
Industry Quotes

There are 5555 quotes

"There are now signs that at least some in the industry are adopting new technology to ensure accurate labeling."
"If processed food companies are paying billions of dollars for nutrition research, they expect something in return, and they are getting it."
"Digital transformation is happening across every industry."
"John D. Rockefeller transformed the oil industry and created a vast empire that dominated the market."
"Entrepreneurship is not limited to technology, entrepreneurship happens in all walks of life and in all business segments."
"YouTube as an industry is still lifechanging for all of us."
"Industry and fitness was and is my passion, and that carried me through some of the difficult times because I remember the difference it's made to my life."
"Manufacturing in a factory is the future, and that manufacturing has to be digitally enabled."
"We're doing some amazing things in commercial space. There has never been a more exciting time to be in this industry."
"Every company in every industry is looking to increase automation."
"Every industry is identified by a niche tool...for example, to create or edit pictures, most graphic designers prefer Photoshop...when it comes to working with documents, professionals blindly trust MS Word."
"If women were paid equally in every industry, this would not be occurring."
"Whether it's agriculture, whether it's broadcasting, whether it's pharmaceutical, whether it's retail, you name the field, a few control it all."
"We have a lot of industrial demand, so we're just going to have to make sure that we give the people what they want."
"I think a good way to keep ourselves grounded is to still point out examples of real innovation that is occurring in the industry in the rare moments when they do."
"Honda is the biggest manufacturer of internal combustion engines in the world, making more than 14 million each year."
"And so began the beginning of a 30-year odyssey, a tale of survival through several generations of the video games industry."
"The evidence the bridge has revealed suggests a story of work not of rural farming but of recycling and industry."
"Workers will see thousands of new jobs, particularly in high-wage manufacturing industries."
"We have an incredible opportunity to create entirely new sustainable industries."
"What's acceptable on social media is in a constant state of change, and behind each decision about what can stay and what should go, there's a big, expensive, often hidden industry of content moderation."
"Gollum manufacturing, Dragon dung mines, my favorite industry."
"AMC was the ultimate underdog of the automotive industry."
"Survival of the fittest in the manufacturing world: Those companies whose engineering, whose products, whose manufacturing techniques are most suitable, most competitive in the environment are the ones who win."
"If you're measuring industrial mains stuff where safety is important, you kind of want to get this one."
"In my eyes, eSports is not about whether it's a sport. It's a branch of the entertainment industry."
"If we do succeed at building that industrial plant over that time frame, then that inflation rate will come down and we'll have supply chains that are shorter, simpler, cheaper, and closer to the end consumer."
"There is no doubt that the transition to sustainable transportation and the transportation industry is turning electric."
"The United States, at scale, is not capable of making a phone."
"We're worthy. We're worthy to be in these rooms, we're worthy to move capital, we're worthy to imagine whole industries."
"In the United States, we only make 11% of the world's chips by number, but we make 60% by value."
"I'm proud of both of our brothers, man, because so many people in this industry give up, or they go the other way."
"Across Australia, the wheels of industry turned 24 hours a day, seven days a week. These machines are tough, and the teams of people running them are even tougher."
"From deep underground to high in the sky, these heavy metal marvels are essential to our daily lives."
"Britain's biggest industries are financial and legal services, not so much about producing goods anymore."
"There are entire industries like pet cloning that exist because of weird rich people."
"To me, he is one of the masterminds of the industry currently."
"What started as a way for families to share their daily lives has turned into a multi-billion dollar industry."
"The industry is about network effect. The more people you have, the more money the networks will be worth."
"It's a testament to the complexities of game development."
"He's managed to become a widely known legend in a job that usually goes unappreciated and unnoticed by the general public."
"The responsibility of safety is the responsibility of manufacturers, dealers, distributors, owners, consumers—all of that."
"It's all entertainment, guys. But we listen to the feedback."
"The influence of this knife is almost impossible to overstate, it really was a game-changing and an archetype-setting knife for the knife industry."
"No longer are economies and industries solely characterized by the physical goods they produce, and in fact, some of the largest companies in the world produce no physical goods at all: digital information is a commodity in its own right."
