
Advertising Quotes

There are 3673 quotes

"Whenever you see a commercial for ham on TV, it's often set in the countryside, with a nice family and a rustic backdrop. And the ham is always pink. Very pink. And 100% natural, of course."
"It's up to all of us to evolve how advertising works on the internet because only together can we protect people's safety, give advertisers new ways to grow their businesses, and reward publishers and creators, leading to a healthy and thriving internet."
"AI-driven automation is the future of advertising."
"The visual style of the sequence is an homage to Adam Berg's award-winning Carousel ad for Phillips."
"If you're not advertising on Facebook, then you are falling into the shadows of other businesses."
"If people could not be manipulated, Coca-Cola wouldn't be buying billboards."
"We've always aimed to deliver advertising that works for everyone. Whether it's consumers, advertisers, or publishers, we're committed to ads that are valuable, transparent, and trustworthy."
"91 percent of smartphone owners bought or plan to buy something after seeing an ad that they described as relevant."
"Mobile game ads are so annoying these days, and hiding the X makes me mad."
"An advertisement for a wine party caught his eye."
"Humor has always played a big part in Super Bowl commercials."
"Truth in advertising, I think it's good to sort of expand that as broadly as possible."
"If it's somewhat clever and has some sort of message that can impart upon the viewer about their product or brand, then you've done a decent job."
"Advertising's two main goals: make you secretly compare yourself to others...and to give you the impression that you are not enough."
"If mind control and mental manipulation weren't a thing, Coca-Cola would not be spending billions on commercials."
"The best part: you can try all this out completely risk-free."
"Riot have only really, if you look at their actions, ever used League of Legends eSports as advertising for League of Legends the casual game."
"If a cigarette company started running adverts that didn't mention that cigarettes can kill you...everyone would be like 'on your bike mate.'"
"Would you pay extra to go to a no-ads screening? A hundred percent yes."
"Advertising-funded search engines will be inherently biased towards the advertisers and away from the needs of the consumers."
"If somebody's going to try to blackmail me with advertising... go f*** yourself."
"Advertisements suck, generally. They're kind of against our values."
"I love it. I think this is a beautiful body of advertising work."
"Streaming has slowly eroded to the point that many of us now either pay more for streaming services than we did for cable or deal with so many ads that streaming feels more like cable than ever before."
"This is something you could present to a business person and say, 'Hey, look at this data. This is from the past year. Let's target our ads at this time.'"
"Broad targeting is where you let Facebook decide basically everything besides the CBO's budget, the location of your ad sets, and the ads' creative."
"Overwatch League perks by T-Mobile. They make everything better. Isn't that right, Reinhardt looking yogurt-eating stock footage guy?"
"Technology is a niche that always has a really high CPM; it's always trending, and there's always going to be new technology."
"Finance, everything related to money, investing, stocks, has a really high CPM."
"On January 24th, Apple Computer will introduce Macintosh, and you'll see why 1984 won't be like '1984'."
"We believe that real skin should be seen in makeup ads."
"I'd rather take your time and have you watch a commercial before for a show than have you ever spend a dime on this channel."
"The Call of Duty League is brought to you by Game Fuel, victory in a can."
"There's nothing better than a happier customer because then you don't have to advertise at all."
"Where's the beef? Wendy's launched a series of memorable commercials in 1984 featuring a catchphrase that became world famous."
"The art itself isn't valuable; it's that society has trained us into thinking it's free because of platforms that want to get advertising dollars that are using the art to monetize themselves."
"90% of recent users who gave a reason for uninstalling the ad blocker cited YouTube's recent policy change."
"Unsubscribe from advertisement emails... a great way to save money."
"If ads about creationism, the miracles of Allah, or whatever evangelical billionaires have paid Dennis Prager to say this week are going to be shown to anyone, I want them to be shown to people who will see right through their nonsense."
"Because you're worth it means so much more than a beauty product."
"Advertising is not a growth business; it's hovered somewhere between one and one and a half percent of GDP for about the last hundred years."
"We out here doing advertisements for the people, man. You're doing a lot for the culture."
"I'm placing a bet on the advertising company's ability to not only spend their dollars properly. They're talking about digital ads; they're talking about connected TV ads."
"When there is no clear line between commercial and content, everything becomes a commercial."
"The reason companies are so eager to work with content creators and live streamers is that content creation is where such is the most effective form of advertising."
"Word of mouth is the best form of advertising."
"There is such a thing as negative marketing or comparative advertising. It is a very real thing; it's not illegal, it's very common."
