
Endurance Quotes

There are 18511 quotes

"People step into bathtubs filled with ice. Hof's ability to withstand long exposures to cold has been researched."
"The major reason that I was so attracted to the Ironman is because it's an ultra distance triathlon...for me, there's no better way to learn about something other than putting myself through it."
"You need to develop the skill of endurance as this is a lifelong journey."
"Life does not just stop because you're going through a difficult season."
"The race is not given to the swift nor the strong, but it is he that endures to the end."
"Your love life is going to be full of passion intensity; it's never really going to go out."
"Strength, stability in this hour, endurance, stamina, I empower."
"The extraordinary sequence of events which ensued from Endurance getting caught in the ice of the Weddell Sea in January 1915 must stand as the most incredible story of survival and perseverance of the entire Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration."
"He really does do the impossible things. I can lay hold on that with both of my hands onto that hope and endure patiently."
"At the end of everything, hold on to anything."
"'Humanity Lost' is a stirring tribute to how personhood can endure no matter how altered the flesh."
"As long as the boss monster is still alive, they will live till infinity and they will keep multiplying."
"Free Enduro World Series titles back to back after having won pretty much everything in downhill."
"This is going to be a longer race. It's going to be a marathon."
"But I want to help you discover a deeper faith, a faith that lasts, a practical faith that will help you through tough times."
"Allah does not burden a soul beyond its scope."
"This month is a lot about endurance and trust and recognizing that even though you may not see the light at the end of the tunnel, to know that it is coming."
"Muscular failure is when, despite the greatest effort, a person is unable to meet and overcome the demands of the exercise, causing an involuntary set end point."
"As you get closer to failure, the concentric will move more slowly as you grind out those last few reps."
"It's all about building up endurance and stamina gradually."
"Not only did he fast for 5 days, but he ran five complete marathons... and he was a type 1 diabetic."
"The operation is a monument to Ukraine's strength, endurance, and unflinching determination to defend its territory and people."
"Endurance hugely improves if fat is reduced... your endurance is going to go through the roof."
"Real relationships are a marathon, not a sprint."
"Think about it this way, like you give presentations for your job, right? Imagine giving a presentation for 9 hours straight."
"The true art of street fighting depends on endurance, not just the initial punch."
"Hard times don't last forever; the best days are near."
"Go earn that [expletive]. Maybe it's over the top from the physical standpoint, but when you're in that cold plunge if you're just there physically, you don't exist in there like what is required of you to get in that cold plunge and to stay that cold plunge. You know, this is not an easy thing to do."
"You have a secret power of endurance, which is the continuous help of the Holy Spirit."
"I don't stop when I'm tired, I stop when I'm done."
"It's going to be an aggressively long process."
"Greatness requires not just the strength to get there but the stamina to remain."
"Once you're in suffer mode and decide not to quit, you force your brain to operate on a level it's not used to."
"Being jabbed with something, like a prod...non-stop for hours...was absolutely I couldn't sit or lay down or stop moving."
"Ultra-cycling is about personal achievement. It's about doing something extraordinary, but entirely voluntarily."
"The only way someone was going to beat Mayweather was to out-train him, out-think him, and out-endure him."
"Life is not a sprint, it's a marathon, yeah, an ultra marathon, if I may add."
"You are being assigned to something that others aren't because you have endured what others could not."
"Women are so much stronger when it comes to stuff like that."
"Love endures: Love does not give up or lose faith; love is hopeful and withstands every situation."
"The Quran says, 'La yukallifullahu nafsan illa wus'aha' - Allah does not burden a soul more than it can bear."
"Faith brings answers, enduring faith brings answers with character."
"The baptism of the Holy Spirit... power was for the miracle but it was also for the endurance until the miracle came."
"Strength, stability in this hour, endurance, stamina, I am power."
"This week, we are talking about whether the goal in cycling is shifting from going faster to going longer and why."
"We can't all be sprint athletes, we can't all be power athletes...but we can all endure, we can all go further."
