
Politics Quotes

There are 27417 quotes

"We've got our work cut out for us... I am absolutely so grateful that we have Joe Biden leading this country right now."
"Democracy is hanging in the balance as Trump tries to run out the clock with baseless appeals and weapons of mass distraction."
"He passed the Inflation Reduction Act that pumped a ton of money toward green energy."
"Liberal democracy is a miraculous thing but a fragile thing."
"It was an establishment witch hunt, pure and simple."
"We need a strengthened Voting Rights Act. We need the John Lewis Voting Rights Act."
"Joe Biden is absolutely right when he says, 'Don't judge him by the Almighty, judge him by the alternative.'"
"By any objective standard, he has been an effective, successful president in terms of a legislative agenda."
"America is a land of opportunity. Thank you, Joe Biden."
"The greatest conservative insight is that order is really hard to achieve, it's really precious, and it's really easy to lose."
"Once you see that liberals and conservatives both have something to contribute, that they form a balance on change versus stability, then I think the way is open to step outside the moral matrix."
"Swing voters are more educated. Believe it or not, many of them are suburban people in their 30s with young kids."
"At the end of the day, the campaign recognizes that as the campaign season heats up further, they only have so much opportunity to reset the race or refocus the conversation."
"The people who benefit from us fighting each other aren't the voters or the taxpayers; it's the politicians and their rich benefactors who've been capitalizing on our fear and infighting for decades."
"Politics is entertainment at this point. You have to win the crowd, as they say in Gladiator."
"It's a sensible infrastructure deal; it's all about infrastructure, which is what it should be."
"Perception is often half the battle with an election campaign."
"This November election...is the most crucial election in American history, even more crucial than 2020."
"Tulsi Gabbard as National Security adviser is exactly what most populists want to hear: no wars."
"You're more likely to be gay in America if you're Gen Z than you are to vote for a Republican."
"The reason Americans don't vote in their own interests is that they don't view politics as a means to improve their material condition; they view it as a tool to punish their political enemies."
"The reason we're here is that President Trump tried to disenfranchise 80 million Americans who voted against him."
"We believe that peace can be achieved. We are prepared to take political risks. We are prepared to give and take. We are committed to establishing a peace process."
"The ultimate result was indeed a compromise between all parties: Northern Ireland, the southern state, and Britain."
"If the northern majority opinion ever became a unified Ireland, all involved governments were obligated to respect and allow that decision."
"Mayor Adams has repeatedly called on the federal government for more funds and expedited work authorizations for migrants, emphasizing the need for them to become self-sufficient."
"No politician, not me, not Boris, no one should make a promise unless they absolutely know they can deliver it." - Jeremy Hunt
"What do you mean government does not work the way you think it does? It's not about people voting for a president, no. It's all big business and money, period."
"Vladimir Putin said moments ago that Russia will increase its airstrikes on Ukraine in the coming days, weeks, and months."
"The worst thing that can happen in politics is mockery and ridicule, much worse than castigation."
"So when it says anti-corruption, that's the corruption we're looking at, election interference."
"This isn't about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump and Joe Biden; this is, we are being led in our own countries, each of us, to believe that it's us versus them. It's not. It is the people in each free country in the west against a really nasty blob up at the top."
"Citizens United... we've created this separate but equal democracy for the very very rich."
"We need more people that are willing to dispense with political parties and do what's right for the Constitution and the country."
"If they throw out all the clowns, who elects the new clowns? The same people who picked the old clowns."
"When people look at the West Bank today and say this is an apartheid system, it's not just throwing out a word."
"The way that we talk about anti-Semitism isn't about protecting Jews; it's about protecting Israel. How dangerous is that?"
"Disinformation goes to a whole new level, politics becomes non-stop damage control."
"The glass ceiling in US politics is showing cracks, if not completely shattering."
"For me, as an old Lefty, the answer must always be the socialization of the means of production."
"There cannot be one set of rules if your last name is Biden and another set of rules for the rest of America."
"If someone is mentally unfit to stand trial, they are unfit to serve as commander-in-chief."
"Impeachment is just one step. The Senate must pass House Republicans' Secure the Border Act, the strongest border security bill in history."
"A man unfit to be held responsible for mishandling classified information has zero business occupying the Oval Office."
"We did not take our impeachment vote lightly. It was the product of a very thoughtful, fair, and deliberate investigation."
"We're listening to the American people, we're taking action to hold Biden accountable."
"The American people are not feeling very loved right now. They're not feeling heard by the Biden Administration."
"Local governments are also going to open a lot of avenues for youth to engage in politics."
"It all began on January 11th, 2024, when Texas governor Greg Abbott made a bold move to address the Mexico-United States border crisis."
