
Life Balance Quotes

There are 2188 quotes

"A lot of people want to be more productive but they don't even take an inventory of their life because they just think of productivity as being just about work or just about hustle or grind."
"Good mental health will make everything in your life line up."
"I think the most noble way to think about life is to keep all the things in balance."
"You will get the nice confident body language when the rest of your life has resulted in that."
"Create success and happiness in every category of your life, and if you have all four of those squared away—family, faith, fitness, and finances—then you are truly successful, and you will have happiness and fulfillment."
"It's totally okay to leave breathing room in your life."
"Life is the dance between what you desire most and what you fear most."
"I hope you use video games to accomplish something that's actually important and productive and adds value to your life."
"Your success doesn't count for anything if you're not fulfilled."
"Don't get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life."
"You can't have it all... you can have a lot, and you can have a great time doing it, but you can't have it all, all of the time."
"Prioritizing your career over family and relationships can hurt an athlete or artist in the long run."
"There's no way in the world I'm going to put a basketball as more valuable or more important or essential to my life as the people and my relationship with God."
"If you do that inner work, everything else works out."
"Productivity is not an end goal but a byproduct of direction, mental clarity, and living a balanced life."
"Health cannot be sacrificed, because it is your health that keeps you there and allows you to stay in the game."
"The reason productivity is so crucial is we only have so much time... and most days we feel that."
"Productivity, in the sense of making better use out of what limited time we have every day, so we have more time for the things that are actually meaningful to us."
"I love video games, don't get me wrong. I get very, very passionate about it...but you've got to remember, it's a video game because at the end of the day, it is not your real life, dude."
"Training is supposed to enhance your life, not detract from it."
"Whatever is not filling you up with life means it's depleting you."
"What we're seeking in parts of our lives, even if we don't in others, is a lesson in how we can have it all, if we address the places that aren't doing well."
"Take a break, allow yourself to relax, rather than being so tied up in responsibilities."
"It's okay to have ebbs and flows, it's okay to have ups and downs. Just remember, every down you hit, there is an up coming."
"Appreciate the people around you because life isn't all about work, work, work, and doing, doing, doing."
"Radical honesty, telling the truth about things large and small, is essential not just to recovery from addiction but for all of us trying to live a more balanced life."
"We want our kids to have enough money to do anything they want in life, but not enough so they don't have to do anything at all."
"Having a lot of different parts of your life make you more flexible, more creative, more awake, more engaged."
"I really want to get better at surfing... I want to write another book or two... But man, I just want to like, watch my kids grow up."
"Balance is a myth... it's about what you're truly focused on at the moment."
"The core of time management, the axle around which the Wheel of Life turns, is goals."
"Life is pretty balanced; you get some easy and then you get some hard."
"You can have it all, but not all at the same time." - Felicia Rashad
"Wanna be happy? Build a life, not just a business."
"Happiness is really about being able to combine pleasure, passion, and purpose."
"We need to stop glamorizing overworking. The absence of sleep, good diet, exercise, relaxation, and time with friends and family isn't something to be applauded."
"You can't put the world to rights if your life is completely out of whack."
"There's life too. There's kids, there's marriage, there's relationships, there's family."
"In terms of personal life, I like to split things up into health, wealth, love, and happiness."
"When life becomes too serious, find time for joy."
"Balance. If you can find ways to balance your life so you don't easily get sick, burned out, or overwhelmed by your personal project, take care of yourself."
"There's just a lot of acceptance in this month, and a lot of like recognizing how we have to have both positive and negative things in our life to truly appreciate both aspects of that spectrum."
"I'd rather be slightly unhealthy but really happy than miserable and healthy."
"At the end of the day, we all want to have a little bit of time to relax, enjoy life, and have fun."
"Often, we can very easily fall into the trap of optimizing far too much for career and achievements and not enough on relationships and just being a generally nice person."
"Balance is important. Have fun with life, balance. Don't judge yourself, don't be too hard on yourself, have a vision for your life, for where you want to go, work hard, and don't let nobody outwork you."
"There is not a single object of this world that gives you happiness and comfort except that it shall also cause pain and suffering proportional to the amount of comfort you get from it."
"I think now I've gotten to a point where I've settled into a rhythm, and I found that balance again. It's all about balance, and I found that balance of I can appreciate the game and I can go along for the ride."
