
Career Quotes

There are 23796 quotes

"Whatever you do, find meaning and purpose, and like fall in love with what you've chosen to pursue."
"I'm focusing on my career, my career in not dating losers."
"We get stuck on this hamster wheel chasing the dollars, trying to grow in our career, when we forget that none of that matters. It's all about us as a multi-dimensional human being and are we growing."
"When I was young, I made a crucial observation: I had to earn with my mind, not my time."
"I got to tell you, man, it's a remarkable career you've had. I want to say thank you for your service."
"Making money is a byproduct of doing the thing that you're really passionate about."
"Skunk Works has been a home of mine for nearly the entirety of my career."
"We are starting to see an impact on society where schools... have incorporated transcending or TM into the curriculum."
"The effects of meditation on health are important, and that's why tens of thousands of doctors recommend you do your meditation."
"You're gonna experience a lot of blessings and new directions as it pertains to your career."
"There is nothing wrong with being a mom and working."
"The world is your oyster when you're starting your career."
"Supporting yourself doing something you love, there's nothing better than that, man."
"You can have a killer career without having to compromise who you are or what you want to do with music."
"Prioritizing your career over family and relationships can hurt an athlete or artist in the long run."
"I try to live my life, in my career, with, like, 'What would Dolly do?'"
"Is the end goal money or is the end goal happiness and fulfillment? Ideally, I'd have both, but if you're getting more money... than just getting a roof over your head, then pivoting seemed the right thing to do."
"It's now or never, this could be Ian Jackson's last four minutes of his OT career."
"Figure out what you love, figure out what the world needs, hopefully find an intersection between what the world needs and what you love because you get paid for that, and then focus on that."
"My agent really helped me out; he did the dirty work of calling the clubs and getting me in there."
"Your job is what they pay you to do; your work is what you were born to do."
"The specifics of what you do might be less important than you think."
"They start by building up rare and valuable skills."
"You can have a very whole life and not sacrifice everything. You don't have to choose between family and career or personal life. You can have them all."
"Money is not just the factor. It's the culture, the people, the projects that you will be working on."
"That showed me at an early age that you could make a living doing what you love."
"You're lucky that there's such a thing as a job, or better yet, a career; you're lucky that there's such a thing as friendship, as marriage."
"James had had enough, over 20 years of challenges and doubters throughout her career in pro wrestling."
"I freelanced in this crazy business for 20 years before Dirty Jobs became a thing."
"Having children used to be the thing for you to do as a woman because it was literally the only thing you could do, but now children are competing with being engineers, being doctors, traveling the world."
"John got himself an accountant job and started attending church again."
"I will be victorious. Everything is designed for me to come and be victorious and move forward in my life and career."
"I'm going to keep doing stand-up for the rest of my life, or at least try to."
"What if your calling isn't a career? What if you're supposed to make a bunch of money at your job or your business and use that money towards your calling?"
"I'm not on my way out; I feel like I'm still on my way up."
"I'm an ordinary person with an extraordinary job."
"Even if you get knocked down, as long as you can still get back up, you should do so because the moment a boxer stays down, their career is over."
"What is greatness for me? It's how consistent you're going to be throughout your career. That's greatness for me."
"You are about to receive a blessing in your career."
"Your environment is improving, and so is your financial and career situation."
"Finding your life's work... is a life-changing moment."
"You have to find what your passion is, you have a passion, whatever that passion is, now I'm gonna make a career out of it."
"The reality of my job: I don't find it fulfilling, but I can't make this money elsewhere."
"You'll benefit financially through government or through private employment, through business, through career."
"Master a skill... each new skill set that you add raises the value of your work so that you can earn more money per hour."
"Let's remind ourselves what level Burton are, League One. I have been offered a job interview."
"Your priorities are going to change, what excites you is going to change, what you want out of life is going to change, and there's nothing wrong with changing your career to reflect that."
"If kids knew what they wanted to be at age eight, the world would be filled with cowboys and princesses."
"You need to become the best at what you do, become irreplaceable."
"Before that I was a CG Supervisor at ILM (Industrial Light & Magic) in San Francisco."
"Right now, my hobby has to feed my family. I have to make this work."
"Raise children properly, and keeping your career after a marriage is a good thing."
"Specializing into a single game as a full-time creator is only an advantage if the audience who cares about your specialist knowledge is large enough to sustain you."
