
Pets Quotes

There are 8561 quotes

"A dog is the only thing on Earth that loves you more than he loves himself."
"Can we admit the cat is the real star of the show?"
"When you play around with your dog with your microphone at home, but then you're soon going to regret it when you're reporting the news on TV because he thinks the mic is a toy."
"I'm really passionate about my family and my pets, I have a cat and a dog, it reflects who I am because I love them to death."
"Pets, particularly dogs, are often thought to possess heightened sensitivity towards supernatural phenomena."
"You think you're above following my dog's Instagram where I type the captions as if he's talking in human English?"
"The spotlight of the gameplay is on your relationship with this dog."
"It's my hacker chicken." "He's very precious to me."
"I love that my dog is still here with me and he's still in his murder pose."
"Nerf was just unconditionally my best friend. He came with me everywhere."
"You might have noticed that your beloved cat Eloise is missing, but in fact, she's not missing at all. I sent her to space."
"Eloise is safe with me. I wouldn't actually launch her into space."
"One of the most heartbreaking things that people go through is the loss of their dogs."
"I have a soft spot for old dogs, but I think they're cuter than puppies."
"Your pet is one of a kind, and so is their journey."
"Adding dogs to his life did wonders for his mental health. It's a testament to the power of pets in improving our well-being."
"Your dog and your cat are imaginary... How cool is it to have an imaginary cat, an imaginary dog?"
"Fritz was my first dog, and he was also my first friend."
"If your pet dog were drowning in the same river current where a total stranger is drowning, which one would you save?"
"Here's our fourth rabbit, or is it three rabbits? There we go, we get a super cute wee bunny pet, and he's going to jump through."
"I greeted my newly hatched ostrich, Big Bird. How cute."
"Look how adorable my dogs are, they're like, they're just cuddled up together."
"Thank you, Wolfie. I love your blue eyes and your teeth."
"The best dogs, yours, deserve the best food, theirs."
"If cats aren't meant to be kissed on their heads, then what's the little space between their ears for?"
"I remember that you can't force a cat to do something."
"Some people have pets, so part of their daily routine might be to take the dog for a walk."
"We've never taken our dog on vacation before."
"I will give them kitty kisses. Ashley, we will boop the floofs."
"I have a pet now. I'm going to name you Timmy."
"I spent $25,000 on a huge XL American Bully that I hadn't seen before. My family thought I lost my mind."
"He was the first XL American Bully to go viral... the first time I took a video with him... got four or five million views."
"When somebody says, 'I got a new puppy,' we all already know that dogs are real and puppies are real, and people keep them as pets."
"We are getting a new dog. My wife and my son do not know about this. It's a surprise."
"We lost our dog Princessa, and ever since then, my wife has been devastated."
"They take care of you, they protect the house, they protect the kids."
"Happiness is a warm puppy, not a warm cat, note, it's a warm puppy." - Charles M. Schulz
"This is Queen Mia. I dedicated this character to my lovely Mia, who was my cat that passed away."
"Fallon loved animals, especially her kitten Mr. Butters."
"Black cats are wonderful because you can stare into the void and not only does the void stare back, sometimes it trots up to you happily and begs for pats."
"Stepping on your dog's tail and not being able to explain that you're sorry."
"He looks so pitiful. I think I need this Bullseye in my life."
"For every no that you give a kitten or a cat, for that matter, you want to give them an even better yes."
"When you adopt a shelter pet, you discover their unique mix of all kinds of traits."
"I love lions too, so I have two lions. I have Elvis and I have Rex, and I love both of them."
"Never, ever, ever try to make another dog the same as the other one. Just enjoy them as how they are."
"We've got two vicious guard dogs to protect us."
"Good morning, Mr. Toby Dog. How are you doing?"
"I've gotten a lot of comments from folks about Abby's improved behavior."
"Sunny, the golden retriever, her owner is Karen Eveleth, and she trained her dog Sunny to bring her neighbor food like bags of food and groceries."