"You will be shocked: on the Federal level, 40 to 50 people, that's it. 40 to 50 people can make an issue your top priority."
"Flawed scientific theories can have dangerous political fallout."
"Ethics and politics are no longer about divine commandments or about alleged laws of nature; they are about feelings."
"The link between consciousness and suffering, and between consciousness and politics, manifests itself in numerous political debates in the modern world."
"You've told us what you're against. How about put forth the legislation that you would like to see passed? Let us see your bill."
"In fact, in a move that doesn’t at all scream desperation, US president Joe Biden has joined TikTok in a bid to reach younger voters."
"Perhaps the largest problem plaguing both online and real-life politics today is our inability to separate people from their ideas."
"They're realizing that this is going to be a free and fair election to a certain extent where it's going to be mono a mono."
"Those were Hillary's three Supreme Court nominations that would have changed the future of the country."
"Their whole strategy to steal 2024 through the use of weaponized legalism just exploded in their faces."
"My special personal hell is two extremely confident men with a sub-Wikipedia level knowledge of US foreign policy discuss it for two hours."
"I think the point is just that corporate lobbying has undue influence."
"We can get over political radicalism because it tends to come in spurts and then can be pushed away as the American people realize that these guys have lost the common sense."
"There's a new religion in the United States, that religion is secular leftism, and that secular leftist religion demands that you not look at facts."
"The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation."
"Political identities are standing in for a lot; they are very powerful on how we treat each other."
"The way we absorb information and particularly things like identity protective cognition is particularly dangerous in politics."
"What makes politics dangerous is when you can't resolve conflict. That is where things become violent."
"Most people... just want is for their lives to work, and if politics isn't doing that for them, they're gonna get pissed."
"Those are unifying issues for the American public."
"Good foreign policy is inclusive foreign policy."
"The censorship campaign against him began with governments, not private organizations, but governments, their Intel services, and their policymakers."
"I'm not a big fan of dynastic politics. I just think it's wrong and bad."
"We want every single community... to never be taken for granted."
"It's the solutions to the American socio-political problems that should not come at the expense of distorting another nation's heritage and history."
"Representation does matter. You hear us say this often in this administration."
"The Imperium is the largest and most powerful political entity in the galaxy, established for a period of some ten thousand years up to its present date in the age of Warhammer 40k."
"The calls for independence in Siberia aren’t going away."
"Don't count anything out. That's a lesson for observers and for people in grassroots."
"Electing good people who seek truth and a sense of justice is the only way to ensure they can guide us."
"The Biden Administration has introduced new measures aimed at addressing the situation, but legal challenges loom large."
"If you were to rob a bank, then become president, and then try to cover up the robbery, you would do exactly what Donald Trump's doing."
"President Joe Biden's electric, inspiring, and hopeful State of the Union."
"I think progressive Christians are at least as political if not more political than conservative Christians generally are."
"The Cuban government in 2011 actually said a segment of the game where players try to kill Fidel Castro actually glorifies real assassination attempts made by the United States."
"He loved it so much he did it to himself. It's like when people say, 'Hassan, you're not a socialist; you don't live out your values.' True, Richard Nixon did live out his values."
"To oppose uncontrolled mass immigration is not far right."
"The more that we can draw this contrast between the workhorse Joe Biden, who's getting up every day doing the people's business, and this madness and chaos on the other side, the more I think we're going to have the kind of election we want."
"It's about if two people who are supposed to be the opposites of each other, who supposed to be avowed enemies...are there common concerns that do something other than just feeding the food fight that our politics has become?"
"Make no mistake, there will be a trial and when that trial ends, Senators will have to decide if they believe Donald John Trump incited the insurrection against the United States."
"As I scream in agony, repeatedly punching myself in the genitals, it occurs to me that this is the perfect analogy for American politics."
"Accountability exists in a dynamic sense, constantly negotiating the contradictory and conflicting elements of our communal and political life."
"AI is reshaping the global politics. It is reshaping the way people are voting."
"Politics have to change. People sitting in Delhi not understanding technology, AI, effective regulation or overregulation is a problem."
"Unless the politicians become smarter than the people to whom the governance is applied, then there's no way you will progress faster."
"There is no room for nuance in winning; there's lots of room for nuance in governing, but we don't get to govern if we don't win."
"We need to be getting good at winning elections so we can actually do the thing we're good at, which is governing."
"You have to tell people Joe Biden fixed the I-95 Bridge so it doesn't collapse on your spouse on the way home from work."
"America as a nation of immigrants... this is... a more inclusive messaging that helped [win] the White House."
"Poll after poll says the American people believe we should raise the minimum wage to a living wage."
"Children should not be involved in politics, especially young children like a six-year-old."
