
Movies Quotes

There are 7580 quotes

"That was the best movie ever, are you serious right now?"
"I cry a lot. What's the last movie you cried at?"
"For me, the movies are like a machine that generates empathy."
"Talking during a movie? Oh my gosh, I'd rather you do this. I love talking during movies."
"My absolute favorite thing in movies is when someone is looking at a childhood picture of a character, and they use actual childhood pictures of that actor."
"There should be bloopers at the end of horror movies just to let a person sleep in peace."
"The movies are really these markers of time... they exist beyond the time they were recorded."
"The best movies are where you can feel the hand of the filmmaker."
"The Marvel movies were creating this long overarching narrative while giving you complete stories with a conflict and a resolution."
"Movies were in their blockbuster era. The special effects, the makeup, the action, even TV had a grandiose aura to it."
"Oppenheimer won and becomes the highest-grossing movie to win best picture since 'The Return of the King' won back in 2004."
"There are two particular movies that I watched as a kid that basically destroyed my psyche and left me a strange and wounded animal for the rest of my life."
"It's always fun to go back to Independence Day to a more carefree, innocent time where movies like this were not to be taken seriously and were honestly just about fun."
"Inspired by the anti-establishment themes of the movie Fight Club."
"Honestly, I think X2 might be my favorite superhero movie ever made."
"I'm a movie buff... I watch movies, movies, movies, documentaries."
"Dune is winning everything best picture best director best adapted screenplay best original screenplay best animated feature best documentary."
"The new Mario Brothers movie is going to be off the chart."
"Someone in the chat just mentioned a movie that I love very much. Yes, this is exactly what I was thinking."
"Who are you going to call? Ghostbusters. 'Wow, that's a movie from 1984. Doug, that's cool.'"
"It's my favorite part of seeing a movie, isn't seeing the movie itself; it's hanging out in the lobby afterwards and talking about it with people that I love."
"It's like the proton packs, the lightsabers, the DeLorean... what nowadays is the new iconic movie thing?"
"Many of Disney's films continue to have a special place in my heart."
"David was an ordinary person, but his superpower was his faith in God. That's why I hope people watch this movie and walk away inspired to fight their giants."
"I watched Pixar's Elemental in 3D and not only was it a cute movie that was the best 3D experience I've ever had, it was perhaps one of the best movie-watching experiences I've had EVER. Period."
"Movies, whether they're good or not, can a lot of the time serve as some kind of interesting peek into the mind of the people who made them."
"If I put the movie on to fall asleep, that means I'm very comfortable with it, and it calms me."
"I fell in love with this movie, as does everyone. It has a very comforting energy."
"It's giving. People are going to know Peter Kavinsky 20 years from now."
"His self-sacrifice is second to none, which is why I think he's my ideal movie hero."
"When he remembers his happy thought and he takes off flying, my spirit soared in that movie theater."
"Ultimately what's important is for anyone watching these movies to think about how it makes them feel."
"It's important to have a discussion about these movies, not a final verdict on them."
"It's just so stupid and fun. These movies, I don't know if it's just because I'm getting more delirious or if it's just that these are getting progressively more and more fun."
"Everything all at once movie was a tearjerker."
"Let's go on our first date... to the movies, 'cause we both like videos, right? It's big brain."
"Through the connection of Andy and Red, we see one of the most powerful cinematic friendships in movie history."
"In the traditional motion picture story, the villains are usually defeated. The ending is a happy one. I can make no such promise for the picture you're about to watch."
"Movies don’t create psychos, movies make psychos more creative."
"I like witty, sarcastic comedy. That's my type of movies."
"This movie also stars rising stars Sydney Sweeney, Isabella Merced, and Celeste O'Connor as three teenagers destined to one day become spider-women."
"2023 was the year that no Sonic movie content came out, boo! Instead, this year was only the best year for movies of the decade."
"Would you be interested in going to the movies tonight?"
"What people want in life isn't security and happiness; it's what they will pay for when they go see a movie. They want a romantic adventure."
"Disney's Hollywood Studios, the park that drops you into your favorite movies and lets you become the star of the show."
"These movies... hit me in the genuine true depths of human emotions."