"First of all, you have to really love people... but most importantly, you got to love what you do."
"Invest in your skills because that's going to determine the value of your time."
"It's a blessing to be able to do what we do for a living, to be able to travel, to be able to connect with so many great people, to educate people, to help people."
"My career is bursting with opportunities to express my creativity and passions."
"The quickest path to become miserable at doing something you love is to make it your job."
"Your career brings fairness and protection to others who need your help."
"If you love what you do, you'll never have to work a day in your life."
"Thank you, Sting, for all of the incredible memories, bringing us all here tonight to commemorate your incredible career."
"Don't do what's convenient, do what's a part of your calling."
"You have to pick something, put your time in, get competent at it, stay in the fight long enough to make the money."
"You need to start thinking seriously about your career choices."
"Some people have incredibly enriching and fulfilling lives by pursuing careers."
"There have been a lot of people that have made really important contributions to the world that didn't pursue families."
"My girlfriend was a janitor for a high school when I was working at McDonald's. Now we both work in the military."
"Whatever it is that you're doing or working on as a job or a career, it's about to become extremely popular."
"There's a ton of money in the finance industry, and if you want to be able to work your way up to the top levels, you are going to have to work hard."
"Our guest today has built a career as an online entertainer, actor, artist, and voice actor almost spanning over 20 years."
"The job is risky, but it's going to be rewarding."
"I don't want to work a 9 to 5 for the rest of my life."
"The more you water your love life or your career, the more it grows."
"Blockchain is an incredibly lucrative field, one of the highest paying skills in tech."
"The best way to showcase those [skills] is to create a project on your own without help and then you want to create some sort of portfolio that markets this project."
"I have made possibly one of the biggest mistakes in my entire career."
"My career in gaming was like going to university for a degree that has nothing to do with your eventual job."
"For many, this is what makes YouTube such a good platform to launch one's career, as success is almost exclusively decided by the audience who watch it."
"It's not a job, it's their life. It's what they were born to do."
"What I learned in my career is just like if you work really hard and you love what you do, it will lead to more opportunities."
"Often, we can very easily fall into the trap of optimizing far too much for career and achievements and not enough on relationships and just being a generally nice person."
"The way I see it, there's probably five different things that we work for the sake of: money, having fun, helping people, purpose and meaning, and social status."
"Happy is the man who can make a living off of his hobbies."
"I didn't know I could edit games for a living. That's pretty cool."
"The dream that your personal fulfillment is achieved through career is tangential to a bigger idea: you should be free to be whoever you want to be."
"Find your perfect job and get paid what you're worth."
"Knowing that nobody's had a perfect career ever... that's kind of freeing, knowing that you're going to screw up and make mistakes." - Anna Kendrick
"At the end of the day, this is your career. I have to let you make your own decisions."
"Is our life's purpose to pursue the most secure, highest-paying job, or is it to pursue our passions? Or is it possible to do both?"
"I spend all my time doing what I love. What could you ask for?"
"Get so good at something that the world values that there's always a place for you."
"Find a job that you can make money while you sleep."
"He wasn't what I was used to... not the CEO driven businessman, he's more artistic in nature, he's creative in nature, he's a musician."
"This realization happens at different stages of everyone's career, sometimes at the end, sometimes earlier if you're lucky, where you flip a switch and you go, 'I've scored the goals, made the money, the fame, whatever, I just want to win.'"
"It's staggering and also a point you made on Twitter the other day: He's 32 and he's still coming."
"Engineering degrees tend to do really well with a mechanical engineering degree you're going to start off making $67,000 a year in early career and then in mid-career pay you'll be making around $111,000."
"Business degrees are the second least regretted type of degree."
"I saw this as my chance to do something that I loved rather than go and find another normal job where I could be just as replaceable as I was with Best Buy."
"The salary is extremely good; you can easily get to six figures."
"I've been thinking a lot about working with come back, and I mean, I want the work, but all the death and destruction, you know."
"Your portfolio should be a reflection of the type of work that you want to do."
"The joy available for most women with a good husband and making a family is incomparably more than from a career."
"I didn't learn that until I left this amazing job, and I did not know that my identity, my worth, my affirmation was actually coming from my job and not from the Creator who gave me that job."
"I love teaching and helping as many people as I can. The purpose of what I do is to help you guys, professionals, to pursue the careers that you really want to do."
