
Diplomacy Quotes

There are 6171 quotes

"The answer to war is not more war. It's peace, and peace isn't delivered by the barrel of a gun; it's delivered by diplomacy, by dialogue."
"How can we be much more diplomatic by entering the space, looking around with great humility, understanding we know so very little about the space, and going with an open mind wanting to learn?"
"I think when people hear what Putin has to say, if Tucker Carlson does this right, it can actually help simmer down tensions that are pushing us towards a World War III scenario."
"Peace isn't delivered by the barrel of a gun; it's delivered by diplomacy, by dialogue."
"You don't want to make everyone an enemy; you win by making everyone your friend."
"Without Roosevelt, Westerners and Soviets will they manage to get along? And to build lasting peace?"
"I can deal with Stalin. He is honest but smart as the devil."
"Charter of Workers' Rights has passed; that is a fantastic outcome. Worker's happiness increased by five percent and the diplomatic weight from populations increased."
"If China decided to abandon diplomacy and invade Taiwan, it would be no doubt met by U.S.-armed Taiwanese forces."
"Then, it’s up to China to decide what claims it would pursue and to the U.S. and the rest of the Quad to determine how to proceed in creating a new world order."
"The main thing is that Assad and Sadat are ready for peace, and it is only proper to hold on to this opportunity."
"Humanity's drive to explore the cosmos is not bound by border. Discovery strengthens diplomacy."
"One of the things, as you know I've been doing, is translating Putin's speeches, not because I agree with Putin, but I think it's really important for people in the West to hear his point of view."
"Our priority now is a complete, comprehensive, permanent ceasefire."
"It might sound radical, colleagues, but the answer to war is not more war. It's peace."
"Ireland remains committed to the realization of the two-state solution endorsed by the Security Council: a safe and secure Israel and an independent, democratic, contiguous, viable, and sovereign Palestinian State living side by side in peace within secure and recognized borders."
"It's peace and peace isn't delivered by the barrel of a gun. It's delivered by diplomacy, by dialogue."
"Negotiation is the only way to address the existing differences among the key actors regarding regional security issues."
"What we urgently need now is quiet diplomacy, not microphone diplomacy."
"There is no military solution in this issue. On the contrary, preventive diplomacy and dialogue should be followed as means to achieving an easing of tensions."
"If Russian officials are serious when they say they don't want a new war, Russia must continue diplomatic engagement and pull back military forces it amassed along Ukraine's borders as in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine."
"I'm really tempted to attack France, but the problem is we will have to fight Britain, and fighting Britain is inconvenient."
"Why not have good relations with the Russians?"
"The regular channel of U.S. foreign policy... prevailed in the end."
"I enjoy the political part of the game, making alliances, attacking the proper countries at the proper time."
"Dialogue, diplomacy, and continuing all efforts to reach a peaceful solution consistent with international law and the Charter of the United Nations are crucial."
"Serbia and Kosovo have normalized their economic relations. This is a significant step forward for decades-long conflict."
"The success of this agreement demonstrates the effectiveness of focusing on economic relations to overcome longstanding political disputes."
"President Biden: 'When America gives its word, it means something. When we make a commitment, we keep it, and NATO is a sacred commitment.'"
"The entire world is given a binary choice: either recognize the PRC or the ROC as China, but not both."
"When America gives its word, it means something."
"The wisest thing you can do about this geopolitical contest between us and China is to press the pause button for a while, focus on the real global challenges."
"U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken made it clear that the U.S. stands firmly with Israel, criticizing those who have not condemned Hamas's attack."
"Diplomacy requires engaging in good faith to de-escalate."
"I kept my promise, recognized the true capital of Israel, and opened the American Embassy in Jerusalem."
"Instead of endless war, we are forging peace in the Middle East."
"This really is a diplomatic crisis between these two neighbors who basically didn't have any beef more than 48 hours ago."
"If you are looking to push another country to adopt a particular policy, or give up something particularly unpalatable, then starting a war can allow you to bring more coercive force to the table to encourage them to change their minds."
"The most permanent potential scenario is official conflict termination, a peace treaty, an official end to the war."
