
Wonder Quotes

There are 13459 quotes

"The way that we are wired is a reflection of the cosmic order and that is totally awe-inspiring."
"Believing in magic again is a wonderful feeling."
"It might have been scary to not know what's going on, but it also, I feel like, would be you'd have a sense of awe and wonder all the time."
"The meaning of life is to make meaning, to leave the world slightly better, and to marvel at the wonder of the world."
"Authenticity can't be faked; like when you see someone's real reaction, you know it's not actors."
"The more you drill down on these ideas, the more room you provide for awe and wonder at how mysterious and amazing all of this is."
"It's the Lord's doing, and it's marvelous in our eyes."
"If it's just us, it seems like an awful waste of space."
"There were many moments I had while playing Breath of the Wild that I had to stop in place to wonder how a game this good was possible."
"How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them!"
"Most people believe that the desert is nothing but a vast, empty land of nothingness, but occasionally, the desert hides the most unbelievable things."
"I had always dreamed of what this place would be like, and I suddenly felt a bit emotional, like Charlie walking into Willy Wonka's chocolate factory for the first time but with less death traps."
"You, my friend, stumbled into an incredible world of wonders where anything can happen."
"We are wondrous things in the universe and probably the most wondrous things in the universe."
"There are two things that continue to fill me with wonder: the starry heavens above and the moral law within."
"Reality, look around, reality is like magic. It's not any different than magic. The fact that things exist is miraculous. We don't even know why. Why does existence exist? We don't know."
"I step into my day with quiet expectation that something wondrous will occur."
"It was as if some great civilization built it eons ago and then died out, leaving the living remains of their creations for you to drive past and wonder at."
"There's something hugely curious about the nature of these experiences because they appear to be strongly biased toward this benevolent sense of wonder."
"That's the core... a sense of wonder that comes out of the mystery of what it is that we don't know."
"I could not have imagined that something like this would exist in real life."
"I will never not be amazed when I come in and see the floating mountains. They're just jaw-droppingly incredible."
"The human brain is incredible; how is this not enough for you?"
"Never be surprised at what God does, always be amazed."
"The world is full of wonder, hiding in plain sight, if you dare to see it."
"I would run outside and just lay on the ground under the southern Milky Way; beautiful, right, up there. And I would just lay there like the snow angel and just kind of let my thoughts sort of pass through my brain."
"If you have a soul, you feel a sense of wonder, a sense of awe at the elegance of such an algorithm."
"Growing up is inevitable, but losing your childlike wonder is a choice."
"How foolish a man can be to breathe air, feel the warmth of the sun, to think, live, run, [expletive], smile, laugh, cry on the energy found in a few pieces of bread, and to not believe in magic."
"The fact of existence itself is a magical event."
"Every time I get on an airplane, it's incredible to me that human beings have actually been able to achieve this... It's incredible that humans are able to get into a box and fly in the air safely."
"The amazing thing about the world is remarkable things are happening around us every day."
"How beautiful, how wondrous is the world when we see things for the first time, when we look at things through the wonder and awe of a child's eyes."
"Embrace the beauty and divinity in the little things, for they often hold the greatest wonders."
"As they explore further, they're filled with a sense of wonder and awe at the sheer beauty of this hidden world."
"As their time in Eden draws to a close, Olaf and his father reflect on their profound and captivating glimpse into a world of wonder and mystery hidden beneath the earth's surface."
"Step right up and gaze upon tales of horror and wonder, of urban legends and terrifying mysteries alike."
"Believe in magic, see evidence of it all the time."
"Spiritually awakened people see the world in a very childlike way, struck by the wonder, beauty, and intricacy of phenomena that other people take for granted."
"A theme park packed full of potential, installing wonder and awe in the hearts of many who visited it."
"When we look to the heavens, we are inspired."
"Time seemed to freeze for a moment before the gem burst into a cascade of rainbow light, filling every inch of the tower."
