
Supreme Court Quotes

There are 434 quotes

"Not amazing, but seeing as how eager the Supreme Court is to repeal civil rights at the moment, it's an important legislative victory."
"This was arguably one of, if not the single most important constitutional and political case before the Supreme Court since Congress created the Supreme Court in 1789."
"Those were Hillary's three Supreme Court nominations that would have changed the future of the country."
"This is an opportunity for the Supreme Court to say unanimously, that the 14th Amendment Section 3 does not allow a state to kick Donald Trump off the ballot or to allow the state of Texas to kick Joe Biden off the ballot."
"I think the Supreme Court is going to establish that the president of the United States, any president, is immune from criminal prosecution for his official acts."
"The next president...could have two, three, four, and even five, the next president. This is so important. This is so, whether you're talking about life, whether you're talking about Second Amendment, whether you're talking about military. This is so important. We have to do this. We have to win this election."
"The Supreme Court is now...trying to regulate from a constitutional standpoint all of these things through various cases."
"The wind was sown when Donald Trump had 19 credible allegations of sexual assault against him, bragged about sexual assault on tape, and your Republican buddies... said, 'Yeah, but we want our guy on the Supreme Court.'"
"Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the second woman appointed to the Supreme Court, a pint-sized powerhouse."
"Never in the history of the United States Supreme Court has there ever been such a coalescing of momentous decisions that go to the heart of our constitutional republic."
"The Supreme Court's not supposed to be as political, but they oftentimes are."
"This is one of the most consequential Supreme Courts we've ever had in American history."
"The Supreme Court basically interpreted free speech to be about expressing yourself."
"I believe Americans of all backgrounds deserve an independent Supreme Court that interprets our Constitution and laws as they are written."
"For lawyers, the Supreme Court of the United States is the Super Bowl. Everyone in law school dreams of the day when they will stand before the Supreme Court, arguing a case."
"The President quote shall nominate quote justices of the Supreme Court when a vacancy occurs, no matter the time, no matter the politics of the day."
"The Supreme Court's job is to interpret the Constitution."
"The perception of any individual about the Supreme Court whether it's neutral and objective or instead political and biased tends to be rooted 95 percent of whether you like what it's doing or not."
"This is not a Supreme Court trying to heal; this is the Supreme Court of a radical majority."
"SCOTUS has granted certiorari to the obstruction charge in the January 6 cases."
"This Supreme Court opinion will live in infamy as they step backward for women's rights and human rights."
"We're here today because of the ethics mess that has taken place at the Supreme Court."
"Does he risk it and try to take an appeal to the United States Supreme Court through Chief Justice Roberts?"
"Justice Robert Jackson once said, 'The Supreme Court is not only a law court but the apex of a branch of government.'"
"Occasionally you will get a Supreme Court that will indeed vindicate states' rights... but long haul, you cannot expect the Supreme Court to protect the states."
"The president's power continues into his fourth year. He has the power, the right, nay, the responsibility to appoint a justice to the Supreme Court."
"It's a Supreme Court whose interpretation of freedom of religion is the freedom to impose religion."
"Citizens United was decided five to four by a narrow 5-4 majority. The Supreme Court concluded the First Amendment did not allow the federal government to punish you for making a movie critical of a politician."
"The Supreme Court's decision on College and University admissions will change how we pursue the educational benefits of diversity, but our commitment to that work remains steadfast."
"It creates uncertainty and it hurts the legitimacy of the Supreme Court."
"Three generations of imbeciles are enough." - Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes
"The Supreme Court says shoring up voting procedures isn't racist."
"Choosing someone to serve on the United States Supreme Court is one of the most serious constitutional responsibilities a president has."
"Someone with extraordinary character will bring to the Supreme Court an independent mind, uncompromising integrity, and a strong moral compass."
"It only takes a simple majority to confirm a Supreme Court justice."
"Any White House would like broad bipartisan support for the eventual Supreme Court nominee."
"The Supreme Court has made quite clear that the word intimidation... directs a threat to a person with the intent of placing the victim in fear of bodily harm or death."