"This is definitely one of those movies that everyone needs to be educated about."
"I could watch movies like this all day, every day. I fucking love it. The shittier, the better."
"Muppet Treasure Island is the best movie of all time."
"It's great to have you with us. We understand that you have a new movie coming out, which is a bit of a departure for you."
"Considered by some to be the worst movie ever, by others to be the best worst movie ever."
"I love watching black love movies. Like, till this day, I'm that's what I grew up on."
"The movies that were most personally impactful, the movies that were most meaningful to me."
"Now's a great time to introduce your partner, or your kids to movies that were special to you."
"My number 10 favorite movie of all time is 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.'"
"There's something about all the elements that come together to just make it iconic for me."
"The perfect movie and it's only number nine? 'The Godfather.'"
"'Guardians of the Galaxy' is just my favorite."
"You know, 'The Force Awakens,' that theater experience after having waited so long."
"The ending of that movie is just like, it's like the first time I remember almost like weeping to the point of shoulder convulsions in a movie theater."
"I'm throwing another Coen Brothers movie up there, 'O Brother Where Art Thou,' went higher, two spots, than 'The Big Lebowski' for me."
"The soundtrack was incredible. Amazingly curated by T-Bone Burnett."
"I've been on record saying this is the best movie of all time. And it sounds like I'm saying it as a joke."
"Not once does the movie ever consider the moral quandary of an abortion that is necessary to save a woman's life."
"You got a joint? No? It would be a lot cooler if you did."
"I see what you did there. It's like when someone in a movie says the movie title."
"Best movie food fight of all time? Oh, Animal House, right?"
"I'll certainly never do a movie with a gun again."
"I think in a really concrete way movies can give us images of who we want to be."
"One of my favorites, Back to the Future, explores the concept of a car being used to travel through time."
"Pixar tries to put other genres into action movies and that's when we get things like Cars 2."
"The Avengers is a movie about the need for friendship, even in the face of interpersonal difficulties."
"The Avengers is inspired, works, deserves its place in the cultural canon, earned its likely permanent residence in the imagination of generations."
"The Avengers is not most movies; it's sort of like a team, Earth's Mightiest Heroes."
"My favorite movies now are movies based on true stories. They always nail it on the head, like perfectly."
"What the hell is going on, guys? Welcome back to yet again another members-only movie."
"I think movies like this are some of the few opportunities Marvel has to pay homage to fans."
"It's everything that you could want from an action movie. You have a hero to believe in."
"It just did such a good job of balancing tones of being nuts but grounded at the same time."
"Let's welcome Rhodey, named after War Machine from the Iron Man films."
"We need to invest in advancing our deflection capabilities. Otherwise, it'll be like that movie 'Don't Look Up'."
"It definitely does remind me of Leila from Sky High, which I love."
"Layered within each movie are detailed character studies, philosophies, and themes involving both external and internal worlds."
"Mufasa's death in The Lion King remains one of the most gut-wrenching moments in cinematic history."
"It's a good old-fashioned Western without the wokeness, and we need more movies like that, I think, in the world."
"Movies aren't about logic; they're not equations, they're not proofs, they're not puzzles. Movies are not math."
"Seeing the first X-Men years ago and I cried when Logan ended. Hugh Jackman's return, man, we all are. Absolutely a dream come true."
"Tom Cruise is trying to go to space and film a movie up there."
"It's no doubt that originality has been down the drain, but if you look in the right spots, there's still some refreshing and scary movies out there."
"Movies, a form of entertainment that has dominated our society for over a century."
"Wish my life was like a 90s movie where all my friends work in record stores and bookshops."
"You can always turn your brain off and enjoy these movies, and that's fine... but also occasionally maybe just allow yourself to think a bit more deeply about it."
"We can enjoy movies while looking at them with a critical eye."
"It's been at least a decade since I last watched it, and revisiting it now, it might be my favorite Nolan movie."
"It’s been one of my favorite movies for a long time."
"I don't think a lot of people are prepared for how long Adam Windguard has spent thinking about ThunderCats. They are not ready for Adam's ThunderCats movie. It's going to destroy."
