
Food Industry Quotes

There are 536 quotes

"The ham's pink is unnatural, but without the pink, it would be impossible to sell."
"People need to consider is that the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry really have built-in incentives for you continuing to buy their products."
"The biggest issue in the world, in my opinion, is the devil's bargain, where food is making us sick, we're getting addicted, and it's making us sick, and then the medical system is profiting from the fact that everyone's getting sick."
"This evidence highlights the deliberate approach used by the food industry to influence public policy and public opinion in their favor."
"It's no secret, and everybody knows that high fructose corn syrup is just the worst, and yet it's almost in everything Americans produce."
"These foods are products first and foremost, the only thing that they're designed to nourish is a healthy profit margin."
"It's becoming extremely hard to ignore how broken our food system is and that's probably a good thing, because things need to change and they need to change now."
"If you fix the food, you've fixed the cost of most of our major problems."
"We absolutely cannot allow food animal meat to be raised in this cheap and inhumane way, period, end of story."
"The food industry wants you to focus on calorie and fat content from sugar so you don't have to think about the quality of the food."
"Personal responsibility. These food companies are not at fault for putting that crap out there."
"They have made good food, Whole Foods, more expensive, but the more easily made and attained processed foods are cheaper and easier to buy."
"There can be great innovations in the food industry, fostering growth in personal and community agriculture."
"American food supply is wilfully engineered to be addictive."
"Soft Robotics has introduced Soft AI, an intelligent system for accelerating the adoption of robotics in the food industry."
"We're at the infancy still of the plant-based food space and the biggest change in my opinion that we've had in the food industry in many, many decades."
"Just because humans took a resource and distorted it into something processed and refined and dangerous doesn't mean that you have to eat it."
"You cannot be letting industry dictate what people eat. Big Food should watch what happened to Big Tobacco."
"Hot sauce grew almost 25% between 2013 and 2017, with $700 million in sales in 2018."
"Sales of vegan foods increased 10 times more than food sales as a whole."
"This kind of assembly line-style production was a whole new approach to the restaurant business."
"High fructose corn syrup is evil. But it's not evil because it's metabolically evil. It's evil because it's economically evil."
"If all slaughterhouses had glass walls, nobody would eat meat."
"Ninety percent of the foods today in the supermarket did not exist when our grandparents were kids."
"Our food's been weaponized with fructose that we subsidize."
"And you know who's trying to take away your relationship with food the entire time? The food industry."
"Kytch's technology promised to reduce the machine's downtime and to consistently deliver more frozen treats to McDonald's customers."
"Sustainability tastes better, and that's what people need to realize."
"We eat like crap. Our big food industry subsidizes a sugar-rich processed diet."
"The makers of Built Bar understand that flavor comes first."
"Food is medicine, but we've been duped into thinking that boxed, canned, jarred, or bagged items are food."
"We don't tire of consuming added sugar, and its addition to ultra-processed food products contributes to hyper-palatability."
"You have to market food first because in a kind of dark statement on consumerism, nobody actually wants anything you're buying until you force them to want it first."
"The trends are insane. The things happening in the world of food marketing and food business have been accelerating dramatically."
"The new news is that everything from sausages to liquid egg is now going to be requiring paperwork to come into this country."
"The whole point we're here is to make delicious moments of joy, and that might sound a bit corny, but that's what we're here for."
"Don't knock those Quick Service options till you try them."
"Food prep companies I think are the way of the future."
"From their fresh ingredients, quick service, and delicious taste, it's not hard to see why people keep demanding more and more of their food."
"High standards may be arbitrary when it comes to taste, texture and presentation. But consumers should always have high standards when it comes to safety."
"Chickens had accounted for only one percent of British meat consumption in 1950 but now its moment had arrived."
"We should be encouraging people to have... more bitter tasting interesting flavors and Foods than just this Ultra sweet uh chemical concoctions."
"Good Source Foods is all about changing the perception of food and supporting healthier snacking options."
"The food preparation business, we're calling it Baker buddy."
"We are now with food where we were a generation ago with tobacco."
"The potato changed the world and the food industry forever."
"McDonald's isn't a food company; it's a real estate company."
"Aquaculture is the fastest growing food system on the planet."