"China-U.S. confrontation would definitely spell disaster for not only the two countries but also humanity as a whole."
"As long as the two countries act with a sense of responsibility to history and humanity... the giant vessel of China-U.S. relations will be able to stay on the right course."
"Each of the leaders independently referred to this event as historic because it cemented a group of strong democracies that will work together going forward to secure a free and open Indo-Pacific."
"President noted in his opening remarks that this is the first multilateral summit he's hosted since taking office, and that's on purpose. It reflects his view that we have to rally democratic allies and partners in common cause."
"The United States support for these objectives is not simply rhetorical; we're working around the clock to make them real on the ground through diplomacy."
"Taiwan has started doing face mask diplomacy... they have big signs on that say Taiwan can help."
"Macedon will eventually like me a lot; I'll need an ally or two."
"Our anchoring principles in any country's foreign policy, and in particular any liberal democracy's foreign policy, must be anchored in three sets of documents or instruments: one's the UN Charter, the second is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the third is the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights."
"Diplomacy is the art of sitting down with people that you inherently disagree with and trying to find a compromise that avoids conflict."
"Culinary diplomacy is a form of strategic communication that helps countries achieve political objectives."
"Hard power is how countries get what they want through force or coercion. Whereas soft power is how countries are able to promote themselves through the attractiveness of their culture."
"Magnificently good news, my extremely talented Chancellor has managed to very, very fast indeed fabricate a claim on Devon."
"The top military official in the U.S wants diplomacy with Russia, completely validating the message of the Congressional progressives' letter."
"Right now, we really need to have better diplomacy."
"The essence of diplomacy lies not only in our words but in our actions and the relationships we build."
"Teddy Roosevelt of the USA has an agenda called the Big Stick policy. That means he likes peaceful civs and he hates civilizations who start wars against other civilizations or city-states."
"Sip 6 introduces this gossip item system where the more relationships you have with another empire...means you will get this trickle of automatic spy information."
"NATO membership for Ukraine is unacceptable; the Russians will continue the conflict, the war, until that is conclusively and once and for all ruled out."
"We must start with diplomacy rooted in America's most cherished democratic values: defending freedom, championing opportunity, upholding universal rights, respecting the rule of law, and treating every person with dignity."
"The fastest way to eliminate an enemy is to turn him into an ally."
"Taiwan's diplomacy is cat warrior diplomacy instead of wolf warrior diplomacy because cats are flexible and they have agility."
"Engagement between the two sides...reflects that the way to solve the remaining problems is through engagement rather than starting a Cold War-like or confrontational relationship."
"We'd like to see a de-escalation, we'd like to see those troops go back home, and we'd like Mr. Putin to take the right steps to de-escalate the tensions."
"The fact is that the Trump administration has played a key role in the establishment of relations between Israel and the UAE."
"The security of a country should not be pursued at the expense of others."
"We're not putting forward this intelligence to start a war, we are putting forward this intelligence to stop a war."
"We must make open, peaceful contact and initiate diplomatic ties to these other worlds."
"The fastest way to end that conflict is to turn off the money and force these two men to the negotiating table to negotiate peace."
"Friendship between the two states has no limits; there are no forbidden areas of cooperation."
"The search for peace among nations, peace in our own hearts, peace in our family lives, peace in our national governments continues."
"The only solution to this conflict is through dialogue and diplomacy."
"We continue to be the largest provider of all of those and we continue to have the backs of the Ukrainian leadership and the Ukrainian people."
"What our message is, is that it's important to think about what place where you want to stand on the side of history and that is how you'll be judged moving forward."
"The animating principle therefore behind this book is I don't want us to sleepwalk into a war with China. This would be of catastrophic consequences."
"Diplomacy is not an option. No one is your friend, and you're going to be managing your city economy, resources, defenses, and more to try and survive."
"The effort focuses on international collaboration and diplomacy to address global threats."
"We seek no test of arms. Our commitment to peace is matched only by our resolve that no nation, great or small, may hold other nations hostage to its greed for wealth or power."
"Just a few moments ago, the White House issued the following statement: 'We are appalled by the senseless killing of Ambassador Seaton and three members of the embassy staff.'"