"Advertising occupies a strange place in our collective imagination: we revile it when it interrupts our beloved YouTube videos, we talk about it way too much when it's Super Bowl season, and frequently ignore it unless it features Kendall Jenner single-handedly ending racism."
"I've been looking into buying adverts, and I'll hopefully be able to get started on it next week."
"The triumph of advertising in the culture industry is that consumers feel compelled to buy and use its products even though they see through them."
"America is so obsessed with bad breath and with underarm deodorant. These are the biggest problems in the world if you watch television at prime times."
"Advertising a tame TDP while allowing motherboards to Auto OC the CPUs is an attempt at having its cake and eating it too."
"You can't rely on just running ads and having to get new customers just to go on your store and purchase your product."
"Pheromones mean body odor. That's actually an offensive label created by big deodorant."
"One of the immediate best things that I always mention: there are no ads in any of the classes."
"Stamps.com saves you time, money, and stress."
"A lot of folks...they see the flashy viral ads, the stuff that messes with Donald Trump's headspace. All that's very necessary."
"Someone said the monitor is smaller than advertising. I mean, 10 inches is 10 inches."
"M&Ms, which melt in your mouth, not in your pants."
"To start living a happier life today, as a listener, you'll get 10% off your first month by visiting our sponsor at BetterHelp.com."
"Marketing isn't advertising. Marketing isn't hype. Marketing isn't hustling people. No one wants to be hustled."
"Don't be fooled by a television commercial by bright lights. Let us go to the roots of the issue and deal with the truth."
"In a world of infomercials, sometimes when you see an honest opinion about something... it comes off as negative, just because maybe it's a little different."
"Unlike typical ad-blocking, publishers will actually get a cut of the fee to make up for the removal of ads."
"Unlike paying for ads, search traffic is free."
"This game is an ad farm and it isn't really trying to hide it either."
"I knew we were way bigger than people thought... traditional advertisers, god forbid something goes wrong."
"It's a Helix Sleep mattress made just for me. Helix Sleep has a quiz, it takes just two minutes to complete."
"Disable advertising permissions to the greatest extent possible."
"I wouldn't even do a sponsored video on a product I didn't like."
"They're not gonna pay you for a negative review."
"The red gets you excited and thirsty to drink the coke."
"Thank you so much to Magellan TV for sponsoring this video."
"Running ads only reduces viewership by a maximum of about 10 percent."
"Every Advertiser should question fake engagement."
"Facebook is going to win that fight in to put the advertising dollars because I think that they constantly keep when you think about stories they find ways to make this story richer and bigger each time."
"The one good news in the industry at the moment is TikTok ads are here."
"You spend $150, you're gonna get a $150 ad credit."
"This is gonna be part one of my Google Ads tutorial."
"Successful Youtube alternative is going to have to balance the relationship between creators, advertisers, and its own platform."
"They've lost Center ground with Twitter because I will tell you this advertisers may want to pull off but the reality is Twitter is still digital Town Square."
"Instagram ads will help showcase your product, service, or brand in a way that's memorable and unique."
"This ad campaign... is deeply, deeply important."
"Using hashtag ad is seen as proper disclosure. The only problem is it should be at the very beginning of the post."
"An advertising agency was hired to promote an upcoming short film festival."
"Maybe the tagline should have been HDR just got real."
"Advertisers should align with the values of content creators."
"Knockout? Are you kidding me? Knockout? If Pusha T was on a spot in a Tommy Hilfiger ad, it'd be over."
"Advertising over the last 20 years has become digital. Influencer marketing is human-to-human."
"The future of advertising is dead... the future is about entertainment and education."
"Nobody wants commercials... it's an on-demand world."
"Influencer marketing: proven to be more successful."
"Facebook ads are as much of an art as they are a science."
"Say what you will about Kevin Butler, but this ad campaign was definitely a huge win for Sony."
"Advertising is fine, but lying about it isn't."
"As a viewer, I really didn't like it when people would take sponsorships and directly talk to me about a product."
"The average person saves $720 per year with Truebill. Get started today at truebill.com/knowles. Take control of your finances, start saving at truebill.com/knowles."
"The person who gets paid the most. Let me explain: this video is brought to you by Design Bro."
"And this is where we get campaigns like this. Milk, it does a body good."
"He's saying that the biggest privacy problem today are not the government's it's the ad agencies and the marketing companies."
"I certainly can say that Google's monopoly on ads has harmed consumers for sure. That is a very real thing."
