
Limits Quotes

There are 1810 quotes

"I like failing. I like finding out where I'm limited because I know that that's the road to the next segment of progress."
"It's really important to see really how far you could push yourself."
"Givers have to put limits on takers because takers never put limits on what they'll take."
"The universe is not founded in any direction... it would necessarily have a limit somewhere. But clearly, a thing cannot have a limit unless there is something outside to limit it... through the universe, there is no end."
"Science is starting to move in a different direction...science can only get so far until they don't have the ability or the knowledge to go any further."
"In this arena, we don't just fight our opponents; we battle our limits."
"The reality is the line is different for each individual person and that's why it's so hard to determine when something is too much."
"Push yourself beyond what you think your current limits are."
"Some people cannot survive at certain altitudes. So if you're pulling somebody up a hill who, when you get to 10,000 ft, they can't breathe, you're going to kill them."
"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world."
"When you're pursuing your greatness, you don't know what your limits are, so you act like you don't have any."
"A healthy amount of responsibility is to acknowledge the limits of your responsibility."
"The only limit to reality will be the limits of our own imagination."
"The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible."
"99 to 99 and don't get any closer than this."
"Limits help you to evaluate a function... a limit will allow you to see what happens as x approaches 2."
"Why do I keep doing challenges like this, guys, like when does it get to a point where it's like too far is too far?"
"We want to push the limits of what is possible."
"Remember, that we were talking about this number a_k, which is (1 + 1/k)^k. And what we showed was that the limit as k goes to infinity of a_k was e."
"I think any statement about science that involves the word 'infinity' is not provable; therefore, it's not science."
"The total number of possible cats that you can stack is 11."
"The sky shouldn't even be the limit anymore."
"Everything is fertile ground until the moment you push too far, in which case it becomes incredibly inhospitable."
"The idea of impossible is basically putting fear into somebody, and then once you believe it, you create that limit for yourself."
"A self-giving love allows you to self-accuse, allows you to see your limits."
"The foundational idea behind limits is that we're moving from an average rate of change to an instantaneous rate of change."
"Limits allow us to narrow this interval so that it becomes smaller and smaller... until eventually we have this tiny little interval and we're finding rate of change over that tiny little interval."
"The limit of the sum is equal to the sum of the limits."
"Everyone involved had only one week to submit their run, and all runs were kept secret until this reveal. By the end of it, they pushed not just my contract but the game itself to a limit I simply could not believe."
"The longest someone’s ever stayed awake was around 11 days, that’s the upper limit on how long she has to figure out how to defeat her foe."
"Perfection is a horizon that always recedes, but it isn't obvious to me what the upper limit of that is."
"I am Son Goku. And I destroy limits. That's who I am."
"It seems like there must be a limit on the amount of compression possible that still retains the original message."
"Knowledge is boundless, while wealth is limited and you can keep account of it. Hence, knowledge is better."
"You can't just walk in and take it... congratulations, you've achieved omnipotence. It doesn't really work that way."
"How far would Andy take it? That far. That's how far Andy would take it."
"Stephanie draws the line at murder, that's it, that's where you lose her."
"If you want to run good games and not get burned out, you need to have limits."
"People can only uphold that level for so long before it comes crashing down."
"You must push the boundaries of your imagination."
"Know your limits and don't give in to peer pressure."
"Regular people are starting to have a little bit, they're reaching their limit."
"I think limits make sense as part of that package of developing our own capabilities and manufacturing."
"There is always going to be something more something greater... I have no limits, do you now understand?"
"Remember, the only way you can know your limits is that you keep testing them."
"This is way outside of the bounds of what a democratic country can stand and still maintain a democracy."
"I felt there should be some space for a certain amount of rambunctiousness, a certain amount of pushing the edges, a certain amount of kind of playful interrogation."
"When it comes to the military, there are ultimately no limits on the type of training that's done if the end result justifies the requirement."
"Despite all of this, limits should obviously be put in place."
"Eventually there's a time limit on everything."
"Chemistry ends where confidence and honest communication continue."
"Humans must have what he called an abductive instinct which provides a limit on admissible hypotheses so that only certain explanatory schemes can be entertained but not infinitely many others all compatible with available data."
"Science has a limit... it's a recognition that we currently don't have a mechanism to identify the existence of the supernatural."
"We're reaching limits of that with, you know, 5, 7, 6, 3 nanometer."
"So long as the freedom of expression... doesn't impede on the freedom of others."
"You gotta push it to its utmost limits and beyond."
"The only way to know the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible."
"At this level you can't triple 100 out of 100 attacks, you know at some point there will just be a little slip."
"State order can only govern people down to the level they can monitor."
"Sometimes the only way to find the edge is to go over it."
"Capitalism simply demands infinite growth and the planet has ecological limits."
"If string theory is right because strings are a finite size and so they actually there's a smallest possible thing and so a biggest possible energy you can have."
"No it comes I mean I just I'm just really hesitant to put limits on things."