"Endurance is the biggest arena which exposes yourself to self-awareness and really strips you back to your raw behaviors."
"Knowing the 'why' behind what you're doing so that when things do get difficult, you have a really strong desire and motivation to understand why it's worthwhile."
"Endurance mindset, that bit of grit and resolve, sets you up pretty well for everyday life."
"It's a combination of time, focus, and pain tolerance."
"It's probably exhausting, but you know what else would have been exhausting? A second Trump term."
"The richest families in the world have endured wars, depressions, famines, culture wars, and evil empires not because they were lucky, but because they were wise."
"The goal is not to beat the competition, but to outlast it."
"It's not a sprint. This is a marathon, and we need to keep on doing the right things and keep being strong all together."
"This is also a testament of fortitude. This is a testament to stamina."
"He knows just how much you can handle, and he will cause it to stop so that it won't overflow you."
"He endures pain but conceals it; he burdens himself and fights for the sake of others."
"Here is the patience of the saints: here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus."
"We must endure to the end in order to be crowned."
"The great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?"
"That which is unsustainable will not long be sustained."
"The testing of your faith produces endurance which leads to spiritual maturity and inner peace."
"The suffering is on the highest level, and they're wanting to walk, every single person wants to walk."
"You've got to have that to keep the focus because right now the suffering is on the highest level."
"When you're tired, when you're exhausted, you're really only about 40 to 50 percent of the way to physical fatigue."
"When the Smoke Clears, The Truth Gonna still be here."
"The foundation needs to be more than a man to inspire it; it needs a myth that can endure for centuries."
"What an incredible race that was. 2 seconds between us. I'm quite annoyed that I couldn't get on the podium there, but that worked. This endurance format, 20 laps, 40 minutes, it made for an amazing race."
"It's a very long race, but I feel good about it."
"Much like Alma herself, its spirit will continue to live on no matter what happens to it."
"The one who endures to the end will be saved."
"Till death do us part, like we're going to love each other as hard as we can for as long as we can."
"You've got the strength, the courage, and the intellect to know how to summon that endurance in order to be on your life path."
"Persistence and a willingness to just kind of endure not succeeding, in order to succeed, is something a lot of successful people have in common."
"The flower fades and the grass withers, but the word of the Lord shall stand forever."
"High volumes of endurance work may be just as important as higher intensity intervals if you want to reach peak performance."
"For athletes who are already trained, improvements in endurance performance can be achieved only through high-intensity interval training."
"If you're fit, you will enjoy the ride way more... the fact that I can ride 60 miles at a decent pace to go see the world's largest tree and never even feel fatigued... that's amazing."
"The goal of this video is so that by the end of the 30 days you can skip rope freestyle continuously for 10 minutes."
"You're gonna start to build a little bit of endurance working this even without the rope."
"It's not what you can do for five minutes on fresh legs, it's what you can do for five minutes after four hours of racing."
"After day 2, the hunger slowly fades. On day 2, you're like, 'Wow, I will never get through this.' On day 5, you're like, 'Oh, I can go on forever.'"
"The available evidence suggests that combining large volumes of low-intensity training with careful use of high-intensity interval training throughout the annual training cycle is the best practice model for development of endurance performance."
"God is faithful and will not let you be tempted beyond your strength... with the temptation will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it."
"Don't stop when it hurts, stop when you're done."
"What a match, 26 rounds of just non-stop high octane action."
"Their roster allows them to be incredibly disruptive to enemy armies, which will help you with your endurance as well as protecting and buying time for your ranged firepower."
"Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."
"Do civilizations in the galaxy live and die, or do they simply endure until the coming long winter that will be the end days of the universe?"
"Just to complete this race is an achievement."
"This sport is very much a mental sport. If your head is not in it, you're gonna have a very hard time succeeding or even finishing."
"Your heart is the only muscle that never gets tired."
"Blessed is the man who endures temptation, for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him."
"That's half the point of independent developers; they have more personality into the game, more direct interactions with the community."
"Storms don't last forever. The clouds dissipate, and the sun comes out again."
"Glycerol use has shown to increase endurance by as much as 24%."