"The Earthrealm's serendipitous arrival has given us ample evidence to convince the Empress of the truth."
"I am very proud of the fact that I also worked so much to free the two Michaels and to bring them back home." - Mr. Jean Charest
"On the opposite side of the spectrum, you have the protectorate, believing we cannot fight the aliens and win, so their objective is to appease the aliens."
"We feel the best path forward is a diplomatic path."
"In an era of intense competition between the US and China, intense diplomacy at the highest levels is vital to effectively managing this relationship."
"Putin and Zelensky were apparently open to diplomatic solutions, agreeing on territorial issues and Ukraine not joining NATO."
"I am anti-war... I always believe that the promotion of peace and diplomacy should be at the forefront."
"India is witnessing a pragmatic shift in her interests, fueled by able leaders who are paving the way forward with impeccable diplomacy and international presence."
"In order to prevent World War III, which we all want, you need to convince the other guy you're willing to go to war."
"You could argue that this is what we did with Japan and Germany, who are two incredibly close US allies now."
"If we could make peace with Saudi Arabia, this would be a quantum leap."
"There's hope that somehow Russia can be persuaded to seek a diplomatic solution."
"Soft power could be just as powerful a bargaining tool as the mobilization of military forces."
"The game of international politics basically hinges on 'we don't want to go to war.'"
"The UK is unequivocal in calling for an end to violence, the release of detainees, and a return to a democratic path in Myanmar."
"One thing Ambassador Schaer told me that I'll never forget is he said that when foreign diplomats are assigned to Bangladesh, they cry twice: they cry once when they get their assignment, and they cry again when they leave."
"Diplomacy, not grandstanding, is the only option to return to democracy."
"Where once the European powers looked upon us with pity and greedily sought to partition our lands, now we see the diplomats gazing in awe at our accomplishments, forced to recognize us as equals. God is good."
"This is not a call for war, but a call for peace amongst us."
"We can't do that. We have to have options for Ukraine."
"World peace has been achieved; all nations have approved the treaty."
"I'm happy to announce that we've released a joint communique by all seven countries."
"Finesse is the ability to handle any difficult situation with delicacy and ease."
"It doesn't mean that we surrender to Russia...but it means that we have to adapt because the alternative is perhaps thermonuclear war."
"The best policy is an immediate ceasefire. That would be a humiliation for the United States but a salutary one."
"Work with the United States and other partners to establish an open, inclusive and rules-based international order in the Indo-Pacific."
"The way you heal relationships between nations is by working together, which requires you to listen maybe more than you talk."
"Diplomacy is the answer. The Chinese, the Russia, Americans need to work together to protect this planet."
"The Abraham Accords; that was the Holy Grail of geopolitical politics."
"By conducting good-faith cooperation we can remove misgivings and make information security and cybersecurity a positive area of cooperation between China and the U.S."
"As long as we stand high and look far, as long as we make specific progress and accumulate them over time, as long as we maintain confidence and determination, as long as we have wisdom and patience, I'm confident that we will succeed in achieving this historical mission."
"With John Kerry, for example, we laughed a lot; he has, I hope still, very good humor."
"India's external affairs minister, Dr. S. Jaishankar, called China's claims absurd and said, 'Making absurd claims does not make other people's territories yours.'"
"The international community is not mincing words when it comes to criticizing China's actions. This map is undeniably causing a diplomatic storm."
"It's always better to have lines of communication open between people, particularly adversaries."
"We've ended 20 years of conflict in Afghanistan, and as we close this period of relentless war, we're opening a new era of relentless diplomacy."
"Countries don't have permanent allies or permanent enemies."
"We need to be finding a way for peace, we need to be finding a way for cooperation."
"Russia's response will be immediate and it will lead you to such consequences that you have never encountered in your history."
"The Korean prime minister went on record to say he was personally embarrassed by this dispute."
"The project on military diplomatic history seeks to promote the use of history as a means of enhancing our understanding of modern challenges in foreign policy, international security, and related fields."
"If I were to theoretically want to actually lead a war in England, a non-aggression pact with France could theoretically be very, very useful indeed."
