
Molecules Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"It's fascinating how molecules at certain dose levels manipulate neurotransmitters in unexpected emergent effects."
"Chemistry is a fascinating subject. It's essentially the study of how atoms and molecules change."
"Monomers are smaller units which can create larger molecules and the polymers are made from lots of monomers which are bonded together."
"Simple diffusion is the net movement of molecules... any ATP."
"Another reason you can tell this is false is because molecules only want to absorb certain frequencies of light."
"We're all molecular beings, made of molecules which vibrate."
"G proteins are universal switch molecules and I hope I can have convinced you that the principle of how they work is universal."
"The second is they can activate the fast molecule."
"The first time such molecules have been discovered so far away from our planet."
"Similarly, the detection of complex organic molecules in the clouds of gas and dust between stars suggests that the building blocks of life might be more common in the universe than previously thought."
"Atoms want to bond together. That's why we have molecules. That's why we have you. You are a consequence of the fact that electrons are shared between different atoms."
"Gas pressure is merely the average force of gas molecules colliding with physical surfaces."
"...from the breakdown products of acetyl-coa I can make phospholipids."
"Understanding the nature and distribution of these molecules on Beno could provide hints about the role of asteroids in possibly seeding life on Earth."
"So many reasons because you need to let those direct dye molecules penetrate the shaft of the hair."
"...many different arrangements of the molecules in this room that had the same density and velocity and pressure and so forth."
"There's a number of ways to pinpoint the position of a molecule with very high precision in all three dimensions."
"Chemistry: rearranging swarms of electrons, not nuclei, to form molecules."
"Romance is the message, but the language is molecules."
"Carbon atoms with six protons in every nucleus appear in more kinds of molecules than the sum of all non-carbon containing molecules combined."
"Small nonpolar molecules like oxygen and carbon dioxide can easily diffuse into or out of the cell."
"It's not just one carbon dioxide molecule or a second carbon dioxide molecule, it's hundreds and thousands of them slamming together at once."
"What's nice is you can do more than just distinguish two molecules from each other for a small molecule."
"Molecules are the building blocks of compounds and compounds are made up of two or more different atoms."
"The first molecules are always released approximately in half the time that the second molecules are."
"DNA is probably the most important molecule in the body because without it, no other molecules would exist."
"The concept of temperature in physics is the mean kinetic energy of the molecules."
"...these variants which you can see here already as shapes are quite different from the monomer and these are oligomers."
"One of the scenarios that I like is that these kinds of molecules might have been made deep down in the earth below hydrothermal vent systems where you have transition metals like iron and nickel that form crystal surfaces that catalyze this kind of chemistry."
"Tertiary carbocations are even more stable than secondary carbocations."
"Polymerization is the production of polymers and polymers are very large molecules built up from small molecules called monomers."
"Simple moleculars: low melting and boiling points because you're breaking weak forces."
"More molecules in general, as long as they're all in the same phase, mean more entropy."
"Enantiomers are stereoisomers that are non-superimposable non-identical mirror images of one another."
"The forces acting between the molecules of the bubble cause it to form into the shape that encloses the most volume."
"Matter is made of particles and there are three types of particles that scientists talk about: atoms, molecules, and ions."
"Molecules are the best example... you could absolutely model molecules as graphs."
"Molecules are a group of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds."
"A mole of any matter contains 6.022 x 10^23 molecules."
"Certain neurons are able to generate a molecule called GABA."
"Everything is just little molecules of stuff."
"There are more molecules of air in a single breath of air than there are breaths of air in all the world's atmosphere."
"Everything that makes you, genetically, is only due to four different types of molecules."
"When chemicals react, they switch atoms around, and what you end up with are new molecules."
"Water is made by connecting an oxygen atom with two hydrogens."
"Every water molecule has a chance to be interacting with up to four other water molecules."
"It's remarkable that we were able to discover [molecules] at all, much less the atoms that they comprise."
"A molecule is simply combinations of two or more atoms."
"Molecules will condense at their boiling points."
"A radical is a molecule that has one or more unpaired electrons."
"Molecules are like actually things in real life, so they'd have three-dimensional structures."
"Enantiomers are non-superimposable mirror images."
"Catabolism includes the reactions that are needed to break large molecules into smaller ones."
"One of the most amazing things about these molecules is that typically their function is related to their three-dimensional structure."
"The presence of these molecules is not definitive evidence of life; it does raise intriguing questions about the planet's habitability."
"The nature of bonding itself and molecules, that's cool."
"Ultrafast dynamics in molecules is really a very rich field which has been pursued for a long time."
"This world exists in terms of molecules, not in terms of atoms."
"All living things are made of four classes of large biological molecules: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids."
"Each of the large biological molecules have unique emergent properties that arise from the arrangement of their atoms."
"Fats separate from water because water molecules hydrogen bond with each other and exclude the fat molecules."