"As of now, China is still the world's factory."
"Germany outshines in the production and export of the automobile industry."
"The same technology that lets you automate a ship to need only a small crew also lets you automate the factories that build those ships."
"A town founded on warfare became known across Europe for creating a product used extensively in warfare."
"Paradigm shifts don't come along too often in our industry."
"Phase change disruptions are happening at all levels, even at the product level."
"Shipping is very, very safe and as a matter of fact the insurance companies are making money hand over fist."
"It's really a truly massive investment in bricks and plastic."
"Anytime you're a disrupter in any industry there's going to be blowback."
"I've come into this industry with different expectations."
"It is time for a third-party organization with higher jurisdiction to break the door down and regulate an industry that actively chooses to remain complicit in anti-consumer practices."
"BlackRock now owns stakes in every industry."
"Yeah, the developer side of things... most like heartbreaking."
"ASML's market leadership in this sector is defined in two ways."
"We're headed to a point where a few massive companies dominate this industry."
"Intel's two new Arizona factories are scheduled to be online by 2023 and will make Arizona its biggest manufacturing site in the world."
"Wars are won as much in the factories as on the battlefield."
"Passionate about music... we take music to not be just a compliment."
"For a 5year period every single movie that Kevin Hart did was a movie that had been on my desk."
"The town's story is a reminder of the industry's impact on local communities and the importance of fair labor practices..."
"They're the innovators they're the dreamer makers."
"With your help, factory floors across this land are once more crackling with life, industry is booming, and the American spirit is soaring higher, stronger, freer, and greater than ever before."
"It would totally change the economics of the modern machine shop."
"People are always looking for the next Tesla. The next Tesla is Tesla."
"Innovation is the key to the high-tech industry."
"Journalists exist to expose bad things that are going on in various industries."
"The best people to get feedback from are those who aren't in the industry."
"April is the new start of the summer movie season."
"At one hundred and twenty-nine million four hundred and twenty-eight thousand square feet, this factory was among the biggest structures around."
"Maine's hardworking Blue Collar workforce provided ample amounts of labor for the factories."
"These developers for this game... behind Anime Legends."
"The Laterno company continued their development of unique diesel electric powertrains and eventually moved back into the earth-moving business."
"The Laterno company is still around to this day, known for their manufacture of the Titan range of haulers for use in mines and quarries around the world."
"Content creation is a brutal industry where you could spend so much time and effort and not get anything out of it."
"Major winners in defense reindustrialization."
"For companies that are growing in this industry you're going to see regular product launches."
"There's no such thing as American-made lenses anymore. That's a thing of the past."
"Who can really fight back in terms of traditional watch brands? There is only one in my opinion that has the chance of competing and that is Casio."
"The discovery confirms that the calcite-alabaster industry in Judea in the first century BCE was developed enough to serve the luxurious standards of Herod."
"Asia is as strong in EV battery technology as they are in semiconductors."
"Germany was, as it is today, a world leader in both science and industry."
"I think it's just super important to have representation of women in the industry."
"We can create more of them, not fewer of them. I don't buy for one second the vitality American manufacturing is a thing of the past."
"Everything we're seeing manufactured."
"If an industry cannot survive without subsidy, then that industry shouldn't be there."
"Constant innovation in an industry that was almost asleep before companies like SpaceX entered it."
"Cincinnati became the center of the pork packing industry, giving it the nickname Porkopolis."
"We just wrote the songs and handed it to the label like, 'Here you go, take it or leave it.'"
"Dying women and some guilty verdicts couldn't stop the radium paint industry."
"These labels now just like they have fast fashion which is like H&M, Zara, Forever 21, things that you can buy for real cheap and throw away next week."
"British industry today employs more women than ever before in a country at peace."
"I think there's a very important distinction to make between Triple A and indie games and the expectations of both."
"China's not real happy with Russia... cause us to start um uh cranking up our industrial base."
"They're against steel, they're against anything with petroleum in it. You won't have a country, these people are crazy."
