
Accuracy Quotes

There are 6493 quotes

"There are now signs that at least some in the industry are adopting new technology to ensure accurate labeling."
"There's longevity in the content that you make in the sense that there's a depth to your content."
"I'm never going to be the guy that's breaking news. I would rather get something right rather than be first."
"The first base order principle of every AI product should be that it is accurate and correct."
"We built a system that's more accurate while also helping convey the meaning behind the mathematical complexity of a modern Matchmaker."
"Truth is preferable to falsehood, and accuracy is preferable to inaccuracy."
"We navigate as creatures, not by describing explicitly, but by using a navigation tool, an accurate map."
"Our accuracy is comparable to shooting a basketball from Staples Center in downtown LA and hitting nothing but net in a basketball hoop in New York City that is moving at a speed of about two feet per second and it's spinning about its axis."
"The fundamental reason that I try to spit my honest answer to every question is I have a very good long track record of being right, and I want to continue that."
"Scholarship is about understanding things and getting them right."
"Our memory is built for survival and practicality, not for perfect accuracy."
"Historical accuracy of such a representation is absolutely legitimate as long as it comes from a place of historical curiosity."
"It's like Einstein's general theory of relativity replaced Newton's gravitation; it's just here's a more accurate model."
"The first thing I notice when watching this series is how accurate it is at presenting those old versions of Minecraft."
"The psychic that I go to has predicted everything that would happen in my life accurately for the past year."
"I want to be so careful to make sure that I'm not being in any way involved with spreading misinformation."
"I actually really love this because little Steven has God homing; this man never misses."
"You need to be right once in a while and be more right than you are wrong."
"If I'm going to state something as certain, it is my responsibility to be damn sure it is certain."
"These tests are the most accurate way to measure a web hosting performance."
"It's not only morally unfair, it is factually wrong."
"The pyramid enshrines a measure of the Earth that could be considered as accurate as those determined by modern satellite surveys."
"Cross-validation generates a more accurate estimate of out-of-sample accuracy, which is what we need in order to choose the best model."
"Our accuracy seems to be increasing almost to 90, okay, that's also a really good sign."
"You should make sure of the facts before you write something."
"Computers are absurdly more accurate than humans."
"We deserve to make decisions on what we're consuming based on accurate information."
"Prophecy that's divine, accurate, true, infallible comes from God."
"If the final decision could be wrong, you should want to make sure that you get it right."
"I always try to cover this in an accurate and respectful way that doesn't feel exploitative."
"Giving more epochs does not always necessarily increase the accuracy of your model."
"We've got a theory that works; it makes amazingly accurate predictions about how stuff will behave. What more do you want from a theory than that?"
"Quantum mechanics today is the best we have to do the calculation, but the best we have doesn't mean that the calculations are extremely accurately correct."
"My favorite movies now are movies based on true stories. They always nail it on the head, like perfectly."
"Accuracy is the most important stat because if you do your abilities as you're meant to you've actually got a chance of winning."
"Only accurate rifles are interesting, and sometimes that accuracy comes at a cost."
"Accuracy is indeed in the eye of the beholder."
"There's plenty of layers of control over this FISA application process. You have to be scrupulously accurate."
"We want every platform to continue doing more to call out misinformation and disinformation, while also uplifting accurate information."
"Demographic projections are highly accurate because most of the people who will be alive in 30 years have already been born."
"This advancement increases accuracy and safety while decreasing invasiveness and cost."
"The game makes a point almost to simply not be all that historically accurate."
"The most galling thing about it all, however, is the fact that he's actually right about the end of the world."
"We're not just reporting the news; we're making sure it's right."
"The oral tradition isn't just the telephone game story... those traditional storytellers are chosen from birth... they're trained this way because they cannot add a word to a story and they can't take one away."
"We have a dedication to making it accurate, and that's one thing that's really important."
"Many have marveled at how spectacularly accurate and insightful mathematics can be."
"That's the most accurate cosplay I've ever seen."
"I have no doubt that you will continue with the same tenacity that you showed us, to do the hard work of getting to the bottom of stories and getting them right."
"Allow dissenting opinions to be heard, confront them, correct them and put the accurate medical info out there."
"The misplacement of a single parenthesis changes everything and completely ruins the entire thing."
"You want an analysis that is anchored in fact."
"You want your analysis to be anchored in facts."
"Statistics should always be cited, not generally, always."
"Likes don't determine factual accuracy. Just because something is popular doesn't mean it's right."
"Let's face it, we did hit the bull's eye. No one's perfect, we said it might get up to nine percent, it's 9.1. That's pretty close."
"As simple as this sounds, it would add a ridiculous amount of accuracy to most of your trades if you're someone new or that doesn't really understand market trends and market structure."
"Only accurate information has practical application."
"I want to get my facts right. I don't think it's fair to be coming on a platform and talking about something when you haven't got your facts right."
"The fact that the GPS satellites can determine my location to within a distance of only a few meters is only possible because they take into account the effects of general relativity."
"We built this network and brought it all the way to 99% accuracy."
"It is much more important to be accurate than powerful."
