
Milestone Quotes

There are 12249 quotes

"Dopamine is released when something good happens but it's also released in anticipation of things. It makes us excited when we reach a milestone en route to a goal."
"This is going to be Wright Brothers' moment on another planet."
"It will be the first ever full recording of a Spacecraft landing on another planet."
"We finally got that one must-have game... Super Mario 3D World launched on November 22nd, 2013."
"Thank you very much for watching and helping us achieve 400,000 subscribers."
"South Africa will be in the next round for the first time since 2000; they will be in the semi-final."
"The Gennin training arc has finally been completed, and we've entered a new scenario, the Chunin Exam arc."
"We're the first person in Pepsi's history to have their own custom flavor. Think about that."
"This is the first time a black man has been to that height... it was the blackest thing to happen in 2019."
"Thank you so much to everyone who has watched the channel over the last 12 months. It's been a hell of a ride."
"Dogecoin above four cents...a historic day for the markets, a historic day for Dogecoin especially."
"Congratulations on 1 million subscribers. That is so sweet."
"Thank you everyone for 300,000 subscribers... thank you for giving back so much love."
"We are literally about to cross the threshold for 4 million subscribers on the channel, I'm like super stoked about that."
"I want to thank you all so much for your continued support. We've made it this far, this crazy milestone."
"I'll be 80 years old, and this would be a good birthday present. Yes, it will. I've never had a tattoo. Virgin canvas."
"It includes, for the first time ever, a right to counsel for all migrants to the country."
"This is one of the most monumental moments to happen on the channel ever."
"Starship...successfully made it to orbit, becoming, I believe, the largest spacecraft ever launched into orbit."
"Tonight was probably the greatest night in the history of AEW."
"Bitcoin closed above $50,000 in the four-hourly chart for the first time in history."
"The market cap of Bitcoin will be expected to hit 1 trillion and this is a major milestone."
"Nearly 3 years after the collapse, they are finally making major milestones as the investigation draws closer to the conclusion."
"Thank you guys for by far the best year of our lives."
"Once you do these things, it becomes a very significant day of your life because today you're shedding your skin of the old you and now it's new you."
"Shadow has killed the ender dragon. You are the first player to ever kill the ender dragon in the civilization series."
"Making that first $100 online was a game-changing moment for me."
"Thank you again for 100,000 subscribers, that's just wild."
"This is a historic first, a real celebration of everything good about cycling."
"Step into our world and subscribe to our YouTube channel. We are overjoyed to see that now over 10 million of you have subscribed."
"Naruto and Sasuke's first major battle is a major milestone for the story and for the show's animation."
"This birthday is already a silver occasion, so pretty good."
"It's a huge milestone, kind of accomplishment, in filmmaking, just like an epic, the scale of it, and the intensity."
"Thank you guys so much for 500,000 subscribers. I really appreciate it."
"With gratitude, we the students of the University of Minnesota Twin Cities Medical School class of 2026, stand here today among our friends, families, peers, mentors, and communities who have supported us in reaching this milestone."
"Ladies and gentlemen, for the very first time in Insane Craft history, someone will attempt to craft the Mind Stone."
"It's incredibly exciting here. I cannot believe we're already at $2.7 million, almost the $50,000 mark, putting us only about $250,000 away from $3 million. Can we get there, audience?"
"Bringing awareness and sharing that journey... was a huge milestone."
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of the supporters... I feel honored to be the first black woman with the number one single on the hot country songs chart."
"Thank you guys so much again for 100K, like I said, it's a dream, and I love, love, love you guys so much."
"Bitcoin recently surpassed $10,000 per coin, a very big mental number."
"We just hit an incredible milestone, 100,000 subscribers. I want to thank each and every one of you."
"We did it. Day 100. Let's go. 100 days, all advancements, 1.18, it's done."
"Watching has helped me to smile and grab myself. Keep going, and congrats on 300k."
"Thank you so much for 300,000 subscribers. This past month has been kind of insane."
"This is the first JWST image of a planet in our solar system."
