid mosaic model revolutionized our understanding of cell membrane structure."
"This model has been so valuable to me because I have been able to look at it over and over again to figure out where I am in the building process."
"Are we gonna break the stock to flow model? It's about to be broken. That's right."
"If your logic ever changes then you only have to change one staging model instead of five within the same subgroup."
"The data model for the classification result is posted directly."
"To prepare for the interview, follow the steps in this model."
"We created a model that will allow the people to make the change that it desires to see."
"It's really not a model, whether it's agile or traditional. It is more of a classic management model."
"But then in 1961, he met and married a 20-year-old photography model named Nancy Zimmer."
"I really think this is the sort of winner model at the moment."
"He's a model of consistency and humility."
"It's a good idea to start with a baseline model and then see it improve as you go."
"I have a model that I live by. If I'm kind to others, that kindness comes back to me."
"The model for this goes back to the Iliad again where you have the funeral games that are held in honor of Petroclus..."
"What the diffusion model enables is going from a completely random noise state to very faithful diverse newly generated samples."
"Jesus is our model for how to live."
"Overall, yeah, it's a great looking model, the detail's there, the value for money is there."
"Hopefully you'll agree that this is a wonderful model."
"Focused on trying to get this model ready for the tabletop in a reasonable amount of time."
"Creating that Harmony within the color scheme on the model."
"When you stop having fun, you should stop painting the model."
"Sometimes it's okay to abandon a model if you're going to find something else that excites you."
"Abandoning a model doesn't mean throwing it in the garbage, it means putting it aside for a different painting project."
"This has to be probably the best e-flight model I've ever seen in terms of scale appearance."
"This would be quite something to have on a Great Western layout."
"They look absolutely perfect running with the 44xx."
"Sanibel will remain the ideal around which other communities design their land-use and eco ethic."
"Jesus stands as my model, and Peter stands as my message."
"Cavalex 56 for me, probably the best modern image model that I own."
"I think this may be the best model Games Workshop has ever made."
"This model is well deserving of it. I think sometimes Helgen models get a bad rap and they don't deserve that bad rap."
"The level of detail is just absolutely superb across the entire model."
"You already have a business model whether you know it or not."
"I'm okay with this is the model I paint this year. That is how you can do it."
"It is very much for me a feeder Club model"
"The most impressive aspect of the model is the sheer number of separately fitted parts."
"The quality seems to be really good."
"Certainly not a terrible model by any means."
"You can actually lift the model up and this is quite a heavy little model."
"This model right here, the Liberty Walk Hot Wheels R34 super silhouette Chase, epitomizes everything that we loved about this year."
"This here is what an SR71 Blackbird looks like at a 40th of its true scale."
"If you are interested in the best models of the year, Contest Cars 2023 is available now."
"Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works."