"Some people say that glutathione is the most important molecule we need to stay healthy."
"Proteins are the most abundant and important organic molecules."
"Critically important molecules of all living things fall into four main classes: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids."
"Carbon atoms can form diverse molecules by bonding to four other atoms."
"The natural tendency of all molecules in our universe is to undergo a process which we call diffusion."
"Diffusion is the tendency for molecules to spread out evenly into an available space."
"A molecule is two or more atoms bonded together."
"If you could zoom in on a bucket of water, you'd see these little molecules which are discrete little bundles of bonded atoms."
"The molecule once existed in nature for an infinitesimal period of time at the exact moment of the Big Bang."
"The water droplet contains nearly a sextillion water molecules that are all in motion."
"The scientific definition of diffusion is the movement of atoms or molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration."
"Covalent bonding involves sharing of electrons."
"One mole contains 6.02 times by 10 to the 23 atoms or molecules."
"To form water, you're going to take two hydrogen atoms for every one oxygen atom."
"Polymers are large molecules; they can be long, they can be branched, but they are combinations of monomers that have been connected together."
"It's sort of like self-replicating molecules, you set the process in motion and something very complex can be generated from it."
"By combining together, they become water molecules."
"Chemistry deals more with the bonding between different atoms and elements, so the forming of molecules."
"The molecule is polar because it does not have a symmetrical distribution of charge."
"Free radicals are destructive little atoms or molecules."
"An electrophile is an electron pair acceptor; a nucleophile is an electron pair donor."
"Bonding is quite an important part of chemistry because it's how atoms and ions join together and it's how you create molecules."
"Carbohydrates are a bit more complex since, despite consisting of the same monomer over and over, here's a disaccharide; it's two different units."
"Using symmetry, we will be able to determine whether a molecule is chiral or achiral."
"DNA is a collection of large molecules that exist in all of our cells."
"Carbohydrates and lipids are really critical energy storage molecules for cells."
"Cells run by molecules, active molecules, and this is what is life in genetic terms."
"All molecules of this particular type of sugar, what we call cane sugar, are exactly like this: these are the identical building stones of the substance we call sugar."
"Mass conservation: molecules are not really being destroyed or produced, they're just being transferred and transported."
"Proteins are by far the most diverse molecule within us."
"Without the Higgs field, life itself would be impossible because there wouldn't be any molecules to make up you and me."
"The amazing thing about Webb is that it gives us access to study molecules that are very interesting to us, especially as they relate to the possibility of habitability and life as we know it."
"Amines are really cool molecules and really important biologically."
"The force field contains topology and parameter information for the standard 20 amino acids, lipids, nucleic acids, and some other organic molecules."
"When atoms or molecules stick to the face of a surface, we say that they're adsorbed on the surface."
"When we say organic, we're referring to any molecule that is carbon-based."
"If the molecule is symmetrical, it will be non-polar; if it is not symmetrical, it is polar."
"Molecules with conjugated pi systems are more stable than comparable molecules that have no conjugation."
"Hydrogen bond is the attraction between hydrogen atom on a molecule with fluorine, oxygen, or nitrogen atom on another molecule."
"Ultimately building molecules is a chess game."
"The amount of radiation absorbed by the medium is proportional to the number of absorbing molecules in the medium."
"A chiral molecule and its mirror image are enantiomers."
"A tetrahedral atom with four different substituents constitutes a stereo center or a chiral center."
"All of life emerges from complex organization of interacting molecules."
"You can count molecules but the same number of molecules don't produce the same amount of electrical charge."
"The O2 molecule itself is what we call paramagnetic."
"When two hydrogen atoms interact with each other to form a molecule, the electron wave functions start to overlap."
"The smallest amount of a compound we can have is a single molecule."
"Hydrogen and oxygen atoms that make up a water molecule are held together by something called polar covalent bonds."
"A polymer is a very long molecule; it's basically an extended chain of different individual molecules or a monomer."
"A polysaccharide is just made up of many sugars joined together."
"The first things that will come out are the largest molecules because they travel in the shortest pathway through the column."
"A molecule is when you have a unique arrangement that always stays the same."
"Molecules are very very very small but they're not inconceivably small and there are ways you can measure them."
"Enantiomers are the non-superimposable mirror images."
"Once you average over that many individual molecules, you find that there's very, very little fluctuation in the energy."
"Organic molecules can be absolutely identical in composition and structure but not superimposable on their mirror images in three dimensions."
"This one equation governs all of those types of interactions between molecules."
"The molecules of life on our planet are actually pretty simple molecules."
"Molecules are the smallest particle of a substance that can exist alone and still retain the chemical identity of that atom."
"Amphipathic molecules have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic components."
"PV equals \(NkT\). And this \(N\), now, is the total number of molecules that you have."