
Structure Quotes

There are 4323 quotes

"We're constantly seeking freedom in our life but actually structure is one of the best ways to create that freedom."
"Children are happier when you impose limitations on them... By imposing structure on them, it gives them comfort."
"We try to have the good times, but that can be applied to a society as well. You need structure, you need rules, you need love and compassion."
"When you set up the disciplines that give your life structure, miracles can happen."
"Structure and non-reactivity will help the relationship. So, you can implement these from any which way."
"This is pretty cool. This is some kind of a huge structure."
"We need structure, we need deadlines, we need a little bit of a framework to operate within."
"It's like you said, it's beautiful and it adds structure and it can help instill meaning in the moment."
"It keeps its leaves all through the whole winter, and it just—it's very, very beautiful and provides some amazing structure in this area."
"The better we understand the structure of Mars, the more we can learn about its formation."
"If you're able to view a structure from the inside, then you really learn something about it."
"The importance of structure in your artistic learning cannot be overstated."
"Why is reality structured as it is? Our reality has a very definite structure and order, but why is it ordered this way and not some other way?"
"This melody is structured exactly like a limerick: the first phrase establishes an idea, the second phrase responds to that idea, then we have two shortened phrases back to back that end with a final phrase resolving the whole thing."
"The 40-hour workweek has a simple elegance to it: it divides working days neatly into three, with eight hours to work, eight hours of recreation, and eight hours to sleep."
"Essays are repetitive. The introduction tells the reader what you will tell them; then you tell the reader; then in the conclusion, you tell the reader what you told them."
"This is the ultimate essay structure. Trust me, it's perfectly coherent and logical."
"It's by having structure that you gain more freedom."
"To conclude, sequence and transition words are important because they help you connect your story together."
"The eloquence of this is amazing. The vision informs all the steps, the outline begins to create the proper structure, and now how do we shape that in a way that's aligned with the outline which is aligned with the vision but now is taking on shape and form."
"Human beings need a frame, in order to be effective. Like, 'Okay, this is the world and then this is going to be how I'm going to approach the world.'"
"The government needs to be strong but small, and the founding fathers built that beautiful government."
"You need structure, but not having structure is also a good balance."
"The conversation we should be having is how to change the structure of sport to be more inclusive to trans men, non-binary people, and intersex people."
"History is not random; the events that are happening in our reality are scripted and structured intelligently."
"Every aspect of the physical universe can be thought of as a blank canvas which we can use to build beauty, structure, and order."
"It's not the structure of the matter that's doing the information processing that matters, but the structure of the information processing."
"Every song has a structure, a musical composer plans out the structure to the song, and each musician that plays the song has a specific part to play."
"What if these zones had three separate acts like in the classic days?"
"the Magisterium plays an umpiring role which is essential to the ongoing flow of the church's life it's it's like a game in a way like we're playing the Christian game all the time without an umpire it'll devolve into chaos"
"The Petroleum Industry Act is designed to sort out the structural problems in Nigeria's oil industry."
"Suicide Squad is structurally unsound, a film held together by a broken skeleton."
"The Last Airbender was the perfect marriage between serialized storytelling and episodic three act structure."
"Structure your letter correctly: follow the format. Address, opening sentence, paragraphs, closing sentence, signature."
"Galaxies form clusters and superclusters connected by filaments of matter."
"Time is simultaneous and intricately structured."
"A normal day... revolves around... eating and training... it gives you structure, purpose..."
"History gives you a sense of what structures there are that are limiting us."
"Tears of the Kingdom needs more structure, it needs more solid goals."
"Nothing in this society is haphazard or random."
"Structure is the true key to success. The structure is the true key to billions."
"If you want to have structure and balance in your life, you have to have some set rules for yourself."
"Using frameworks to give you structure when you're practicing your power skills."
"Good content doesn't have to be super fancy or profound, but it needs effort and structure."
"The market is a multi-building structure, not just one little stall."
"We had structure, we had discipline, we had authority, and we had consequences for breaking our oath."
"If you're going to start building a case, premise, premise, premise, premise, conclusion, and I go after like any of your individual premises, you can't complain that I'm just attacking a micro point."
"Meaning brings structure and structure is the only antidote to the deleterious effect of chaos."
"Unsupervised learning... our goal now is to learn some underlying hidden structure of the data."
"So yeah you can expect your purpose and destiny and your fate to really go more along the themes of health healing creating structure and releasing subconscious baggage in your life."
"Freedom without structure is chaos so commitment is the energy of structure."
"What are the rules? They were like clearly defined rules and they stick to them for the most part."
"Dan Harmon states that every story – from the Odyssey to your standard fart joke – follows 8 simple steps."
"Anonymous are a highly secretive organization... they are non-hierarchical."
"Primes are perfectly structured in fact he heard the music of the primes."
"There is a perfect harmony, this is the perfect structure of the prime numbers."
"Final Fantasy 9 follows a three arc structure making it feel like three seasons of a TV show."
"The anatomy of a joke: character A, character B, and the audience."