"I wanted to give him a generic enough name so I wouldn't feel like I used up all my best ideas if I ended up with more cats."
"I insisted we would never have pets inside the house. Then we got our cat, and I insisted she'd never be allowed in the bedroom, but now both our cats sleep in the bed and I would kill a man if either of them requested it."
"This photo doesn't show a dog; it shows an eternal friend and a family member."
"He quickly became a much-loved family pet and an absolute joy."
"He's excelled in agility, obedience, and has appeared on television."
"Pets can be spirit guides... brought into your life to help ease your pain and comfort you."
"Well, we did lose our dog, and I really did like that dog."
"These dogs have become members of our family."
"What I try to do is I imagine the dog that she'll be six months from now, 9 months from now, a year from now where she is just happy and healthy and bouncing around."
"I've wanted a dog for a long time, and now I know which one I need to get."
"You have a really psychic connection with your pets; like, your pets really, really, really love you."
"I'm okay or as okay as a person can be in this type of situation. I'm at my parent's house, and Ted is here, and he brought me my cat, and life sucks less with a cat on your lap."
"We should have done this to begin with and have no dinosaurs because dinosaurs shouldn't be pets."
"He's the greatest dog of all time in my opinion."
"It's so fluffy I'm gonna die. Oh my goodness, this is like a pet, you know, like emotional support pets. No, emotional support cloud."
"Deodorize your kitty litter; simply sprinkle some baking soda into the litter box every time you change it."
"Exciting news: the Little Miss Pippa, my dog...is officially cast free."
"But when you've had someone around for so long, you kind of don't think about the stuff, and then when reality kind of hits you in the face, it's like, 'Oh yeah, you know, dogs aren't forever.'"
"My biggest and most important tip is to get a cat. Stroking her is just the best possible thing you can do for stress."
"This isn't a pet dog. This is my first pet dragon."
"It's a good thing my immortal llama is kept safe in my secret base."
"They lived happily ever after with their pets."
"Get yourself to the nearest shelter, adopt a dog. They're the best friends you'll ever have."
"Everyone likes to nurture the bugs. They're fantastic family friends."
"The most valuable thing in the world is spending time with your pet."
"Dogs, especially, they're like batteries, they literally charge everyone up with unbelievable."
"Hey, what's up, you want some attention? I'll give you a brush pet."
"He's kind of like a puppy because even getting into the truck he can just bounce right into the back seat now."
"Pets are more than just animals, they're family."
"It was my best friend... my first friend... very sweet."
"That's why you have pets, guys. They're perfect cuddlers."
"I mean, every dog is a good dog. They're all good boys."
"Well, every dog is a good dog. They're not all boys, though."
"If puppy is praised for a behavior, it's more likely to offer you that behavior again."
"I will train this dog. Look at this loose leash right now. Shake, yes! Much better, yes! Look at me, she's getting trained!"
"It's just interesting little things that you're not even thinking about that can throw your dog off."
"We often get into the habit of doing something like sit lie down leave it look at me or something like that your dog starts to get in the habit and assume that you're gonna want everything in that order always so this helps us mix it up."
"Even if your dog only knows five things write them down."
"I'm trying to condition her to be quiet even when exciting things are going on around her."
"It's important to teach your dog a come around."
"I'm hoping biscuits is gonna bring the toy back to me. You know, it could be so tempting to rush puppies through things, but I'll tell you, if you can stay patient, a lot of times they surprise you."
"Please tell me it's not just my sausage dogs that act like baby walruses."
"Wow, that is a natural frisbee dog right there."
"Teaching tricks is a fabulous way to build a bond with your dog and to build communication with them."
"French Bulldogs are a firm favorite of many celebrities worldwide, including Hugh Jackman who owns a dog called Dolly."
"You don't mess with that. They're not things, they're family members. They're pets. It's love."
"Your life instantly changes the second that puppy's in your hand."