"I have been doing YouTube full time...and I just can't believe that we're almost at a million subscribers."
"We're so close to 1 million subscribers now. It's so exciting. Oh my god, thank you, everybody who's joined me on this adventure that I call my YouTube channel."
"All right guys, we did it, we hit 100,000 subscribers."
"Windows 95 wasn't just an operating system; it was an event, a cultural phenomenon."
"Jailbirds, thank you so so much for your incredible support and for helping me reach this milestone. I'm so lucky to be here and to have been able to meet all of you."
"It's gonna be a [ __ ], baby. Alright, I'm so pumped for that. I feel like that's one of the most defining moments in this entire game, is getting your first ship upgrade."
"This is a historic moment. We all feel it. We know it."
"Maybe I should introduce myself quickly. I'm Alison. I started performing at three years old and working professionally in Hollywood at seven. Today is my 30th birthday, making it 23 consecutive years working on more than 200 films, shows, music videos, commercials, voice-overs, tours, and productions."
"You're at a thousand, we're at a thou... wow, hello, we have a thousand people, that's incredible."
"Thank you guys so much for getting me to 30 million. I can finally meet my dad."
"All of you simply subscribing and sharing and spreading awareness, we just hit 2 million subscribers by the way."
"I've been doing YouTube now for three years, that's my first hole out."
"Congrats sir, a million visits does it. That's really cool."
"World of Warcraft certainly wasn't the first implementation of this... but I do think this was definitely like a keystone moment."
"I just hit 3 million subscribers. Congratulations on that."
"Codifying Roe will be an important moment in terms of putting back in place protections."
"The AlphaGo victory... is one of the greatest moments in the history of AI."
"We recently passed a huge milestone of over three million downloads."
"This is one of the greatest moments for humanity and human-made AI alike."
"Seriously, folks, huge thanks for helping us hit this milestone."
"This is a breakthrough moment for you guys, I know."
"It's inspiring to see the journey, especially when you know we're very close to three-quarters of a million."
"Got the gift of my daughter's first real smile for my first Father's Day. Well, you couldn't ask for much more than that."
"Over 200 dogs surprised a lifelong dog lover for his 100th birthday."
"Thank you all so much for a hundred thousand subscribers. This is something I never thought I would hit ever."
"Everything we've been working for... such a genuinely exciting turning point."
"100 days survived in the industrial revolution."
"We made it once again to the end of an era. Thank you guys for reacting. This one was truly a milestone, a regeneration or degeneration special, and several doctors and companions returning for the BBC's Centennial, the 100th anniversary of BBC."
"Grand Theft Auto 4 was a huge Turning Point not only for this series but just gaming in general."
"By 2016, with a net worth of 50 billion dollars."
"This has been British GT at its finest, what a way to start the 30th season."
"100k subscribers is a milestone that very few people can achieve, especially on YouTube."
"Big announcement right now: 200 subs away from 100k."
"Congratulations on 1 million, thank you, my good man."
"Daddy, you better get my candles for my 21st birthday cake cuz I'm turning 21 today."
"Flutterwave caused a lot of excitement in 2021. It had not just become a unicorn, but it became a unicorn in five years, which was a quite short period of time."
"Zoro actually managed to cut Kaido, the first person since Odin to do so."
"Kobe Bryant has retired from the NBA after 20 years."
"The first good women’s match in ‘Mania history."
"Thank you for supporting us as we cross 100,000 subscribers!"
"We're so close to 500k subscribers so it would be in the world to us if you guys subscribe."
"That was the best meal of my life and my first meal as a parent."
"1 million at GDQ marathon folks, we got there!"
"And with that revelation, suddenly I'd completed my 100th day in Don't Starve."
"A day that would change speedrunning forever."
"I just hit 50,000 subscribers that is freaking crazy I can't believe it."
"History has been made, this is Sentinels' moment."
"A triumphant moment: human beings stepping foot on another planet."
"MMA fighters should get their respect after this. This is a historic moment."