"Boys need structure, purpose, and a positive male role model to prevent violent behavior."
"If you don't create structure, it can own you and start to affect your creativity in negative ways as well as your life."
"Structuring your animated series like an actual animated series would feel so refreshing these days."
"Just having something that uses structure rather than, you know, various other gimmicks to make it just fit is perfect."
"It's about structure, planning, and setting intentions."
"This is the type of movie that people go to the movies to see."
"Everything in society is built to go against you. Now who the hell going to disagree with that? Who's going to disagree that everything's that's structurally set up in this society is going against you?"
"This structure is all about the lore, really. It's so interesting."
"The deeper you get, the bigger the structure is going to get."
"Structure and paragraphing aid clarity; make the essay easy to understand."
"Nest elements just like in HTML, making CSS more intuitive."
"The repetition brings us right back to the start of the poem."
"If you play with structure... you reach another level."
"I hope showing you the structure of how our business is helps you and allows you to grow and scale."
"This trailer played like a movie, with a three-act structure, building emotion, character, story, plot, boom, money shots, bang, crescendo."
"Leadership troops, it's command and control structures that are being set up."
"It's not just the greatest to look up to this point in the series but also the best paced and structured."
"The sandbox is made up of four key components."
"Everything begins with the structure itself."
"All pagan prayers fulfill a tripartite format."
"If I have a clearly defined structure for what I need to do, then it makes it so I can break that task into a bunch of smaller tasks."
"She built a structure that made the intangible tangible."
"Create the guard rails for your goals... By creating structure... you really activate it."
"There is complexity of structure and complexity of function."
"Rules and structure can augment creativity because you can only break the rules if you know what they are."
"It's like if you can imagine a spider web, it's almost like the main structural bit in the middle that really is integral to everything else."
"Outline your course like building with Legos. Make it stupid easy to follow logically from step one to the outcome."
"An ESDJ family member will make sure that you're up on time, you're eating right, and just going about life in a good and well-structured way."
"If we treat storytelling like a cake, the plot structure, the characters, whether or not it's all makes sense and is consistent, that's like the cake itself."
"Creating a structure gives women a sense of security, a comforted feeling, and a framework within which they can flow."
"There's just this beautiful neat structure to the way this whole section is done."
"It's like mini stories within the main story. It's really cute."
"We need codification. Everybody needs to have a code. That's how other people operate. They have an agenda, they have a code, and everybody's on that code."
"I really think that you may want to, those of you who really want to do what's best for the community in terms of creating solid structured leadership that can actually get things done, you may want to just look at results."
"The first sign of structure that emerged when the universe was just a hot, primordial soup."
"The discipline under structure is essential, as discipline is at the core of making unity work."
"The structure of the Nation of Islam is a formula that can take any young man or any young woman and give them the power to become their best selves."
"Creating a sitemap gives your entire website direction."
"Here's the trunk, here's the branches, here's the leaves."
"Become your best you, start straightening your teeth today."
"Long story short, I think Shane Dawson's content is messy and unstructured."
"Thank you for bringing structure to our lives and for us to stay motivated through all these months and years." - Student thanking Martha Ocampo
"Get someone who can help you structure your concepts into a flow."
"He may not have this or make this, but he may be able to guide you, lead you, and give you structure and balance."
"Every row, every column, and every box contains the digits one to nine."
"Saturn is like the taskmaster, rectifying and putting rules into place."
"Boundaries and structure make kids feel safe and calm, especially those struggling with anxiety."
"We had to have a structure for someone with which I think is actually grounded in real life."
"Essays in particular, the structure creates a certain engagement."
"It is very possible that this structure could have been used as both a building and a quarry."
"Org charts seem to replicate themselves because inside any given organizational box, communication is faster."
"I'm so random... but sometimes I think it's... nice to be on a schedule."
"It's like a gigantic best of five within a bracket."
"That Ron White Tater Salad story, it's like it starts here but then the payoff is back in time."
"The problem is, structuring data can sometimes be hard if we don't have a continual structure of what the data looks like."
"I have to create structure, and I think that's been a really good exercise for me."
"The general map structure... I really like it."
"All stories have a simple situation complication question answer framework."
"Every good story follows this rule... setup conflict resolution."
"If you want to change the way people think, you have to change the structure that's organizing them."
"To have the end buried in the beginning is the utmost accomplishment of drama."
"It's the bomb under the bed that is so much to do with structure and so I I love to visit writers who know about subtext."
"Organization implies structure, creating entities in the relationship between them."
"The Quran is perfectly organized. If Allah puts a story in a Surah, there's a reason."
"Languages are made up of more or less stable patterns which I knew all too well, taking weekly Latin exams, and such patterns can't be just easily made up on the fly."
"The Liturgy, the structure of the services, was brilliantly handled."
"There really is no 'best' structure because every business is different."
"The shape complements the rest of the build especially with those curved arches."
"You're building big structures in your own personal life."
"It's not about being anti-establishment, it's about using the structure that already exists to break the structure."