"My apologies again for delaying the update on Ukraine. I just thought that accuracy and verification was probably more important than speculation."
"I just want to make sure that the things that I say are correct."
"I must say it is pretty accurate and thorough."
"I only accept predictions about the future from people who accurately portray the present."
"The Word of God is only God's word when it is accurately interpreted."
"Turn on that movement error indicator in your crosshair settings to better understand just how inaccurate you are at doing certain things and how and when you're counter-strafing correctly."
"They've hit the nail right on the fucking head as far as I'm concerned."
"People don't want accuracy; they want certainty."
"It's good to be accurate. Of course, we should be aware of suffering and danger wherever they occur, but we should also be aware of how they can be reduced."
"What we can for one another is usually to embrace one another, even physically, but in this case, we have to be very conscious of the effect of our actions on other people and to ensure that other people are safe and that other people are protected."
"The more people that take the 23andMe test, the more accurate these results will get."
"It's been my job for a long long time to tell people what the future is, and I've been right a lot."
"The flashlight feature has easily become one of my favorite features... and with the Enduro 2, they've made that flashlight even brighter."
"What is also pretty neat is that it will also be aware enough to know what is the least distance traveled that we can take to make sure those hands are going to show the accurate time."
"Every last detail in Holy Week rings out perfectly."
"It's crap to think it's close enough to horseshoes and hand grenades."
"Everything we talk about when it comes to news is wrong."
"The Simpsons predicted its rise all the way back in 1995."
"Does the teaching of Michael Todd on these topics accurately reflect the scriptures?"
"I'd rather be roughly right than exactly wrong."
"I never use the word approximate and God in the same sentence."
"Most of us have had to learn in life that you need to get things right."
"But building reliable and accurate intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of hitting targets on the other side of the world, that's another undertaking entirely."
"It's not about which answer is right, it's about which answer's more right."
"If it's King James, get your ass in there and give the quotation mark."
"The point is the statements that were extrapolated from the reporting and stated as fact. That's the point."
"Trump's been right on about this from the very beginning."
"Radar, of course, would eventually offer extremely accurate course bearing and range data."
"No one in the history of religious literature has ever made an accurate prediction of a testable phenomenon."
"From an accuracy standpoint the GPS is on point just like like it was in the past continues to be industry leading across the board."
"Using AI for translations removes busy work and ensures accuracy."
"That's what I'm thinking, that sounds like a dead center."
"The historical accounts of the Bible proved time and again to be accurate and true."
"The provision of accurate bad news should be seen as a valuable service."
"This is one of those cases where the show seems to predict the future with an eerie sense of accuracy."
"Perspective is important and isn't portrayed accurately enough."
"Journalists took a long period of time to get stories out, now it's a race to get the story first, often inaccurate."
"The acceptable margin of error decreases as time goes on."
"The less-vague Q predictions, citing specific dates and outcomes, have universally not come true."
"It seems very accurate that this is actually the off season for the Palm Beach area."
"Always try to be accurate and well balanced, unbiased."
"It's pretty impressive that they made this distant view as accurate as they did when they didn't really need to."
"Your answer is going to be pretty much so right."
"Information is power and it's key to get the right information."
"It's not about being first, it's about being accurate."
"Perhaps John Titor really did know what the future would hold adjusted by approximately 2.5 percent."
"What we want is accuracy in decisions, which is what we've called for all these years, then we should persist with it."
"So some of this is fine if you are just an entertainer but if you start marketing your business on accuracy and data and objectivity like those of us who've occupied the space since the website days then we should all be held to the same standards."
"Training a model for rock, paper, and scissors resulted in roughly 97% accuracy in just a few minutes."
"All I ask is that you listen to what we say and report it accurately."
"Belle hooks never misses; she's never out of date."
"That lowest point is the best because it is where our error is the smallest."
"If you want to learn exactly how to enter and exit trades with extreme accuracy, things you won't find here on YouTube, head on over to our website at wisetrade.com."
"It's going right according to plan... We haven't nailed every single price prediction dead to the day but it still got there."
"We have tried to make sure this game is as historically authentic as we possibly can make it."
"Accuracy, not efficiency. We need our voices to be secure. And we should make it a party too."
"Who wishes George Orwell had not been so accurate with his predictions?"
"No gaping holes in the film's recreation of the book's plot."
"Using multiple time frames helped to make this a lot more accurate."
"The satisfaction of getting it right is unparalleled."
"VAR's margin of error should be less than 0.01. It should be absolutely nailed on, there's no excuses."
"There is a very real threat of disinformation, she's not wrong."
"Clarity and accuracy are supposed to be things that they go for."
"For my testing, this is definitely Garmin's most accurate heart rate sensor to date."
"When Jim Sterling calls his shot, he very rarely misses."
"You can never be too accurate. Never. Like, there's never."
"Getting it right the first time is important."
"Real journalists wait because they want to make sure it's accurate."
"I've wanted to try and compile a timeline that is as factual as I can."
"But we hope when people look back on these videos in a few years time they'll see that we did get quite a lot right."
"Every once in a while I nail it, I get something so right, so dead on accurate, it even scares myself."
