
Legislation Quotes

There are 2720 quotes

"Not amazing, but seeing as how eager the Supreme Court is to repeal civil rights at the moment, it's an important legislative victory."
"We need a strengthened Voting Rights Act. We need the John Lewis Voting Rights Act."
"The demographic shift happening in the United States is inevitable, and the laws must be significantly changed to ensure fair representation and protect the rights of all people."
"It's simply about saying we need reasonable gun safety laws."
"No matter the legislation, we're going to have disinformation and fabricated videos being turned out like crazy."
"You've told us what you're against. How about put forth the legislation that you would like to see passed? Let us see your bill."
"Because of Lauren, a law was put into place in Indiana, the Lifeline Law, that allows for better safety measures to be put in place for college students."
"If you could create one law that everyone in the world had to follow, what would it be? Take care of one another."
"The Biden Administration has introduced new measures aimed at addressing the situation, but legal challenges loom large."
"I think it should be left to the doctors and the parents, and ideally the children as well. The idea that we would place some state restriction on some types of health care for children, when children should have access to all the health care they need, I think it's pretty silly."
"The most reasonable concern was that the bill was just too broadly worded."
"I've just introduced legislation to expand Social Security benefits by $200 a month and to fully fund Social Security for the next 75 years by demanding that Americans who make more than $200,000 a year pay their fair share of taxes."
"This bill includes the biggest expansion of family reunification visas in recent memory."
"We want to... implement laws in such a way that they make people less likely to do things that cause harm."
"Law enforcement has to be both measured and precise in how it enforces the laws designed to stop it."
"The USA Freedom Act was the most significant surveillance reform in nearly 40 years."
"We wouldn't need a charity like Feeding America if legislation was passed to make it a right for the hungry to be fed."
"The ability to move College savings plans into Roth IRAs is a significant change introduced by Secure Act 2.0."
"You can't legislate love. The president of the United States can't legislate us into liking each other."
"I don't think TikTok should be banned; I think the government should pass laws to protect our privacy."
"In a free nation, it is your obligation to come up with the reason why something should be prohibited."
"At the end of the day, the ultimate goal is policy. That's what we want. We want to get policy through Congress to make changes in people's lives."
"Roosevelt’s biggest accomplishment was his influence and signing of both the Federal Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act."
"The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
"The bill itself unquestionably gives Ukraine 60 billion dollars, allows illegal immigration up to 5,000 per day or more. It just moves them to Ports of entry and says they can now process more claims. It codifies the legal process; it basically legalizes anyone walking across the border."
"Why isn't it weird that there's a bunch of old white men sitting in a room making legislation about what I can and can't do with my body?"
"We should work together to try to pass legislation that becomes law, that will improve the quality of life of the people we represent."
"Script is really a form of debt bondage; it's very predatory but was outlawed in 1938 in the United States."
"The Electronic Frontier Foundation called the bill flawed and misguided, arguing that the measure would make the government an advisory group responsible for deciding what is true and what is false."
"The big news today is that the house has passed the bill that would see TikTok banned in the US."
"You have to change people's minds. That's where the legislation comes from. That's where your government gets its power from."
"Nancy Pelosi says that they're working on the actual final bill of the third stimulus check package."
"A raft of measures that will take away still further freedoms from the British people."
"People who slow cruise in the passing lane should have their licenses revoked."
"Unity was necessary to get the Civil Rights Movement passed."
"An 18-year-old should not be able to be purchasing a gun."
"Banning of assault weapons and also expanding background checks, those are things that they can do. It's popular. This is what their constituents want them to do, is to act."
"We both have to highlight a problem and make people in power uncomfortable, but we also have to translate that into practical solutions and laws that can be implemented."
"Seymour thought Uber's new feature was a great start, but a bill named Sami's law was passed in honor of Samantha six months later."
"Liberalisation of gun access is associated with an increase in fatalities from guns."
"West Virginia is officially legalizing recreational marijuana in July."
"We invite them to work with us on the agenda moving forward because clearly the bill that the President just signed into law is something that the American people are excited about."
"The proposed amendment includes raising the minimum age to purchase a gun from 18 to 21, implementing universal background checks, establishing waiting periods for gun purchases, and prohibiting civilians from buying assault weapons."
"I'll be introducing the Paycheck Fairness Act again soon because unions have been really helping lift women."
"The reconciliation version of the bill is the one that includes climate action. We need to address climate change."
"You use it for that, that's fine. We're going to use reconciliation... to pass legislation desperately needed by working families in this country right now."
"It's a very special case because it's the original Civil Rights Act in America."