"There's like a little rom-com quote at the beginning of every single chapter."
"Super Mario 64 established what a 3D platformer should be - a hub world that connects to many smaller levels and a single big collectible that is needed to advance the story."
"It's organized, it's structured, and it all looks incredible."
"One Piece is broken up into several sagas and arcs."
"It's just the same structure you'd always see: nav, then a ul, then my allies, and then my links inside of there."
"I respect what they built, they're just squirrels with better societies."
"Nest is a framework to use if you want to have a lot of structure on your backend."
"Chances are that when they start rebuilding it, they will rebuild it in a straight line down."
"The iceberg format traditionally begins with the most well-known surface level information that even Outsiders tend to know before descending in a tier 4 format with things growing more obscure and weird."
"Structure for me is everything, having a systematic approach to life is everything."
"Jobs aren't purely income, they are part of identity, they structure people's lives..."
"Order is essentially structure, giving life structure as the greater will did when it fractured the one great."
"You need a system, parameters, rules, conditions."
"We're competing in an America where people are stacked on like Lego pieces."
"First, let's set some ground rules for this exploration."
"The plan is your replacement. It's the replacement for your thinking, your feelings, and your belief system."
"The structure of a basic story arc tends to go as follows: in the beginning, we set up the characters and establish routine."
"The social structures of ancient civilizations were pretty similar - organized hierarchically."
"Good screenwriting is the math of story structure."
"Every novel, just as every life, must have structure."
"The structure of Wuthering Heights is one of the aspects of the novel I think that makes it so arresting and indeed so innovative for its period."
"Now we have a table in our database called 'article' with all of these different columns specified for it."
"I never minded the linear structure of the game because it's so damn fun regardless."
"You need an element of freedom within an actual framework."
"Through Community Connection and support, we will likely have an easier time creating any sort of structure, nourishment, or consistency that we might be seeking."
"It is looking like a coat. It's got wonderful structure to it so far."
"Saturn brings it in and gives a form and structure to that energy."
"Every story starts somewhere and everything that happens from there should build towards whatever happens at the end."
"Encapsulate code only in a loose general sense at the level of namespaces or modules."
"It's so interesting, it did really feel kind of like two parts."
"If you want to change the way people think, if you want to change their general incentives, you have to change the structure that's organizing them."
"This surah is made up of four stories and it's made up of several passages."
"The pacing of it as a single film is kind of all over the place."
"I really thought the attunement structure was great."
"Genre can be very helpful in that it provides you with a framework that's very like sturdy."
"Use logic and structure to increase your success."
"From simplistic emptiness to intricate depth, from morose uneventfulness to razor-sharp structure."
"Number two is build a structure and outline your stories."
"Your culture is what you are building, but you should have some structure. Absolutely."
"Let's listen to this from the back end of the verse through the chorus and then back into the intro again."
"It's kind of like the energy where you have the perfect balance between structure and having fun."
"Kids want lines, kids want rules, kids want structures, kids want to know that there's predictability in the universe. Parents who fail to recognize this bring up bad children."
"Regimens can help fill your life with good things so there isn't as much open space for bad things to flood in."
"Routine will be your saving grace. Give your life more structure."
"Take that chaos in your life, Scorpio, and structure it."
"Football has been so good for mental health... it really does give us the structure to the week."
"Every custodian is part of a sodality, a formation similar to a squad but with far more tactical flexibility."
"Develop and post a schedule so students know what to expect."
"There needs to be some type of regiment in a child's life."
"Implementing new structures that will form strong foundations is incredibly important right now."
"The system is built debt upon debt upon debt."
"Graphic novels have a beginning, middle, and end; they don't have the frustrating part of reading like a monthly series is that there can never be an end."
"All things be done decently and in order."
"You're going to find that you can give form and structure to your creative projects."
"I just love this tree, I love the structure of it."
"Discipline in the chain of command is how the army operates."
"Structure, actually answering the question, and having a bit of flair, a bit of a little spice that you're sprinkling in your essay plan."
"This thing that is human language has a lot of structure in it."
"You can see a category as the transitive closure of a graph."
"And basically, what this is doing is trying to find some structure, some pattern in the data."
"It's not ruined; it's got an eco-friendly patina preserving the structure."
"From a bird's-eye view, this house looks more like some kind of military structure or an alien ship."
"Adam's Calendar has two Central pillars of rock and about 17 other Standing Stones arranged around them in a circle."
"And there we go, we have a proper structure of our website."
"I propose ideas for the kids... I like that there's some structure but also Freedom"
"Now Playing brought up something I completely agree with and that is about how the family structure works."
"The purpose of a design pattern is to have a name on a structure so that you can look at things in the code and identify them without having to go line by line by line."
"I'm so stupidly into writing that comes up in act one and then comes up again in act three."
"The universe is set up just like the human body."
"Fiction is full of structure, we like to think it's an unrestricted outpouring of creative invention, but in reality, it has plenty of rules."
"Humans, we need boundaries... We thrive off boundaries."
"This sort of structure can wind up saving us a ton of time and energy."