
Life Reflection Quotes

There are 804 quotes

"If you knew right now that this is the last month, what would matter to you?"
"At the end of our lives, we all ask: Did I live fully and vibrantly and powerfully as myself? Did I love openly and honestly and completely, or did I hold back because I got hurt one time? And did I matter? Did I make a difference?"
"Your life is an exact reflection of your choices."
"If today is my last day on earth, do I feel like I've accomplished everything I could have until this point?"
"The greatest work you'll ever do is to get complete with your first 20 years of life."
"It was like going to your own eulogy, watching people say all these great things about you."
"Zoom out, look at your life, look at the things you're grateful for."
"Sometimes it's good to visit the past to know where you are now, but you can't live in the past."
"Our life is a direct reflection of our identity, which is the thoughts, concepts, beliefs, values, and worth we hold true to be about ourselves."
"Imagine it is your last day... you've accomplished the things you want to accomplish... what would you say are your three truths?"
"When I'm on my deathbed, what will I regret having done or not having done?"
"When a man has to face that he's about to die, he thinks of all the things he's never done."
"In my life review, I saw it wasn't about how people treated me; I could play the victim all day, but I don't do that anymore."
"Fast forward to 70, 80, 90 years old...and ask yourself the question: What will I regret that I didn't do?"
"What do you actually want written on your gravestone?"
"Your entire life flashes before your eyes like scenes from a movie. The good, the bad, even the awful things you've done, but everything comes together; it finally makes sense."
"Your thoughts reflect your life, and your life also reflects your thoughts."
"Recently, I got this letter... 'I'm married to a great woman, I have two young kids that I adore, and I enjoy good health. And yet, I'm just not as happy as I think I should be. To be honest, I'm often restless, often bored, often very unsatisfied with my life.'"
"Your life is a reflection of an exact reflection of the choices you have made."
"Every time I come out of a funeral, I feel motivated to do more, to make sure there's a real story at the end of it."
"When you're laying there, you can say yeah, I was a good family member, I was a good friend, I was someone that could be counted on."
"My poor dad, he died so young at 48. He never got to enjoy his grandchildren."
"The most common deathbed regret is things that people didn't do rather than things they did do."
"Reflecting on past relationships, current relationships, family matters."
"All you really have in the end are your memories."
"I have measured out my life with coffee spoons."
"The night before my 40th birthday, I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize the bloke staring back at me."
"Divide your life up into epochs, then write about the emotionally significant events in each of those epochs."
"At the end of our lives, there seems to be a tendency to regret the way we lived them."
"At the end of our lives, when you're on your deathbed, the question we're going to ask ourselves is: Did we do everything we could to give our kids the tools to live a fulfilled life?"
"If in this late hour of my life I look back at the decades I have been through, first I see how many reasons I have to give thanks."
"We've all made mistakes in our lives, done things we look back on with regret, maybe wishing there was some kind of way of making it right."
"What has my life been for? The road ahead may twist, but I will never swerve."
"When I get to the end of my life, no one is going to say, 'Oh, she worked more than anyone else.'"
"Maybe this is your last Ramadan. How do you know you will live? How do you know you will live the next Ramadan?"
"At the end of your life, oh my god that was so hard it was worth it."
"If I died right now and I watched my life back from this lens, I have nothing but love for this person."
"What if today on your drive home you get into an accident and you die? What would you do if you knew you had 30 minutes left?"
"My goal is to... when I'm about to die, I can look back and think that it was a good time."
"Has your life panned out exactly as you always dreamed that it would? And if not, where are the gaps?"
"Experiences and opportunities are the things that you're going to look back on in your deathbed and you're gonna want more of, not more money."
"I don't regret anything, but I forgot to enjoy the ride."
"If you died today, what dreams, what gifts, what talents would die with you?"
"A burst of brain activity during the dying process might explain why your life flashes before your eyes before your death."
"If you die tomorrow, would you be proud of how your life went?"
"Solar eclipses come around only so many times in one lifetime. Take it in, enjoy it, and reflect on the glory of the heavens."
"Hwang Dong-hyuk succeeded in artfully expressing his life to allow us to reflect on our own."
"If I could do it all again, I would do it differently."
"Every single decision you make must reflect your worldview."