"You are expanding, growing beyond the limits you subconsciously perceive for yourself."
"Lady Yum just pushed the limits for everything."
"You're pushing your legs to the absolute limit truly you're absolute."
"Push yourself to the edge of your abilities but not beyond them."
"We're really pushing the limits of how far can you go."
"Dream without fear, love without limits... like without the limits of not reaching out to a married man."
"I would do anything for charity but I won't do that."
"There's simply not the mandate for them to have this kind of authority."
"We all have a line that if you cross, we go from being regular people to monsters."
"Free speech is very important to me, but there's limits to everything."
"That is a great question that gets to the core of how far you extend free speech, free thought."
"Get to 80 maybe 90 at most... and then just stop."
"They said Sky's The Limit. Oh they told you [__] the sky's the limit then they turn around and tell you it's footsteps on the moon."
"The sky is not the limit, there is no limit. Every generation of scientists thinks they know all there is to know, and history tells us they're always wrong."
"Embracing beneficial limits turned out to be much more liberating paradoxically than the supposedly much more liberated life that I'd been inhabiting before."
"There have to be some limitations to this sort of power."
"We're definitely hitting the limits of our expansion impact."
"Blocks defending the undefendable brings me up against the very limits of my own thinking."
"If somebody points a gun at you, you don't have a right to indefinitely chase them."
"I want to see how far we can push the limits."
"You just have to know your limits and what you're capable of before you drive yourself to fucking depression, and insanity."
"I can't dwell anymore. I can't deal with it anymore."
"How much inequality is too much... I get the impression that we are going to find out."
"We can do anything, we just can't do everything."
"Leads can be used to drag around basically as many animals as you like although the limits of leads typically are more like the limits of physics."
"How fast can you do that, how much and how fast can you do that and still survive? Well, it starts here."
"It's okay to destroy something, not everything."
"What power! I never thought he could ever go that high!"
"I still had a few more things I wanted to do... but it turns out I was damn close [to breaking my save file]."
"If I'm doing everything I can think of to do and there are things I'm not thinking of then I need a hand."
"You'll need to decide on one way to proceed further, you can make no more than three mistakes."
"Play has no limits...really about speaking to innovation and speaking about new experiences."
"There comes a point where there are certain red lines, and it's better to lose the election than to cross them."
"You can only get so high as far as success when you're doing certain things."
"Exploration is about pushing the limits of what we're capable of."
"Smooth from start to finish, push yourself to the brink." - Commentator
"Do not push yourself past your limits, do not be stupid."
"Do not allow yourself to get to a point where you hit that wall."
"The white cage would not indulge this, not one more floor."
"Limitless is not about being perfect. It's about progressing beyond what we currently believe is possible."
"Games like no man's sky that are built on exploration and don't fake anything are successful because people love exploring Without Limits."
"If we allow this to happen, there are no bounds anymore. We can't allow it to stand."
"We just have to remind ourselves that we can't do everything at once."
"What aligns with you, you know what is the best version of just you as you are at your core if there was no limits which half the time there is no limits but we kind of believe that there is limits in places."
"That's the thing, like at what point do we stop? So far, we'll just do one more thing."
"Toy Story 4 took the arc about as far as I can possibly imagine it going."
"There are hard limits to some things, so yeah, this brings us to the conclusion of the whole fantastically absurd and fully preventable mess."
"The absolute stubbornness and the creativity of how far they can push it, that is insane."
"Know when to stop, know when to take a break."
"We need time and space to even see that we're living within the limits that someone else has created."
"She's been an inspiration to women everywhere showing them that there are limits back in your box."
"As Goku is punching you see that he's starting to lose his form he's reached his limit he roars you get this amazing roar from Goku as he knees and jaren in the stomach and it looks like he is finally started getting the upper hand on Durand."
"Sometimes you just need to know when to quit."
"Love can lift you beyond what you have known, beyond self-imposed limits."
"I know exactly where my boundary is and I'm not gonna go there."
"It's like you're pushing the boundaries of how far you could take things."
"Rewrite them it says, don't just accept the limits, overcome them."
"Push the envelope and see how far we can go."
"What are limits? Are they not merely illusions, shadows cast by your doubts and fears?"
"I absolutely love people pushing their limits."
"You could just scale this out... and unlock everything. It can't go any bigger, surely!"
"I think that it's okay to hate things and I think it's okay to make fun of things but at what point does it become just like incessant bullying."
"Only those who go too far can actually figure out how far one can go."
"When you're your own boss and you can kind of set whatever limits you want for yourself, sometimes you can have too much freedom."
"Level 100 is the absolute limit to finding a human's growth potential."
"I cannot say that every single piece of content that I make is gonna be great high quality, amazingly shot, beautiful stuff, traveling all over the world because that is a really, really quick road to bankruptcy."
"The reason why Martingale doesn't work is because no one has an unlimited bankroll and the casinos put in table betting limits."