"We have officially survived 100 days as Steve in Minecraft."
"We've reached 8 million subscribers on YouTube, guys!"
"This is really the eSports moment of the year."
"This was a turning point for visual effects."
"This year also is the 10-year anniversary of Dragon becoming the first private spacecraft in history to visit the International Space Station deliver cargo and then return to earth."
"The game's saved!" - RuneScape's first membership launch was a game-changer.
"Anniversary was a real turning point for the community and for the developers."
"Thank you everyone for all your support as Iris herself would say thank you very much for coming and helping me get to 900k."
"First of all happy mother freaking 100k to us you thank you no seriously thank you."
"If Khabib fights GSP and he's 39 years old or 40 years old, whatever he's going to be by then, and Khabib beats GSP who looks just as good as ever, that is the biggest win in UFC history."
"You're gonna have a very very big moment of your own growth... and you're gonna evolve quite a lot."
"Like Orion on top of SLS on the pad for the first time can you tell how excited I am look how cool this is the fog is lifted."
"The prophecy is true! Congrats on reaching over three million subs."
"Bro, we are actually getting close to 2 million subscribers though."
"OMG my BFF Jill guess what happened I achieved 500,000 subscribers on YouTube land thanks to you guys!"
"If you made it this far, congratulations. Pat yourself on the back."
"So my time from zero to one million subs was about six years, seven months, and four days."
"Link speaks actual words for the very first time in Wind Waker."
"We are celebrating our diamond anniversary, 75 years of 'Meet the Press.'"
"Big announcement tomorrow guys... full one bitcoin giveaway... when we get to 1 million subscribers."
"This year is not yet half over and it is already one for the history books."
"It's a big day for all of these people who have spent so many years pushing for more transparency into this topic."
"A win for Albert Costa and Norbert Seidler. Racing that took its first World Challenge Europe win."
"I think we're gonna hit 60 thousand in the next day or two and it's been one heck of a ride."
"Congratulations Capcom you really nailed it with this one."
"Dressrosa was an ambitious piece, but come September 28, 2015, Oda had done it. The final chapter was published and the experiment was over."
"To have lived with this over the last 10 years, to have this as my 16th premiere with you guys, I just have to say thank you for bringing all the stuff I love to the masses."
"Everything is absolutely fantastic and a year in the making I believe."
"Seven years, here's to many more. Congratulations, happy birthday!"
"Many moons ago a game was launched that shook the gaming industry with such a force it can still be felt today."
"At its peak around the end of Wrath of the Lich King, World of Warcraft boasted a whopping 12.1 million subscribers."
"The Message was the first time hip-hop actually grew up."
"Thank you guys, that's the new milestone, new record."
"Happy 61 years of Kamal Hassan in Indian cinema."
"And happy 10 years of Good Mythical Morning, everybody!"
"Thank you everyone for the 50,000 subscribers! If you're watching this right now and you're not subscribed, get subscribed right now because I always cover all these events. If you're into new technology, I always make videos on new technology."
"When I introduce myself as Dr. Nasir Karma to a patient for the first time, that is going to be absolutely mind-blowing."
"Finally, dude! Finally, Patrick Mahomes has his first Super Bowl!"
"We're closer than ever to a million subscribers, the first exclusively crypto channel ever to hit a million subscribers."
"We've just passed 2 million subscribers. This is unbelievable, two million. Can you believe it? Wow, unbelievable."
"The victory makes her the first Indian female wrestler to win gold in an international match."
"Thanks guys for 50K, that's actually fucking crazy."
"When finally after five years together, Blake Shelton proposed."
"Net energy gain: one of the most significant milestones in history."
"2021 is about to end and Tesla is expected to close out the year selling nearly a million cars. This is a big deal because they are such a new company."
"The launch of Popeyes' chicken sandwich was an inflection point for the fast-food company."
"Great news for Guardians! It's already cracked over 600 million worldwide!"
"I feel like we really crossed a threshold. Oh yeah, we're smooth sailing from here, sister."
