
Triviality Quotes

There are 251 quotes

"Anything that you can say is perhaps ultimately trivial compared to the reality that you are."
"I think we have so hyper-emphasized the useful that people are often lost. They don't know what to do with their useless time, and therefore it's filled up with a lot of triviality."
"When you run out of things you care about, the things you start to obsess over become more and more stupid."
"It's not that deep, not the end of the world."
"I believe that it is our duty to uplift others and bring out the best in them."
"Synchronicities cannot be controlled and they appear to offer a little worthwhile use while many carry profound personal meanings for observers synchronicities rarely have any lasting implications often is not they are simply nonsense."
"Months if someone's getting mad at you over something like this, yeah this is a silly argument that you should only have if you've been together for like 10 years."
"I genuinely think there's a level of absolute arrogance behind the idea that your opinion on a subject as trivial as Doctor Who is so important."
"All the things I thought were important are rubbish, they're vain, they mean absolutely nothing."
"Even in my life, right? The ridiculous drama that I get caught up in, you know, the internet, that's it. It's nothing, you know what I'm saying? Like people have real problems, it's nothing."
"It isn't important now, welcome to the family."
"I've seen the media do some crazy stuff with Trump, you know, like they got mad at him for eating his steaks well-done."
"Sometimes people make too much out of nothing."
"Definitely not as important as the Mushroom Gorge cars."
"I don't think America is waiting with baited breath to hear whether Jim will call Jack deranged."
"It's just an entertainment show. It doesn't matter what these girls say."
"It wasn't even worth covering... the mainstream media was more concerned about what flavor of ice cream Joe Biden had ordered." - NPR
"It's not all life and death, it is football."
"Do you want to feel like you just wrote somebody a parking ticket?"
"Is it really that deep? I don't think it is."
"The Joker jokes because, from his point of view, everything is trivial."
"Most wars get fought between people arguing over some relatively silly matter... usually involving money or land or possessions. People kill people. It's stupid, senseless, and a waste."
"It's probably the equivalent of an average person spending 10 cents on parking."
"If you say that you're my sworn enemy till the end of time and the worst thing that you do is sit in my chair, like eh, alright."
"Do some cool crimes. These are petty, silly, dumb [ __ ] crimes that you're doing," - Commentator
"In the grand scheme of possible human existence, cereal doesn't matter."
"Petty gossip is so much better than actual gossip."
"We are a grain of sand in the middle of a galactic desert of infinite size and yet we're dumb enough to fight over the armrest on an airplane."
"It's like me making videos kind of feels so trivial... when there's so many like bigger things happening."
"It's like bringing up another stupid Disneyland thing but it's like the tram that takes you back to your parking lot."
"I love when you make drama out of nothing."
"It's just skin at the end of the day; it's going to be fine."
"In the grand scheme of life nothing's a big deal unless you have cancer or someone passed away or you have terminal illness or something like nothing is really a big deal."
"You resist stupidity and triviality."
"Spilled tea isn't the end of the world."
"...it's absurd and trivial to divide people according to such a ridiculous issue as skin color."
"Who cares if I use a purse or not? Who cares if Cory's is a purse? It's so stupid."
"I can't believe all this was over a fan."
"People will write songs about anything: raindrops, cars, what day of the week it is."
"He's not a king, he's just a guy who interviews for a job and eats some ice cream"
"Can I cry over spoiled milk? Okay."
"It ain't nothing but a couple of cigarettes."
"All this over baby wipes because a father wanted just one package for his baby."
"Some things are just not that big of a deal."
"It’s quite beyond the pale that someone would go to war over a simple bucket."
"It's not a big deal at all. It's really not a big deal."
"Defining woman" should be a pretty trivial task.
"It's seriously not that deep. You're not gonna die."
"Why is everybody stressing over this thing? It's just plastic."
"Who cares who was right or wrong and all that other stuff? Like oh my gosh, this is just not that to be like losing sleep over. It's just not that serious to me."
"People kill each other every day, that's nothing new, but usually, it's not over [__] something just so dumb, man."
"He even got us evicted over a pair of shoes."
"The thing about the internet isn't it sometimes it obsesses over seemingly trivial things for years and years."
"If every word that people exchanged at social events were weighed and measured, the world would drown in trivia," Wilcox told him.
"At the end of the day, the perspective to always keep is: it's just soap."
"Blow game is important. Not really though. It doesn't really matter but for me, you know it makes a difference."
"This has to be the most brain dead influencer controversy of all time."
"All the guys are like, 'Oh, you're there for love? We're competing on socks.' Oh, that's the cold [ __ ]."
"Y'all really want me to be, it ain't that deep."
"It's not a big deal, but it is a big deal."
"Sometimes that bubble is really nice. You've got no stresses. Like all you're doing is stressing about what another couple said about you on a day beds. Like that's it. That is your, that's the first world problem. Like it. That's all. You're only worry."
"I don't have anything to say about it. It's just beans on a pizza."