"The joy of seeing your dog run without a leash."
"We have a new pet cat, and its name is Shakov. Huh, cool."
"Pets would make the world feel so much more dynamic."
"Pets are traditional companion pets that have been with the human species for a very long time."
"The dog getting back to Murphy and Buddy, I think the dogs just solved this thing. I really do, I really do."
"You blew up my dog village! Do you understand how hard I worked for that?"
"I'm setting the timer on my phone. When it goes off, it's sock's turn."
"He decides to name it Sui and it loves the name."
"Just petting a cat can Nerf stress levels and blood pressure."
"For a lot of people, staying home with your pets all day is the best part about it."
"His cat Mr. Panda had other plans, so it will be dry for our Easter weekend."
"Chief meteorologist Jeff Lyons was interrupted by his cat, Betty, mid-broadcast."
"Rest and relaxation is the best cure for a cold, with a sprinkle of kitten sunshine."
"That's how the goldfish became part of the family."
"The kitty cats' first grown-up New Year's Eve was fun, fireworks, and a friend-filled success, and none of them felt the least bit sleepy."
"Thank you for helping me catch Mr. Birdie, Snow, and Butters. I love you guys."
"When we go to Mars and start a new culture, we should bring dogs with us."
"We still have five more secret pets to give away."
"The Queen is now the proud owner of a prize-winning cocker spaniel."
"All I want out of life is to attack with an infinitely large dog, good doggo."
"He's my little cold buddy, wants to be warm and cozy."
"Destiny can be a wild ride, even for pets!" - Sometimes, life takes unexpected turns for everyone.
"Dogs are also the only teammates that actually give humans a charisma bonus."
"A dog will always give you unconditional love regardless of anything that you've done."
"She was outraged... then started knocking stuff off our countertop."
"Dogs just give you their everything. They love you with their whole heart. I respect the independence of cats but I love dogs."
"They are good with children, good with even dogs. They can quite adapt to the environment very well."
"Queen Victoria owned a total of 88 different pets during her life."
"In an era of unprecedented change for the monarchy, the future for royal pets remains assured."
"I literally can't with my cats because they're so cute."
"Get a dog. It'll protect your house and alert you to intruders."
"It's better for everybody when the dogs are off the leash."
"Having a toddler and a puppy, it's actually really hard, really stressful."
"Having a big animal in a small space rarely works well."
"What if your dream pet isn't an English-speaking abomination?"
"Despite knowing the love of a real dog, I still think there's something nostalgic and fun to be found in these robotic pets."
"When we came home, our dog pretended to be ill, like come out limping or something, and the vet said, 'Yes, it's just he doesn't want you to go away again.'"
"Wild kittens: humans have owned pet cats for more than 10,000 years."
"Tiny slitherers like the hog nose make for some pretty adorable pets."
"While many species of deer are considered wild animals, there are some places that allow pet deer."
"I play with my dogs, I find it impossible to be angry when these fluffy cute animals are jumping on me."
"Pets have it easy. They're like the royal family of the animal kingdom."
"The chickens are good. They're really fun and honestly if you're bored during quarantine get yourself a chicken."
"His name was Fang, but I called him Fanggomango. He was the sweetest dog ever."
"A Siamese cat is important to somebody, or there's some kind of connection."
"Scoundrel if it's all about the dog and she really brings him luck, then I need that dog."
"We found out the dog isn't magical... we need to get rid of her as soon as possible."
"Lucky is back... our little one, but how did she even get home on her own?"
"Love is gone from this house... lucky really brought love into her home."
"We've already buried hate them just don't [ __ ] your cat like it's not a fable."
"Well, they're God's gift to us, you know... There's nothing better than dogs."
"He's got his dog put his headphones on him, made him tap the A button on the controller, he's making his dog show in-game tactics!"
"Dexter from Will, that dog has really made me like dogs a whole lot more."
"This thing is bloody good boy. Good boy, we're gonna tear your ass apart."