"I stopped touring after I released my last special... I realize exactly how much touring was keeping me afloat."
"Aligning your professional career with your values is pretty essential."
"The most important thing in life is to love what you do."
"This is no game for me. The clock is ticking; this is a young man's sport." - Deontay Wilder
"Before, it was... you want to look for that safety net in men, you want to get the most. But now, women bring value with their competence and their careers."
"Kaepernick's cancellation bars him from making a living at a skill he has been honing since childhood."
"In retrospect, they were right; startups today are the craze and today a lot of people understand that compared to a big Tech Fan Company, a startup might be a very good career path both in terms of money and your learning curve."
"I really felt it was a privilege to be CEO of Google."
"Through my career, I noticed several things that happened that had never happened before in my lifetime. When you study history, you realize it actually happened several times before."
"When you come to reach towards the end of your career... it becomes about your personal responsibility to make sure that you are out there on the pitch."
"From a young age, Cesar knew he wanted to be a dog trainer, but not just any dog trainer, but the best in the world."
"Imagine if you go to EU and succeed, how much your career will progress."
"For the first time, AJ goes into a fight as the underdog, the betting underdog, and I love that look for his career."
"The biggest shift for me was in changing the way that I approached my work."
"If you're fortunate enough to be able to do what you love as a job, my God, I'm so... I can't believe I get to do it."
"Instagram will make you self-conscious about not hitting the gym for three hours every day, but LinkedIn will make you self-conscious about your career."
"Even though everybody that uses the platform knows it's a giant corporate circle jerk, they need to play along to get the most out of their career."
"If you are at a job that you hate and you want to be better and do better, this is 2024, no more wasting time."
"This is the best way he could have closed out his career, with an excellent return to form."
"You can't put a tab on a journey in the NBA. The highs and lows, that's going to be part of your career."
"Find something you're passionate about and pursue a path of wanting to be in that business. It's been the greatest journey I could ever have imagined."
"I like that part of it, that people are able to get careers doing the thing that they clearly love to do."
"It is almost ridiculous how much money you can make straight out of college with a petroleum engineering degree."
"Follow your heart, and there will be love, passion, and success within your career."
"I started out as a fixed income mortgage trader at Goldman in the '80s, right before the '87 crash, so I've seen one of these cycles before." - Dan Morehead
"The title of my presentation is 'I used Blender at Marvel, and it changed my life.'"
"Triple manifesting power... you can manifest a new job, for example, triple manifesting power or some manifestation good results in your career."
"Over the course of my 32 years in the state department, I developed a great affection and, I think, understanding for Bangladesh and its people."
"I'm not here to mess around, right. This is not a job for me, this is a career."
"I think if I do, I get a real estate license, and even in my small town, you know, this is 15 plus years ago, everybody that was in real estate drove a Cadillac."
"If you can create culture for a group of people, then you have the opportunity to have a career, and you're only competing with yourself."
"For those of you that are new to my channel, I worked for Mercedes as an aerodynamicist for the 2018, 19, and 20 Formula One seasons, and I now work as an aerodynamics consultant designing aerodynamic packages for different race cars and different classes all around the world."
"I was an aerodynamicist for Mercedes for the 2018, 19, and 20 Formula One seasons. I now work as a consultant designing aerodynamics packages for race cars in all different classes all around the world."
"If you've ever wondered if it's even possible to be deeply fulfilled and well-paid, and a happily engaged citizen of the world, you are going to love today's show."
"I became a full time creator, fulfilling my biggest adolescent dream, thanks to these videos - and you, the audience!"
"I think career-wise, I'm not chasing breaking records anymore or being bigger."
"Statistics will probably be used in whatever career path you choose for yourself."
"I think medicine is such a unique career... Your main job is to help people and to make people feel better."
"You have a very pure ambition that actually doesn't depend on money, though hopefully it will bring money in."
"Pathology is known for having a great lifestyle with the average pathologist making approximately $334,000 per year."
"I'm not working just for a paycheck; I'm working for a future."
"I was hardcore true-blue believer and I was a Christian radio host for about ten years."
"Your most valued financial asset isn't actually your salary; it's your earning ability."
"You need to live a life of authenticity. You cannot compare yourself to other people. You cannot play the facade. You cannot have a mask on if you're trying to achieve the next level in your career, the next level in your life. You need to be authentic."
"My objective has been to have meaningful work and meaningful relationships with the people I work with."
