
Words Quotes

There are 1686 quotes

"Words matter. They are more destructive at times than bullets."
"Your words are like seeds that go into the mind of millions of people. If you say words of hatred, you are planting seeds of hatred in the minds of millions of people." - Mr. Yuval Harari
"Words seem to come out of luminosity. They appear on the paper in paper and ink, they come out of a radiance."
"The power of life and death lies in the tongue."
"Words are like seeds. When you speak something out, you give life to what you're saying."
"Malcolm's mesmerizing words still resonate deeply within the hearts and minds of millions."
"Words spoken and deeds done are two things you can never get back."
"Words are meaningless unless we put action behind them."
"The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life."
"It is imperative that all of us remain thoughtful about how our words and actions reflect on the times."
"Your word is your wand, filled with magic and power."
"Words are power, and the reality is that the words you speak to yourself, the thoughts you have, they will dictate your energy."
"Words hurt, any kindergartener called stupid on the playground could tell you that." - A reminder of the power of words.
"Words have power, Lizzie. They build identity."
"What you release from your mouth is going to be waiting for you at your house."
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit."
"Your words are powerful, and what you believe is what you attract into your world."
"Words matter, and mine are no exception. I regret my comments, as I said, and I stand corrected. I also stand with the Jewish people."
"There are miracles in your mouth waiting to be released."
"A single word can give you courage or turn your favorite pleasure into your worst nightmare."
"Actions speak louder than words, as the old saying goes."
"Words are very powerful. Words have the ability to create."
"Words are powerful... yet our words can be very careless and idle."
"Words have authority... they respond to the authority that you have been given by the Lord."
"When you have authority over something, your words can shape it."
"Words are just words until action actually starts."
"Words are powerful. Mercury, ruling communication, thoughts, and the mind, is powerful."
"Understand that your words have the power of life and death."
"Words have power, and they carry great power with them, so they must be given out very carefully."
"The saying 'the pen is mightier than the sword' has never been more true than it is today."
"Your words hold more power than you can ever comprehend."
"Words are so important discovered verifiable something like that right."
"Energy and words have power. They do. We have to watch the type of energy that we put out there."
"Words matter. This case is about Ms. Heard's words."
"A good word is like a seed, growing into an entire tree."
"Even the smallest word can have a profound impact."
"Any good word will find cooperative sentiment with any other good word."
"Every word has the potential to change a life."
"Words cannot hurt you and when you and we're in a society now where they're trying to protect people's feelings from words."
"You're living in this world where words speak louder than actions."
"Words are like a weapon and the target for this weapon is your heart."
"Words are magic. Use them to manifest more abundance."
"The worlds that you create with your words determines the environment that you are content to live in."
"Words are like seeds, and if somebody speaks unbelief over me... that thing never germinates."
"What comes out your mouth is extremely powerful."
"The future unit words and can you that need healing."
"Every word has the power to change the world."
"Words are in my not so humble opinion our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it." - Hermione's notebook quote.
"It's not cheating if I use the words to my benefit."
"Words aren't just words, they give ammunition."
"The very structure of words is sacred, and the breath is sacred, so that there is a blessedness involved in working with words."
"Words have their own tremendous magic power."
"I have treasured his words more than my daily food." - "I have treasured his words more than my daily food."
"Your words are like spells, they are spelling what you say out in the universe."
"There's death and life in the power of the tongue."
"God will guard you from the harm that words could cause."
"Words are so important and affect our destiny beyond anything else."
"Words have the power to create a new reality."
"A simple act is better than beautiful words that result in nothing."
"Words have power. Indeed, they have the power to create, but mostly they have the power to destroy."
"Truthful words are not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth."
"Sky and Earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away." - Matthew 24:35
"Your words have the power to produce life or to produce death, the life and death is in the power of the tongue it says that in Proverbs I think it’s 14:17."
"Our words can make people feel... we have a responsibility in a society."
"Words are spells, so be careful what you say and wish on people."
"Words are just words until action, and action starts."
"Words don't really mean jack [ __ ]. Words should be the manifestation of the action you put out into the world."
"Words are covenants, words are partnerships, they're agreements."
"Loving words have the power to change lives, including your own."