"Finding a balance between what you have to do now and still finding time to do what's important to you, that speaks to your heart, is essential."
"Work for this world as if you would live forever but work for the next world as if you would die tomorrow."
"You spend one third of your life working, another third is spent sleeping, and your last third is your free time."
"How do you balance between the academic things that you care about and just being human?"
"You are one of the rare guys that is you're a big investor, you are deep in the tech world but yet you seem to have a very balanced perspective in terms of how to live life."
"Basketball is not the most important thing. You just hope it's important enough."
"Everything is figureoutable... if having love in your life, friendships in your life, adventure in your life, downtime in your life is important to you, you can absolutely figure it out."
"Not being dragged by my drive... not allowing the fear of losing any success that I've built be the force that keeps me from the richest parts of my life, which are my connections."
"You can have it all, just not all at the same time."
"Life is a mix of hardships and ease, and with every hardship, there is ease."
"There's nothing better than being a parent, but I do think it's nice to take a moment for yourself every once in a while."
"If you're not doing XYZ, you're missing out. And I think to myself, oh, you know, I am missing out. I should go and get all this experience, these rare items, this cash. And then I realize that I'm not necessarily playing for fun anymore, I'm now playing for efficiency."
"Imagine having fun, not worrying about graphics cards, not constantly checking for it anymore, just enjoying your time and not feeling so bitter and angry at the world. That'll be awesome, right?"
"We've trained people; we will be releasing content on a regular schedule forever. They can have a lifelong relationship with Path of Exile, but it's not going to be a domineering thing that prevents them from actually living their life outside of that."
"It's not worth it. It's not worth your mental health. It's not worth your family. It's not worth your relationships."
"To me, the real winner is Steve Kerr...for him to have a meaningful, healthy relationship with his children, with his spouse, that to me is the real winning."
"Money should not be your only motivator because think about it, if you're spending a lot of time day in and day out on something that you're not actually excited about, and you're doing it just for money, you're spending like a third of your life being miserable."
"We're not supposed to be thinking about politics every second. We're supposed to be actually spending time with friends, family."
"Work like you've never worked before, improve, stay curious, stay hungry, keep coming up with new strategies... but still figure out a way to enjoy your time with your family, have a blast."
"Love, career, family and friends, self, and health are the five things we juggle."
"I think just want to diversify your happiness portfolio so that your happiness is not entirely based on your accomplishments at work."
"You need to find a job that you enjoy doing because you spend a good chunk of your life doing that job."
"I think acknowledging the fact that balance is never gonna be perfect, I think time should be put into making the quality of life good."
"In life, you got only four things I call them the four pillars of the good life: health, wealth, love, happiness."
"By trying these new things, expanding yourself in these new ways, you're going to learn so much and then become in balance with harmony of life."
"You need those days, man. You need those. And I think it's tough, 'cause we're not taught anything about mental health."
"More and more studies have shown that if we don't set boundaries, it can take over our lives and have a negative impact on our mental health."
"I think the four pillars of living your best life are health, wealth, love, and happiness."
"If you practice cultivating a graceful rhythm on your yoga mat, you're gonna be able to have a graceful and more connected, amazing rhythm off your yoga mat."
"Land the whale. Don't lose sight of the big picture by getting sucked into your career, or into your family, or into your relationships."
"The rule of eight: eight hours of sleep, eight hours of study, and eight hours you do whatever the hell you want."
"If you're not going anywhere in life, people just automatically assume that the way to move forward is to work harder or be more ambitious, but the reason that you're not going anywhere in life may not be a lack of ambition; it may be because you're spreading yourself too thin."
"Stability or sthira is so important as we navigate the asana branch of yoga but this definitely bleeds into how we move and relate to others in our daily life."
"We want to help people find balance and digital well-being. And yes, sometimes, this means making it easier to put your device away entirely and focus on the times that really matter."
"An excessively strict diet where you take out all of life's joys... eventually, your body fights back."
"How can you ever have the time if you never take the time?"
"When God is given His proper place, all other things fall into place."
"Nothing can come in before that, not your family, not your husband, not your boyfriend, not your children. You have to come first."
"I just want to play the game, record my footage for my commentaries, play with my friends, and get on with other areas of my life that are important."
"A meaningful event exists on the boundary between order and chaos."