"I'm Gary Chambers, and I'm running for the U.S. Senate to be one of the votes needed to codify a woman's right to choose as the law of the land."
"The legislation is working, and I was really pleased to see that...a new office of gun violence prevention is engaging mayors and law enforcement and all aspects of government to continue this fight to reduce gun violence."
"This interaction exemplifies the need for legislation requiring officers to undergo more thorough medical training and to consider the overall health and medical conditions of the suspects they interact with."
"This historic legislation is about rebuilding the backbone of this country and giving people in this nation, working people, middle-class folks, people who built the country, a fighting chance."
"California leads the nation when it comes to common sense gun laws. We should all be ensuring the safety of our communities, not fighting against long-standing laws that improve public safety."
"We're going to do everything in our power to stop this bill. There will be court challenges, and ultimately, like bills across the country, it will get defeated in these courts. We know that these bills are as unconstitutional as they are cruel."
"Elizabeth Warren and Katie Porter lead a legislative group offering a law to roll back the Trump-era rollbacks of Dodd-Frank."
"You have no idea how darn hard I worked on that one. But folks, then it was signed into law the last time by President George W. Bush."
"Florida Governor Ron DeSantis made headlines when he signed a bill into law that forbids teachers from discussing or even answering questions about sexual orientation or gender identity."
"We've got to bring it [addiction] out of the shadows and I do believe the kind of legislation you're talking about is moving us in the right direction."
"I don't think an emotive response, a knee-jerk response, is conducive to productive legislation or even productive formation of opinions."
"It is wrong-headed and intended to harm when you pass laws that deny a woman a right to make decisions about her body."
"We support the immediate implementation of the Toxic Exposure Research Act of 2015."
"You can't pass a law to change someone's heart."
"The Indian Child Welfare Act was passed in 1978 to stop the wholesale removal of Native American children from their homes, by giving the tribal government a voice in child custody disputes."
"The American Indian Religious Freedom Act, which finally lifted restrictions on the Sun Dance and Peyote Religion."
"I passed the biggest law in history to combat climate change because our future depends on it."
"Donald Trump took away the freedom of women to choose. I'm determined to make Roe v. Wade the law of the land again."
"I think that this is a bone-chilling piece of legislation. I absolutely and wholeheartedly reject it."
"I do disagree on what you said about affirmative action because I feel like without that legislation, I don't think black people stand a chance. We had to create the legislation to even have a chance."
"Michigan is using a people-up approach, listening to the voters and passing laws that protect their rights and freedoms and reflect their will across the state."
"They are the ones who write the rules and pass the laws that we're supposed to follow, but sometimes they don't follow the same rules."
"Hostile foreign regimes will now have to think twice before messing with Texas; a bill just passed the state senate with flying colors that bans them from its critical infrastructure."
"We're here today to celebrate the passing of truly landmark legislation that will preserve America's majestic natural wonders, priceless historical treasures, national monuments, and glorious national parks. This is a very big deal."
"This historic legislation will ensure future generations can enjoy our national parks and public lands."
"We want Federal legislation granting negroes the right to vote unencumbered."
"Aaron's law is introduced to reform the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act."
"The first bill I signed into law was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act."
"The fact that we have lawmakers who are personally invested in businesses that they're deciding legislation on is unacceptable."
"They use that money to buy politicians to buy legislation that favors them."
"One of his greatest achievements was his successful lobbying for a 1974 amendment to the Freedom of Information Act, which gave increased public access to government documents."
"The American people actually responded because guess what: the bipartisan infrastructure legislation, the American Rescue Plan, the Inflation Reduction Act – you name it – were popular with the American people."
"Nobody wants to say no to a bill that says something about helping animals or helping old people or helping kids. You put a nice title in there, and everybody's got to vote for it."
"Fashion designers need the support of better laws, laws made to keep their work safe without the hoops and price tags that only big brands can navigate."
"The president... is very mindful we are all very mindful that the best and fastest way to fix that is by codifying Roe, restoring Roe, by legislation."
"Politicians are not necessarily making legislation that reflects the views of the people in the state."
"The best legislation comes from people on the ground."
"Eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers who knowingly put weapons of war on the streets."
"Joe Biden wrote the Violence Against Women Act and championed it."
"In Alabama, Governor Kay Ivey has signed a new bill into law to protect IVF treatment and not categorize it as abortion."
"Most recently, the New York Senate voted to pass electronics right to repair legislation, marking the first time any legislative body in America has done so and marking a significant win for right to repair."
"The EU Digital Markets Act... a huge flipping deal."
