
Anti-war Quotes

There are 450 quotes

"The answer to war is not more war. It's peace, and peace isn't delivered by the barrel of a gun; it's delivered by diplomacy, by dialogue."
"I hate war, and anybody who doesn't hate war shouldn't have power, in my opinion."
"We must make peace for the people standing here, for the people living through the nightmare of war, and for the people who are not standing here because they've been killed."
"It might sound radical, colleagues, but the answer to war is not more war. It's peace."
"If wars can be started with lies, they can be ended with the truth."
"True patriotism involves preventing and stopping wars instead of starting and continuing them."
"We must uphold peace and oppose war... peace is crucial for our future."
"The moral that can be learned from this anime is that war only causes harm to both sides. Even innocent people will be affected."
"Nobody who has ever seen the horrors of war... would ever want to fight in a war."
"Veterans are some of the biggest adversaries of war. Once you see life drain from someone's eyes, you get it."
"I am anti-war... I always believe that the promotion of peace and diplomacy should be at the forefront."
"We have to see the combination of all those dictators, and we can't keep funding wars all over the world."
"This is a prime example of an anti-war game."
"Peace, not war, is our natural condition. Those who would bid us to war must be challenged."
"He was very anti-war in Iraq, extremely outspoken about the corruption in the Bush administration."
"The answer to war is not war. It's peace. And peace isn't delivered by the barrel of a gun; it's delivered by diplomacy, by dialogue."
"War is peace, and peace isn't delivered by the barrel of a gun; it's delivered by diplomacy, by dialogue."
"Please do not sponsor Russia's war machine. Not a single euro for the occupiers."
"I don't know if I'm being incredibly 1960s Counter Culture, but war is a bad thing that we should be ending and looking for peace because it's always better for everyone, and it's where we'll arrive eventually."
"War is awful. We don't want this war; we didn't ask for this war."
"Peace will not be achieved by more bombs, more invasions, more drones."
"I'm anti-imperialism, I'm anti-war machine, I'm pro-worker, I'm pro-medicare for all, I'm free speech absolutist."
"I'm sick of War. My last friend from enlisting post 9/11 died yesterday. We were all so eager for revenge."
"I'm not sure if I've really seen a better anti-war movie like than this."
"More sports, less war. That's my hippie mantra."
"Those brave enough to stand up to Putin and against this war are my new heroes."
"Stop a war is not this war and nuclear war is not a left-right issue, it's a human issue, it's an existential issue."
"We're not going to tolerate losing our civil liberties for these wars anymore."
"Nobody wants to actually be in a situation where we're going to war. We shouldn't want that. We should never want that."
"War is the single worst thing that can happen to humanity."
"Black America has traditionally been the most anti-war constituency in the United States."
"The entirety of MGSV is a thesis statement against militarization, and it does not mince words or try to both sides the argument."
"Throughout my adult life, I've done everything I can to prevent war and destruction."
"A vote for Joe Jorgensen is a vote against the warfare state, a vote for peace."
"People should be free, the government's too big, dropping bombs on poor people in other countries is bad."
"Let's just make it anti-war because everybody gets hung up on things. I'm not a republican, but I am anti-woke, alright? I'm based, whatever you want to call it."
"No one ever wants this to happen, and wombat is right, war is terrible."
"We don't need another war, we need less wars."
"If Trump does right by anti-war measures and foreign policy, then he deserves the credit."
"Uly's Last Words live rent-free in my head: 'If War doesn't change, men must change.'"
"It's encouraging to hear the growing sounds of the anti-war movement."
"The answer to war is not war, it's peace. Peace isn't delivered by the barrel of a gun, it's delivered by diplomacy, by dialogue."
"We are absolutely anti-war and we're talking about the narrative that gets people to continue to support a dragged out bloody war where people get killed."
"War is not glorious. It's not brave and honourable and sort of romantic. It's awful, and I'm going to expose the reality of the war to you."
"War is terrible. War is awful. War is punishing and cruel and ruins lives and ends lives."
"War bad. And like, what if we were anti-war?"
"Everybody hates war, but nobody ever does anything about it."
"War is a racket that takes the tax dollars of the American people and just blows it."