"If I had died right then, my epitaph would have read: 'Could have been an artist.'"
"Spend as much time as you possibly can with people that you love. That way when you're older you can look back on your life with no regret." - Jinxy
"Just because his death lacked purpose didn't mean there wasn't plenty in his great life."
"The unconsidered life, the life not thought about and chosen, is not worth living."
"The life review is your life passing before your eyes."
"It just made me be like what is life, like what is life?"
"Life yet? That's true, actually I was thinking about that..."
"The days may be long but the years are short."
"What is life right now? This is just... come on."
"When I stand before God at the end of my life I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and can say I used everything you gave me."
"How can I make up for all the years I've wasted?"
"When you are nearing the end of life, your perspective tends to shift from yourself to your loved ones and the ones around you."
"And did you get what you wanted from this life, even so? I did. And what did you want? To call myself beloved, to feel myself beloved on the earth."
"Each one of our lives is a reflection of eternity."
"I realized that people die, but I turned 60 last year. I'll turn 70 in 10 years. I hope to never retire."
"I've been lucky enough to taste what I think is a good amount of success... what I'll remember more when I'm on my deathbed is my day-to-day."
"I just knew that I could make it. My first Twitch paycheck was 300." - "Deep down, I knew I can build a brand and I can make this something I want to do for the rest of my life."
"The last 10 years have been 40% of my life, and if I were to say that that 40% has been nothing but bad, I would be lying."
"Near-death experiences often lead to an existential crisis."
"I'm an old physicist. I'm not afraid of death. I'm afraid of time."
"It really does freak me out sometimes when I think of how much of our life you can boil down to these tiny moments of decision."
"Their lives flashed before their eyes as months turned into years, and before they knew it, they had two daughters."
"What really happens to all the things that you lose over your lifetime what would you do if at the end of your life someone gave you a box full of all that stuff all the stuff you lose."
"I relived these moments and it honestly brought me back these emotions whether they'll be good or bad, it was a beautiful, beautiful thing to be able to re-experience life."
"It was that moment that snapped me into this blinding clarity... like, how did I get here?"
"I know that when I die I'll have lived my whole life shrouded by that same excuse."
"You don't realize how young you are until you realize you were just young for the last time ever."
"I'm like a little bit in a rut because I just I'm like what do I have to show for myself I'm 31 and I'm still doing the same."
"The main characters die... you also get to look at life from the viewpoint of death."
"I'm constantly feeling so grateful for this life while also questioning why I feel so shitty all the time."
"You don't want to live your life so that at the last breath you have, you're thinking, 'I've wasted my life.'"
"Being thankful isn't just about acknowledging what we have, it's also about recognizing the hand of God in our lives."
"Contemplating our mortality is never fun but it is necessary."
"Confidence isn't what you think it is. You know, but I when I think back in my life and I think about how far I've come in terms of the personal development I used to think confidence was a feeling."
"It's nice to be reminded of where you started out in life versus where you are now."
"More than a live recording; closer to a life recording."
"Life's about more than that. How have you been that talked of for you to find that position where you can talk about it now?"
"It makes you realize everything you thought you knew maybe wasn't true and it makes you realize how precious the people that matter really are."
"Every moment of our lives, regardless of how terrible they are, you'll look back and think, 'Wow, that was great.'"
"When you're old and telling your grandkids at how you spent your life... do you want to be in the generation who fought in the world wars or who lived in the 80s?"
"I hope not, but at least if I die, look at this paradise. Isn't it beautiful?"
"I hope that I am one that when I pass on that the story that people tell, that little Dash between when I was born and when I died, that it's one that's worthy of great celebration."
"That moment before you die when you're laying in your heart, when you're laying in your bed, and you say thank you for this journey."
"Here you are, an old soul at the edge of something you have known, at the cusp of an ending and a beginning."
"If the wolf runs at you ready to attack, then you should not have any regrets about your life because you will most."
"I don't think I'll ever be content. I know how I'm very aware especially in certain moments how lucky I am, how differently things could have gone up until this point."
"Be your Aries self my dear Aries, just one thing add that dash of diplomacy and you will see what you can achieve, the sky's the limit for the Aries."
"If reality doesn't change your life, what does that say about your life?"
"The richest place in the world is the graveyard."