"No matter what you endure in life, no matter what you go through, you will make it through and you will do well."
"A marathon is not just a race; it's a metaphor for life. Long, exhausting, but ultimately rewarding if you don't give up."
"Suffering is not the hard part; it's the being willing to endure it that's difficult."
"Evils which are patiently endured when they seem inevitable become intolerable once the idea of escape from them is suggested." - Alexis de Tocqueville
"There's an end to what you're going through right now."
"God does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear."
"Truth has a way of standing the test of time."
"It's just staggering, the things that people sacrificed and endured."
"If it's endurable, then endure it. Stop complaining."
"It's not a big deal to go three days without eating for most animals."
"I thought, here we go, and this is gonna be an all-nighter."
"Surviving the journey will be the ultimate test of human endurance."
"Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary."
"You will kill 10 of us and we will kill one of you, but in the end, it is you who will grow tired of it."
"Annalise endured one or two exorcisms every single week."
"The longest someone’s ever stayed awake was around 11 days, that’s the upper limit on how long she has to figure out how to defeat her foe."
"Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning."
"Skill, mental focus, and endurance are important."
"This connection will stand the test of time."
"Life is unpredictable and difficult at times, and that difficulty may persist for longer than you'd hoped."
"The Berkeley marathons: the race that eats its young."
"The current scientifically monitored record for voluntarily staying awake belongs to Randy Gardner, he set the record in 1965 at 264 hours, that's 11 days."
"It's a marathon, not a sprint, but...great team performance."
"Inside, the machinery still turns and works, covered in dust and debris, a true testament to the mill's enduring legacy."
"To what degree are we capable of bearing suffering and prevailing?"
"Towing through the heartland: A test of endurance, power, and range."
"You have more than we had; you must start sooner, and carry on longer."
"We have the ability to go in such a space if you're willing to suffer. Your brain and your body, once connected together, can do anything."
"But eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it will last forever."
"His love is from the beginning to the end. Love... bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. It never fails."
"Archuleta said, 'I prefer to drag my opponents into the deep waters. I love what I do, I'm not in a rush to get it over with. I like to go out there and steal my opponent's soul.'"
"Focusing on the slow twitch muscle fiber increases human endurance."
"The capacity for people to endure and remain resilient to the most horrific experiences, like torture or violent assault or the grief of losing a child, is mitigated by the human connections they have at the time of such events and in their aftermath."
"Allah does not burden a soul beyond what it can bear."
"Pain hits different when you got to sit in it."
"The survivability of a certain number of G's depends heavily on the duration over which you are experiencing those G's."
"Wars only end really by mutual consent. You continue ratcheting up the pain until the pain is greater than your opponent's will can bear."
"I think, for a lot of people, they really enjoy the challenge of how long they can go until they flip that green card to a red card because they've just had too much food."
"Hebrews 12:1-2 - Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith."
"Mental toughness becomes an issue at this level. It's a marathon, not a sprint for climbing."
"We're not going to quit when it hurts; we're going to quit when we're done."
"When your legs start telling you they don't have anything left, it's time for you to take over and tell those legs they're lying to you."
"Recovery is going to be a marathon, not a sprint."
"Pain tolerance is one of the biggest factors of someone who can handle pressure."
"Over the next 48 hours, we will push the limits of the human body."
"Navy SEALs are among the most elite military units in the world. The BUD/S training has a pass rate ranging from twenty to thirty percent and it ends in a brutal four-day challenge called Hell Week, where you spend four days and nights training continuously with only four hours of sleep in total."
"Mental toughness, the ability to go through such a rigorous and grueling training and not give up, not quit, hence the dropout rates."
"The 40% rule tells us that when our body starts telling us to quit, and when we think we've used up all of our reserves, we've actually only used 40%. You have another 60% in the tank."
"The first period is won by the best technician. The second period is won by the kid in the best shape. And the third period is won by the kid with the biggest heart."
"Just keep in mind, this will end. We will end this terrible scourge that we're under. So hang in there, don't get discouraged."