"Be mindful of the words you speak, as they have the power to shape your reality."
"Words are words, some people are really good with their words but let's follow it up with action."
"Your words can do a lot; they can hurt people or bless people."
"Words cannot be limited because words go into the realm of the spirits."
"These people who their words kind of capture the public imagination, and just live on through that."
"My mom just informed me that my first word was 'quote', so I'm going to make sure my last word before I die will be 'unquote'."
"God's words have creative power, our words have cultivating power."
"Words are like a lamp for your feet, so you can see where to walk, and words are like a light for your pathway, so you can see where to go."
"Words are powerful, know what you're saying before you're saying it."
"The words that I speak to you now are carriers of the high energy frequency of presence."
"The Words that I speak to you, they're spirit and they are life."
"What kind of effect do our positive or negative words have on our body?"
"Speak of them in a very self-honoring way, knowing that your words carry so much immense power."
"We must now translate fine words into still finer actions."
"The heavens and the Earth will fade away, but my words remain."
"Your words are soldiers. Every time you speak, the words have a life of their own based on the enforcement."
"True words of God produce power; they produce results."
"The words that I speak are spirit and are life."
"Don't say things, the word is powerful, yeah very powerful."
"His words bring all the clouds to the town, and they're like, we're bringin rain down."
"Ideas apparently mattered and words were maybe more important than they had guessed."
"know like I like nothing where the words are too out there you're like an audio book"
"The words that come out of our mouths affect everyone around us more than we really want to admit."
"Words have power, so spend your day listening to positive motivational things."
"Words have power, always use nice words to both others and yourself."
"Sometimes your words are more poisonous than snake venom."
"Words stick with people more than a physical injury."
"Life and death are in the power of your tongue."
"I let these words flow out like water from a spout, like rain from the clouds, rinse the pain from the crowd."
"Words have creative power, they can be full of good power or bad power."
"Words of violence... it's a crazy idea."
"It was the words, it was my heart being changed."
"The words you speak are a blueprint that your mind and body work to make real."
"Your words shape your reality, changing your words will change your reality."
"A string of words can be as rich an offering as a string of pearls."
"Every word we say is actually an act of creation."
"By thine words thou shalt be justified, and by thine words thou shalt be condemned."
"Once you understand somebody's motives, you're less subject to the power of their words."
"His actions are not as cold as his words."
"I know the value of words. The words can make you, break you, they can heal your soul, they can damage you forever, so I always try to use the positive words in my life wherever I go."
"Words matter and they carry weight. You have to see the action behind them."
"Some words can't be unsaid. How can she now prove to him that those words were not true?"
"...our words have life and death in it."
"Words can really [ __ ] hurt people."
"Do your actions match your words? Do you truly have standards?"
"Never underestimate the ability for your words to be heard, for your voice to make a difference."
"Words do hurt, actions do matter."
"Your words are powerful, act like they are."
"Mind your words for they do create Worlds. By Thy word shall you be justified and so too by Your Word shall you be condemned."
"You can preach a better sermon with your actions than you ever could with your mouth."
"The power of life and death is in our tongue because we actually broadcast, and that word literally wraps around the whole earth."
"Your words will begin to carry weight."
"Actions mean more than words and I'm going to show you with my actions."
"Words are extremely powerful; words are spells."
"Words actually trigger a biological imperative, they set into motion a biological process."
"Those who speak words with faith are people who know how to speak words that bring blessings."
"Words are powerful. Words that cause frequency, yes. Where's the powerful?"
"Our faith-filled words can move mountains."
"For every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment."
"The words we use determine what we're even capable of conceiving."
"Our words do matter...you accustom yourself to speak in a certain way and your thoughts and actions follow your words."
"Your words literally craft your entire masculine reality."
"The tongue has the power to make you or break you. It has the power of life and death."
"Their actions will speak louder than their words."
"Your words can bite, but they also heal. They get people to self-reflect."
"Actions speak louder than words, but sometimes words reveal the truth."
"A word is just a word; it's the intent behind it that matters."
"Let your mouth be filled with the law of kindness."
"Avoiding words is our only way of writing with any originality."
"One of those big bucket list things in golf that it's really tough to put into words."