"If people get paid to talk about Loot Crate, then it must be good."
"Audible: find the perfect title for whatever you're doing."
"Wake the fart up oh no what these are terrible these are the tweets that one's not really even a tweet I mean there's just a video that they put on Twitter you're never Twitter guess it's an advertisement for Twitter."
"The amount of good they could do just by opening that stuff up and also frankly it's an amazing advert."
"Etsy ads are largely undervalued by sellers on Etsy."
"The best marketing is not just running ads, it's doing something creative and original."
"What a world would be like without advertising."
"Advertisements appeared nationwide, especially on billboards, transforming landscapes."
"Trader Joe's cares about quality. They don't waste money on diminishing returns like advertising."
"The key to a good trailer is do we want to see more of this."
"We removed the targeting category. We removed pseudoscience as a category."
"The emoji movie exists to be an advertisement, that is all it exists for."
"You know the funny thing about YouTube videos and sponsorships is all I have to say is the word 'raid' and you guys already know what's coming next."
"Hey, have you seen the TV ads with the governor talking about the great things she's done for Michigan? She's a liar."
"If the content on YouTube can evoke this feeling through quality watch time, it'd be perfect for brands to display their ads against."
"I think the eight dollars a month tactic is wise because you want to get away from investors well not you do what you want to get away from advertisers you don't want to let Corp other corporations run your corporation."
"Basically what happens is the yearbook photographer mentions that he's shooting a commercial for a mattress company and Rachel convinces him to hire them to sing 'Jump' while jumping all over the mattresses. It's a little bit genius."
"I don't do ads... because I don't want to answer to anybody... everybody's owned by everybody... you're always going to get the truth here."
"Maybe if they didn't have such deceptive and pushy advertising like saying, 'You might be a winner,' then maybe those receiving their surveys would be a bit more practical and realistic too."
"Nike has now released its new ad involving Colin Kaepernick."
"Creating the Right video ad will single-handedly make or break your success on Facebook ads."
"Volvo has done an excellent job bullshitting recently, currently using the tag 'makes parenting look easy' to promote the new XC60. And whether the XC60 makes parenting look easy or not is absolutely irrelevant."
"The ad that you use to advertise is extremely important, it's one of the most vital things in the drop shipping process."
"If 7.7 million people on Twitter pay eight bucks a month he no longer needs those 750 million dollars that are advertisers I'm willing to say if 30 million people pay eight bucks a month on Twitter it's game over."
"The best ad was Kanye West's ad and I don't even like Kanye West at all."
"Go try the triple bacon buttery Jack, they are not telling you to say that, they were like just try the burger and move on like you don't have to promote it too much but I'm gonna [ __ ] [ __ ]."
"You cannot use advertising material puffery language that advertisers use in their companies' advertising as an argument in court."
"This new gamers.nexis site is completely ad free."
"Welcome to the world's best Facebook ads tutorial. By the end, you're going to be an expert today."
"Good ads explain the unique selling proposition, educate or entertain, have a great offer and urgency, and are not boring."
"Use user-generated content for your ads. It's incredibly effective."
"Create multiple ads to test different creatives. Aim for 3 to 5 ads initially."
"If I'm selling something worth $100 I'd want to be spending $10 to $30 a day initially."
"What is a profitable return on ad spend? If you put $1 in and you get $2 back, that's a return on ad spend."
"Next, they might introduce one to three new creatives to their existing scaling campaign."
"This is why our people support us, this is why we fight for advertising dollars so we can be able to provide economic opportunities for folks like you."
"False advertising claims against McDonald's."
"The best gift you can give this Christmas is Surfshark to all your family."
"Creating a blog is a much better strategy than constantly paying for ads."
"I'm just really good at spotting the ones that are badly written because they don't work on me."
"Impressionable minds like theirs are unable to see the truth hidden behind large corporate ad campaigns."
"Burger King has also been called out for having sexist advertisements as well."
"The campaign for Barack Obama paid for advertising space within Burnout Paradise billboards in 2008." - "...the campaign for then presidential candidate Barack Obama paid for their ads to appear on Burnout billboards..."
"The tours were maybe a better answer to how much we spend on advertising because it is in a way advertising."
"No wonder ZipRecruiter is the number one rated hiring site in the United States."
"A cringy ad can reduce brand attitudes and therefore could play a role in future sales."
"Gjallarhorn became so iconic that it was featured in a Taco Bell commercial..."