"I'm completely honored and blessed that this is what I get to do for my career now."
"If you do something you love, then you'll never work a day in your life."
"It's a beautiful opportunity to live those nights; it's been 14 years, so everything that we put in there is going to be worth it."
"I think I could play Ron Howard in the second coming of his life."
"It's easy to be successful but to sustain it for the next 50-60 years, that's my job."
"A career is what you're paid for; a calling is what you're made for."
"I always loved that job. That was my blood, sweat and tears."
"The most often remembered defining moments in their career were really simple moments of recognition."
"I am a father of three, including two daughters, and I want them to flourish in workplaces of their choosing."
"No matter what Brittany chooses to do with her career from this point forward, she will always have loyal fans."
"To do what you love, that is just doing what you feel fulfilled by and what drives you."
"If you major in computer science, you can work for companies where you can get free food, free laundry, free haircuts, they're very well paid, and everyone thinks that you're a genius."
"Computer scientists are second in terms of job satisfaction in this country."
"I love what I do, money isn't everything to me."
"Doing what I love for a living... seems like it's a common trend right now to be like, 'Don't follow your passion, don't do what you love'... but it's silly to write off doing what you love or trying to live a passionate life."
"Commercial by the way, it turned out amazing... Yeah, same company by the way, who I applied for the job in New York and rejected me. Same exact division. Wow, you know, it all comes around."
"The highs are higher and the lows are lower in pro gaming."
"It's going to be my life's work. It's one of the most ambitious projects that I have ever touched."
"It's a great time for him; he was linked previously last summer with Barcelona, with Chelsea as well, who he eventually turned down this summer to come to Barcelona. It's the right time for a player of his quality to take a step up to an elite club."
"I was in the midst of thinking about maybe leaving... I realized we were growing so rapidly, there was so much happening, I wanted to own and control what I was doing."
"That's half the point of independent developers; they have more personality into the game, more direct interactions with the community."
"I love it. It's not my job; it's my passion."
"At some point, the money shouldn't mean as much, and you're doing it for the love of it."
"From Disney to YouTube to TikTok to fighting Mike Tyson, you can't knock the hustle."
"I feel very fortunate that I found what my passion was at an early age and knew exactly what I wanted to do."
"It's not just about the paycheck; it's about signing other people's paychecks."
"I lifted weights for 20 years and got paid for it."
"If we study how people actually end up passionate about their work, it's usually not what that simple advice says... it's usually more complicated path with discovery and growth along the way."
"Taking this role changed me and showed me that this may be something like my purpose."
"He had a long career in television and stage acting and he was in several highly acclaimed films like 'Airplane!' and 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas'."
"It's very obvious to people if your heart and soul is in it and you love to do it."
"I think a big part of having a successful career and legacy is knowing when it is the appropriate moment to step down."
"Keep doing what you're doing, kid, and you'll be a WWE Superstar in no time."
"If you're gonna take a principled stance on something at work, make sure your CV is in order."
"Wanting to play video games for a living was once equivalent to wanting to be a Power Ranger. Now, E-sports stars make a good chunk of what professional athletes make, without the concussions."
"The new rendition of Cinderella on Amazon Prime... she didn't pick the prince, she picked her career. And I love that."
"Create a life that you never want to retire from."
"Being a good girl is now a business decision for her."
"Eventually, you're going to get written out of the script. That's what happened to Eric Bienemy."
"You could be building a career off of your passion. That's how you should start."
"I didn't care about the money; I wanted to be in the creative world, working with creative people."
"I went for a paycheck and it ended up changing my life and transforming the way that I thought and transformed the way that I saw people."
"YouTube...is the longest job I've ever had and I hope it's the longest that I will ever have because I love it so much."
"Blessed in your career because you are getting clarity and you're finally getting recognized for the work that you do."
"I have been doing YouTube full time...and I just can't believe that we're almost at a million subscribers."
"The day I was able to go to my boss at work and go 'I'm my boss now,' was one of the greatest moments in my life."
"On this channel, we talk about college degrees, careers, personal finance, and other opportunities that are going to lead you to success."
"Big boss energy, you're not the worker ant anymore."
"Do the thing that can make you the most money, and if you love it as well, then it's a bonus."
"It really gives you the ability to be your own boss."
"Thank you guys so much for what you do for me and for allowing me to have this career path."