
Physical World Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Everyone should have some relationship to the physical world and their physical body, regardless of abilities."
"Is it possible that consciousness is fundamental and gives rise to the physical world?"
"If the physical world depended so precisely on these mathematical laws... It's not us that imposes this on the world. It really is out there."
"The mystery is, why are these structures that seem to be completely abstract and intellectual, relevant to describing the way the physical world works?"
"I need to go where I'm loved, where I'm appreciated in the physical world."
"Our world is quantized; it's made of pixels, it's made of individual atoms, space is quantized, time is quantized, energy is quantized."
"There are things at the macroscopic level like human experience and human emotion and human action and the sensation of free will that we undeniably all have, even if it itself doesn't have a basis in our understanding of the physical world."
"For the very first time in our history together, we finally have the ability to understand the language of the physical world."
"What Humanity has learned over the last few Millennia is that information can never be divorced from the physical world."
"Abstract art portrays about the nature and the existing physical world."
"Whoever can control the realm of the spirit can control the physical world."
"The realm of the spirit controls the physical realm."
"Our digital lives are really connected through our physical one, so there are some stakes at hand."
"God has fashioned the physical world on the structure of the mathematical objects he has chosen."
"It's the physical world is an expression of God it's almost like God saying you need some boundaries here you guys are getting crazy put up a wall."
"The spiritual world is the same thing as the physical when the physical is not confused with the symbolic."
"God is healing even things that are interacting with the spiritual through the physical."
"God's grace comes to us sometimes through things, not just people."
"The incorruptibles demonstrate that the spiritual and the physical worlds are intertwined."
"The invisible things... reflect themselves in the physical realm."
"If ESP does not exist, then the physical world may be reality. If ESP does exist, then reality may be more than the physical world."
"It's quite hard to find an area of mathematics which has nothing whatsoever to do with the physical world."
"The closer you are attached to the physical world the more you understand you don't have to be Mises to understand that gold has value."
"The aliens explain that their race has conquered every aspect of the physical world."
"Your spirit is more powerful than anything on this physical plane."
"Our vision goal is to help people to create in the physical world, not only in the digital world."
"The entire physical world is like movement. It's relations all the way down."
"The physical world contains things that are proximate fractals."
"The physical world is not a representation. It's not pointing at anything behind itself as representations do."
"If you want to understand information and how it operates in the physical world I think you study something like a living system."
"The physical world is but a show, vain, and empty, a mere nothing bearing the semblance of reality."
"Manifesting is really nothing more than everything showing up in the physical world as the result of a divine idea."
"Everything in the physical world has its Genesis begins life in the metaphysical World."
"6 to 8 weeks of concentrated particle flow in a particular direction will lead to dramatic changes in the physical world."
"Using spiritual energy only for the benefit of the physical world."
"Our physical world is the result of unseen spiritual battles."
"The physical world and the spiritual world both being in it."
"The core of every scientific advance is a better explanation. Quantum mechanics and the many universes interpretation are our best explanation of the physical world at the fundamental level."
"When we do mathematics, we might draw diagrams or see mathematical objects in the physical world."
"Mathematical entities are part of the physical world just as much as chairs and tables are."
"...every encounter with the world has always been an encounter with an enigma that no merely physical explanation suffices for."
"Praying and fasting are spiritual matters that can bring tangible results in the physical world."
"The Baal Shem Tov had stressed the importance of utilizing the physical material world in the service of God."
"We each have a role to play in harmonizing the physical world with the spiritual realm."
"Our physical world should increasingly become a reflection of the spiritual world."
"The spiritual world is superior to the physical, temporal world."
"We've looked to the physical world for assistance and through ingenious discoveries we've constructed devices to help us compute."
"The way we measure the behavior of the physical world enables us to have a much greater control and understanding of how it operates."
"The barriers between the physical and spirit worlds grow thin on this night."
"We learn that we come into this physical world as a messenger of the pure divinity."
"The soul is spiritual, the body is physical."
"If a change happens in the spiritual world, then the physical world does its best to catch up and change too."
"In order to amend, to adjust, to alter, to augment anything in this physical world, it has to be achieved from the spiritual world or from a spiritual perspective."
"You want to innovate in the physical world, you're going to need some form of sovereignty."
"Don't underestimate what I can do through you and for you; the constraints of the physical world do not confine me."
"We are supposed to use our gifts in the physical world, hence why we're here."
"Everything is being digital twinned... a digital twin is simply a virtual view of what you have in the physical world."
"The spiritual world governs the physical world."
"This provides the paradigm for over 200 years of how the scientific community and the intellectual community is going to understand the physical world."
"Human freedom, on the other hand, does exist in the entire wide sweep of the physical world."
"Our physical world is not an illusion; it is real as it is."
"What we think and what we feel influences the physical world around us."
"The physical world, even in its Fallen state, is sacred and is being redeemed."
"There is no one fact in the physical world which has a greater impact on the way things are than the Pauli Exclusion Principle."
"The world's history is full of significance and purport, and the spiritual element is closely related to all external physical agents."
"I've been wanting to kind of broaden my horizons and get more into the physical world."
"The physical world is fear; in the realm of the soul, all love, no fear."
"These magical weapons are linked to the four states of the inherent physical world: solid, liquid, vapor, and energy."
"The physical world is ultimately geometric, and to study geometry is in some sense to uncover some of the ultimate essence of the physical world around us."
"Events in the physical world can really only be understood if one knows that they have been in preparation in the spiritual worlds."
"Anything which happens in the physical world is really a kind of projection or shadow of what happens in the spiritual world."
"It is our task to bring together what lives in the spiritual world with what lives in the physical world."
"The idea of connecting us to the physical world, I think, is really interesting."
"If we share a set of equations describing our physical world, then we should form a consensus about every counterfactual query."
"You're essentially a soul in a physical world, doing your best to try to bring that soulfulness and spiritualize the material world in which we live."
"Mixed reality computing is basically when we blend the digital world with the physical world."
"Our physical world is going to become incredibly interconnected in very powerful and profound ways."
"Science deals with the physical world; we don't deal with spirituality and metaphysics."
"The physical world emerges in some way out of consciousness."
"This breakthrough is leading to a brand new start in the physical plane."
"Everything physical is a reflection of what is spiritual."
"We've got a problem here with this Uranus shift because it's really going to bring some upheavals to the physical tangible world."