"We don't want to celebrate firing tomahawk missiles into a foreign country. We want to celebrate us standing up against the largest empire in the world saying fu, those are our bombs, get out of our country."
"Mankind must put an end to war. A war will put an end to mankind."
"Beyond Vietnam was the speech he delivered at New York's Riverside Church on April 4, 1967. In it, Dr. King called the United States 'the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.'"
"We must stop now. I speak as one who loves America to the leaders of our own nation. The great initiative in this war is ours. The initiative to stop it must be ours."
"If you're anti-war, then you've come to the right place. If you're pro-peace, that's what our agenda is on this show."
"Nuclear war isn't cool, and you know, it's heading in that direction."
"The liberal movement got hijacked. You know how many [ __ ] liberals are pro-war? Like, how are you liberal and pro-war?"
"We need to change something, everyone is tired of the war."
"We long for peace as believers. We pray for peace. We don't want war. We want peace."
"That's why I'm so against this War and why I talk about it"
"Russian oligarchs now coming out and stating that they don't support the war."
"Nobody should ever be bombed as an inherently pro-fascist position."
"War is terrible, it's a horrible thing, and people have to die."
"We cannot ever be drawn back into another war behind the United States."
"Protests erupted, protesters chanting 'no to War' as police carried out arrests."
"I am committed as president as commander-in-chief to ending these wasteful regime-change wars."
"The Iraq war campaign fought by a tabloid did more than any other media entity to try and stop an illegal war."
"We will oppose the forever wars that send America's bravest patriots to faraway lands for unknowable gain."
"The British spirit is still a very positive one."
"Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, and don't vote for the warmongers."
"Number one, we need to end the warfare economy... creating a robust, strong industrial-based economy at home."
"How many wars do we need to be in, at what point do Americans say enough is enough, bring these people home, get out of Somalia, get out of Syria, get out of Ukraine."
"Anybody who doesn't hate War shouldn't have power in my opinion."
"We didn't have to fight a war, we didn't have to lose all that money and all those lives."
"This isn't an anti-war video, this is an anti-Monsanto video."
"Nobody wants war and chaos; we all want peaceful coexistence."
"I don't believe in this war, I don't believe in Putin, I don't like him, and I stand with Ukraine."
"The only thing we offer is war, is violence, is death, is destruction, and the world's starting to reject that."
"The answer to war is not more war, but peace."
"This is why it's so important that every one of us, every single American stand up and say no war with Iran."
"No more war. We have to be so so so firm on that."
"You can't have it both ways: you can't support war and then lecture me about climate change."
"I'm anti-war, I'm for healthcare for everybody."
"This anti-war movement has some life in it yet."
"All the children in the world belong to God, so the war on children is a war on God."
"Trump is the one guy with an actual shot of descending from Washington's long-standing pointless war agenda."
"Love is the only answer, no ego, no hatred, no wars."
"When the Wind Blows highlights the cruel absurdity of targeting civilians—with their sausages and chips for dinner and their lovingly tended cabbage patches—with weapons of mass destruction."
"War serves no one. Life may be tough and tiring, but we wish to preserve our way of life."
"As much as I talk about the positive things about war, there's no one more anti-war than people that actually serve."
"Just say no war with Russia period... no war with Russia."
"We have to do everything we can to wake people up so that they don't go and sleepwalk into another war, this time with China."
"Let's find someone who's for America and against wars, more of a working man and against the special interests."
"We stand against the Russian invasion. Let us players and developers together do everything we can to support victims of war in Ukraine."
"The My Lai Massacre fueled anti-war sentiment and eroded public support."
"If the U.S. actually said, 'We're going to have Americans go and fight and die and kill Russians and be killed by Russians,' this would be a huge anti-war movement."
"We should take everything we can to prevent war."
"We are still anti-war, no matter who starts it."
"This is The Rebirth of the anti-war movement."
"There is only one way out of this morass, and that is to stop the tanks."
"The answer to war is not more war; it's peace. Peace isn't delivered by the barrel of a gun; it's delivered by diplomacy, by dialogue."
"All it takes is one of us to speak to someone else and show them that we shouldn't be bombing innocent civilians."
"If it's wrong for human beings to murder each other for any reason, then what the government's doing with our tax dollars every day is treason."