"If today was your last day, what will you do?"
"Finally, I died with the Earth. It was a good life."
"Reflecting on your life and comparing it to now."
"It made me realize that I could have died without ever really being who I was."
"Time literally flies. Where has seven months gone?"
"Time sure flies, man. I need to figure out how to slow time down because before I know it, time's gonna pass me up. I gotta slow it down."
"When Kobe Bryant passed away, it wasn't just about sports or movies, it was a reminder of the transient nature of life."
"I've also been very lucky, but I don't enjoy my life."
"It was a feeling of, 'Where did my four years of my life go?'"
"You never know if the happiest point in your life is ahead of you or behind you."
"At the end of your life, you're going to ask, 'Did I matter?' And one of the ways you will evaluate that is whether or not you taught other people, whether or not you mentored other people to have a better life."
"Is my entire life just been a reaction to my brother dying?"
"There is much more to our lives, our histories, and our individual influence upon our tomorrows than we have perhaps dared to imagine."
"You're about to rediscover a lot about yourself and about your life."
"Gucci at 40 years old, man, is this something did you ever think you would make it to 40 and actually plan to be 40?"
"Are you putting out something today in your resume of life that is going to write your eulogy after you're gone?"
"Most of us have already spent 2/3 of our life before answering those two questions."
"The event is all these internal shifts; the external world is a direct result of how we're living our life."
"I feel like I've accomplished a lot... yeah, maybe a recent event makes me feel a little bit more ready to check out."
"Here's a beautiful life, the unexamined life is not worth living."
"I just want to... on my deathbed I don't want to be scared to face my lord."
"I woke up to a note that said, 'I was going to rob you and stab you in the throat but you just looked so peaceful.'"
"I feel like it's real. I feel like it actually captures what really goes on and what we actually have going on in life."
"One of the greatest forms of tragedy is when we look back and we say we were successful in all the ways that don't matter."
"People hate that the concept that the people that they've attracted into their life, the results they've attracted into their life, are a mirror of who they are."
"His whole affair was amazing, his whole life was something to marvel at."
"When it's our time to go, I hope I get half of the love that he has."
"And I think a lot of people are realizing that they were miserable, and now they're more miserable."
"This hard work that I've done, I know I'm so much better than I was 19 years ago when my daughter was born."
"What am I going to wish I did when I look back?"
"He had this sense that he lived a full life."
"Everything that you're doing is a reflection of all your life experiences."
"This was a life well lived; my life mattered."
"I think we're all serving some greater purpose here."
"Question your routines, your built-in habits and thoughts. Think about what you truly want from this lifetime and let go of all that's not supporting and serving your Highest Potential."
"I wanted to project myself forward to age 80 and say okay now I'm looking back on my life I want to have minimized the number of regrets I have."
"I didn't think I was gonna live to see 30, and now I'm 60. I've doubled it."
"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation."
"Most of us are not afraid to die; we're afraid because of the realization we never lived."
"I want to create a collection of games during my career, so that when I’m on my deathbed I can look back and see that I created all these wonderful things that brought people joy."
"I don't want to finish my life saying that I really didn't love them."
"Ultimately, my memories are kind of good ones."
"Not all love stories are cinematic. Audrey is over romance while dealing with her parents' continuous divorce, a breakup of her own, and shifting friendship dynamics. Love and life isn't what it's like in the movies, right?"
"I do fear that one day a lot of us in this generation are gonna look back on these precious years of our life and be like, 'Oh my God, why did I waste so much time scrolling through shit that, for the most part, just made me feel worse?'"
"What would you do if you had one hour left to live?"
"The time never stops, the clock is always ticking."
"Each and every minute cannot be allowed to pass in vain. I must feel certain that not only at the moment of my death shall I be able to account for the time I have lived."
"I ought to be ready at every moment of my life to confront myself and say this is what I've done."
"The quality of your thoughts will mirror the quality of your life."
"Make sure you do drop a like, drop a sub, turn on those notifications."
"It's as if the days are long but the years are short."
"Now that I have mine in my hands again, I feel like I'm good. I have no more enemies, I don't hate anybody anymore, and everything is in my book."
"Your life is really a reflection of your subconscious programming."