"At first, I responded to comments, but you can't respond to every dumbass on the internet."
"If you can't go one step further, then it's time to say stop and do something else."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, that's what made everybody be like, 'We can't weaponize that one.'"
"Those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."
"It's like look, you got this fighter plane. You might as well take it to its limits. You might as well go and do absolutely everything you want to do in life."
"The government can only go so far, and only if we let it."
"Givers need boundaries because takers don't have any."
"Basically, he is not limited by anything except his creativity."
"Everyone has their limits, but we experience all that life has to offer."
"Boundaries are the rules, principles, or standards by which you decide what you will or will not allow in your life."
"There's no limits to this thing here, but that's what I'm talking about, the pranking still, you know?"
"I have always sensed the frustration of being trapped within the imposed limits of physical perception."
"There's a line in the sand that we all have to put in our own lives and we don't let people step on."
"There's going to be a certain time where you're just going to call it quits."
"Nothing is off limits if you can pull it off."
"Money can make you happy to a certain point, but too much doesn't add any more happiness."
"Don't squash your voice, don't limit yourself."
"It's too much and that's okay too doesn't mean you have to run headlong into every sort of burning building in your life."
"Regardless you made it to the end of this demo so there is no world to explore."
"You're only human, yeah your [__] meter can only take so much."
"It's like eating fettuccine alfredo; it's so rich that you're like, 'Oh, I can't eat too much cuz I'm gonna get sick.'"
"Utilize your own experience and your own critical thinking to know how far can you push when can you push in when you have to take a step back."
"You can't run 10/10 the whole time. There's no way."
"He knows he has surpassed his body's limit, but he also knows that he is alive, which means he's going to keep on fighting."
"We can push things to the edge and beyond, we can be scary, and we can freak you out, and that's really fun."
"I'm not interested in the limits of what's painful, I'm interested in the limits of what's pleasurable."
"Denying them having their cake and eating it too is gonna stop them in their tracks."
"Some people just don't have any limits to the things that they would do."
"So if you have a friend that are using the buddy system you have almost zero limits with how far you can go or how high you can climb."
"Before 1.8, going past 30 million blocks led to phantom chunks."
"It's not daredeviling as much as what are the limits and let's just see what the limits are of what we can accomplish."
"Our health insurance is more of a catastrophe insurance. It covers up to a certain point so it doesn't wipe us out."
"Saturn is all about restrictions and restructuring... Drawing the Line in the Sand and saying well here are the consequences if you cross the line."
"I'm not mad at somebody for doing it at that age. You've shown me, yeah, you know, there's no ceiling, right?"
"Because when you are manipulating and when you're playing mind games you never know when a person reaches their Edge."
"I don't know if there really is a cap on it, as far as I know there isn't."
"You know what pain tells you? You're alive. So, it tells you you shouldn't do that. Tells you what your max is. Have you reached your max? I don't think I have."
"At what point is enough enough and what do you do about it?"
"You can teach anyone to play a song, but you can't teach them how to be an artist."
"I'm only curious of pushing the game to its limits and seeing how fast it can be beaten."
"Never put too much in your wagon that you cannot pull."
"Challenge modes should push beyond known limits."
"Enough's enough, man. It's too much nonsense going on."
"If at first you don't succeed, try again. But if you've tried again 50 or 60 times and you still haven't succeeded, maybe that's the game's way of telling you to try something else."
"I don't know how they can get any better than this."
"I believe we should be living life to the limit."
"It's easy to lose sight of this great moral question: Is there a limit to how much evil you can do in pursuit of what you think is a good cause before the evil begins to outweigh the good?"
"Sometimes you have to push boundaries to figure out where those boundaries lie."
"Our potential is limited only by our imagination."
"I think there's a sense that we've gone about as far as we can go with identity politics."
"They become stronger as they push themselves past their limits."
"To find where the limit is, you've got to go over it a couple of times."
"Limits are important. Quantity is not the same as quality."
"There's only so many miracles that the Universe can give us."
"There's only so much you can do until you're like okay, this is not worth it anymore."
"You find the limit of the grip and you drive to it as long as you can, as hard and as fast as you can."
"You can only hit a dog with a stick for so long until it starts biting you."
"You never know how much is too much until it's too much."
"Do you think it's possible that the limits of human knowledge and reason are in fact the limits of the world itself?"
"You can hold your breath for about 3 minutes, you can also last for about 3 days without water before your body starts devouring itself from the inside out."
"You're never going to know what those limits are until you actually go out there and train on the edge of those limits."
"We can't just be at a hundred percent all the time because we burn out much faster."
"Your self-image will either limit you or expand you."
"Understand your limits, which would keep you humble."
"To know a thing well, know its limits; only when pushed beyond its tolerances will true nature be seen."
"Never say never, because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion."
"Boundaries will be pushed to the limit."
"The only limit is your imagination."
"Boundaries are limits that you place on a relationship that communicate, 'We don't go beyond this point'."
"The only limit is really your imagination."