"The rules change; it's as if the United States Supreme Court made a change about codifying the United States Constitution."
"We must protect the Integrity of the Supreme Court."
"This effort is about protecting the independence of our highest court."
"Judge Kavanaugh falls woefully short of what Americans expect and deserve in a Supreme Court justice."
"Okay, did Barack Obama nominate a Supreme Court justice? Yes. Yes, Merrick Garland. Did the Senate confirm it? No. It was a Republican Senate."
"Amy Coney Barrett might actually be our next Supreme Court justice."
"Destroy this guy's life, hold this seat open, and hope you win in 2020."
"The legitimacy of the Supreme Court depends on a public belief that justices are impartial referees."
"I am committed to making certain that we as a court adhere to the highest standards of conduct." - Chief Justice John Roberts
"My view is, if we don't get the Supreme Court to take it, I'm going to use it and some other congressmen... make everybody answer during the campaign in 2022 whether they will support that law."
"I am not a lawyer. I do not even pretend to be one on TV. But I do have questions about the law, about the United States Supreme Court putting us back in the days of abortion being illegal in this country."
"Once they've figured out that the Supreme Court is essentially rewriting the Constitution term by term, the old criteria for appointing and confirming judges no longer apply."
"This case is about whether the Supreme Court is going to adhere to an almost 50-year precedent of respecting the individual liberty to make decisions about pregnancy."
"This is a very big moment. This is a major fraud in our nation. We want the law to be used in a proper manner, so we'll be going to the U.S. Supreme Court."
"The Supreme Court decision did not even say that the program was lawful."
"The Supreme Court gave itself the power of judicial review."
"The Supreme Court just blocked the Biden administration from being allowed to require that your workplace be made more safe."
"The very idea that six extremists on the Supreme Court think they can force their personal and religious views on the rest of America is ridiculous."
"The big news of the last couple of days has been the Supreme Court decisions."
"Here is a man of distinguished education distinguished background this is the kind of person that should be on the supreme court."
"The Supreme Court overturned the lower court ruling, which was a victory for Trump."
"The Supreme Court cares a lot about protecting religious expression."
"I think it's a weak argument, not a good one, and truthfully, I hope the Supreme Court does grant certiorari and I hope that they get overturned on that because it's just a bad opinion regardless of the outcome."
"This woman, Blasi Ford, who's a psychologist at a university in California, she is alleging that 36 years ago she was at a party with a bunch of drunk guys and Brett Kavanaugh was there."
"Supreme Court rulings have often settled some of the country's most contentious political debates."
"The organized effort among the evangelical right base to get justices on the Supreme Court to effectuate this particular outcome has been a central organizing principle of Republican politics for decades now."
"The bitter partisan fury that engulfed justice Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court confirmation was the fiercest battle in a political war over the judiciary."
"What's more dangerous: a Supreme Court Justice who goes on a private plane and yacht of a rich man every year on vacation, or a Supreme Court Justice who has disdain for the U.S Constitution?"
"I think this is an emergency, I think this is a crisis, I think we've had a crisis for some time on the Supreme Court."
"Clarence Thomas, once again under attack by leftists who have hated him from the day he was nominated."
"A majority of Americans disagree with this Supreme Court decision."
"They all want to get rid of the electoral college, stack the Supreme Court, so they can get the Constitution interpreted out of existence."
"32,000 Americans are alive today because of the courage and clarity... legal and moral clarity of Supreme Court justices in the Dobbs decision."
"20 million voices and counting, calling on the Supreme Court to see this case for what it is, a blatant attempt to overturn the will of the people." - Kamala Harris
"They shouldn't be in that position, waiting to see if the Supreme Court is going to wrench away the peace of mind they've come to now rely on." - Joe Biden
"I think this will end up in the Supreme Court, and it's very important that we have nine justices."
"It's very important that we have nine justices."
"The president is looking forward to announcing a historic eminently qualified black woman to serve on the Supreme Court."
"We just spent four years confirming brilliant, qualified constitutionalists to the Supreme Court and lower courts who understand their roles."
