
Life Transformation Quotes

There are 821 quotes

"You're but one habit, one killer routine away from having the exact life that you want."
"Nobody changes until they change their energy. And when you change your energy, you change your life."
"I hope I'm living proof that you can turn your life around."
"You'll never change your life until you change what you do daily."
"I never would have imagined in a million years that I would have this life... I'm just grateful for everything versus before, where my language and the way I related to life was not quite as intentional."
"3 years is nothing in the grand scheme of things... 6% of your life to make the other 94% of your life incredible."
"What happens when one human being realizes that her life doesn't have to look like this anymore, that everything, including herself, can be changed."
"If you want to transform your life, get rid of the word 'eventually.'"
"Powerful goals and making sure that those goals actually get realized...it's something that is actually changing our life, transforming your life for the better."
"The more I trust my intuition and act on its wisdom, the more extraordinary my life becomes."
"I now work wonders in my life with prosperity affirmations."
"It's a conversation about life, purpose, changing your life, transformation, and the unique potential that I think lives and resides within all of us to unlock and unleash a better, more authentic, more fully actualized version of ourselves."
"It's no exaggeration to say that being lifted out of poverty is a transformative event which affects people's lives positively in all sorts of ways."
"When you begin to think differently, act differently, and feel differently, your life is going to change."
"This one technique, if you apply it in your life, will transform your whole life."
"Going through an awakening is the most liberating, enthralling, captivating, enlightening, transformative, eye-opening, life-changing experience in the entire world."
"If you learn how to change how you think, you'll change your life."
"Nobody changes until they change their energy, and when they change their energy, they change their life."
"Can you change your life in five minutes? Absolutely."
"I mean, I've had a great life because of this, in a way that makes no sense, but it's changed me for the better."
"In spite of the fact that you have to reconstruct some things... God can redesign your life."
"It's not about the life you're given, but the courage to transform it."
"Expanding your set of experiences... is the ultimate secret to transforming your life."
"Thinking biblically about everything, that's where the treasure is, that's where the gold is. This is where our lives are changed, this is where our lives become pure, Godly, more confident, more peaceful, more patient, and more joyous."
"My life is so wonderful compared to what it was in this place. I can't even believe I actually get to be where I am now."
"The majority of you, this video is going to be a complete life changer for you."
"Yoga has been a complete life transformation for me."
"This wasn't just about losing weight; it was about regaining a life."
"I like my life now because I like to help people... to direct people into the right path in life."
"The strongest argument for the gospel is a transformed life."
"You're finally going to take your life back and give that up, whether it's a habit or a person."
"The transition from focusing on 'having' to 'doing' and ultimately to 'being' is crucial for genuine transformation. It's not about accumulating more but about becoming more."
"I'm believing that this message is going to encourage your faith and hopefully transform your life."
"When you make up your mind to be defined by a vision of the future, you're going to change your energy, and when you change your energy, you're gonna change your life."
"We are grieving the loss of a way of life. The way that we were living our lives... we've lost that; it's been taken from us."
"There's a lack of actual quality advice. I want to genuinely see lives transformed."
"Change your story, and your life will begin to change."
"If we can step into it and be courageous and powerful and intentional, we can create an amazing world around us."
"At the other end of suffering is a life that no one can explain."
"When you meet Jesus, he turns your life right side up."
"Our wasted years are transformed into foundational years, essential chapters in the beautiful story that He is writing."
"It's not all about doing something to change our lives, it starts with thinking something to change our lives."
"I've never felt more free in my life than after having gone through postpartum depression."
"We move from victims in our lives to creators of our lives."
"No aspect of life on Earth will be unaffected by [this]."
"Your dream is going to come true, your wildest dreams come in true, wildest beyond what you never thought could happen."
"Give yourself time to think, it will transform your life."
"Your entire perspective on life is going to transform in an amazing, radical way."
"It's going to turn your life upside down in the best possible way."
"Your past is behind you, from today onward, your life, your family, your future shall be blessed."
"Any man can turn his life around in 18 months."
"You open them up into new levels and new dimensions in life."
"Ultimately, I truly believe... you'll become available to a level of abundance you didn't previously have access to."
"It's safe, it's effective, and it just might transform your life. So it's free, go ahead and give it a shot."
"You can literally change your life in the next year in a crazy amount of ways by doing the simple thing firstly."
"One of the more fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and pains of the past."
"There's never been a better time to quit the World of Warcraft."
"You're breaking certain cycles in your life."
"My whole life changed around man ain't no front into that [__] I changed my mind's day I changed my life and life changed for me."
"As we create millions of new jobs, we're also transforming lives."
"Goals happen through daily execution checking off these items every single day is literally how you can change your life."
"Betty walked into prison with a life sentence for murder and at the age of around 70 years old she was walking out with a cane."