"He lived a good long life, you know, 84. I hope I make it to 84, not sure if I'm gonna or not, but goodbye Terrence." - YouTuber
"The bad stuff tends to fade and the good stuff that happens in your life tends to be the memories that you dwell on."
"Gratitude mirrors our life because of what Jesus did for us."
"Life is short, and your comment touched me and hit a chord."
"The nightmare is to reach our deathbed and talk about everything we should have done."
"I think about that sometimes, I go, how many times I could have died or should have died."
"I found myself thinking about memories on each song. What happened at a recording session? Where was I at that point in my life? What was I going through?"
"If God were to speak to you and say to you that you had 12 months to live and you knew that it was the Lord, how would you change what you do right now?"
"What would you lay aside if you knew you were dying in 24 hours?"
"It's like pure bliss and you realize every everything that's happened to you, good, bad, everything in between, it's all had a purpose."
"Make me ready that when I die or when you come I will have lived my life..."
"The only thing people say is, 'I wish I'd had more time.'"
"Grateful to be here to be able to right my wrongs in life."
"The old adage is: 'The days are long, but the years are short.'"
"I've been cleaning out the barn, just a reminder of what a crazy life I have."
"This might be ida's last act. It's a real life flashing before your eyes kind of trick."
"The book of our life on earth is over, and we stand now at its epilogue."
"Thank God I wouldn't go back to my 20s for all the money in the world."
"I think when someone's on their deathbed, when they've had a family or at least adopted or looked after someone or something, I feel that they can feel some form of completion in their time here."
"When you're on your deathbed, you should have no regrets."
"And perhaps the same is true for me. After living so long, to die in the act of saving others would not have been a terrible thing. Also true."
"In her last years, Sisi wrote: 'I loved, I lived/I wandered through the world, but never reached what I strove for.'"
"Politics is life and life is politics. If you're not going to reflect that in your art, what are you doing? Why bother?"
"I am a black woman minister who is queer and Christian and as I look back over my life I realized that my blackness and my queerness offered to me a secret cup of gladness."
"If you could see your whole life from start to finish, would you change things?"
"It's like you're sitting on a dock, some old timer, you know?" - Steve
"All human beings that live this life when they stand before Allah they're going to know that every little thing and big thing was accounted for."
"You know, when I think about it now in my elderly years, it's just, there has to be some kind of explanation."
"May we all pass away in a place that we love with our loved ones around us." - Unknown
"Think about your life, your mental health, your physical health."
"Life can feel so claustrophobic, but sometimes if you write down those things, you can see your life as a story."
"There's gonna come a time in your life where you're gonna reflect back on something and think wow I really missed that time and I wish I lived in the moment more."
"You're going to look back and be like it's been worth it. It's been worth it and also some things that did not happen are a blessing in disguise, it didn't feel that way at the time but spirit's like leo I protected you from a lot."
"I saw their lives in a regression of events... I forgave myself in that moment."
"Just enjoying life as it comes now 'cause I haven't got that long left."
"If life could write, it would write like Tolstoy."
"If I died tomorrow, I would die a happy man."
"On your deathbed, you won't wish for more money, you'll wish for more time."
"You're gonna be sitting there with your new beer company that's failing, realizing that you pissed your life away drinking at the end of the bottle." - Jake Paul
"Reflecting on these memories, SEO Jun realized he'd never lived as passionately as he had during that time."
"This is a game about the things you want to remember, the things you wish for, and life as a whole."
"The greatest tragedy in life is to get to the end of your life and realize that you never have truly lived and made the effort to see what you are truly capable of."
"It's your life and nobody else is ever gonna live that life at the end of your life you're gonna look back and say was it a life well-lived."
"Why not spend less than twenty-four asking life's biggest questions?"
"The number one deathbed regret was 'I wish I would have let myself be happier' so they, in the moment of death, understood that their happiness was a choice."
"I feel my age, I'm pushing 50 in a few years, that I hope I've gained some wisdom along that road."
"What would your reel of life look like? Did you do more good than harm?"
"Maybe it's because I now sit here in my late boomer 20s that I find this so much more relatable reminiscing back on simpler times as a child where there seemed to be a lot less stress and worry in the world."
"I've spent all my life in jail after so long I've realized it's probably not the way I want to spend the rest of my life."