"I'll be voting no on Amy Coney Barrett with her nomination to the Supreme Court."
"Judge Garland would be sitting on the Supreme Court right now."
"You may win this vote, but in the process, you will speed the precipitous decline of faith in our institution, our politics, the Senate, and the Supreme Court."
"Tonight, colleagues, we're called on to do that again. Tonight, we can place a woman of unparalleled ability and temperament on the Supreme Court."
"The Supreme Court is taking this case seriously and is demanding a serious response from the four defendant states."
"These folk have in store this, and if y'all thought the last Supreme Court term was crazy."
"Did the Supreme Court just give away half of Oklahoma?"
"The United States Supreme Court has already held what the plain text means... 'the people' means all Americans."
"A woman on the Supreme Court and feminists were mad about it."
"The Supreme Court recognized [the elector's clause] as the most important clause in the entire constitution."
"Trump already has five conservative votes on the Supreme Court. He should gracefully back off."
"Limit supreme court justices to single terms of 18 years each."
"Since the UDHR Article 18 defends the freedom to manifest religious observance, the US Supreme Court's stipulation of secular reasons for Sabbath protections violated the right of religion."
"He's going to just shred it from day one say with executive privilege he has the right to do this and if you want take it to the sue me let's take it to the Supreme Court."
"The attempt to turn the Supreme Court into just another avenue of power has been the legacy of the Democratic Party."
"Equal justice under law" is etched in stone over the Supreme Court, but that hasn't been the case for African-Americans throughout history.
"I encourage you to read all of these decisions I'm talking about Supreme Court decisions I'm not a lawyer are usually quite accessible to the layperson so you don't need to be a lawyer to read these decisions."
"The recent Supreme Court decision eliminating concealed carry laws has ignited a spirited exchange of opinions among the justices, reflecting a broader divergence in perspectives on Second Amendment interpretation."
"The aftermath of the Supreme Court's ruling has given rise to unforeseen consequences, shaping legal battles and stirring debates surrounding the delicate balance between gun rights and Public Safety."
"So if you're counting noses, you've got the three justices Alito, Gorsuch, and Thomas saying they would overrule Smith."
"I think our chances are very good that the Supreme Court is going to agree with us."
"I think that the billionaire influence over the Supreme Court is right now greater than the legal influence over the Supreme Court."
"The Supreme Court has for some time now... become a fully political entity."
"When you add seats to the Supreme Court, you're actually unpacking the Supreme Court."
"Let's just sack the Supreme Court, let's burn the whole system down."
"The notion that Katanji Brown is the only qualified black woman to be on the Supreme Court, that's innately racist within itself."
"She's a brilliant woman and she will bring a lifetime of experience and a sizable American family to the Supreme Court of the United States."
"John Roberts is just a terrible justice... constantly kicking the can down the road." - Ben Shapiro
"The Senate just voted to confirm President Trump's nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to succeed Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court."
"The pressure on candidates to raise money has ratcheted up since the Supreme Court's citizens united decision in 2010."
"The United States Supreme Court, for the first time, took a constitutional right that was granted and guaranteed to women, took it from the women of America, from the people of America, and this is no small matter."
"The Supreme Court rules against Donald Trump in his emergency application."
"It is absolutely inspiring to see an African-American woman serving on the Supreme Court."
"Threatening to Supreme Court justices is dangerous."
"This is one of the most radical Supreme Courts in American history."
"The American Bar Association rated Amy Coney Barrett as well qualified for the Supreme Court, the highest rating available." - Senate Judiciary Committee
"There's no mechanism to enforce any ethical standards at the Supreme Court. There's no accountability."
"The Supreme Court has held that judges are absolutely immune from civil liability and criminal prosecution for their official acts, and the sole remedy is impeachment."
"The Supreme Court is actually sticking to the Constitution which seems extreme to many today."
"The Supreme Court’s job is not to legislate or tell politicians what to do, it is to evaluate laws based on the constitution and decide if the constitution is being properly respected."
"The Supreme Court has perverted the constitution."
"From environmental regulations to abortion to guns... this is one of the most radical supreme courts in American history."