"I really feel like this was just a very magical experience that brought me back to that wonder-like feeling as a child."
"The breakthrough prizes are celebrating the substance of science, the wonder, and the excitement of it."
"The word miracle comes from the word to look or to see, to wonder at."
"Rains diamonds on Neptune, that'd be awesome."
"We are born as children into awe and wonder. Adults are nothing more than deteriorated children."
"By now, you should be totally bewildered by your existence, and I would say bewilderment and wonder are holy experiences, sacred experiences."
"You are a miracle. This life is a fucking spontaneous wonderland, not bound by the prison of cause-and-effect."
"You know the magic of reality; it's an amazing universe we live in."
"This place is like something from a whole other world."
"There's something almost dreamlike about this place."
"In an age of innovation, nothing seemed more wondrous than the airplane."
"The creature's size, long arms, and distinctive hooves make you wonder if this was a mythical creature or something from a different realm."
"Our eyes are amazing, seriously, they're incredible."
"Humans deserve a night sky, a sky full of possibilities. Sometimes of clouds, often the moon, occasionally planets, nearly always stars, and the Milky Way in which we live."
"I've just witnessed a miracle. There are like four of us, Moses, me, and I don't know, the sea, and it was the sea was parted for Moses, and the world was parted for me."
"The more I understand, the more in awe of it I am."
"Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are."
"Marvel at the immense mystery of everything around us and the limitations of at least my mind."
"Few games manage to capture the feeling of wonder and amazement this game instills in you when you take a wrong turn and you stumble into someplace that doesn't feel like somewhere you should be."
"It's kind of like a lava lamp, yeah, you're right, but way cooler. Looks like there's a whole universe inside there."
"The spiritual world provides a sense of wonder and a degree of open-mindedness not always found within the confines of science."
"The role of a scientist, in part, in the 21st century is to direct this sense of wonder that people have into a direction of the rigors of science."
"Some things are just so wonderful that the only proper response is the response of silence."
"I think there is something really miraculous about how connected we are now."
"It's a marvelous miraculous thing that [mathematics] is that way."
"The miracle that happens in a person every second of the day is just brilliant."
"The dark night sky and all those stars just like screaming at me, I just couldn't believe that honestly."
"Using the biology of the body to have children is a wondrous thing."
"Every element of which you're composed is stardust. Isn't that magic enough for you?"
"This is amazing. Imagine seeing this. You look at your bedroom window, everything's beautiful, a lovely night sky, and then you see this."
"Have you ever seen anything like that in your entire life?"
"Understanding what won't be understandable, what won't be comprehensible, even if you can get glimmers of it in your current world, is amazing."
"If they're discovered, how amazing that there are these deep patterns describing qualities of the world...that we can find."
"If these equations are things that come out of this gloppy gray three pounds structure sitting inside this thing that sits upon our shoulders, how wondrous."
"I'm pretty sure there's like burgers and donuts just chilling out in the sky. This planet is awesome."
"Our planet is full of unusual places that look so bizarre, it's kind of difficult to believe they even exist."
"One of the great challenges of life is how to keep being people who have wonder in their life because habit swallows everything up."
"The universe is so wonderful on its own; it doesn't need a boss, doesn't need a creator."
"The natural world is filled with wonder, and everywhere we look, nature offers us an unlimited stream of mind-bending phenomena."
"There's more magic in this world than people realize."
"Watching a seven four seven, fully loaded seven four seven, taxiing to the fresh home... It was very romantic to me watching that plane, you know, taking off, a full hundred tonne metal bird, taking off Hong Kong, and carrying probably, four hundred people, four hundred stories. Four hundred reasons to travel."
"Is that childlike wonder where you forget all life's worries or the rules of life and the rules of nature for a moment and believe that something truly extraordinary has happened."
"Human beings are the most wonderful structure in the universe."
"I love seeing the world through the eyes of a little kid. They make everything so much more fun."
"Sometimes the universe provides in the most magnificent ways."