"Saturate yourself with the Word of God and watch your life change."
"It's about Kenshin who is a man raised to be an assassin and then later in life walks the path of peace."
"While the country was finally united, the people of Japan had their entire lives flipped upside down."
"To change the reality of our experiences and ultimately the reality of our lives, we simply only have to change ourselves."
"They realize being with you would completely transform their life."
"You are meant to create changes. You are meant to experience positivity."
"I didn't think there was any way I could do that yet somehow I've managed to leave my alcoholic husband, lose a hundred pounds, quit smoking, and get out of debt."
"I am probably one of the most blessed people walking the face of the earth because I should either be dead or in prison for the rest of my life."
"Over the span of five to ten years, you will completely transform your life."
"The cells showed me the reality of spiritual existence and that profoundly changed my entire life."
"My life became glorious. I could have never imagined it to turn out that great."
"This is going to be life-changing for a lot of us."
"You just can't believe how much that'll change your life."
"The old things, the previous moral and spiritual condition, have passed away; behold, new things have come because Spiritual Awakening brings a new life."
"About a third of people who start things like antidepressant medication their life completely transforms."
"Whatever tendencies we have inherited or cultivated because of the brokenness of our lives, whoever we are, straight or gay, the Grace of Christ can transform us."
"This is not just for me to get clean, this is like literally a whole brand new start for me."
"May the remaining part of this year look like heaven in your life."
"Accept and expect powerful change... The universe is going to try to remove everything that's not bringing you happiness."
"Now you're in Christ. Somebody says, 'What does that mean?' It means I've been saved, I've been born again, I've surrendered my life to Christ."
"YouTube has completely transformed my life, and I hope that it can transform yours too."
"This is an energy that draws in the situations that you need to align yourself with what you truly desire like a magnet."
"Your mind changes and when your mind changes, your life follows."
"Your life will undergo a positive transformation from misery to contentment."
"Change your thought life and you change your world."
"You were diagnosed with a terminal illness and then sprung back to life."
"Your life can change just by hitting upload."
"You don't change your life by changing your life, you change your life by changing your mind."
"Why is the universe trying to turn my life into a masterpiece?"
"You put me on a life-changing journey and I am so grateful for you and your team."
"God is the God that redeems your life from destruction."
"It is because of you that my whole life has changed completely."
"This twist of fate, however, it's going to give you a whole new way of life."
"They demonstrate transformed lives... they bring light and life and peace and joy and salvation."
"On any given day, you can massively change the direction of your life."
"It's time for you to take the initiative to make the greatest change in your life."
"It's like really truly living for the first time in years."
"The harrowing experience left her with a new perspective. I'm very thankful for all the wonderful things that I've experienced since I was supposed to succumb and I'm glad to have had those years."
"Self-awareness will change your entire life, I can't say that enough."
"So I didn't care what I was gonna lose because I knew I had already found life in Jesus Christ."
"Create a breakthrough goal; it has the power to transform your life."
"You were on food stamps when you're 19, and now you're living this big life."
"Whatever happened to us, we can find a way to heal and to change and to craft our lives into something that gives us happiness."
"Life is about change, you're gonna be told then five years from now you'll be a different person."
"Go out and live a transformed life... the best is yet to come."
"Whatever it was, it didn't look like anything they had ever seen before."
"This show changed my life, completely around. It's been wild."
"The only legitimate evidence of real salvation is a transformed life."
"Once you sort of figure out what your internal formula is in terms of like productivity and focus like it'll transform your life."
"Technology redefines life, transforming medicine and opening new interfaces with our body."
"Trauma tends to be the catalyst in most people's unplugging process."
"Accept that there's going to be a whole new direction, healing in your life."
"Your whole life will change direction during this time, faded old talents and situations from your past can come back around."
"Follow what really lights you up inside, start making your life into a masterpiece to find your peace."
"He'd be Tony Stark if he hadn't changed his Wicked Ways."
"They often have said that panic disorder was a blessing in disguise as it helped them learn to live life in a new and more effective and fulfilling way."
"If you embrace... really really learn the lessons... it really will transform your life."
"When we give our hearts over to the miracle, everything turns out with a huge blessing."
"Everything that you need, not just to survive, but to really feel comfortable and safe is all around you, that is so valuable."
"Your happiness is going to arrive when as soon as you embrace your passions."
"A new vision of character and image tied to life purpose."
"You are one decision away from a totally different life a totally different job a totally different income a totally different relationship with my kids."
"Stop talking about it and just do it. Make your life happen. You have the power to change your reality."
"Understanding that everything you were led to believe is a lie. But once you learn it, internalize it, and start living your new life, it gets better."
"My life has manifested into something I could have never even dreamed for myself."
"It's just going to be literally life-changing."
"Everything started coming together for me in the year 1995."
"Change your self-image and you change your life."