"The Supreme Court ruled to strike down most states restrictive abortion laws."
"If the Supreme Court's job is not to exploit loopholes or is not to plug loopholes in the law and that's the job of Congress how do we have this ruling."
"Our planet is on fire and this extremist Supreme Court has destroyed the federal government's ability to fight back."
"The Supreme Court should very much generously respect the First Amendment rights of these religious schools."
"A supreme court that I agree with our President Joe Biden said in one line summed it up this is not a normal Court."
"Katanji Brown Jackson is in fact the first black woman to join the Supreme Court and the media are just beside themselves with joy over it."
"This appointment of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court represents a large shift in ideology on the Court."
"You knew who you were voting for; you're voting for Barrett, Kavanaugh, and Gorsuch."
"There's a reason why folks said fill that seat before the election with Judge Barrett. Now Justice Baird on the Supreme Court. Amen to that, that was a blessing indeed."
"A new era of U.S. unrest." - The Supreme Court's coming abortion ruling may spark a new era of U.S. unrest.
"I'm not a lawyer, I didn't go to law school, but the moment you look at Supreme Court justices saying it emanates like a mist from a penumbra, the number's like a membrane."
"The Supreme Court doesn't have a codified ethical code." - Ken Harbaugh
"President Trump, after less than 18 months in office, not yet halfway through one term as president, is already making his second nomination to the court."
"Every objection, every argument, every issue in this courtroom is an appellate issue that will go up to the Supreme Court."
"If you cherish our Supreme Court, if you cherish the separation of powers, you need to reject the Biden Harris ticket come November the 3rd."
"Historic Supreme Court nominee: President Biden naming Katanji Brown Jackson as his pick to replace Justice Stephen Breyer."
"The United States Supreme Court has the opportunity to rid America of an insurrectionist president... by showing allegiance to the Constitution."
"Shoe on the other foot, Democrats would absolutely not have the guts to pass and put forward and confirm a Supreme Court justice less than a month before the election."
"And to the surprise of exactly no one, Trump's already vowed to put forward a nominee and McConnell's already vowed to bring that nominee up for a vote in the Senate."
"I think the only thing they have going for them, which was this inevitability argument, and of course he’s going to be confirmed, is crumbling under the rage of millions of women."
"Let him clear it up, and reapply when there’s another vacancy. But he should be done."
"That’s a big deal, and that goes beyond Brett Kavanaugh’s credibility to be a Supreme Court judge."
"This nomination will forever stain the Supreme Court in a way that I think may well be irreparable."
"Thankfully the supreme court has several justices like that but there are some appointed by republicans who are weak on some decisions."
"A clear majority of Americans oppose packing the Supreme Court."
"This is gonna be far and away worse than anything the Supreme Court has done in recent times."
"The only way that we fix this is by changing Supreme Court precedence so that we can actually prosecute and go after these jailers."
"We thought about that and we actually get into this in the last chapter as well but if this is what happened when you were replacing a swing vote on the court with a nominee from a Trump nominee just imagine how much worse it could get."
"I think it's important since you need to remember why this is happening though and the why is that the Supreme Court has gotten more political by virtue of how it's been ruling."
"For most presidents, the only thing they get to do that outlasts their presidency is appoint Supreme Court justices."
"We are going to end this disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision."
"We appointed over 300 federal judges and three great Supreme Court Justices."
"Last year those justices bravely and Incredibly ruled on something that everybody has wanted for decades for 51 years they ruled to end Roe v Wade."
"This is likely going up to the highest court in the land."
"One victory for Trump this year was seeing Brett Kavanaugh sworn in to the Supreme Court."
"If you don't agree with where they are on it even when the U.S Supreme Court doesn't agree where they on it you are an enemy."
"SCOTUS is the ballast of the ship. No term limits."
"Supreme Court has betrayed democracy... it must be dissolved."
"If the Supreme Court says yes, it's huge because it affects all presidents going forward and it would almost certainly bankrupt Donald Trump."
"Lifetime appointments in the Supreme Court would completely eliminate any and all biases or partisanship."