"It's like, you know, in a zombie movie, if a character comes across an abandoned car, like, I wonder how that abandoned car got there, like, it does not matter."
"I always have dirty socks. Oh, you can't wear white socks and have them clean."
"How is this even news? Like, everybody knows this. Do you not even think about the pyramids or Stonehenge? The Kardashians?"
"How'd he die? World War II? Died in battle? No, he was skiing in Vermont, just during World War II."
"...it's complete and utterly fast. These aren't cool, you know? We talked about ankle bitings, these handcall bites on Twitter, they're f***ing nothing."
"It's Just Pizza. The facts matter."
"It doesn't even know it's playing a game. It doesn't even know it's on television. It doesn't know anything, right? It's just an algorithm grinding through Wikipedia pages to try to answer trivial questions."
"This is just food. It's just pizza. It's not that serious."
"Most people don't think of suicide during their lifetime just in terms of, 'Oh the stewardess won't give me the whole can.'"
"A lollipop hit her and just there in her hair."
"Life's too short to get hung up about all this stuff; it's only a plastic kit."
"As long as we are fighting with one another over dumb stuff... who cares?"
"Why is everyone so upset about big lips beating our Cheetos?"
"Thursday was like a non-issue for them. They just brushed it off, it was like nothing."
"People get so upset because... maybe they want to make something a big deal when it's not even a big deal."
"Nothing is trivial and nothing is important. It's all the same, only to save oneself from it as best one can."
"Most things are not the end of the world."
"I feel like it's not that big of a deal, I think I definitely need to switch out like where I think I maybe need to put the lamp."
"The losses are tiny, it's like two or three percent or something, it's very small."
"Most things really aren't worth arguing about; a car, a house, clothes - they're just material things that in the end don't mean squat."
"What do you really have? Some pictures of old guys hanging out and talking? That's all retired politicians do."
"Why do you make such a big deal out of such small things?"
"As long as it doesn't hurt someone, it doesn't matter how strong the weapon is, it's just a trinket."
"This whole thing is socks and underwear."
"Out here just worrying about spark plugs."
"The pinnacle of it all is Mike got his nails done."
"I don't know what I was thinking of. How could anything Hazel say or do possibly affect my credit rating?"
"This is like the original first world problem right here, man."
"It's not a big deal right, so let's not make a big deal about a small."
"Is it a tragedy or an inconvenience? Most of the things that we're stressed about are silly."
"Only thing I was mad about was the biscuits got cold."
"I know this sounds incredibly stupid compared to some of the other very serious issues on here."
"It puts things in perspective. People complain about the littlest things in life."
"Some people are very passionate about their microwave opinions."
"He knows that's my chicken. Oh, what a fuss about that old armchair! I don't know how you sit in it anyway. That's neither here nor there."
"So these are all just minor annoyances more than anything else."
"That's probably the pettiest thing I've heard somebody get disfellowshipped over."
"There's a disconnect between that and laminating the label on your Starbucks tumbler."
"It doesn't really matter, like it's just so silly."
"People go viral for the stupidest reasons it's like someone dropping a croissant on the floor or something and they go viral."
"Last week's argument is completely forgotten the next, really."
"The entire meeting became a meeting about a watermelon and the cargo van and we decided to act on it."
"Ultimately, most controversy on the internet is trivial and just nothing. 70% of it is just totally nothing."
"It's a crisis at our table when the ketchup is gone."
"It's like this parade outside the window, but they find a little speck of dirt on the window and they go, 'The speck! Look at the speck!'"
"Let's not get into it because it's silly."
"That's what I'm saying if there's a bags had fights for nothing."
"Arguments can happen over the least little [ __ ] thing."
"I don't have any leftovers. This is but a trifling issue."
"When you're going back and forth on the internet, that's not real beef, man."
"There's been so many times I've built up stuff like this huge thing and then in reality, it's like that wasn't even an issue."
"Sometimes people get all heated on things that just should not matter. It's ridiculous."
"People getting really, really, really inappropriately angry over the dumbest stuff."
"It's not the end of the world if you run out of mayonnaise."
"If you mess up, no big deal. It's hair. It will grow back like it's not a huge deal."
"That's really funny...I don't think it was that big of a deal."
"If we're allowing ourselves to get so worked up over something as small as a hairstyle, then we might need to start really evaluating the priorities in our life."
"All just silliness anyways, right?"
"Don't make a mountain out of a molehill."
"I didn't really really gain a lot in the grand scheme of solar that's like the same as plugging in for like five minutes right so it's it's not a ton"
"My point is, is that it's not that big of a deal."
"This started with a piece of paper being thrown around."
"the girls are like can I have the pink one I really want this one I really want the green ones like girls it really doesn't matter"
"My dad always said, 'You know, all this is just Much Ado About Nothing'."
"Imagine getting in a fight over pretzels. How stupid and entitled do you have to be?"
"Dare to be trivial. Test really stupid small things."
"Whatever, oh, there was [ __ ] on the toilet."