"Harold's determination and stamina were awesome."
"Almighty God says, 'I want you to have the endurance, the strength, the courage, and the steadfastness to believe what you believe, to know what you believe, and stand strong in that belief no matter what anybody else is saying.'"
"For 10 years, Jake Matthews has been an Iron Man. It's one of the most impressive streaks in the NFL."
"May this be the beginning, and may there be no ending until the trumpet sounds and the hope of glory is looking at us face to face."
"Nearly every medieval writer comments on the Mongols’ ensuing hardiness and stamina; the Mongols were able to endure hardship that made the armies of the sedentary world buckle."
"There's no feeling quite like the sense of mastery achieved when you can construct something from the ground up."
"It was now obvious to him that the Death Wolf was hella strong and had a lot of endurance."
"So as a 19 year old kid he did all of that on the national championship winning team throughout LaRon's college career he was the model of durability he started 48 straight games."
"Keep going. This will last the test of time."
"He who has a why can bear any how." - Nietzsche
"Four years after 20 years of that type of pain."
"Consider him who endured such hostility against himself, lest you be discouraged and weary in your soul."
"The only way to alleviate suffering is more suffering... be comfortable being uncomfortable."
"You have to have that mentality of no, when to hell week I knew I would get broken I had to have an internal flame in me that can never be."
"A little bit of pain to win... she'll take it all day long."
"Look at life as a marathon, it is not a sprint."
"Run until you puke and then run some more until you puke again."
"You decide how far you want to go and how much you are willing to endure."
"Endure by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ until the end and you will have eternal life and happiness that will never end."
"Even if his muscles tore and his bones turned to dust, he would continue to struggle."
"Ride the sword till it dies, like let's see how far I can go."
"DK's run sat on top of the leaderboard for years."
"Let all pain and Sorrows pass away from my life, My Flesh and my heart May Fail, but you Lord are the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
"Live thousands upon thousands of days, like if I just gotta suck it up for the next 24 hours, yeah, do not ever [__] quit."
"As we suffer, we should remember the results of Christ's suffering."
"Allow yourself to push a little bit and then you'll find a second wind."
"A government of the People by the people for the people shall not perish from the earth."
"Remember when your brain is telling you you're done, you're only about 40% done."
"We're confronting death, we're getting pushed to the very limits of our experience."
"It would take you at peak performance to starve to death completely from being fully fed."
"You need to master the ability to suffer in solitude. Sometimes, being alone allows you to think and get things out of your system."
"The death guard were relentlessness incarnate... soldiers that never faltered and never stopped."
"As many times as it takes, no matter how long."
"Both men bleeding, both men swaying, both men paying the price."
"There comes a time when the cup of endurance runs over."
"Will you be able to endure the persecution that's coming?"
"US Navy SEALs put this to the test in a very palpable way through surf torture."
"The only time that it's over is when you make the decision to quit. It's not when somebody else declares it being over."
"America has said it will stay for as long as it takes."
"I survived! I thought you said to outlast everyone else."
"God gives us the grace and the tools that we need to bear those crosses."
"You were a good one and you held on to the very end."
"The annual purge is almost over, but there's still a little fighting left though."
"Slavery can be endured and overcome; it cannot be repaid."
"I felt strong mentally the whole way through this."
"The ultimate goal of any survival situation is to stay alive long enough to get rescued."
"You've got to be tougher than we've ever been. We have to have more endurance, we have to have determination."
"Who will be left standing when the dust settles."
"Blackpink worked their guts out, dancing and singing at the same time."
"Just getting to the exit is a test of endurance with many difficult fights."
"If such sentiments persist for several years and surpass the psychological threshold of endurance, a minor, unpredictable event could potentially trigger a systemic social crisis."
"Doesn't get too excited at any time that's good you can fight longer when you are relaxed."
"The race of life is not a sprint at all, it's a long cross-country run."
"There once was a ladybug. It was so small it took a really long time to crawl from there to here. It was very tiring to fly for too long. Nobody squishes ladybugs because they're cute."