"If Tyson Foods were to go out of business, there's a lot of Brands you probably have in your refrigerator, your freezer, your pantry that you don't realize are part of them."
"When you know how sausage is made, sometimes you think twice about eating that sausage."
"Yeah, I think you're gonna see ugliness from the food industry, from the farming industry."
"Tastes are evolving. Our customers want artisanal food and authentic experience."
"Food fraud is on the rise. A 2014 report estimated that food fraud costs the global food industry $30 to $40 billion US every year."
"This documentary will change the way you see food forever."
"The meat you buy at the grocery store might have come from a lab backed by Bill Gates instead of a farm."
"Street food gets its name because it's cooked and eaten on the streets."
"The Popeyes chicken sandwich, they took normal ingredients, they cooked them pretty well, and they exposed the entire fast food industry because of it."
"The concept of a simple hamburger had been revolutionized."
"In 1947, a burger flipper Earl Hoel working in a Cincinnati White Castle left a note in the store's suggestion box stating that putting holes in White Castle's patties would help them cook faster and help the kitchen keep up with rising demand."
"Doordash jumping nicely amid sustained demand for food delivery."
"Realistically, I think the fast food industry will turn to meatless meat when they can give the consumer a virtually indistinguishable product at a lower cost."
"Our food has been uniformly changed over the past 50 years, a very good experiment in terms of before and after."
"Magic Spoon has truly innovated and changed the game with sugary cereals. They spent time to perfect the crunchy texture and develop an astounding variety of flavors so that they always hit the spot."
"We are utterly unstoppable when it comes to exposing the truth of the food industry."
"Approximately 98 percent of the meat, eggs, and dairy we eat comes from animals who were raised in factory farms."
"If everyone voted with their fork you know what the food industry would have to listen okay because ultimately we are the not the 2000 pound gorilla we are the 200 million ton gorilla if we actually exerted our collective uh willpower."
"Starbucks with its vast footprint, McDonald's with all day breakfast and the regional but beloved Tim Hortons and Krispy Kreme."
"Dunkin' started offering Beyond Meats sausage in Manhattan, and the company says, it's selling well and drawing repeat customers to Dunkin'."
"It's not about how you go, it's not about food. But it's always been about our customers, isn't it?"
"More Americans were eating out than buying food at grocery stores."
"This burger has done over 100 million in sales."
"They think that food franchises are the biggest moneymakers but according to a franchise business review report fifty one point five percent of food franchises earned profits of less than $50,000 a year."
"Our job is to keep our supply chain operating fresh, affordable food and essentials."
"This is good for maybe in a gumbo, this is good, like let people know what you're replacing it with and that they can get that same feel and that same flavor by using your product." - Bun B
"This feels like the start of a Rags to Glory."
"The advice to eat everything in moderation is horrible in the modern world... foods are designed by scientists... to create insatiable overconsumption and addiction."
"I can go to Costco, I can drive through Shake Shack, Five Guys, Taco Bell, Dunkin' Donuts, but I can't support my local bakery."
"The company debuted an ad campaign and rolled out two menu additions, chorizo and queso."
"And Chipotle was now betting that Niccol could do the same for them."
"Pepsi and Beyond Meat are interested in profits, not your health."
"Our food supply is completely a mess, not just the quality of it and the additives and all the things making you sick but the amount of extra labor of getting a freaking potato from a field into my mouth."
"The science is in: profits. Food is addictive, can make you extremely happy, and will prematurely kill you. How did the corporations deceive you about this?"
"Food innovation and markets are going to save the world, and you can be part of it."
"The food industry knows this... this is why they're constantly putting images in front of us of people eating processed foods because our 98% of the brain doesn't know that that's not happening."
"Bill Gates is currently invested in or at one point was an early investor in the top four 'food companies' who are producing synthetic meat."
"The name is clearly meant to convey breakfast."
"America what it do it poisons us with food then it sends us to the pharmaceutical people right who's given us something just to treat symptom of what we're doing with the food."
"Lean Cuisine's pre-prepared and calorie-conscious frozen meals debuted in the U.S. in 1981."
"We resist selling anybody that's not gonna put us in the meat case."
"Spring is coming and the i3t donut is sure to be the ideal companion."
"After spending the day with these essential workers in the food industry, I've learned just how much they put their safety on the line in order to ensure people are fed and society continues to function."