"Imagine how needed it'd be for the skippable ads before a YouTube video to be a little five-minute demo of a Triple A game."
"Sit back, relax, and let's take a deep dive into one of fast food's most iconic and absolutely bonkers advertising campaigns."
"Jake from State Farm is a sweet man, but he's up to something."
"This video is brought to you by Build Redux."
"I think the word voice in the english language is worth 100 million like i've seen people drop a hundred million dollars on an ad campaign and you want to drop a hundred million an ad campaign with the with the i voice dot net type domain."
"Discover your potential with BetterHelp. Visit betterhelp.com/PMT today to get 10% off your first month."
"What are you waiting for, get your gold now."
"Once your campaign's been published... let it run for between 2 and 3 days."
"Our eyeballs are worth more than 1 billion dollars per week."
"Many VPNs use misleading claims in their ads, promising anonymity while asking for personal info."
"Ultimately, people are going to believe in an unpolluted, uncontaminated message, which is fair income and not paid for by advertisers or governments."
"You could be missing out on the best sex of your life with blue chew."
"I saw him not write anything and do the whole ad in one take."
"No worries, guys, we're not doing ads right away."
"If an ad can get some secular liberal, even for one second, to consider our Lord, I'm fine with it."
"Apparently a subscription model to ease their dependence on ad revenue is something they've been considering for years but one that's become a greater priority given the current global pandemic and pressure from investors to accelerate growth."
"For those of you not familiar with this ad campaign, here's a little taste of how they portray Satan."
"Get life insurance in as little as five minutes by going to Met kevin.com Life."
"I don't think this ad campaign is designed to sell Android phones."
"If y'all appreciate me not putting 100 commercials in the video."
"Just make sure you sit through the ads too. I appreciate it. That's how I'm making my coin."
"When you choose to rise above it all, choose chill, choose Kors Light."
"Long-form always works better than snappy slogans."
"I'm really loving this game, ads aside, ads aside."
"There will be a higher price subscription that allows for zero ads." - Elon Musk
"Obviously I stand by all of it. I think this should be an advertiser promo video for us."
"If all that this did was finally give you a funnel that was profitable or you could've dollar advertising in and get two hours back out would it be worth it yes."
"False advertisement is fittingly enough exactly what it says on the tin."
"Tricks are for not just for kids, they're for us."
"Genuine companies do advertise on all of those platforms."
"We literally get paid to do experiments over there. All of our videos upload on Nebula a whole week before they upload here on YouTube, without any ads."
"You need to have those disclosures. Another thing with Amazon specifically is that you can't run ads for your Amazon link."
"It's more fun than a TV commercial, I'll tell you that."
"Thanks to Mack Weldon for supporting this video."
"It's not just like drama, it's not just serving in the top of the hour ad break."
"Ads with a higher click-through rate tend to perform better in the long run."
"It's a really good feeling to not need sponsorship."
"Do I care that someone is using a skin smoothing filter for an advent energy drink advert or whatever it is a vitamin drink no I really honestly don't give a [ __ ]."
"Advertisers pay the bills. Pay the bills in the content business."
"Optimize your ad placements for maximum impact. 🎯 Choose wisely to reach the right audience. #AdvertisingStrategy"
"Don't be too disheartened if you spend a bit of money and you don't get any sales because this is all part of the testing process."
"Don't worry because this is all part of the testing process you don't want to spend too much so you have to know when to turn your ads off."
"Anybody that's watched 75% of the video is more likely to be interested."
"Those people are super interested if they watch at least 50."
"Now from here we can adding in some things to actually fill out our Facebook page and make it look legitimate make sure all of the information is included before we actually start running ads."
"Facebook and Instagram ads definitely get you cheaper clicks. You may get less specific brand awareness, but the exchange rate is the conversion that you may get."
"What didn't work was your ad sucked. The platform's working just fine. That's why it's doing trillions. You suck." - Gary Vaynerchuk
"We talk about how do we build black media, and let me be perfectly clear: whether it's the Grio TV, whether it's Revolt, whether it's what we're doing here, look, 322 billion dollars is being spent every single year on advertising."
"When it comes to quality score, it can take some time to improve your historic click-through rate. Focus on account structure and make sure your keywords are relevant."
"That's where I spent three hundred and fifty-six dollars on advertising and made four thousand dollars back out, so that's over a 10x ROI."
"So usually I say that you need to spend at least $20 on an ad set before you can make any statistically significant decision."
"Last but not least, TikTok also offers branded AR filters and lenses as part of their advertising mix."