
Investing Quotes

There are 2559 quotes

"When it comes to investing, most people recommend investing in diversified index funds like the S&P 500."
"Start investing. It's one of my biggest regrets when I was younger."
"It's simple, low cost investing, the stuff I talk about in my book. Automate it. Move on with your life."
"This is next generation investing. It's very transparent, it's open source, it's democratizing the opportunities."
"I consider myself to be a value investor, so I continue to look for companies that are high quality, have enormous moats, they have high upside and very limited downside."
"It's an amazing thing to see all this money pour in through dividends from these companies. That's money I didn't have to work for."
"The best time to start investing is yesterday. And the second best time is today."
"Investors betting that Bed Bath and Beyond would be the next meme stock to go to the moon are facing the harsh reality that fundamentals are particularly important in the market."
"The most predictable way for anybody to become a millionaire is through long-term investing."
"The fifth secret to never being broke again is now you got to put your money to work."
"The psychology of investing is just as, if not more important than the actual how-tos and investing."
"The best thing that you can do with your money now is start putting some extra cash aside into your investments because that's how wealthy people become wealthy."
"The future of investing is investing in the future."
"Value investing is like shopping for deals but instead of shopping for a new laptop or a new phone, you shop for stocks."
"True passive investing in index funds actually beats 83 to 95% of active money managers."
"The most best thing to do if you want to invest for the long term is index, and it's the S&P 500 Index."
"Investing is important. If you don't learn it, you're going to find it very hard to get or maintain wealth."
"One of the reasons the rich keep getting richer is because they tend to look at investing in ways that most of us don't."
"Market crashes are kind of like a Black Friday sale for investors because you can come in and buy great assets at a discounted price."
"In 30 years, this $150 that I spent on my jacket would have become more than $1,100."
"Educate yes, be smart but get started. Like go invest in an education course, go invest in learning."
"The big picture here guys of why people invest in dividend stocks is to live solely off of dividend income."
"If you're looking for a good starting place with dividends, I would recommend looking at the list of dividend aristocrats."
"Investing in stocks or shares is a great way to earn passive income."
"The reality is, building long-term sustainable wealth and growing it in the stock market is not easy...it's all about just consistently investing every week or every month and letting your investments grow and compound over time."
"Investing is the real secret to building wealth for regular people. It is not building the next Amazon, it is not finding the next hot stock before it pops, it's not winning the lottery."
"There's a lot of wealth that's built from investing."
"It's still remarkable how powerful your dollars can be even if you're not at the very beginning of your financial journey."
"The real money in investing is not like it's trading... You get taxed different on trading."
"Corrections are noble; we're going to get corrections in a bull market. They're part of the course."
"I believe in high conviction investing. If you really believe in something, you should own a lot of it."
"Every big business on Earth is always thinking 10, 20, 50 years down the line. That's how great investors need to think as well."
"Even at these levels, I still feel like the stocks that we're going to talk about in today's video are worth being on your watchlist because they have a ton of future potential, especially when looking at artificial intelligence."
"Time is your greatest ally when it comes to investing."
"Every dollar that you can invest has the potential to turn into 88 by the time that you turn 65."
"If your money can work harder for you than you do with your hands, your back, and your brains, you're going to be set up for success."
"You would think how do people get their money, and... 80 percent of millionaires are first-generation... the lion's share of them are actually savers and investors."
"I think a lot of investors think, 'I always have to be making trades or I always have to be taking some sort of action,' but every single second you're not doing something, like you're holding, and that is a decision in and of itself."
"One Up On Wall Street by Peter Lynch... was kind of one of the first books that made the daunting topic of stock market investing actually understandable for anyone."
"Investing should not be exciting. It's a way to generate value over the long term."
"What I really want to see is people joining me in the final step where their money is working for them, and they can afford to do what they really want to do."
"The more you save, and the more you invest, the more options you have."
"Interest is compounded over time, so the earlier you start, the better."
"Investing is a song that when you start singing it, even people who don't know the words will start humming along with you."
"If you're trying to learn how to invest, you need to learn fundamental analysis."
"The worst question that you can ask is what stock should I put my money into because that question does not answer what your goals are, what your strategy is, and what you're trying to do with your money."
"It's a beautiful thing about investing in money. It doesn't matter where you live."
"If you're an investor and you don't have a 10-year time horizon, you're not an investor, you're a gambler."
"With Cash App, you can instantly invest in any stock with as little as one dollar."
"If you have enough assets that 4% of that amount can cover your annual expenses, you can consider yourself financially independent."