"Argued before the Supreme Court which is amazing."
"They know it's unpopular because they know it's not in the Supreme Court they know it's not what the citizens want."
"Supreme Court rejects Texas and Trump's bid to overturn the election. It's impossible to overstate how big of a deal this is."
"I'm a Supreme Court Justice but I'm going to be engaged in... what could only be defined as the most brutal most intense most vicious contest that you will possibly ever see."
"The Supreme Court's unanimous ruling underscores the primacy of the framers' language in interpreting constitutional matters."
"If a case where a father says my wife thinks that my seven-year-old son has the ability to consent to be a girl... goes up to the Supreme Court."
"Donald Trump was like no i'm actually going to do what i said i'm going to do in fact i'm wearing a shirt today of the justice league which is kavanaugh gorsuch and soon to be amy coney barrett praise god."
"What is going on in America today in the midst of a deadly pandemic in an ongoing election having a rushed supreme court nomination hearing is not normal, and we cannot normalize it."
"They're scared that your confirmation would rip from them the very healthcare protections the millions of Americans have a right to maintain."
"There's more than one way to skew or unskew the ideology of the high court."
"The United States Supreme Court just handed us... an historic and somewhat unexpected judicial victory."
"I wish we had a six to three Democratic majority in the Supreme Court but the fact is that we don't."
"That's what this decision is now doing, saying right, I don't trust Alito or Kagan or Breyer or Thomas to be my judge on evolving standards of decency. I want somebody who I can fire."
"If a law can be unconstitutional, then a Supreme Court ruling can also be unconstitutional."
"This is a loss for Joe Biden. It is not a massive surprise, but it is a reminder about the importance of the Supreme Court."
"The next president... could add 27,000 justices to the Supreme Court."
"She might be a good thing to have in the Supreme Court not because of her politics but because of the energy of the feminine."
"The Supreme Court ruled against California's restrictions, marking a victory for religious freedom."
"The public's confidence in the court diminishes if it's seen as politicians in robes."
"It doesn't matter what the Supreme Court says, it matters what the founders believed the second amendment was intended to mean."
"I think it should be a slam dunk in the Supreme Court. I have faith in them."
"A tragic loss for the country, a tragic loss for the Supreme Court, a tragic loss for the principles of liberty and justice for all."
"You cannot rely on the Supreme Court to self-correct with the ages of the justices and the balance that the court can look forward to."
"Detached reflection cannot be expected in the presence of an uplifted knife." - U.S. Supreme Court
"Ali's case went to the Supreme Court who ruled it unanimously in his favor."
"Clarence Thomas should absolutely be recusing himself."
"I will protect those rights at the federal level, I will codify roe v wade, and I will appoint Supreme Court justices who will agree with the truth that women's reproductive rights are human rights."
"Can roe v-- wade be overturned? The non simple answer is yes but it is complicated."
"Biden has been decent in filling vacant seats in the judiciary, but with the direction the Supreme Court is heading in, it needs a much stronger confrontation with the court and the idea of judicial review in general."
"Here's the good news. Amy Coney Barrett is going to be the new Supreme Court judge. How about that?"
"Our babies will start to dream bigger dreams because they can see themselves in this work."
"After 233 years, we are finally naming a Black woman to the Supreme Court of the United States."
"This sister is more qualified than anybody who is sitting on the Supreme Court right this minute."
"Amy Coney Barrett earned her elevation to the highest court."
"She earned the right to be elevated to the highest court."
"The Supreme Court faithfully answered the call."
"I am not sure that all legal scholars refer to it as settled law since the court can always overrule its precedent and three current justices on the Court would do so."
"Whether you are directly or not directly affected by Dobbs, everyone is affected by Dobbs because if the Supreme Court can decide to take away a fundamental right then it can take away any fundamental right."
"The United States Supreme Court had ruled in a unanimous decision to reject Donald Trump's emergency application."
"The Supreme Court rose from being basically the court of last resort to being the most powerful of the three branches of government."
"The court has become essentially an arm of the GOP."