"The demand for protein will increase with population growth."
"Companies in a great position to become a food giant."
"They're looking to get into ambient products in 2022... This gets Tattoo Chef out of just a frozen food company."
"A huge Scandal exposed Mass corruption across the meat Supply industry when Undeclared horse meat was found in a load of European food products."
"The GMO conspiracy is the notion that GMOs are inserted into the majority of food products nowadays to cause hunger and thirst for more types of the same foods."
"The customer is always right. Do you call this fast food? I only have one order, just one!"
"Customers have also developed an ever-greater interest in cheeses that are craft-made, locally sourced, ethically produced and environmentally sustainable."
"Ready-to-eat foods are still in high demand."
"Carbon dioxide shortage is also impacting the production of frozen pizza."
"We need to destigmatize the corporations and we need to regulate them. We mustn't stigmatize or shame the food itself or the people who are forced to eat it."
"If your food is made in a big Factory owned by a transnational Food Corporation, there is a good chance that it will cause you harm."
"The fact that there's this much animal suffering that takes place as a way to fill in my dinner plate, it just kind of didn't sit right with me."
"Congratulations Lord Crumbs Crunchy Delights! May Lord put you at the top with your secret herbs and spices and 100% Homo Sapien recipe."
"Fruit wax smooths the divide between fantasy and reality of food."
"Our product Ed appeal is a thin edible post-harvest coating made from plant-derived materials."
"Trader Joe's just outdoes everybody else now."
"We're sincerely trying to make the best dip that ever has been."
"It's all GMO, every fast food restaurant has a lab."
"I'm a butcher because I love my food. I love being close to it."
"The next two quarters are vital for the chef."
"We have seen the great rise in manufactured foods... we're surrounded by what people call a toxic food environment."
"Fake food in Japan: meticulously crafted plastic food samples."
"The tattooed chef has limited product lines right now and this is also a potential risk factor."
"I like Tattooed Chef, but I'll be honest, the one I feel by far and away the most confident in long term is Very Good Food Company."
"The current food system in the United States thrives on cheap, unsustainable choices."
"There's no scenario in which meat just disappears off the planet."
"Our food system actively works against us to keep us from being healthy."
"It’s all about standards, something the U.S. seems to have a deficit of in the fast-food world."
"Food as I said again is what sustains life right and we are very powerful in that sense because that gives us a lot of power."
"Papa John's broke ground by becoming the first pizza chain to allow online ordering across all of its domestic locations."
"The future of food has to be more delicious and more affordable than it is today."
"Prepare for end of the Year festivities even people's favorite restaurant dishes including guac and seafood are getting far more expensive and harder to find."
"Ultra processing is like one of the biggest problems with the modern food supply."
"MSG on a McDonald's French fry makes them far too addictive here."
"Chick-fil-A's business model has always been to maintain a small menu focused on chicken sandwiches."
"This meat, it's incredibly unsustainable but we figured out a way to solve it and we're gonna have to do it if we want to continue living on this planet."
"Some companies are aiming to make hybrid products instead, for example, they'll just make the animal fats in bioreactors and use that to make plant-based products taste better."
"Nobody gets excited about the caramel enhancements. Marshmallow is an experience."
"Where are all the Native American restaurants?"
"Food styling, it is not for the faint of heart."
"Change is constant, especially true in restaurants and food."
"But there is progress being made especially on the food front and the character front."
"This company will become a food giant... this company has a good opportunity at least to have a market capitalization of 10 to 20 billion dollars."
"We are one of the safest food supply systems."
"It's about like all of this stuff that's coming underneath and behind the food."
"They don't want it to be from chickens in industrial factories who are busy spending each day eating their own feces. That's not what they want."
"Smart Sweets have taken the world by storm in the keto community."
"Just high quality produce with the water taken out."
"We go through 250 to 300 pounds of hot dogs a day. On the weekends, we go anywhere from 4,000 hot dogs a day to 4,700 hot dogs a day."
"Do you want to keep getting juice from the other side of the world that sits in a vat for six months?"
"Willy Wonka became a household name, his candy selling in abundance worldwide. He was considered innovative, a genius, and a revolutionary businessman and candy maker."
"All-you-can-eat buffets are seriously going to suffer."