"We are over the hump, we've made it to 51, 51 only up from here."
"We're closer to 100 than we are to zero, and that's amazing."
"Verstappen's Monaco win: a significant moment in his career."
"Membership doubled, shooting up to 12 million by 2006."
"I just wanted to say thank you for 10 million subscribers."
"I wanna say thank you guys for 1/2 million subscribers...get hype for that, it's gonna be very very cool."
"Five years on YouTube is absolutely insane. Thank you for coming and joining the livestream."
"The first MLBB World Championship" - Esports milestone
"It's a beautiful moment and we are so so so excited."
"South Africa became the first African country and the fifth country in the world to recognize same-sex marriage."
"I kind of feel like I'm basking in the afterglow of a milestone career moment."
"We've had over 3,000 people saved in the past two, I'm talking about first time ever got saved."
"Thank you guys for helping us get to 300,000."
"Throughout the history of console gaming, there are precious few games which genuinely feel like a shift in the state of the art... Gran Turismo 3 is the type of leap they might be thinking of."
"We were ready, it was day 100, our final chance."
"Thank you once again for helping me achieve 500,000 subscribers."
"Soul Calibur represented a turning point in the entire existence I had known video games."
"I finally hit a million views on one video for the first time ever."
"Tomorrow is my last day of high school so I wanted to say thank you all for keeping me sane while attempting to do my GCSEs in 2020-21."
"The capture of Rome was a significant milestone."
"I cannot believe at 27 I bought a house, and it really is all because of you."
"We just broke a million stardust, which is great."
"I ended this past year with 6 million 950,000 subscribers."
"One of the greatest games of all time recently broke 10 million sales."
"My freestyle gonna take a breath away, congrats Edward cause you turned 21 yesterday."
"We've just hit three hundred thousand subscribers! Well done, Freddie my man, well done!"
"In Oakland, Allen became the first player in NFL history to gain 10,000 yards rushing and 5,000 yards receiving."
"So yeah, we're almost at a million subs which means we're almost at a million which is like unbelievable."
"The stock market is almost at an all-time high, in fact, Nasdaq is at an all-time high."
"My first kiss, the most magical moment of my life."
"The moment we realized a million bottles of Holo Taco had been sold...that's a lot of nail polish, that is a lot of nails."
"World Central Kitchen has served more than 10 million meals so far."
"Shout out to my boy Omar by the way hitting one subscriber so what happens he hit 1 million subscribers which is blessed guys like Omar you did good bro."
"Half a century's worth of super spy adventure."
"We're making history out there dude, y'all we're probably about to hit that 10k like goal - ladies and gentlemen."
"Resilience and determination have led us to this point."
"Final Fantasy 16 will likely be looked back upon as a turning point for the mainline Final Fantasy games."
"I just want to say thank you guys again for the 20,000 subscribers. Obviously, I could not do this without you guys."
"This was the 10th flight of Falcon 9 booster 1076, the 287th Falcon 9 launch to date."
"2023 will be remembered as the year the great AI race began."
"The video hit a million views. Thank you for having me."
"We've won the Bundesliga finally here with 1860 Munich."
"This is just a truly remarkable day for Dogecoin."
"When I got that first million-dollar contract, the federal government started to recognize my company."
"Magic 8 ball, will I ever hit a million subscribers? It is certain."
"This is obviously one of the biggest days in space flight history."
"What a great race for him, getting his first podium."
"They're gonna have to do something for two billion visits 'cause they're getting close to two billion. Piggy is already almost to two billion visits."
"2020, so two years ago, that is the first year that I was able to generate over 1 million dollars in a one year span."
"This burger has done over 100 million in sales."
"75 80,000 Bitcoin that would be a new alltime high that's pretty spectacular."
"Aaron, please focus, we've never made it to 5am before on the show at least for future reference."
"Oh my god, we're almost at half a billion EMC guys!"
"They just crossed a hundred stores nationally"
"Definitely one of the biggest races I've ever won in my life."
"More diversity in the house and more women in office than at any point in American history."