"Honestly, my biggest hope for this movie is a lot more Michael Keaton."
"I hope you hear me well: Give me the Shrek 5 trailer or else I'll launch the nukes."
"The Terminator movies have inspired a lot in terms of effects, style, and overall attitude."
"It is a mirror to our culture and our civilization, how aliens are portrayed in all of these sci-fi movies."
"Good for her and depending on your perspective, white people either rescued two movies this weekend or two movies lost out on even bigger box office thanks to little or no diversity."
"Every movie is at least one person's favorite."
"Sometimes on a weekend I like to just sit down, watch a good Hallmark movie, and craft the day away."
"In the sequels department, 2019 destroys 2018, hands down."
"2019 wins the sequel battle with facts and logic."
"I'm excited for the idea of getting a new origin movie of Wolverine."
"We live in the golden age of superhero movies. Superheroes are everywhere. These movies dominate the box office. They are the biggest events of the year."
"When you see it, it's exciting, it's romantic, it's so funny, it's got emotion, and that's what made movies work."
"This is why you make movies. It's big, it's epic, it's adventurous, it's romantic, it's got everything you want."
"Puss in Boots: The Last Wish is the best thing to come out of the Shrek Cinematic Universe since Shrek 2."
"I love movies. I like a full circle journey, you know, beginning, middle, and end."
"I love Star Wars. That has been my all-time favorite, all the movies, since the beginning of time."
"One silver lining to fewer movies coming out this year: a chance to theorize about some of the best classics of yesteryear."
"I love this movie. It's low stakes, there's great fashion, it's funny, there's an unreleased Gaga song. It's just a good time."
"I really enjoyed re-watching this movie... I think that's because I just like fun. What happened to fun?"
"I don't want to be preached at and given some sort of message. I don't need to be improved when I go to the movies. I just want to experience something."
"There's something about going to the movies that just makes it feel like a movie; watching it on my TV at home just doesn't feel right."
"The Thanos snap introduced at April 2019 to coincide with the Avengers: Endgame movie."
"We're watching a Kaufman movie so we can discover what we didn't know about it."
"You can like the movie all you want, that's fine by me."
"Eyes Wide Shut... July 16th, 1999, the 30th anniversary of the moon missions."
"If you want to enjoy watching this movie go into it with an open mind just go enjoy a silly movie."
"I really like the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast."
"Nukes Are Back In Style baby whether you regard op jimer as a cinematic Marvel with its breathtaking chaach or a SLO to get through because it's so [ __ ] long"
"Watching movies with me is like watching with a friend. I feel like you guys are my friends in that way."
"It is a cliffhanger movie, ends in a massive cliffhanger."
"Every time I look at some of the great movies of all time for some reason this hunk of garbage is number one." - Tony Hinchcliffe on Citizen Kane
"Those guardians of the galaxy back together again."
"Endgame has some absolutely stunning visuals."
"Maybe those early dreams in the MCU were just dreams."
"This movie is not only for fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe but a movie for film fans."
"As someone who grew up with these prequels, I love these flawed movies."
"Movies have always sparked changes in our society."
"It's so cool, like Haku almost from Spirited Away."
"I've never liked the idea of taking rides and turning them into movies, but Pirates of the Caribbean is a perfect movie."
"Slap Star Wars on it, funny goofy action movie with dinosaurs, Jurassic World."
"Leave a comment with your favorite and least favorite horror movies of 2021."
"Lost potential, definitely one of the most disappointing movies."
"Big budget Blockbusters created from a specific cultural Viewpoint can resonate strongly with General audiences."
"Shang Chi and the legend of the ten rings can strike a similar chord in pop culture at large."
"On Her Majesty's Secret Service represents the first time the series made a real conscious effort to put Bond on an emotional journey."
"What is Fuad's favorite comfort film? Shrek."
"Just adapt them straight up, this felt like the most comic book movie of all time."
"This movie looks like it's going to be amazing."
"I just hope I don't want to be that, there's so many movies where humanity takes it too far but that's hollywood that's all."
"This movie contained by far my absolute favorite moments."
"I think I did like it more than infinity war."
"I loved when Spiderman turned on instant kill mode."