"Back to the Future 2 took place in 2015 and it was exactly like that."
"If you don't like something because it's inaccurate, you're the problem."
"We've got at least 250 examples of error-free, always accurate information."
"This gun I absolutely love... supremely accurate... love it, love it."
"It's a fantastic movie accurate representation of the Battle of Coruscant."
"Accuracy is now significantly more meaningful since locational damage can make or break a battle."
"Diopter sights are going to be a lot more accurate and a lot more effective than the standard open notch sights on a Mosin."
"It's extremely extremely important to get your verbs right when you're doing OE writing because they can profoundly change the meaning."
"Representative sample: it's about how representative it is in order to get that accuracy you need to truly inform accurate decision making."
"There is no doubt on my side what the number is. I know exactly."
"Everybody got a right to speak their truth. If it's not right and exact, rebut it or ignore it."
"Why do you think journalists catch heat when they misquote somebody? You can't just... misquote somebody and then change the sentiment of what you're saying."
"Historical accuracy requires attention to detail."
"Ultimately, I think First Contact is a Star Trek movie which just gets things right."
"Isn't it amazing the Queen and I did I really literally have watched all three series off the crown and it's not all true but goodness me it's well done and brilliantly acted."
"I was actually surprised at how accurately they were able to recreate Earthbound's gameplay."
"Our accuracy stems from diligently cutting through biases and soberly analyzing Global Trends."
"Mr. Charles Blow, you were wrong on literally every single thing that you said."
"All of those ballots were tabulated, that's correct, they all counted every single one of them."
"Many critics have put forth that Sitchin added and embellished the story."
"So, it's not just about making sure the number of moons over a planet is correct. It's more about, you know, thematically, what are you going for and what's the best way to achieve that with Star Wars?"
"Accuracy really does matter, and wearing out your barrels is one way to destroy your accuracy."
"Wow! I was surprised that she got the names right. That’s what she said."
"He's got the shot accuracy of Shaquille O'Neal."
"For running, the Galaxy Watch 3 came up about a tenth of a mile short."
"The ever sense product is 10.13 percent more accurate than Dexcom and 21.6 more accurate than Libre Pro."
"It is our duty to get the constitution right."
"Nonverbal communication is at best 70 to 80 accurate with some leeway on either side you can push that up to 90 to 100 accurate at times."
"Using millimeters instead of centimeters isn't wrong, it's just a matter of personal taste."
"Tell the story. Just make sure you tell the story right."
"It's eerie how many of your predictions have come to fruition."
"The figure itself is excellent. It's highly accurate to the source material, it's huge relatively speaking, and it articulates very well."
"I'd rather be late and accurate than early and quick."
"The Simpsons showcased a vision for the future, and so much of it has come true."
"What it means to have a biblical worldview, we want to achieve a correct, accurate biblical worldview."
"Let's see if Dan's aim is true, aiming for the snout only."
"The reenactments I made were not misrepresentative nor were they defamatory. I didn't make Basil look bad, he did that to himself."
"You are helping us create the most helpful and trusted digital representation of the real world."
"He just reported it at 9:19, what time is it?"
"This gun is really really really accurate as long as I do my part."
"I think the 'Mr. Robot' series has gotten a good rap because it has taken some pretty good pains to try to stay as accurate as possible."
"It's small things like this that really show how well this book was adapted to the big screen."
"Statistically speaking, these are the best three-point shooters of all time."
"Every single vote counts, and the polls have not gotten it wrong."
"I want to give people the right information."
"Stop saying it's not stop saying we're being sloppy we're just trying to do it this is not just accusations we have proof"
"The physical QWERTY keyboard feels very accurate, ensuring precise typing."
"Be careful about what you measure, careful about the validity of those measurements."
"It's like Fox News, they have a wealth of resources and they can't even get it right."
"The polls were wrong then, they're wrong now."
"Your intuition this year is just so on point."
"The formula I'm going to show you can help you become a more accurate trader."
"Everything we do on this channel is about making sure that you make money and you don't lose money. If you ever hear any other narrative, that's 100% inaccurate."
"I literally told them there was, I was pretty much right about everything that I [ __ ] said."
"I'd rather be approximately right than exactly wrong."
"Come on, Pegasus Prime. If you're gonna be about time travel, you have to get the TIME TRAVEL part right."
"This genuinely has to be one of the most egregious displays of historical inaccuracy."
"Out of every 100 trades, you're gonna be right 87 times."
"Most journalists understand... there's always some error baked into the reporting that only comes out later."
"Only the main details and of course a good summary has to paraphrase."
"The test obviously can't be wrong. Plague mass guy, clearly not incorrect."
"He did it in a single upload, he did exactly what I had written about."
"The different methodology to be relevant and accurate."
"Errors materialize in mainstream polling all the time."
"Their incentives are not to be accurate because they won't get the contract again."
"Making time for meditation and trusting the first sort of download that you get, it's probably going to be the most accurate."
"It got all the cutouts perfectly and I'm guessing that's because of the LiDAR sensor actually knowing a lot more depth information."