"Not one more life wasted on this goddamn war."
"War is just a horrible waste of human life, property, economy, society, culture, everything."
"When trying to convey the horrors of conflict, a million monotonous cutscenes telling you 'war is bad but also pilots should be fighting the bad wars' will always fail to reach the thematic potency of one finely tuned interaction."
"You cannot achieve Peace by more war. If you want to stop the war, you have to send diplomats instead of weapons. That's the only way to stop a war and to achieve peace."
"Ali refused induction into the U.S. army at the height of the war in Vietnam."
"Do not be afraid. Do not be silent. Resist. You are not alone. We are many. The future is ours. F war. Peace to Ukraine."
"The truth is, that the only message I've taken from war is peace." - Steve Mason
"We say that we will fight the neoconservatives over here before they kill millions more over there."
"I hope to see more war protests, unfortunately, if you're anti-war, you're painted as a Russian propagandist."
"Humanity must get rid of all nuclear bombs and the militaries that create war on the planet."
"In order for us to build a real anti-war movement, a movement of solidarity, we have to recognize that we're in a new political era."
"Getting rid of is our involvement in foreign wars, you know. So anyway, uh, thank you guys for joining us on the show today."
"At the end of the day, those who were pushing for war didn't want anything to do with it because it messed with their narrative."
"If Spielberg's right and it truly is anti-war to simply show warfare, then these filmmakers certainly did the job."
"War is injustice, war is imperialism, war is a form of maintaining colonialism and semi-colonialism."
"The wars are not to protect Australia; they are to protect the status quo and to deliver more people into the blood fest that is war. There is no reason for any country to be going to war with any other country in the modern world." - Maxwell Egan
"It's a multi-polarity which is based on win-win cooperation and opposition to war opposition to sanctions opposition to hegemony."
"Not one more penny for the war in Ukraine, negotiate peace, stop War inflation."
"Instead of making artillery pieces and bombing people, why don't you just eat some good food? Food brings people together."
"I am against War and the utmost in my thoughts other people of Ukraine and their suffering."
"War, huh? What is it good for? Absolutely nothing, say it again, war, good god y'all."
"This song is our cry against man's inhumanity to man, man's inhumanity to child, and War."
"Please guys, don't go to war. We don't want World War III."
"Instead of warring against war, go pro peace."
"The private sector is united against Russia's vicious war of choice."
"No one deserves to be caught in a war, particularly those who cannot defend themselves and didn't ask for it."
"War can only bring us loss, loss of lives, loss of productivity, loss of our very humanity."
"Released as a single in September of 1994, Zombie was an anti-war anthem that took aim at the religious and nationalistic violence in Northern Ireland."
"I'm anti-war, a pacifist, and believe in a woman's right to choose."
"The greatest evil is war... a war is about the destruction of all systems that sustain life."
"Never think that war, no matter how necessary nor how justified, is not a crime."
"War is the worst thing in the world. It's insane that human beings still do it."
"The fact that he did refused to engage in warmongering is one of the main reasons why they desperately don't want him reelected."
"The Croatian president came out and said, 'I don't support war with Russia. This is madness. We shouldn't be sending tanks there.'"
"Our obligation is not whether we support or against the war. Our obligation is to the truth."
"Historically the anti-war movement has been led by the left... the left movement that was against war and against Empire."
"What this campaign is about is whether we create a world of peace as difficult as that goal may be or whether we continue fighting in endless wars."
"I refuse to send another generation of America's sons and daughters to fight a war that should have ended long ago."
"I'm very much anti-war. I would like to see this conclude as fast as possible."
"We don't want to live in a world where dictators start Wars of aggression."
"War is hell. War should be avoided at all costs."
"I do not support war in any form because war outcome is always tragic."
"I don't want to fight wars anymore. They're stupid, they make no sense."
"War sucks, people die, lives are destroyed, people are maimed."
"I've always been anti-war. I always will be anti-war because war is just absolutely freaking stupid."
"It's astonishing... thousands of people... protesting... saying this is not our war." - Vladimir Kara-Mursa
"War is horrible, the last thing we should want for Humanity."
"Maybe the solution is to stop bombing other countries."
"Bitcoin is going to make it much harder to finance all of those wars."