"I think the main thing that was working against me at the time and that is working against everybody listening to this is there is a large industry-- Wall Street-- whose drumbeat is counter to our best interests."
"So I think that's why my advice is so specific. These are the things that I'm doing now. These are things I wish I had done in 1975, or at least in 1985, when I became aware of indexing."
"The idea is that by following a very aggressive saving and investing strategy, people can get to a point where they are effectively retired at a very young age, sometimes younger than 30."
"Investing into knowledge that generates income, rather than investing into stocks or whatever things you can't control, is what I've learned over the past few years."
"You've gotta learn to make money work for you and that's the art and the science of investing."
"We're not just buying stocks; we're actually buying part ownership in a company."
"Investing is not hard; we just make it difficult."
"If you invested at the top of the market in '99, it took you 14 years to break that all-time high. But if you held for 20, you'd be up 300 to 400 percent."
"As a long-term investor, when we get into the despair phase where people are just leaving all these assets out on the side of the street because they don't ever want to touch them or think about owning them again, that is a point where it historically has been one of the best times to be deploying capital for the long term in terms of picking up really high-value assets at great price discounts."
"Warren Buffett's two most important rules of investing are number one: don't lose money. Number two: don't forget rule number one."
"Don't copy their portfolio; don't buy anything they tell you to unless it's based on your own research."
"Investing is really easy if you just follow the blueprint and plan."
"For every pair of Jordans that you have, I want you to have at least 100 shares of Nike per pair."
"If you hold an index fund for any 20-year period, 100% win rate across any American index."
"We have to look to hold these stocks for at least one generation if we really want generational wealth."
"If you can just tie a great percentage of capital into the companies that are already dominating, you'll be able to live a lot longer."
"If you invest it and don't touch it, it'll double every seven years."
"Wealthy people, the one percent, what they do is they make money and then they save it and invest it first, and then they only spend what's left after saving and investing."
"Investing is all about sending your money out that way your money can attract you more money."
"With investing, especially in the markets, it's up and down; you can't just look at one year to measure your success."
"You've got to just plug away and make solid returns year after year and save and invest your money, and it does work."
"Long-term investing allows basically anyone to become a millionaire."
"Warren Buffett is one of the most prolific investors of our time, and it's really insightful to go over what his principles are when looking for companies to buy and sell."
"Compound interest is the number one phenomenon you need to be aware of when it comes to investing."
"The importance of investing early cannot be overstated."
"The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham is a great book that most investors are going to start off with."
"Investing is the real secret to building wealth."
"When you spend money, most of the time you are a consumer... When you invest your money, you become a producer."
"Once you start investing for passive income, it becomes addicting."
"The interesting thing about REITs for you is that they are required by law to follow something called the 90 rule, which says that they have to distribute 90% of their taxable income to you, their shareholders, through dividends."
"When you buy assets, there are two ways you can get paid: you can get paid through appreciation, which is when the price of your investment goes up, or you can get paid through passive income, which is when you get paid just for owning an investment."
"The people that can manage their emotions can make the most money in the stock market."
"Investing and saving is going to build your wealth."
"Investing is much more about that regular amount you invest and just watching it grow over 10 or 20 years."
"After 15 years of investing... you've invested $87,000 and are eventually going to see it grow to three-quarters of a million, that's $750,000."
"When I want you to think about money, I want you to think about money in terms of how many assets can you buy. An asset is something that makes you money."
"Once you start changing the way you look at money, it is going to be so much easier for you to start investing your money."
"The secret to building wealth is investing your money."
"This ETF is more appropriate for long-term goals where your money's growth is essential."
"You want to be investing as much money as possible and you want to be constantly adding more money into your brokerage account every single month, every single year so that you are taking advantage of that compound growth in the stock market and building your wealth exponentially."
"The Intelligent Investor is really great for fundamental analysis, it's great for value investing."
"Investing for Dummies... if you read this cover to cover you are going to be so well positioned for investing."
"Pick one book per month... after six months... combined with gaining so much knowledge from reading, I really think that you can be set up for success."
"Catch yourself right now, especially if you're just getting started with investing, and make sure that you're making logical decisions rather than ones based on emotion."
"One of my favorites is called 'The Intelligent Investor' by Benjamin Graham, who is viewed as the father of value investing."
"Earnings per share growth is something that I'm always looking at."
"Obviously right now, we're in some turbulent times in the markets, and so people are interested in investing."
"You can learn everything about investing for totally free online or at your free local library."
"If you invest in a company like this, then your money is still compounding because you own shares of a company that's using all of its money to grow itself."