"That's a locked-in dude, man. I mean, I want to see what this movie's about."
"The next move should be an Old Republic movie."
"I just love these [__] movies man that's the only reason I'm way into it."
"Ironman one total success super solid film if you haven't watched it lately go back and watch it you'll find yourself being really [ __ ] surprised."
"Unfortunately, the movie barely broke even on its initial investment."
"A year starved of movies turned out to be a good thing."
"Avengers: Endgame... absolutely is top tier MCU."
"I'm into incredibly stupid movies that are fun."
"These are all villains we need to see in the MCU."
"Twister captured a nation in 1996 thanks to its Relentless action and impressive set pieces some of which have become iconic Staples of the genre."
"I know what the future brings... when you see Madame Web, you're going to love it..."
"What do you think about Steve Rogers' chances of surviving Avengers Endgame?"
"As we've been expecting for a while, the plot of Avengers Endgame heavily featured time travel and it was all a bit complicated to be honest."
"It's a warm movie, it makes you feel really warm inside."
"A movie that just far exceeded my expectations and put an enormous grin on my face."
"One of the most pleasant surprises that I have ever had in the theater."
"Great movies will change the way you see the world, but the truly elite special movie will make you want to change you."
"Space Jam: A New Legacy, the Space Jam sequel is finally here."
"April is the new start of the summer movie season."
"I do have a very big soft spot for Space Jam."
"I'm really excited for Aquaman, I love the idea of an underwater adventure movie, I just I'm interested in that as a thing I can't wait to see how they bring it to life."
"It scared me a couple times, I jumped out of my seat."
"I liked it better than I liked Star Wars, and that's saying something."
"I just like the fight scenes in DC movies way more than the Marvel ones."
"Happy ending. Hollywood heard you. Let's hope they stick the landing."
"I'm such a Vince Vaughn guy that I'll watch Four Christmases any day of the week."
"John Goodman as Fred Flintstone in the Flintstones movie is the best Fred Flintstone."
"I absolutely adore going down the rabbit hole of hunting for whatever weird shock B-movies I can find."
"Is this the best retaliation Pixar's ever made? No, but is it still entertaining in an unexpected way? Hell yeah."
"Risk is why I love Temple of Doom so much. It's because it's unapologetic for what it is and it took a lot of chances."
"I want those things to keep existing and be fun right now we are actually you know no disrespect to anything else with the Brandon regime we have gotten a [ _ ] ton of good movies and a [ _ ] ton of good video games."
"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go eat some Sweet Tarts ropes and watch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory for the 86th time."
"John Hammond was right, it was an Unholy thing that you did."
"What movie has a plot hole that can't be ignored? The Santa Clause! The parents are so skeptical that Santa Claus exists, but the movie clearly shows Santa delivering presents on Christmas Eve."
"Rush Hour starring Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker opened to 33 million dollars."
"I thought I liked Star Wars but after Empire was like [ __ ] Star Wars like this is the [ __ ] universe oh I love that movie so much even as a [ __ ] kid I"
"It's the difference between seeing the movie and reading the book."
"It makes for one of the most clever finales in all of the MCU."
"Ultron also has a real motivation for his dastardly deeds."
"Mysterio ties everything back to the very first Iron Man movie."
"This is beyond Financial censorship, this is full stop censorship."
"The Dark Knight holds this near unreachable status."
"Nolan went dark because that's who Batman is."
"Who would have thought ten years ago that you'd see a movie with Thanos in it? That excites me as a nerd."
"It's truly the age of miracles... it's a great time to be a movie fan."
"Lord of the Rings baby! Lord of the frickin' rings!"
"You can also filter tables as well, for instance, to see only the Oscar-winning films."
"Before you know that the movie 2020 know Jurassic yeah my moves would name it dinosaur Forrest."
"I camped in line in a little pup tent on a sidewalk with my buddies in Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada for tickets for Phantom Menace."
"Buddy cop movie, me and Roseanne. Ian's the police chief."
"Die Hard is an action movie that's just trying to have a good time."
"What makes a good twist in a movie is not just that there's a surprise, it's also the realization that the clues were there but we didn't spot them."