"Republicans are like Democrats going the speed limit."
"The corporatization of progressive politics reveals itself to be nefarious when it links the anti-capitalist ideology held by activists...to the corporations themselves."
"Viewpoint diversity is arguably the most important type of diversity, and political orientation is one of the most fundamental and significant ways in which people view things differently."
"A lot of bad thinking is done in the service of prosecuting one's political agenda."
"The woke left have gone so nuts, I do not recognize what used to be the kind of leanings I had as a liberal. They're not liberals; they've actually become a bunch of fascists."
"This was a vote for change. And when it is a vote for change, it's not just change of faces, it also invites revisiting policies and looking at things differently."
"Democracy in Pakistan... there is a consensus that democracy is the way forward."
"No one trains you, and you make mistakes, and you realize how political people are."
"Qualified immunity is the heart of the bill. Without that, the George Floyd Justice and Policing Act is pretty much trash."
"I am hoping that the 2024 election is a referendum on bringing common sense back to this country."
"For the first time since the 17th century, it seems that our elected representatives are acting out of fear rather than out of conviction."
"We watched an attempted coup of this country happen on January 6."
"I'm not going to endorse anybody, but I'm going to tell you exactly what I'm seeing... democracy really on the brink."
"The guard rails of American democracy have held firm."
"Politics is about demonstrating to voters that you are fit to be President."
"I think a good politician owes you not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays you instead of serving you if he sacrifices it to your opinion."
"It's night time here in Washington, but in some ways, it feels like a new beginning, a fresh start."
"Global warming is real but the way that the politicians are framing it is not."
"Our entire political system is founded at the most elemental level on the belief enshrined in our founding documents that rights come from God."
"This is the first time a UK foreign secretary does say that recognition of the State of Palestine is not linked to a final agreement with Israel, finally removing Israel's veto over Palestinian statehood."
"Recognition of the State of Palestine is not linked to a bilateral process between Palestinians and Israelis, and that it is a Palestinian right effectively, and it is a UK responsibility."
"Would I like him to be younger? Yes. But...we got decency and competency."
"The government is betraying the American people."
"We can't afford to wait this out, so I'm pushing for solutions today, even if it means taking on my own party."
"You may not agree with me on policy, but at least you respect my love of country and my ability to try to reach a consensus."
"Most people who are capable are not running for office. Most men are frightened of politics today. It is a shame, isn't it?"
"Somebody with strong views and somebody with the kind of views that are maybe a little bit unpopular, which may be right but may be unpopular, wouldn't necessarily have a chance of getting elected against somebody with no great brain but a big smile."
"Bill Burns, as head of this objective, agenda-free analysis agency, said, 'It was unprovoked, completely unprovoked, what Putin did in going into Ukraine.'"
"It's all Donald Trump's fault. You know who says that? Donald Trump."
"Convicted felon is not a label that Donald Trump or his party wants."
"As Home Secretary, I have a plan to bring about the change that is so urgently needed to deliver an immigration system that works in the interests of the British people."
"Abortion shouldn't be political anymore. It should have been done and dusted 50 years ago."
"The MAGA weaponization of Pride just shows we've come a long way, but there are many who want to roll all of those rights back."
"If anybody could mess up something so simple, it's going to be a politician."
"He has been the most accomplished president in modern history."
"New York Democratic party has to get its act together."
"This is what happens when you elect people to Congress who are not there to make government work."
"I am a capitalist, so if someone on the internet asks me if I'm a leftist, I have to ask, do you mean am I a socialist or do you mean I'm like a Democrat or progressive?"
"The presidential pump epic classical workout playlist... that is such a funny thing."
"Our theology should influence our politics, but that's the order: the theology comes first, the theology overflows into the politics."
"The only way I know to do it, maybe not the most sophisticated way, is to show up in person, be there, listen to folks, and try to earn that vote."
"Haley clinches all 19 delegates in DC primary, marking a significant win despite the district's heavily Democratic leanings."
"Republicans are still favored to flip the house, and they're trying to make the election a referendum on Biden and the Democrats."
"Part of [Republicans'] agenda is that they have an enemies list, and that's really what galvanizes their base."
"Campaigns have always had to be a balance between...here's what I'll do, here's who I am, here's who I'm fighting for."
"Policy secondary to the values, the policy that supports that."
"There's just no question that abortion had a big effect on the election."
"The personal is political, which means everything is political, and politics really is just the management of power in society."
"Nostalgia has a dark side too... This sometimes can be exploited by marketers or in a lot of cases, politicians."
"The Liberty Tree in colonial times was used by gentlemen as a place to gather and discuss politics and the upcoming revolution."
"This is the most important election in the history of our country."