"Honesty is almost always the best policy if you do it in a very diplomatic, balanced, empathetic way."
"America is back in full strength as we talk about Nato, in full values as we talk about who we are as a country, and in true friendship to the countries that had been part of our multilateral approach to security, growing our economies, the planet as well as honoring our values."
"The use of military force is typically the first option, and we resort to it too quickly, and we don't use diplomacy enough."
"Kurama's peaceful existence expanded to the 5 great shinobi countries, as it would talk directly to other Kage and assist over important matters."
"The answer to war is not war. It's peace. And peace isn't delivered by the barrel of a gun; it's delivered by diplomacy, by dialogue."
"The job of Secretary Pompeo and myself are trying to put an end to war, use diplomacy."
"We want to have a relationship of friendship... a dignified relationship with the US."
"War is peace, and peace isn't delivered by the barrel of a gun; it's delivered by diplomacy, by dialogue."
"The Tau understand that all-out war does more damage than good, preferring to pursue peace and diplomacy and exhaust all options before employing the use of violence."
"First contact is always done through the Water Cast diplomats, whose silver tongues and overwhelming charismatic presence is often enough to establish peaceful relationships right off the bat."
"Diplomacy can achieve a lot of things; there's a ton of precedent for that."
"You have to negotiate with the other side that you want peace with."
"Lugal-zagasi was a new type of ruler unseen in earlier periods of Mesopotamian history; he used brute force when necessary but was also diplomatic."
"I'm proud of the extraordinary commitment of our Embassy staff who performed their duties with courage and professionalism."
"When Xi Jinping talks about win-win situation, it means that China wins twice."
"We cleaned up the city to... represent ourselves well for these foreign leaders... but we should be doing this every day."
"It is beyond time to choose dialogue and diplomacy as the only pathway to resolve this conflict."
"You can't placate them at the same time you try to overthrow them."
"We must seek common ground while putting aside differences and find a path toward win-win cooperation."
"If you talked about proportionality and reason, you would surely get to the point where you agreed that diplomacy and peace was the best proportion to offer everybody."
"You can see clearly from these principles the value the declarants placed on not only autonomy and non-violence but also on the use of existing international bodies, specifically the United Nations, to achieve mediated solutions to international conflicts."
"I truly believe that a relationship with China is going to be the best future for the world."
"Those engaging in trade with each other do not shoot at one another." - Helmut Schmidt, former West Germany Chancellor.
"It's almost impossible that you can avoid offending the Chinese government these days. Anything could be sensitive, anything could be problematic."
"War isn't peace, and peace isn't delivered by the barrel of a gun. It's delivered by diplomacy, by dialogue."
"We continue to urge China to take a broader, longer view here of the challenges that are presented by North Korea's burgeoning program."
"A union between us would bring stability to both our peoples."
"The administration has a strategy to make sure that all of our allies meet the goals they have articulated."
"The efforts of UK diplomacy, UK strategy, security, armed forces would be very considerable."
"It's time to send a clear message to every government that arbitrarily detains foreign nationals and tries to use them as leverage: This will not be tolerated by the international community."
"It was Prime Minister Winston Churchill who stated, 'We've got this film star of a queen; let's send her out on a global charm offensive.'"
"Understanding that revisiting Europe's security structure and trying to arrive at some kind of modus vivendi with the Russians is not just in the interests of the Russians but is in the interests of the Europeans too."
"From the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, India has been consistently calling for complete cessation of hostilities and advocated the path of peace, dialogue, and diplomacy."
"What Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain will establish embassies, exchange ambassadors, and begin to cooperate as partners across the broad range of sectors from tourism to trade and healthcare to security."
"I stand here today to extend a hand of peace and receive a hand of peace."
"Countries have interests; those interests do not change just because President Trump is being very nice to Kim Jong Un right now."
"People want mutual respects and harmonious coexistence. China stands for equality among all countries, irrespective of their size."
"A stateswoman of unmatched dignity and constancy who deepened the bedrock alliance between the United Kingdom and the United States."
"Explain to me why it is more noble to kill 10,000 men in battle than a dozen at dinner."