"Each of these words in this title were chosen carefully."
"So we constructed versions which have higher frequency words in those places."
"I think it's so powerful to show people that their actions don't add up to their words."
"Oh my god, those are the words, like she would always call me princess."
"It's just so important isn't it that we understand the power of our words, you know we we can speak words of life or death into one another."
"We use words like Honor Code loyalty."
"Words will always retain their power. The pen is mightier than the sword."
"How long will he vex my soul and break me in pieces with words?"
"Your words matter, what you say on the daily matter, what you think really matters, it manifests into your life."
"Words are spells, they definitely are. That's why they call it spelling, that's why it's casting."
"Honest words are always pleasant to hear."
"Your prayers become prophecy and your words become worlds."
"Is it the voice or is it the words?"
"Actions are everything. It's the only way because my childhood words didn't mean anything."
"It's not just finding the synonyms or antonyms, it's really kind of swimming in the waves of how words connect to each other."
"Our words are magic sticks. Be careful of your words. Watch your words. They're creating abracadabra."
"Actions speak louder than words. No matter what you say, you gotta try."
"His words have haunted my dreams since."
"Words and ideas can change the world."
"Words and names were not mere descriptors but tangible expressions of spiritual realities that could be controlled and reshaped by those who unlocked their secret ciphers."
"Every single word we say is a chance to do something good."
"Our words can help us feel better when we're sick or even bring us good luck and success."
"Words can hurt more than physical actions."
"It's amazing how much we can brighten our own day and everyone else's just with the words we choose to use."
"We're expressing ourselves through their frequencies, through their vibrations because that's what words are."
"Actions speak louder than empty words."
"There are moments that the words don't reach, there's a grace too powerful to name."
"I try to capture somehow in words the stunning breath-taking realities of Scripture."
"You better understand that by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned."
"Words are important. Jesus said, 'By thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.' If you're going to hell, it's going to be because of your words. If you're going to heaven, it's going to be because of your words. You better understand that."
"Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace."
"Words spoken matter. I spoke real words, God responded, and His word began to do a massive work."
"Actions speak a lot louder than words often."
"Words we see what we want to see."
"The words we say, the words we think, have power and they shape our life."
"You have a reputation of being a very powerful person and someone who people listen to when you speak; your voice matters, the words that you say matter."
"Words have got so many dimensions - the meaning, the form, the spelling, and the sound that those words make."
"Words which are more precious than Jewels more soothing than music more awful than death."
"Words aren't always verbal. They could be internal and silent."
"I didn't realize that people were so sensitive toward words now."
"The words that you have, they can shift waters, they can alchemize, they can make people realize things that they didn't realize before."
"That's such a great question, you know, and many people don't realize the power of their words. And when, whenever we proclaim God's Word and we sing His praises, we're actually releasing the atmosphere of Heaven."
"Listen to this: 'Look at this person's actions rather than their words because this person says a whole lot but I don't see them given a lot.'"
"Our thoughts and our words are very powerful."
One of my favorite quotes by Margaret Atwood, whose writing I love, she says, "A word after a word after a word after a word is power."
"Words could have such an effect on your internal state."
"His words are like Precious Jade."
"Powerful words are a call to action. They challenge us to question, to strive, to create. They remind us of our capacity for self-overcoming, our potential to become who we truly are."
"Words of seduction versus words of analysis. Words as weapons versus words as plowshares. War and peace. The differences are polar, not matters of degree."
"Words have power. Speaking your goals into existence is the first step toward achieving them."
"Words are useless. His actions are what's actually happening."
"There has never been a context where I've said something and that I wasn't willing to stand by it."
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will leave Everlasting damage. The more you know."
"The tongue has power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit."
"Words are not violence. Words are our way to show unconditional, redemptive love. It's the only dialogue we have."
"This guy goes to jail for words, that's how annoying he was, saying that you'll get AIDS or whatever."
"Each word was filled with warmth and power."
"From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."
"Every now and then mere words change the shape of our world and alter our lives forever."
"Your words can be used to describe your life or they can be used to change your life."
"Speaking positive words and simply ignoring your situation all together, we see in each situation it's affected by words."