"Balance your commitments. Promote equilibrium in all things you do. Don't overextend yourself."
"It's really hard to be okay in any other facet of your life if you're not okay mentally."
"I think it says that you should aspire to reach that balancing point where you can accept the regrets of the past and embrace both the good and the bad things in life."
"It's cool to build a big business but you also want to excel at the art of life."
"You have two types of currency to manage: the monetary and the emotional. Please take care to balance them."
"If you're too far into the future, you can't be happy—anxiety. If you're too far in the past, you can't be happy—regret or depression."
"Some of you get so carried away with your children, you get carried away by your business, you get carried away by these things that you start taking you away from God."
"Finding that balance between living life in a playful way and in a more serious way."
"It's not about squeezing more and more into this overpacked day, it's about stepping back and embracing the broader values of life."
"Untouchable. That's how this place has always felt."
"Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you." - therapist mantra
"I've taken quite a break since the last video... 3 weeks off the felt, took some time to work on other things, self-reflect, you know, just clear my head and reset."
"You're moving into this gorgeous balance of child and elder it's really fascinating."
"How are you not going to take care of yourself, period? If you take care of yourself all the other relationships in your life fall into line."
"Life is about balance you know like uh it's okay to have money don't feel guilty if you got money and everything else like that it's about your purpose it's about why you do things what is what is that for."
"Life and death by day and a little art to balance life by night."
"Balancing personal life, relationship, and career."
"Love and work, the two pillars of our life as Freud said."
"Have a plan to balance your crypto portfolio and your personal life."
"My job does not define who I am... I'm a father, a parent, a little league coach."
"You're gonna let this affect you in your work area, your social area, don't let this take over your life."
"The movie's over... anyway I have lots more to do."
"I think I owe it to myself to force myself away from all the hype, from all the madness, from all the work, and just take a bit of time out and... just live again."
"Balance and harmony are essential in all aspects of life."
"That's the Dao that the Taoists talk about. That's the zone. That's the line between chaos and order. And to be there is to be in the right place."
"Success if it's only in this thing is it's it's not fulfilment fulfilled life is when you look up look at your life holistically and then you'll live with that kind of understanding then you have a fulfilled life."
"It's all about the combination of material and spiritual prosperity."
"It's not all about productivity and efficiency, sometimes it's about just enjoying it and having a good time."
"Have fun. We want to play. When we get older, we work and work out."
"If you don't have 10 minutes for your life, you don't have much of a life."
"It's all about finding balance in life, right?"
"It's this combination of security and adventure... vulnerability and safety."
"One thing we always continue to bring up all the time is balance in life."
"I just wanted to be happy. I'd like her to have a few years of living, not just working."
"If you want to have structure and balance in your life, you have to have some set rules for yourself."
"I love the culture of LA... I absolutely love that because I feel like it makes me feel like my life is balanced."
"Meaning is to be found on what you might describe as the border between order and chaos."
"Any good thing in excess is a poison...you want to be in the middle with things with many things."
"Life is all about balance. You don't want to sacrifice anything."
"I just want you to be happy, I need my happy wife for my happy life, otherwise I have a disaster."
"Life is doing well for you, but you need to rest and relax. It's essential, it is a must."
"On the route to success, remember to take care of your health and relationships because they matter far more than work."
"Happiness in moderation is good; too much of anything can be maladaptive."
"Everything that's happening right now is so that you can see what needs balance."
"You want a woman that's a compliment to your life not the focus."
"It's a tough thing that halfway point between responsibility and enjoying life."
"Keeping quality time for family and friends and limiting the flow of negative information into my life."
"You'll never stop being busy. There's never going to be a perfect time. The only difference is how you use those 24 hours in a day."
"How do I find time to balance everything, be a mom, work, do things for yourself? It's really really hard honestly."
"It's not always about pushing yourself and pushing yourself, sometimes it's just about taking a break when you need to."
"Take on those internships, take on those clubs, take care of yourself. Enjoy it. It's going to be overwhelming and hard, but there is time to live your life a little bit."
"You can be very into pop culture and these interesting things and still have a very productive Balanced Life being a strong positive contributor to society."
"Islam and Dean and Dunya do not have to clash... there is a balance."
"Make time to do that even if you don't go somewhere exotic."
"Pursuing success... It's far less important than happiness and balance."