"I am ever so grateful. How to show my appreciation, my wonder?"
"To marvel means to be amazed, to be astonished, to wonder."
"The universe is full of wonders waiting to be discovered."
"It's just magic, it is just yeah that's all I can say."
"It's incredible here isn't it this place is incredible like I I actually just want to just keep walking around and just walk off this actual whole thing"
"One of the most interesting things is... it always amazes me."
"It feels like I'm one of those Portuguese explorers who just arrived, this is insane, like a Pandora of sorts."
"I think there's magic in that. I think it's wondrous to think that in the greater cosmos billions and billions of light years with billions and trillions of stars and planets that we're all part of this interesting cosmic neighborhood."
"Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are, like a diamond in the sky."
"Every moment of existence can be a moment of unparalleled and exquisite wonder."
"Earth is so beautiful, bro. This world is weird."
"Something as simple as the act of breathing or interacting with the world is actually a pretty miraculous thing."
"This is magical. This is a very magical thing."
"This place is just incredible, like, I've never seen anything like it."
"Every time I do this I feel like it's just magic."
"From now, people are going to be living in an age that's going to be so incredible and wondrous... it makes me feel great."
"Every single time, it’s magical. I promise you."
"It's amazing how big the ocean is. And it's not just up, it's also down."
"The world is full of stories and science and things that amaze and confound me every single day."
"It's like an unreal feeling that you just have to experience once in your life. It's amazing."
"These serendipitous moments, these things that you're almost in disbelief at how well they're linking up because it just feels truly like magic."
"If even that sense of wonder and possibility can be imbued into students or others out there, that sense of wonder will drive them to help answer the question that we're trying to answer here today."
"The ability to express wonder and amazement is greatly valued."
"Do you ever look up at the night sky and wonder what if I owned this star or what if I was the owner of a planet?"
"How did nature think that this would work? But it does, it's amazing."
"Magic or not, this girl can do some pretty incredible things."
"Here the universe itself does not mind using its own amazing laws to create something spectacular."
"There's truly magic behind every door, behind everything."
"I have redeemed you, I've called you by name, you are mine."
"I imagine being the beginning of your life, you'd be beyond belief."
"The Grand Gallery is truly an impressive structure - it has fascinated everyone who's ever entered it."
"Epic fantasy in particular is about the sense of wonder and the sense of exploration."
"Utterly impossible - you're looking at something that's utterly impossible."
"Embracing how little we know, to live in wonder, it's a much more beautiful way."
"This crude matter is much more amazing and the process that it goes through is much more amazing than anything fantastical we have yet thought up."
"It truly is something absolutely incredible."
"Discovering the laws of physics gives you a sense of awe."
"I feel like I've stepped into a different world."
"That's something you would not see in a million years."
"There's just something so special and magical about it. It really feels like an adventure that captures your imagination."
"It's almost magical getting to experience these games in a brand new way."
"Playing through Flynn made me feel like I was going on a Grand Adventure and filled me with childlike wonder that I had not experienced in a long time."
"A new age of exploration is upon us... Space, there is a galaxy full of wonder waiting to be discovered."
"AI feels like the closest thing that we have to Magic cure."
"Perhaps the universe is a far more wonderful place than you've yet suspected."
"To us, the Jurassic World franchise is about capturing that sense of awe and wonder when you see a dinosaur for the first time."
"Sometimes the most magical thing of all is the truth."
"The reaction can be one of terror or one of just wonder."
"Why would the baby leap? Because the baby is really alive."
"The world is so much bigger than I thought it was."
"God gives us signs to make us wonder and when we Embrace The Wonder of who God is that's when we're able to begin to move into the depths of who he is."
"The deeper NASA looks into space, the more astonishing our cosmos becomes."
"Technology is indistinguishable from magic but magic is more amazing. Don't forget that."
"I think reality as understood by science is amazing and wonderful... and it's beautiful."
"Reality as understood by science is amazing and wonderful... and we now have a very good understanding of that."