"When you invest in stock, you are buying ownership in a company."
"For 95% of people, an index fund that tracks something like the S&P 500 is going to be best for building long-term wealth."
"The earlier you invest, the more compound interest and exponential growth you will see."
"Investing in things like stocks allows your money to make money for you, which detaches time from money, which is essential if you want to build true wealth."
"You can start with five dollars a day or five dollars a week or twenty dollars a week, whatever you have. You just got to make these small incremental investments that way you can buy these assets and build your wealth faster."
"The biggest value add and where people should be putting most of their attention in investing is not in trying to come up with the super duper Investments... It's in investing tax efficiently."
"Bear markets are not something to fear; they offer the opportunity to buy into great long-term companies at attractive valuations."
"Markets are supposed to grow your wealth at the rate of inflation over time, to protect your purchasing power parity 10, 20, 30 years from now."
"If you treat the market like a casino, it's going to treat you like a casino and it's going to take all your money."
"Basically, you should start investing as soon as possible."
"Living below your means plus saving plus investing plus time equals magic."
"The point of investing is for your money to be able to make more money."
"You cannot beat the market, so let's just invest in the market directly."
"Investing in an index fund is like owning a bit of all the top companies."
"Invest in yourself, invest in your own skills, invest in your own business because the returns on that are way more likely to be ridiculously higher than just that crappy seven percent that you get by investing in the S&P 500."
"As we all know here at TFD, the longer you wait to start investing, the less time your money has to make money."
"I was investing around where I was thinking, okay, I'm going to try every possible combination of things because I was experimenting."
"When the market goes down 30%, we get excited. Buffett says, 'I like hamburgers, and when hamburgers go on sale, I eat more hamburgers.'"
"You don't need to be waiting for a perfect amount to start investing; you need to just invest the money that you do have."
"Investing is what builds wealth through intelligent choices, education, entrepreneurship, savings, and planning ahead."
"We gotta start changing that mindset and getting people thinking about investing and ownership rather than consumerism."
"From every recession, people come out millionaires. The best time to invest in the future is when the market is going through something."
"For me, the best part of my Real Vision journey has been the chance to refine my own investment framework through a series of conversations with brilliant investors in every corner of the globe."
"I'm not looking for trade ideas or guesses about an unknowable future, but rather knowledge, accumulated over the course of careers to try and make me a better investor."
"When Warren Buffett, the Oracle of Omaha, speaks, investors from around the world listen."
"Tesla is massively outselling German automakers in Europe."
"You can't have 100x, 000x returns without volatility."
"You're buying part of a business, and if you buy intelligently into a business, you're gonna make money."
"If you have to closely follow a company, you shouldn't own it."
"Investing is how wealth is created in an era of Fiat money."
"Don't get too smart for your own good. Keep investing and saving."
"We're in a capitulation phase, which is a really great time to buy. No matter what the asset is, a capitulation phase is 'buy; it's on sale now.'"
"Price is a liar. The price of an asset is not its value. The value of the asset is determined by the fundamentals."
"You have to have a plan, and my plan is, I've made a shopping list of exactly what I want to buy, I've set alerts, and as soon as these tokens get there, I'm using this opportunity as a once in a lifetime opportunity to make life-changing money."
"What separates the top five investors in each asset class from the really, really good ones is they cut their losers faster than everyone else and they press their winners harder than every two."
"Investors need to prepare themselves for this shift by seeking value stocks rather than chasing new fads."
"Understanding investing versus everything else: Spend less than what you make, regardless of how much money you make. It starts with a mindset thing."
"I'm a big fan of investing and having your money work for you; you don't just want it sitting there, you want it to at least beat inflation and make you more on top of that."
"The first thing you need to know when it comes to investing in the stock market is whether you are in a position, whether you are ready to invest."
"Without having a strategy in mind, at least having something to aim for, you really are gonna find yourself lost when it comes to investing."
"Regardless of what strategy you ultimately land on, you almost definitely want to take advantage of a tax sheltered account."
"You've got to figure out how your personality fits in with your investing style."
"Invest long term first. Put 70% of your money away until you're 30."
"When investing, before you enter any position, know where you're going to exit. Whether it's going to be a percentage, right, or a time distance, know where you're going to exit."
"Dividend growth investing generates competitive returns. It's about focusing on companies that pay high dividends, which historically have performed better than the broader market."
"Dollar cost average into any investment... it's the easiest thing that you can do which may result even in more profit than any day trader out here."