"Common sense gun safety laws work. We know this; they save lives."
"The fact that so much of this bill went towards working-class people or made that child tax credit refundable... that [stuff] is awesome."
"Morality should never be confused with legislation."
"It's a huge mistake to confuse morality with legislation."
"With this resolution's adoption, congressional Democrats have now cleared the last hurdle to unlocking the budget maneuver known as reconciliation, which will allow the party to pass the sprawling relief bill without relying on GOP votes."
"Most of them [politicians] seem not to understand the policies they're voting for... What was that Omnibus that was wheeled in on a wagon with 5,000 pages, and nobody read it?"
"I testified in Washington to a very favorable array of senators, and they all were happy with the bill as it was."
"I foresee Washington passing it because, to be honest, in the past five years, I have never seen lobbyists get skewered the way they were by the Senators in Washington."
"Progress usually doesn't come in the form of some sexy legislation; usually, progress happens a little bit every day."
"If the current society wants to outlaw discrimination by sex, hey, we have things called legislators, and they enact things called laws."
"The Internet is the future, and a lot of the lawmakers understand that, but they don't understand exactly what it is they're making laws about."
"We're working quickly to pass additional legislation that will provide massive relief to small businesses and affected industries and give direct payments to our great workers and hard-working American families."
"We are working to pass additional legislation that would provide massive relief to small businesses and affected industries and payments to workers and hard-working American families."
"The GI Bill had more impact on the American way of life than any other law since the Homestead Act of 1862."
"We have continued to try to secure our elections by passing legislation, by getting convictions for voter fraud, cleaning up voter rolls."
"Abortion rights are now enshrined into our state constitution."
"Imagine that, actually legislating. Creating laws that the people of our fine country would want to actually happen."
"We can reclaim our authority as a legislature by actually legislating."
"A bill that would provide health coverage for all Americans; would correct the significant insurance challenges of affordability and preexisting."
"The success of my book, the fact that I was invited to speak to you today, and the state legislators that are now debating these issues testify that a cultural battle is at last being fought."
"It has been estimated that there are around 15 million assault rifles currently in circulation. I believe we should ban the future production and sale to civilians and afford current owners of these firearms with the ability to license these particular guns with the ATF under the National Firearms Act."
"What we see here is the government trying to use sort of clever terminology to give themselves powers that aren't actually in the legislation."
"We can all be proud of the more than 100 pieces of legislation we worked on together as a committee that became law."
"Under the new CARES Act, there's something called pandemic unemployment compensation. This is the additional $600 a week that can be applied on top of your state unemployment benefits."
"Congress is to make no law respecting religion and religious exercise, and there must be a healthy separation between church and state."
"Most Americans, 70 percent, believe that abortion should only be permitted in the first trimester or in cases of rape and incest."
"The Scottish government says the law will protect against 'hate and Prejudice' without stifling expression."
"The House of Representatives passed the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act by a final vote of 406 to 3."
"Let's finally get the bipartisan Equality Act to my desk."
"This is not a crime prevention bill. This is a punishment bill, a retribution bill, a vengeance bill."
"The toughest ethics reform legislation since Watergate."
"We led the world in legislation against modern-day slavery."
"Germany wants to be the first country in the world to ban the practice [of culling male chicks]."
"Every single law that has ever been passed in the United States affects some groups differently than others."
"Parental rights are being stripped away and we are not allowed to parent our own children."
"The best way to take the burden off middle-class and work-class folks is to pass the Build Back Better piece."
"I think there are a number of things we can do to protect voting rights."
"Biden wants to regulate ghost guns, which are guns that come in kits and you can assemble yourself. Although if you ask me, that should be the only type of gun that you can buy in America." - Narrator
"Oppression is being legislated... a lot of these attitudes and beliefs... being codified and passed into laws all across our country."
"There's nothing in this bill that takes away your right to freedom of speech."
"We need to update the voting rights act to address voter suppression tactics."
"We want to increase our relationship, and with this CHIPS Act, we're really facilitating reaching that goal."
"You can't legislate away cancel culture. Let's be clear, right?"
"Make no mistake, this proposed legislation, everything mentioned in this video, is very real."
"She endorsed legislation that would allow for the confiscation of private assets before a prosecution took place."
"Now is your time to win hearts and minds, especially because the legislation is open to conversion."
"In 2010, Iceland banned strip clubs, constituting the first such ban in a Western democratic country"
"I bring to you HB 149 it decreases the criminal Penal for simple marijuana possession."
"This is not a regular bill going through this is literally the right to vote."