"My solution to that is to stop making oil wars."
"Russian anti-war protesters: 'We want to stop it in order to save Russia.'"
"All wars are evil and all victims deserve support, and until we get on that page, we have no credibility whatsoever."
"The answer to war is not more war; it's peace and peace, peace isn't delivered by the barrel of a gun, it's delivered by diplomacy, by dialogue."
"That's why we're having an anti-war rally. We need to psychologically step back and think about what we're doing."
"There's enough hate in this goddamn world; wars going on in the world, we don't need this."
"A man who detests war, violence, and the dreadful waste of human life."
"One day of war is one day too many."
"No one in this world, whether Palestinian, Jewish, Ukrainian, or Russian, is supposed to live under bombs. No freaking way."
"War only brings sorrow to people."
"We should never drop that bomb again, never again."
"We must quickly say no to U.S involvement and no to imperialist war, always."
"Day of the dove carries a strong anti-war message."
"Vietnam is not our war! We must say no!"
"This is the bridge on the river Kwai, the most ironic story ever written, the best anti-war film ever made, and the most effective movie to ever deliver a message."
"Audrey Byrne is a great character because from the beginning she wanted to stop war."
"I hate war. I hate the humans kill humans."
"The film has been hailed as an anti-war masterpiece and one of the most harrowing and disturbing depictions of war ever put to screen."
"I'm sick of people having to die, people having to go to war when there's no purpose in it. We can all live together, damn it."
"His ironic poem 'War is Kind' stands as a classic statement against violence of any kind."
"Cap's impassioned anti-war speech remains one of the absolute highlights."
"I must honestly say that I never intend to adjust myself to the madness of militarism."
"I wouldn't send young men to die in a pointless war. I wouldn't finance wars for profit."
"In a way, it's very much an anti-war film, the ending in particular has warnings about war specifically nuclear war and what it could lead to."
"Despite having a reputation for subtlety and hidden meanings, Stanley Kubrick was not above straightforwardly preaching a cause in a very blunt manner, especially in his early years as a filmmaker. And Paths of Glory is a classic example of a straightforward anti-war film."
"...I don't think anyone should be drafted into war I don't think anyone should be made to fight when they don't want to man or woman I don't care what your sex is or what your gender is..."
"It's anti-war without being anti-soldier, it's anti-war without being anti-service, without being anti-taking action and doing something."
"Grave of the Fireflies is an anti-war film that explores the impact of conflict on a brother and sister."
"His short film Blitzwolf of 1942 became a real anti-German prophet."
"There is for example a song of the moment by Roger pump which is born with the war zone which revels in the course that war is stupid on people are stupid."
"There is a song on the new album with underground which says 55 million times more about the stupid futility of war will ever sign in one crash."
"We even have global peace day whose slogan is make love not war."
"The overall mission of this institution is... to recall the voice of experience against the making of war."
"The painting is clear: we should reject war and embrace peace."
"Throughout history, there's been a series of anti-war pieces of media produced."
"The very thing we don't want more of is wars on the planet."
"War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing, as far as I'm concerned."
"My whole message has been a message of reconciliation in this world which is broken by war and by hate."
"'In Any Tongue' might be the most interesting lyrical song, an anti-war song at that, complete with another classic Gilmore solo."
"Wars are bad. There's nothing worse in the universe than War."
"War is the worst thing humans have ever invented."
"You want to be a peacemaker absolutely Jesus is the Prince of Peace so you got to want peace only a crazy person wants War."
"War is never what we think it is. It is butchery, stupidity, and hate."
"The greatest source of hope... 10 million people around the world expressed their overwhelming opposition to the war in Iraq."
"If you have to hate somebody for killing your brother, try hating the war."
"Show me a congressman that would dare vote against a proposal to end a war that Richard Nixon endorses."
"It's part of my impulse that every book about war is an anti-war book, and I believe that deeply."
"The highest act of patriotism... would be opposing the war in Iraq and calling for withdrawal of troops from Iraq."
"I think there are times, for instance during the Vietnam War, when people might go into draft boards and destroy draft records as an act of protest against the war."
"People don't deserve to be Pawns in Warlords and politicians games; human lives are not pawns for property expansion."