"It's like dude, you're getting the most random conversations and the most random heated arguments about the most pointless thing."
"...if it's just one ice cream, why does it matter so much to you? I just don't get it."
"It's never that deep, y'all. I swear, y'all. It's not that deep."
"They're like screaming at each other over, like, this little small translation in the Bible. Shut up! These aren't wars! Six people die, you blow up a [ __ ] baby carriage, no one cares."
"It's all this over a can of tuna, oh my goodness."
"The entire mystery of the universe is laid out before you and all you can worry about is why I can't stand being tickled."
"All this money to settle a question about a property of zero."
"He's just a duck. It's not really a meme."
"He legit just saved the whole world, and you sitting here worried about a broken bracelet or necklace."
"I thought my toenails were winning out of worry about it."
"I was like I'm going be honest I got this book bag and I think he got some coins I'm not sure you know but I'll just get rid of them."
"Night lights... again, silly goose stuff, you don't need them."
"People after me will make Minecraft challenge videos. It's really not that deep."
"I know it's like a stupid Happy Meal thing, but it's fun."
"You really thought this was a big problem?"
"How can you be offended by a shoe?"
"It's these silly little jobs that get on your nerves."
"Sometimes little tiny things would get blown way out of proportion. I'd walk through the break room like, 'Hey, what's wrong?' 'Oh, Betsy, she just took the last cup of coffee, she didn't even make a new pot!'"
"It is of no great consequence," said the businessman.
"The ashtray didn't hit you, did it? Then it's no big deal, right?"
"They're not really a problem, are they?"
"Stop making a fuss about petty cash."
"People stress out over stupid stuff."
"With a rule like that, I guess it was worth crying over spilled milk."
"He called the emergency line over a video game system."
"Never find yourself in a situation where you have to fight behind something as stupid as a cup of coffee."
"Tick-tock comment sections are like... it wasn't that serious."
"Let the little things go, they don't matter. It's dumb."
"All of society's ills are not camped on your head over a football game."
"There's always some way of like, it's a luxurious thing to worry about, exactly, it's like total champagne problems."
"She wasn't going to win the $1 million anyway. Cry me a [__] River over a hide-and-seek game."
"You'd be surprised, you know, the things that people are killed for. It's petty, man."
"nothing to worry about nothing on their minds except except what oh except seasickness"
"The things that y'all go through, I'm telling you, we'll look back at this little petty."
"High school relationships are not this serious."
"Why was she getting so mad about it? It's pretzels, lady. Like, it's not the end of the world."
"As the world continues to get better, these tend to morph into first world problems."
"But being a decoration, it just merely cut his jacket."
"It's about taking non-serious topics seriously but not too seriously right it's like you know we're arguing about if a polar bear fights a shark in a pool I'm I'm screaming until I'm right in the face like it's the most important thing."
"'I really just wanted an excuse to try these boots on.'"
"Are you going to turn away a whole family because you don't want to give them bubble gum?"
"Don't cry over a couple spilled quarters."
"Is it that big of a deal? No, but is it something that is kind of annoying? Yeah."
"If he's worrying about my man's hair, bro, he's worrying about the wrong things."
"Oh my gosh, I just realized I got my eyebrows wet!"
"It's so boring to talk about jet lag. It's like talking about having a cold."
"I believe that the mind can be permanently profaned by the habit of attending to trivial things."
"Honestly, I don't think you should be worried about this. It's so petty."
"It's just the littlest things that sometimes get me all sorts of bent out of shape and jazzed up."
"Like a wake-up call... all this stuff is so dumb."
"I'm like nobody really cares I'm just saying like when I talk about my hair I'm like yeah I got a little dark I'm like who cares that my hair got dark that's where my head goes you know."
"I feel like sometimes their stories are like, 'Oh, my dog got lost once, but we found him a couple of hours later.'"
"I remember thinking like, 'This is not the scandal that it's been made up to be.' I don't want to use the term 'nothing burger' because I appreciate the academic research that went into it."
"This leaves us with this guy for last, just a plumping gloss."
"It's not rocket science, doesn't really matter."
"People think are trivial might not be so trivial."
"So, again, not that big of a deal between these two."
"That's so satisfying and completely useless and I love it."
"For any reachy flow with surgery, after some finite time, all the manifolds have trivial pi2."
"Tell me something about yourself that doesn't matter at all."
"That's not a problem we, we that ain't nothing to worry about."
"The whole situation is a storm in a teacup, in my opinion."
"It's not a big deal at the end of the day."
"That drugstore business was just small change," continued Tom slowly.
"What is serious to men is often very trivial in the sight of God."
"Not the end of the world, you know that right?"
"What is the deal with Airline peanuts?"
"We'd be amazed what a little sleep can do... it's like that really wasn't that big of a deal."
"The world is full of nothing, and we fill this nothing up with trivialities like human culture."
"Your experience of life is going to feel extremely trivial in comparison."
"The mystery of the missing peanut butter."