"Purpose is comprehensive, like a pie, with spirituality, personal development, relationships, vocation, and finances."
"You need both of those because that's what keeps you properly motivated in life."
"Getting good at saying no and creating intentional margin in our schedule."
"I have realized how important it is to have margin in my schedule."
"Your private life is just very important to you and that comes first and then the other stuff just happens naturally like you don't have to really worry about."
"If your mental health is messed up everything else has to stop."
"Remember, everything, including witchcraft, is all about balance."
"I prioritize sleep. If I hadn't had the last 10 years, I would never have had this year."
"You need to find a balance between trying to save the world and seeing how Derby County are getting on."
"I'm a dad and a husband, first and foremost, and I don't want my family to grow up and leave home and never have known their dad."
"Focus on mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical health."
"Woman love leadership skills in a man with a busy life, not too busy for a relationship but busy enough to be firm on his availability."
"Don't spend all your time looking after other people look after yourself once in a while good advice."
"You know I have I have big what I like to call Evolution goals that anchor the four um core systems of my life right and you know that's my health my life my wealth and my work right."
"By doing more of the things that you enjoy doing, you're going to be more happy, more receptive, and more able to kind of be present in those responsible duty-filled times."
"Having that balance of being a real normal person, not being egotistical, not being overly addicted to the interwebs, and also being able to focus on it, being able to have fun with it, not get stressed out."
"It's good to be alone, it's good to just hang out with people, you know?"
"Connect worldly ambitions with spirituality."
"Last question: Where do you find fulfillment outside of work and family?"
"It's tricky with characters like this...being a mom is my priority."
"The good days and the bad, take the rough with the smooth."
"Nothing in your life should rival God, nothing and nobody."
"It's harder to make a monogamous relationship work."
"Family comes first, and I want to make sure I'm actually doing the things in my planner."
"Humans should give of ourselves but we need to make sure that we recharge and build ourselves up in order to have something to give in the first place."
"Stop being so hard on yourself because you're allowed to go out and have fun."
"Moderation is the key to not have too many limits on you."
"Achieving balance in your life and feeling like you have what it takes to just break through to the next big thing."
"As bad as it's been is as good as it's about to get, the key to everything is balance."
"You can't have it all, you can only have so much so decide what it is you want and work towards it."
"Utilize this time in studying and doing your best, do enjoy yourself also but at the same time study."
"The key to balance and harmony in life in general is to follow your heart, trust your intuition, know that you're on the right path."
"Have a private life, a public life, and a personal life."
"Find your balance, catch your breath, and clean up your messes."
"The pursuit of riches should be tempered with the pursuit of virtues like kindness, generosity, and integrity."
"Government should play the enabling role and make the playing field even for all sectors."
"Record-breaking quarter shows Tesla's popularity."
"There's pros and cons to literally everything."
"Progress does not equal happiness... an obsession with progress and productivity... stood in my way of true happiness."
"The realism for me is kind of trying to maintain a balance between cynicism and optimism."
"I've learned to give myself grace because there's only one of me and I don't have time for everything."
"Life is not all joy and happiness. You're going to have work, you're going to have pain, you're going to have struggle."
"Life shouldn't have to be full of trade-offs."
"We can use the alternating currents of stress and relaxation to build satisfying and meaningful lives."
"Faith, determination, and action. Usually, a person is missing one thing."
"It's like the health-to-money Rat Race... people neglect their health in order to obtain money."
"There's always a trade-off about everything, you know? Yes, it's like, what's the trade-off?"
"What we do off basketball is like a short time of our lives."
"Life is more than just about trying to focus and trying to be productive. It's all about health and relationships as well."
"The truth is our time, attention and energy are limited. The more passionate we become about any one pursuit, the less of ourselves we have to offer to everything else."
"A lot of people have this perception like well I'm gonna work so hard until I get older and then I'll kind of rest but resting our body as far as not really doing anything physically or mentally is not working out for people very well."
"You need to find that way of balancing professional life and trying to get that success but also trying to find your happiness."
"Saving everything for retirement makes no sense."
"Balance means taking care of your mind, body, and spirit and living life to the fullest. When you find your balance, you find your peace."
"Now things are going to be more in alignment in all those departments that I just mentioned."
"Don't feel the pressure of being in everything."
"If that means you leaving someone behind because you want balance in your life and because you want equality and because you want fairness it is what it is."