"The fact that we're here at all might be even more remarkable than we thought."
"I want to defend the idea of Wonder, the mystery of how human beings are so incredibly intelligent and morally inclined."
"There's something magical about what we ended up with."
"This must have been like alchemy; this must have been just magical at this time."
"Double rainbow all the way across the sky, wow."
"Halloween has always been... trying to appeal to that sense of wonder and magic."
"Holy snap! Holy did snap guys, see this? Oh my gosh, this is incredible."
"Look up, you guys, look up. Isn't that amazing?"
"It was as if a beautiful fairy tale had come true."
"These are the 15 magical places you won't believe actually exist."
"I just can't believe places like this exist."
"It's truly something out of a Disney fairy tale."
"Just honestly want to stand back and Marvel at it."
"It's a Wonder not just because of the feature itself though, but because it's unclear how it came to be."
"Miracles are a dime a dozen. They happen every day. Ah, but the mysteries are the things that we can ponder for eternity and I believe it." - Tom Hanks.
"Never lose the childlike wonder; it's just too important."
"There is a portal in your life right now. You're being offered a return to wonder."
"The baby Yoda brings a sense of just wonderment and mysterious and just potential to the series."
"It's funny how things work, we have giant metal vehicles that fly through the air."
"I just thought it was fascinating as a kid that he had this thing and he could talk to the ship with it, you know, I just thought that was just spectacular."
"There's more stars than there are grains of sand, just think about that. That's [ __ ] unbelievable."
"There's nothing bad about holding onto a childlike wonder about the world."
"He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause wondering and stand rapt in awe is as good as dead. His eyes are closed." - Einstein
"There's so much to see here, and the more we discover, the more mind-blowing it gets."
"It's incredible, it's nuts, and it's wonderful."
"That palpable sense of awe, of wonder, of wondering exactly what the next thing over the next hill would be."
"The little kid in me is just amazed by where technology has taken us."
"Sightings like these often evoke a sense of wonder and curiosity."
"And at that point, it really does seem like magic."
"This is up there. This is, I mean, the ruins are amazing."
"There's like a childlike wonder that exists in that car."
"It's a giant orangutan sitting there, and that's so amazing."
"It Taj has debated whether it's the wonder of the world but I think it does. I think it should be one but I think that this is our first wonder of the world."
"Philosophy begins in wonder, yet there's an element of dread."
"Watching humans walk on another planet in my lifetime? That's crazy!"
"Life is mad, like I'm a weird thinker, I can look up at the stars and I just think what the [ __ ] is going on out there."
"It's like she's floating, yeah, floating in water. My god, it's full of stars."
"Sigiriya is the most amazing place I have ever visited in all my life."
"We are perishing for want of wonder, not for want of wonders."
"I mean, uranium is literally just like a rock that emits energy. It's like magic."
"I've found the place that the falling star went."
"Jurassic World: where people will once again discover the wonders of this world."
"On clear nights the sky can captivate our imagination, dreams of other worlds."
"This was Locke Ravenna... Can you see the rainbow? How amazing is that?"
"The Great Pyramid is a true masterpiece and has rightly earned the title of a wonder."
"Millions of people have looked up to the stars and really wondered if we are actually alone or not."
"It does feel like a miracle... it's hard to believe that it's happening."
"The wonder of outer space and our imagination."
"There's definitely some magic in Gustav Eiffel's Tower."
"It's amazing, it's one of the best things on Earth."
"You've never seen anything like this anywhere in the world. No, not at all."
"What a Wonder it is so Grand, so solemn, so vast and yet so delicate, so airy, So Graceful."
"This is so amazing, like I woke up in a dream."
"What makes us different from every other creature on Earth is the ability to look up and wonder."
"Look up to the stars and appreciate every single moment you're alive."
"Mystery creates Wonder, and Wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand." - Neil Armstrong
"How crazy it is that brains can do this so effortlessly?"