"People should start setting up industry in red states."
"Those are the three like literally biggest people for zombies all literally don't work at Activision or Treyarch or Sledgehammer or Infinity War."
"There's no escape from the notion that this is a fantastic business to be in."
"We can't even get them to parody with current Western industrial production." - Commentator
"All the innovation that we've been having with the so-called fourth industrial revolution is becoming increasingly more advanced."
"It is crazy to me that to make this world run we have to do dirty dirt like dirty dirty dirt."
"Energy is the economy; there's nothing we do that doesn't use energy."
"You're one of the people that created the industry in which we all thrive."
"Figure out how to get paid in crypto and like Crypto Dog said, you'll never find any other industry on this planet where you can go from four figures to nine figures or eight figures in three years."
"Competition is always welcome in this space."
"Biden's National Security adviser advocating industrial policy."
"When this garment business started, somehow we're able to attract these women."
"With this new Milestone if they're able to maintain it it would mean that that factory can now produce 250 000 model wise each year and should be on track to do that going forward."
"This right here is going to revolutionize that space, that blog and industry, and it's going to change how people participate in the space."
"The story is very similar in Israel; their companies are less household names because they operate in less consumer-focused industries."
"South Korea has grown a diverse selection of crucial and world-leading industries that add a lot of value to its domestic economy and the global economy."
"We are not reducing our production in a meaningful way, recession or not, so it's certainly recession resilient."
"Monopolistic industries aren't good for competition, they usually come with a holdover space where things look okay but then there is a change in atmosphere."
"It's clear that dice is a shadow of its former self with some even arguing that dice shouldn't even be the name of the studio anymore with almost all of the leads that worked on the likes of battlefield 3 and 4 leaving the studio in recent years."
"I really like their business model I think it's really clever and I think it's a great pickaxe kind of play on the puff puff industry."
"Black poverty is a billion-dollar industry. If you solve black-on-black crime, a lot of people will be out of work."
"Mining, refining, and assembling, that's the key."
"New methods were being considered and this led to a second if somewhat less disruptive false dawn as the Bessemer process started to produce large quantities of Steel."
"Physical gold, physical silver is used in every single sector of the global economy."
"They're forcing companies in some instances to fail and they're targeting key industries and trying to tear down key industries."
"Silver has the ability to be a precious metal and is highly used in the industry."
"Everybody kind of learns together and figure out this new... industry."
"Artificial intelligence will be at the core of the fourth industrial revolution... and will bring in the most important disruptive potential."
"Indies generally run in tighter margins and I think personally are essential to the creative progress of the industry."
"The labels are always the evil characters of the story... sometimes they're actually the heroes."
"Eventually they are going to not they may not take the industry down they may not take their you know whether it's media or polling but eventually people do begin to just tune them out."
"Football is obviously an industry as well and provides an incredible number of jobs."
"If you're smart, hardworking, and don't have behaviors that sabotage yourself, you will be successful in this industry..."
"An event so intensely damaging that it might as well have been an active industrial Espionage."
"The main reason why I would put Greg on this list is because he has such a large outreach and he calls out so much [__] in the industry."
"There's a lot of politicking involved with the way governments prioritize certain industries."
"Most robots in industry and elsewhere will have a big red stop button on them."
"I seriously feel like we have some of the most talented artists in the industry in our community."
"A Democratic leadership in America is most likely going to have a positive influence on the growth of this industry."
"China is now much more about quality, high-quality standards."
"The more people that talk about this the better, whether it's inside the industry or outside the industry."
"Springs are like petroleum. You can always build a chocolate factory. But Springs you have, or you don't have." - Helmut Maucher
"Ultimately this probably comes down to like an Aristotelian view of virtue."
"Oh how times change. It feels like ages ago that Activision used to be one of the most prolific video game publishers."
"Guys working at Infinity Ward, they seem passionate man. I've never really seen that much passion from Infinity Ward in a long long time so it's a good sign."
"Private Equity runs hospitals and mobile home parks the same way they run streaming platforms."