"The food that we eat is chemicals. Oh my God, it is a chemical stew that keeps us addicted to it, and that food is what leads us to essentially all of our assassins."
"The greater food transformation is the transition to a decentralized food production."
"Fortunately, because of all these bans on trans fat foods, Most companies are going the route of zero trans fats in their products nowadays."
"That's so crazy. You're a pizza place. I should be able to get a full pizza from you."
"And so I don't think you were ready to open because I should be able to, as an individual, as a group, be able to buy a full pizza."
"This isn't a fast food restaurant anymore. We are cooking everything fresh to order."
"I think the food delivery business in this country has now become such a booming business."
"The pizza industry in the U.S. is a roughly $45 billion business."
"It's the first shelf staple nationally available bone broth in the states that's made with high quality grass-fed and finished beef bones and organic pasture-raised chicken bones."
"As the food prices get more expensive, people are going to go for cheaper food alternatives, which means more junk, chemicals, and pesticide residues."
"A big shout out to Henry LoBard... looking to make some moves here with his sauces."
"We've weaponized our food to be very addictive."
"McDonald's focuses on understanding and catering to evolving customer tastes."
"I think our guys are top-notch... We make all the same things, the same food, the same design without the western owners."
"Everybody eats, that's how we like you know we created what we're doing."
"Chinese Americans knew people wanted comfort food so they adapted and adjusted until even racists couldn't stop coming for their fried chicken balls."
"Major changes in how food is produced are needed."
"They figure out how to take the things that taste good and then annoy you with them."
"A butcher slaughters a pig yet expects the pig to perform well before dying."
"The problem is an obesogenic food environment with cheap, highly accessible, hyper palatable foods."
"At a restaurant, if everything on the menu sucks, they'll close."
"Or it's the great butter. Either way, if you turn it into the badass culinary universe, you're getting good products."
"Oysters may only have a nine-day shelf life, but their demand is only going to rise."
"Blue apron has a positive impact on the community."
"I'm fully convinced they're going to be a food giant over the next 5-10 years."
"I'm fully confident this is going to become a food giant."
"People love pizza so they, as dudes who would say, pizza is big business."
"Yogurt prices can see another nine percent to 11 percent increase in the first half of 2023." - Good King Dunoon
"Not only can imported Brazilian beef be cleverly repackaged and marketed as premium marble beef..."
"Sweet Martha's Cookies: turning a simple recipe into a cookie empire."
"Lidl, the supermarket chain, has just launched mealworm or insect Burgers. No, this is not a joke."
"Reducing food waste was an essential part of the success of our business."
"TGI Fridays is running the mozzarella cheese stick game. They're running the moz stick game."
"We're in the middle of a clean food revolution."
"Food is a live potato chips could be made out of plastic for a corporation to get their money from somehow."
"Once you start to know how the sausage is made... do you still want to eat at that restaurant?"
"We've lost of what a proper human diet is... somehow the food companies have got us to believe that kind of food is love."
"But only one will be able to walk away as the supreme leader of spicy food solutions."
"...and then finally we're going to be opening up burger town here and we're looking for our final part..."
"This is where Champions are made in the Battleground chicken sandwich."
"Fast food workers: machines can now make burgers and serve coffee."
"Food is always gonna be okay, you know QSR and fast casual and whatever the trend of the moment is, make a good fucking taco for the right price, you'll be alright."
"Genetically modified foods are probably here to stay."
"There's room for every Cookie Company out there."
"Our first thing was we wanted to open up a restaurant and a bakery. We did that."
"He preaches farm-to-table, all I've seen is frozen to table."
"Campbell's Soup successfully turned around following bad years, now well-positioned."
"McDonald's will test the meatless Mech plant Burger created as part of its partnership with Beyond Meat in eight U.S restaurants next month."
"I feel like I can really sell food, you know."
"Groceries have been insanely expensive lately and especially as a food content creator who's always buying groceries always buying things."
"The story of sacran, the world's first artificial sweetener, is a story of Science, Industry regulation, and of consumers seeking a way to have a sweet treat without the guilt."
"We need to subsidize the right things and stop recommending poison."
"Food prices no doubt are going to continue to go up."
"Shop Honestly Beef: pure meat, from gate to plate."
"I think one of my favorite things about love with food is their philanthropic efforts."
"This is going to be a food giant in the coming years and we're just getting started"