"This is going to be, and I really believe this, this is the most important election in the history of our country. Don't let them take it away from you."
"Instead of doing the usual thing that you do when you want to entertain people with politics, which is, you know, make feminists cringe compilation part 57, what I do is try to create a more like thoughtful video essay."
"One of the things that's a protective shield is having some kind of personal connection to people who are likely to be deeply hurt by that politics."
"Liberalism is a system of conflict management that allows advanced society to exist. It works by guaranteeing freedoms... to disagree or not, to think for oneself as one will."
"This race is for the future of every community all across Pennsylvania. For every small town or person that ever felt left behind."
"Funds are not going to be an issue. Congress will make sure the administration has the funds."
"This evening is an opportunity for presidential candidates to share their views and engage with the public on topics of concern to Nigerians."
"The next president...could have two, three, four, and even five, the next president. This is so important. This is so, whether you're talking about life, whether you're talking about Second Amendment, whether you're talking about military. This is so important. We have to do this. We have to win this election."
"What genres are more political than horror and science fiction, both are two sides of the same coin measuring the fears and hopes of the human race."
"This is going to be a close election because the country is so polarized."
"We're in a race between technological acceleration and social and political deterioration."
"If I don't sound like a typical Washington politician, it's because I'm not a politician."
"Biden's legislative accomplishments behind him and what he's been able to do as president through executive action and his guidance as a leader have been more successful than most would have thought."
"We can say that Biden isn't authentically popular, but he got more votes than any president in U.S. history."
"Trump promised an infrastructure bill; it never came. Trump promised a repeal and replace of healthcare; it never happened."
"The reality is, the vast majority of people that you see online engage in politics do it as a form of recreation or hobby."
"We need economic systems and political systems that align our incentives in such a way so as to make ordinary people effortlessly do the right thing."
"Political pressure from the NCR Congress will place overwhelming force on General Oliver to launch his assault on Helios One."
"The idea that the red pill is not political...everything about it is super political."
"The left gave up agency; the message used to be, 'Hey, you can have agency in the things that you are directly involved in but root for systemic change.'"
"Conservatives overall are better at this messaging because it's more tangible and you can find plenty of examples of red pill adjacent people as well as the bread pill people who are providing a more tangible, simple answer for people that is at least more immediately actionable for them."
"The demonization of agency... comes from the one-sided discussions that traditionally happen on the left and the rejection of like personal accountability."
"The idea that all of his supporters are currently being arrested after mass protests and all of his party members are being arrested and being forced to not participate in the electoral process in Pakistan without America ever mentioning it is something that should get you to think about it a little bit further."
"We will make America wealthy again. We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again."
"The key here is that it's a political space, not a social space. Disliking people in a social sense... doesn't prevent you from working with them on issues of critical importance."
"Most Americans, if you say what do you want your president to do at the end of the day, he or she should do those things that make sure we're safe and then provide for the liberties and the bounty of democratic society."
"The woke virus almost requires this whitewashing of the past, but it's done for a specific purpose, which is to control the future."
"The political situation of this world is mad. Completely insane."
"Everything is lining up with a Donald Trump 2020 landslide."
"If you want to defeat capitalism, we are going to need a party that will organize working people to fight for the demands that we want and to win socialism."
"Every fiber of our Union is being poured into fighting the billionaire class and an economy that enriches people like Donald Trump at the expense of workers."
"So we're in the best of times, we're in the worst of times. And the worst of times is easy to see. You see the terrorism, you see Donald Trump."
"A real opportunity lies in finding a president who really means it when he returns to the Norms we have been accustomed to."
"The American public does not seem to be falling for it this time."
"If and when you become a congressman, what are you going to do when that big suitcase full of money is staring at you right in the face?"
"In spite of what the American people tell me to do, I shall continue."
"I am trying to build a political project. I have specific political goals."
"The national divorce idea... I actually think that the premise of the United States is that people should be able to have different opinions."
"The scales of justice should be balanced and the eyes of justice should be blind as to who you are politically."
"When we do political actions, we are necessarily working in a system where we have to make compromises on almost every level."
"It's technology that solves problems, not politics."
"It seems to me it's an international relations matter when a foreign country attempts to abduct an American citizen critical of them."
"Politics doesn't have to be a raging fire destroying everything in its path."
"Democracy is precious. Democracy is fragile. At this hour, my friends, democracy has prevailed."
"We live in a political age where the interesting things are about kindness, love, compassion, and oneness."
"It is the opposite of democracy if you don't have democracy at the workplace, you can't ever have it real in politics either."
"Joe Biden finally on Tuesday decided to launch his not really awaited presidential campaign."
"Politics is only information plus organization. That's all it is."
"The future is very female, and we need more women and we need more female leaders who are active in politics."