"Lucky took a liking to the family rottweiler much to everyone's delight."
"I'm not just saying that, everyone's like, 'How do you have such a good chill dog?'"
"Nothing says old money like a little dog, the smaller the dog the bigger the money."
"I wanted to wear this a couple of days ago, but my cat Connie insisted on sleeping on it. I couldn't get her off."
"All of that gift of joy given to you by the dog being released all at once."
"I agree with Bernie Sanders on one thing only. It's okay for a cat to have a little salami."
"Well, miss Benny, at least I still have you."
"So like that's cool but I'm saying like I even have a dog Lola and like I could take care of her it's just like I can't imagine like a baby like a dog is already like a lot of work."
"Your life becomes revolved around that. Advice anyone out there that has baby fever: get a dog first."
"With Marie's help, I was taught how to befriend the gyus. Mint was now finally at home alongside Lucky."
"What about a tiny dragon like, what if I get him as a baby?"
"Americans spent a record $95.7 billion on their pets in 2019."
"Leona Helmsley left her Maltese, Trouble, $12 million in a trust fund."
"Karl Lagerfeld left a chunk of his near $300 million fortune to his cat, Choupette."
"You can't resist it. It's progress. All right, there we go. A little pat for the dog. That's all it needs. That's all it wants."
"Having an animal companion is medicine for the soul."
"Charlie and her pets–Razzle, Dazzle, and KeeKee."
"True love is when your pets know you're sad and they cuddle with you. My cat thinks I'm a jazz; he's right."
"Chickens are one of the best things you can ask for."
"Don't leave your pets behind when you're evacuating."
"How can you stay mad at a new parrot? Look at his eyes!"
"What I love most about cats is their personality. They're the non-prescription antidepressant."
"Coco loves, she's like the star of the show, um Coco is this is my best friend in the world I love this cat more than I love anything in the world."
"Pool, you are such a sweet little girl. Every video you're in just makes my day and brings a smile to my face."
"Animals have feelings, they have their soul, they know when you really care about them and they don't, they know when you're mad at them."
"Apparently Bernardo Silva has named his dog John after John Stones."
"Friendship ended with normal cat, now samba cat is my best friend."
"Life hack: got something you need to do at a certain time every day? Start giving your cat a treat right before you do it. You may have trouble remembering, but your cat absolutely will not."
"Did we name the cat? The cat is named Scipio."
"Who doesn't love a story like that? You know if it's a book involving a dog you're gonna cry."
"People are excited about Ghost, he finally got his snoot booped."
"I love dogs so much, oh this is so precious!"
"Well hello my little babushka. So maybe I'm just slightly salty because I could never dye my dog."
"Dogs, man's best friend... unless we're down the pub having a pint."
"Miniature Schnauzers are awesome dogs, they are extremely intelligent."
"Yes, I recommend rats for pets, I had two rats, they were awesome."
"I decided with all the dogs I'm a cat person... I tend to talk to the cat more than the dogs."
"How many cats will Britta and Annie adopt when they settle into married life?"
"I want a female white cat and put a pink bow on her and name her Murphy."
"I just want to be chosen by a cat, that's it."
"There's genuinely an emotional connection. Dogs understand the emotional feeling of missing someone who's no longer part of their daily lives."
"This one's cute, it looks like it has little socks on, I'm not sure what type of cat it is, it does have the little legs so I don't know if it's a munchkin or maybe like a Scottish fold."
"Yo, oh my god, you are, ah, oh my god, I got the champagne, he is adorable, look at his little rolls, oh, little cinnamon roll cutie, I love him."
"I have paid over five thousand dollars getting him healthy, but more important than the money is the simple fact that I love the furry little jerk."
"Hug your pets. You never know what weird little thing might pop up and scare you half to death that you'll never see them again."
"I made this point like yesterday, but I think dogs are just better than us."
"She absolutely loved getting her teeth brushed. I don't know what it is, but she loves it."