"The bill to ban TickTock is a trojan horse for the internet."
"The ruling would become a powerful tool to challenge legislation restricting access to medical care and other accommodations for trans people, including employment and government benefits, advocates said."
"The Petroleum Industry Act is designed to sort out the structural problems in Nigeria's oil industry."
"Manipulated everyone into saying... we have to ban Tick Tock... they bring in this Patriot Act 2.0 type situation."
"Love the Sunshine Law, every state should have it."
"Senator Schumer has introduced uh a rather extraordinary bit of information that would require all agencies and Department departments to release all in information they have on UFOs on UAP."
"Democracy is supposed to be hard, and because the alternative is a closed-door process where 2,000 page bills come out of the speaker's office at midnight."
"This historic legislation doubles the standard deduction."
"We need Congress to act, we will also continue to re-emphasize that point because that is a point that is so critical to the entirety of this agency, to the entirety of this department, and frankly to the entirety of the country."
"Bernie got more amendments added to bills than any Senator in the last 20 years."
"This bill is a reasonable and a compassionate solution."
"Speaker McCarthy should pull this bad Bill down."
"The Fire Fauci Act will bring Dr. Fauci's salary down to zero."
"One of the greatest things that sometimes you can do to address a problem is not write a law but start a business."
"Democrats control the house bill could get passed."
"Kick back today, print out the 5,000-page coronavirus relief bill, grab a couple of bottles of whiskey, and read through it."
"Help is on the way as congress passed his historic spending bill."
"It's unconstitutional restricting uh freedom of the press."
"Mississippi's plan to get rid of the individual income tax is heading to the Senate."
"Let's say there is a border Bill... we all want that."
"We've proven that gun laws work without banning most guns."
"It actually leads to abortion rights being written into federal law."
"I think if we had uniform gun laws we would have less gun injuries and deaths and we would not infringe on the second amendment."
"There is a fundamental difference between laws that preserve Liberty and laws that encroach on Liberty."
"The vast majority of people actually do support stronger gun laws."
"President Biden is doing things like finalizing the most significant gun safety law in decades."
"This legislation is fundamentally disturbing... enhance potential censorship on the pretext of safety."
"Representative John Larson... saying we need to enhance Social Security we need to make changes we need to help out those that depend on these fixed income benefits."
"It's demonstrably true that where there is gun regulation, there are lower gun deaths."
"It's hard to pass an amendment, but it's meant to be hard."
"The Stop Woke Act: an excellent acronym and an even more excellent piece of legislation."
"With legislation coming in, you shouldn't let authorities or hackers know where you are. Use a VPN."
"I definitely uh believe in the law that congressmen and women should read the bill before they vote on it."
"The best argument for gun laws isn't gun freedoms, it's gun proliferation."
"Laws like this deserve more thought and more care and more nuance when being dealt with."
"The bill provides for free coronavirus testing for all Americans who should be tested."
"We need new legislation, new policy frameworks that preserve our freedoms while protecting ourselves from foreign infiltration and influence."
"Immediate action of a strong anti-racist law is the solution."
"It's a law that saved lives and spared countless families from financial ruin."
"The Patriot Act was passed for terrorism but used for everything else."
"If this becomes law, more importantly, this goes back to this word autonomy."
"Bipartisan senators introduced bill to strip Biden of war powers."
"Crucially though it throws a spotlight on our Antiquated abortion laws and government and Parliament must look at this outdated legislation and make it fit for the 21st century."
"The new law is much tougher than many had imagined."
"It's a freedom issue. We're talking about America and the Constitution and what they can mandate in the laws."
"Legislation works and is necessary to keep if not create more protections for fish and marine animals."
"I signed a law to reduce the deficit by 114 billion dollars by cracking down on wealthy tax cheats."
"A bill to codify the protections for abortion rights that are supposedly enshrined by Roe versus Wade."
"If they can make federal laws to protect the bird, then they can make federal laws to protect people of color."
"Pass the George Floyd Policing Act. Don't let this tragedy hit your front door before you make a decision."
"This is America we don't pass laws you make a promise to voters and then you don't do it."
"This is coming from a man who sponsored the 1994 crime bill."
"Big Pharma is controlling our legislatures, controlling the airways."
"This legislation is fully paid for with its tax increase provisions in the bill raising 1.5 trillion dollars over 10 years."
"Common sense doesn't need to be dictated through law."
"More government and more laws are not the answer to our perceived problems."
"The rules currently don't protect people from harassment sufficiently."
"Everything about this bill is rotten to the core." - Unknown Speaker