"There's always going to be people who want that [escapist entertainment] and so if Hollywood won't provide it someone else is going to step in to do it."
"Tesla has won the decade; everyone else is [ __ ]."
"Halo Infinite: A bold showcase of the industry's greatest talents."
"Tesla Inc is moving forward with plans to build a lithium refinery on the Texas Gulf Coast."
"They were the biggest industrial workforce in England, fueling the economy."
"Your company has single-handedly killed the comic book industry."
"Even though I very much dislike him, and I do think that he is a creep, I actually do agree with some of the industry recommendations that Dan mentioned at the end of that interview."
"There's so many talented developers working on this stuff; it's unreal."
"Oil and gas is one of the biggest opportunities."
"It's been a big week of FIFA news between the gameplay reveal and the licensing stuff."
"Most of it today is actually built out of the nickel anyway."
"We don’t want these actors to become the new industry tokens that get cast in everything as a cover that things are just fine."
"When you start to just repeat things because they're successful then it feels like it stops being art and starts being industry."
"Tesla is paving the way, it's modeling something new for the industry."
"I'm not satisfied to have 50% of our steel mill capacity unused." - Senator John F. Kennedy
"Railroad CEOs fail to realize that wages are not competitive in this market anymore."
"How do we make it more secure for creators writers and producers? Share the awesome [__]."
"Japan is home to some of the largest tech companies and car manufacturers in the world."
"I think the entertainment aspect of it will always exist."
"So many interplanetary spacecraft now, there's a market to provide those services. Like that's a good problem for us to have, I think. There you go, I like."
"If we were to eliminate from our industrial world the results of Tesla's work, the wheels of industry would cease to turn."
"Digital technology is enabling even the most established of industries to transform."
"A vote for crooked Joe means the future of the Auto industry will be made in China."
"Through the shaping of the supreme court, the presidency, and in the highest levels of American industry, we see the evidence that the forming of this image is in process."
"More regulation is going to hurt the industry...it's not going to help."
"For our industry, it was like a rocket ship."
"The feeling of missing out has propelled entire industries."
"You just feel the optimism for the future, a belief in industry, a belief in travel, education."
"Federal funding is the one piece that we need and now that we have it, I think you're going to see a tremendous amount of growth in the industry."
"Steel production accounts for about seven percent of global greenhouse gas emissions... SSAB has built a first of its kind pilot plant... uses green hydrogen in place of coal."
"Seiko is among the very few brands in the world that make everything almost entirely from start to finish themselves."
"I want to destroy everyone in this industry but I hope none of them actually lose their jobs."
"You gotta get a coat of armor for this industry."
"Almost no work is being done on World of Warcraft right now."
"It's a performance-based industry, and I just didn't get enough consistent performances."
"Resolve does not churn out more artillery shells that Ukraine needs on the battlefield; industry does."
"Gaming is now the biggest entertainment industry in the UK."
"Motorsport as a whole is a results-driven industry."
"This man is setting the tone for the entire industry."
"If treated correctly, this comic book industry has a big future."
"India produces over half the world's supply."
"Battery makers co-locate with electric vehicle makers."
"Personal initiative was the chief trait which helped Henry J. Kaiser to build a great industrial empire."
"You're fake. You see this fake love? The industry is fake, bro. Tell me, how this, you [expletive], you blindsights up out of the pocket, man?"
"Get out there in Nampa they got a place called Namp out there where they make uh sugar beets, oh."
"In spite of its total wartime destruction, the port today is still one of continental Europe's busiest."
"I think it's a great time to be a gamer straight up."
"A weaving factory... just opened up in Baltimore... wants wool, produces cloth."
"Plastic changed the course of manufacturing forever, but a lot of that came at a cost."
"It's important to have a life outside of work in any industry."
"Guys just like, yeah, like we're shipping this crap to like, you know, Tier one software companies."
"Anthony dobrazaneki: 'If you're ever in Chicago, maybe I can get you a tour of our plant.'"
"It's also a success story for American Technology and American industry."
"I just do what I want to do; it's not industry stuff. I don't care. I'm appeasing the people who consume our products."