"Both countries considering their bilateral partnership to be the strongest of bonds."
"At least she ended the war... Yes, by stopping a peace treaty by getting all of the war-hungry generals together in order to declare peace."
"We believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps."
"Our government reached out to India to seek normalization of relations and resolution of all disputes, including the core issue of Jammu and Kashmir, through dialogue and engagement."
"This war needs to end, and Mr. Putin, for all the options he has available to him, he still has the option of diplomacy in ending this war."
"My journey started in the Chinese city of Ningxia where I saw how China is on a charm offensive to promote its Silk Road vision to countries in the Middle East."
"The two countries were able to reach a major breakthrough, something that nobody thought was going to be possible."
"When I took office as president, I sent a message to those governments who ruled by fear: We will extend a hand if you're willing to unclench your fist."
"The future policy of the United States towards the People's Republic of China is of fundamental consequence not just to these two countries but to all countries of the Indo-Pacific region and indeed for the future of the global order itself."
"The British Museum says it's continuing constructive discussions over the possible return of the Elgin Marbles to Greece."
"Diplomacy is pretty simple to understand but can be very powerful if you make the right deals and allies."
"The ability to turn former enemies into allies was one of Rome's greatest strengths."
"We need to work out how, with our opponents as well as our allies and friends, actually behave in a more reasonable manner."
"We will sit down with Russia. There will be a negotiated peace."
"Israel cannot hope to succeed as a pariah opposed by the rest of the world."
"Nothing creates more friends for the United States of America than time in the United States of America."
"We, the United States, will interrupt potential Pathways to conflict, reduce threats before they arrive on our shores."
"Peter had absolutely no ambition of conquering Finland and viewed it merely as a bargaining chip to be used to strengthen his position at the negotiating table."
"Denmark also starts off with a unique Tier 1 government reform, the Kalmar Union, which gives us plus one possible advisor and plus two diplomatic relations along with plus 15 nobility influence."
"The only thing this council needs to hear is that Russia's troops are leaving Ukraine."
"The President has made clear that through following diplomacy, the United States seeks to strengthen nuclear constraints on Iran."
"Let there be no doubt, the United States has Israel's back."
"Saudi and Houthi officials held talks on the rebuilding of Yemen and reopening ports and airports."
"Both nations have an obligation to responsibly manage this relationship to find a way to live together and share in global prosperity."
"The world deserves and expects its two largest economies to work together on these global problems and help find solutions."
"You can't be rigid in foreign policy; you have to be fluid and keep people at the table talking."
"India’s foreign minister was quite vocal about this when he recently said Europe thinks 'Europe’s problems are the world’s problems, but that the world’s problems are not Europe’s problems.'"
"We have friends and allies because America is a force for good in the world."
"Allow me as someone who participated in the negotiations that ended the Cold War to bring some history to bear on the current crisis."
"The leaders of both the Democratic and Republican parties have developed such a Russophobic stance that it will take great political skill to navigate such treacherous political waters and achieve a rational outcome."
"What do you call a dictator that has a nuclear weapon? Answer: 'Sir.'"
"I think you could draw a peace agreement that gives Putin some face-saving ability to get out of this thing because it hasn't worked well for him."
"We're institutions of freedom have lain dormant, the United Nations can offer them new life."
"Over the next few days, the people of plains, Feria, Seth, and a few smaller nations created a world alliance."
"In this kind of situation, some kind of negotiation with the Russians is an absolutely mandatory requirement."
"India neither has the diplomatic skill nor the brains to pull that off."
"There is a place for high diplomacy to deliver what I describe as a framework of managed strategic competition, a joint strategic framework."
"A productive US approach would not just be all anti-China all the time; it would be pro-US, pro-investing in us, in our values, and our allies."
"Donald Trump crossed into North Korean territory with no security... profound plus like anti-war moments of my life."
"They have to abide by their treaty with Israel. That is a red line for us, because not only is Israel’s security at stake, but our security is at stake if that unravels." - Barack Obama
"We're being careful not to put a hard number on it Joe but... we know that they have suffered a lot of casualties."
"We have to be very careful about how we move forward and make it clear to him that there are prices to pay."