"Your life changes in a very, very powerful way."
"When you have faith, your life will begin to flow in magical ways."
"I believe this is the week where you actually change your life."
"There are all kinds of instances where people change your life on a dime they have this white light moment."
"Starting your day with God can transform your life."
"When you played that record that day, I was living in the projects."
"Jesus is going to return...get right in your life with the father."
"New tech is going to completely change our lives in ways you can hardly imagine."
"Drastically change your life in ways that you can't even imagine."
"Life-changing is an understatement. It's crazy to take a childhood game you play and turn it into a career."
"You will be showered with an abundance of money, the pain will end, and doors will open because a miracle that will change your life is on its way."
"My near-death experience was the beginning of my life, not the end."
"We gave him not only a new family but a new life."
"The Holy Spirit is a game changer in your life, he's a game changer in every situation."
"I just want to introduce as many people as I can to this Jesus who has so radically transformed my life."
"Testimonies of salvations and lives changed continue to grow."
"Once I stopped getting high, everything changed."
"Life is going to feel magical, and something that's happening, something that's shifting, something that's being offered to you. It's very magical, and you're just like, 'Is this real? Is this happening to me?' And yes, yes it is."
"You are blessed to experience a new life within this lifetime."
"Our lives will not return to what you remember."
"You're being rebirthed into a new perspective in life, opening you up to achieving your dreams."
"If you change the words that come out of your mouth, it'll change your life forever."
"Belief in God changes people's lives maybe one of the strongest proofs for the existence of God is the fact that belief in God has transformed countless lives throughout history."
"I've found the everlasting life, I'm totally convinced of that and I just want to share it with other people."
"You look at your whole life and all the things you were taught, and Islam becomes the highest priority."
"People are getting saved, and people's lives are changing."
"I want to be judged by how many people I'm able to transform their lives."
"Once I knew my girl was pregnant, it just changed everything about me."
"I easily step into the life of my dreams as a lottery winner."
"When you get out of that debt, it really changes you all the way around."
"Feel unsatisfied? It's a sign you're ready for a spiritual quest and big life changes."
"A year of significant growth, achievement, and reward."
"Repentance is going to be the greatest thing that you'll ever do in your life, accepting Jesus into your heart."
"The more that you work on changing and shifting your internal experience, the more the external is going to shift to meet you."
"You want an amazing life? Figure out what you're afraid of, right? And then figure out what you need to do."
"You are undergoing a significant transformation in your life right now."
"Veganism has transformed my life and it's given my life meaning and purpose."
"Everything he does, God is watching, sees, takes pleasure in it, changes everything in his life."
"He had a family that just took him in and was able to change his life. It's inside of the book."
"Your life is headed towards a positive change."
"A very wild life: from sleeping among blankets and newspaper pages to fully reintegrated into society."
"Be intentional about changing your life... everything is going to work out for your good."
"His life has changed forever now. Ain't nothing that you just gloss over."
"Once you connect to Source, everything changes."
"Your life is going to begin to change in magical ways."
"We can always renew ourselves, make our lives better, be a better version of ourselves."
"Shane's ticket was the only winner of the giant 451 million dollar jackpot."
"Life after debt is a totally different ballgame."
"Thank you for what you've done for my life. You really changed my life, man."
"My soul was just dying slowly in a cubicle I had to do something else I love this regenerative livestock agriculture and grass farming so there was no option I had to give try."
"Thank you guys so much for all the support, this has been a life-changing event."
"The whole message of psychedelics is self-empowerment. Trust yourself, seize the tiller of your destiny. It is your life, your body, your mind, and your world to remake as you choose to reshape it."
"I managed to restart my life, start a family, and embarked on a cross-country speaking tour called never quit to motivate others."
"100 days will change your life, 100 days if you could just do 100 days, it will change your life."
"True salvation comes with Jesus being the Lord of your life."
"Genuinely lifechanging to feel so confident."
"Every manifestation of fear in your life by reason of the uncertainties of tomorrow, I decree and declare, let it disappear from your life forever."
"This journey is a real life changer. I'm a better and happier person since becoming army."
"On the other side of personal trials, there is life."
"If you can turn your pain into your purpose, then you're doing something right."
"Everything incredible that has happened in my life since is as a result of that summer of rediscovering myself."
"Connected with beauty at such a profound level... my whole life is being re-centered and reoriented around beauty."
"Miracles can happen in your life, and you accept that."
"November 2022 is going to be an absolutely mind-blowing time for you, everything that was happening in your life so far was preparing you for this moment."
"The new vision is a new faith and a new fate."
"The mark of a Spirit-filled life is a crucified life."
"You're being gifted. The universe sees the work that you've done. You're ready for this destined life."
"Change the vibration, change the pattern, change the thing."
"I couldn't explain it but the old man had passed away and all things had become new."