"Investing is a full range of learning; it's not just about the stock market."
"I first heard about investing from my seventh grade teacher... I didn't listen to him, I wish I would have."
"You can't gamble with investing; it requires discipline and a plan."
"Technology stocks and index funds are the foundation for a good investment strategy."
"We're investing 25% of the household income on a monthly basis, you guys are going to retire multi-millionaires."
"Real estate investing works, and it can help you build an incredible life."
"Investing is not about excitement. You want excitement, get a dog."
"Investing and building wealth isn't just about saving on taxes; it's also about playing offense."
"The best money in the market is made by investing over the long term."
"Risk management is the only key to investing and trading."
"The right way, you're not only paying off your debt far more quickly, but you're also going to be able to invest on an accelerated basis."
"The single greatest power we have as investors is time arbitrage."
"Warren Buffett has averaged 20% a year for 60 years. That's incredible what he's done as an investor."
"Wealthy people, the one percent, what they do is you make money, and then you save it and you invest it first, and then you only spend what's left after saving and investing."
"Investing is not that complicated, and when you sit down with someone that actually knows what they're doing, they can help you put the cookies on the shelf where you can reach them."
"If you're young and you have a long time before you need the money, you're getting the market on sale. You should get excited."
"Investing seems like something that is unattainable, or it just seems a little bit confusing, but I genuinely believe it is for everybody in this day and age."
"If you've got 10 pounds or 10,000 pounds, there is an opportunity for absolutely everyone to invest and make a return."
"Investing is great because it's like the only real form of passive income. You don't have to do anything to make money from investing in the stock market besides put your money in smartly."
"By investing in the stock market, you are able to beat inflation, so your money is not losing value and it's worth more."
"There's pain in being an investor. That's why most people fail; they give up when it gets hard."
"Over the last 100 years, the stock market has been the greatest creator of wealth ever, seconded by real estate."
"The most important thing we do is educate our people. Get them to invest, and you'll be wealthy over time."
"Investing is really simple. You need four companies, hold on to them for a long period of time."
"Investors across time have become a lot more socially conscious."
"If there is a pullback, then that might be a really great time to get in."
"The main gamble with the stock is that it could, in my opinion, be a 70 to 100 stock."
"I think CVS is a great value pick for long-term investors."
"We're buying businesses to own for 20 or 30 years. We buy them in whole, we buy them in part, they're called stocks when we buy them in part, and we think the 20 and 30-year outlook has not changed by the coronavirus."
"You can either invest a smaller amount of money for a much longer time or you're going to have to invest a lot of money for a shorter window of time."
"Happy trading, you guys, make sure to diversify your investments."
"This might be a good time for you to diversify into gold."
"It's a temporary sacrifice. You're going to be in your mid-20s by then. Then just follow the 50-30-20 rule: 50% on needs, 30% on wants, and 20% is good enough for your investing."
"If you do that, open up brokerages. You can do anything and everything from there. That's where the fun conversations start."
"The Schwab Dividend Equity ETF...won't make you rich like some of these other stocks might, but it will give you both dividends and returns for as long as you hold it."
"The Buy and Hold strategy...is easily the best investing strategy out there."
"You cannot judge the future of a stock just by looking at its past."
"This is the first time where the retail investors get to front-run the big institutions."
"One of Warren Buffett's most fundamental investing rules is simple: invest in what you understand, or in other words, invest in your circle of competence."
"Proper asset allocation is the number one thing for investors along with discipline."
"The conversation about saving money is cool now, investing is cool now."
"Investing is one way you can start to build and secure your child's future, whether you're planning short or long-term."
"As investors, one of the best things you can do is just pay attention to what's going on in the world."
"The things that are in front of us right now haven't peaked. They're still growing."
"Investing is made to print money and buy freedom."
"Investing is like a game of football; it's just a game of inches."
"If you're going to be a successful investor, it makes a lot of sense to start early."
"When approached correctly, Penny Stocks can be one of the most exhilarating and rewarding niches within the stock market."
"Live on less than what you make, invest it reasonably, and live a long time."
"Buying assets so you can have cash flow, residual income, and appreciation."
"Looking at stock market headlines can feel scary, but stopping or delaying your wealth-building journey is not the answer."
"We've seen a new generation enter the market, and they're sparking conversations about what it means to be an investor."
"The price where the market trades a stock shouldn't matter as much as the fundamental value of the business if you're willing to be a long-term holder."
"Invest your money in the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund (VTSAX). It historically beats 82 percent of actively managed funds."
"The best investors are humble; they know that nobody knows anything."