
Ego Quotes

There are 2928 quotes

"The single biggest way to turn off the ego, the ego's about want, it's about emptiness, it's about what the Buddhists call Hungry Ghost."
"Humility is the skill of defying your ego and believing that there's so much more for you to learn."
"The ego, the self, is an illusion created by the mind, and recognizing this is the essence of spiritual awakening."
"When you make your decisions based on your pride and your ego, you often make very bad decisions."
"Detachment lowers the resistance and separates us from the ego, allowing us to live a life based on things like curiosity and interest as opposed to desperation, loneliness, or ambition."
"Suffering created a crack in the egoic dense egoic cell, and then there was an opening."
"The ego doesn't want to be healed; it wants to be held."
"All of us have been raised with this unconscious belief in productivity... it's all ego-driven."
"It's not just a binary of you have an ego or you don't have an ego. It's a question of more of like what kind of ego do you have? How sophisticated is it?"
"One of the most important functions of the ego is meaning making."
"This episode may offend and disturb you... because here we are stabbing the ego right in the heart."
"You're going to be expressing yourself in such a big egoistic way that people will recognize you."
"The ego doesn't mind whether you devalue yourself as a person, or you elevate yourself as a person."
"You want to find people not who are low ego... but rather who have a strong ego and a desire to supplement that completely into what it is that the company is doing."
"This is the kind of laugh-out-loud ego trip that you've got to see to believe."
"My ego and my real sense of self-worth are diametrically opposed to each other."
"A difficult human is usually an unconscious human. They don't know what they're doing. They don't know that they're creating suffering for themselves and others; they just can't help it because they're in the grip of certain forms of mental emotional conditioning, which is their ego."
"I think that the primary challenges right now tend to be around ego, materialism, and a disconnection from self."
"You can either be a host to God or a hostage to your ego."
"You admit you both did wrong and you want to make it work. That's hard. Most people take the opposite route. Ego. 'No, I'm perfect, and I don't do anything wrong, and you do everything wrong.' But then, what does it lead to in the end? Misery."
"The most important thing is... you got to check your ego at the door and you got to be humble around other warriors."
"The hardest part was confronting my ego and overcoming it, not killing it."
"When the ego weeps for what it has lost, the spirit rejoices for what it has found."
"Feel fully deserving to receive, releasing your ego's plan and opening to being a vehicle for abundance."
"A bad day for the ego is a great day for the soul."
"That identification with your personal self, which is just your mind's thoughts, is what keeps you from waking up."
"Ego is the root of all human problems and suffering."
"The ego became necessary the moment we thought we were separate and against nature."
"When you got 10 egos out on that court like that, going at each other every single day."
"I got cigars to smoke, I got egos to humble."
"You never want to have more ego than knowledge because that's when you make a devil out of man."
"If you don't have a sole reason to do it, you only have an ego reason to do it, then you're setting yourself up for a life of suffering where you will never have enough."
"The ego has hijacked your spiritual practice so as to stay out of pain."
"Introducing myself would be like introducing the sun. We already know I'm hot and everything revolves around me."
"He experiences resurrection. Having now dismantled all aspects of his ego, he finds himself to be a clear soul with many new aspects of himself to work with."
"Masks are used quite a bit throughout the game, mainly with Die Hardman, Higgs, and Amelie. For Higgs, the mask represents his ego."
"It takes so much more work to continuously be petty, to uphold your ego and pride, than to just simply let go and apologize."
"If you're going deep down on the self-actualization journey, you will experience many ego backlashes in your life."
"I no longer have ego, I no longer have jealousy; I just want to follow my passion and do my thing."
"My very being Towers above all, the whole universe."
"Ego is like the Phoenix. If you don't know how to control it, it can destroy everything around you. But once mastered, it can be your greatest strength."
"The more confident you are, the less your ego is active."
"It was central to our tradition to understand the nature of the self, the machinations of the self, the tricks of the self."
"Social media platforms artificially inflate their egos with instant popularity measured by the number of likes or followers."
"You got to put the ego aside, it's in the way of what you could truly be."
"Image not ego. Image and ego are two different things."
"The ego is a beautiful servant but a dangerous master."
"The important takeaway here is that you should be in control of your ego and not the other way around."
"Noticing your ego and controlling it is important, yet learning how to build a healthy ego first should be the first goal."
"Controlling the ego is all well, but you will face moments in your life where you have to make a stand for yourself, otherwise you will turn into a pushover."
"Let go of your ego, let go of the control, and let love take over."
"Are you saying that your ego's writing checks that your body can't cash?"
"I think ego is a concept of yourself. It's not necessarily inherently a negative thing."
"One of the patterns that should be becoming quite obvious to you is the role that ego plays in your life and in personal development."
"Ego operates through self-deception, subtlety, sneakiness, and counterintuitiveness."
"Life is not inherently that way; it only appears that way because you've been living your life with a very strong ego."
"The higher the ego, the lower the happiness."
"You're never gonna really be able to love everybody because that ego is still in you."
"Secrecy serves two purposes: it covers up your mistakes and it makes you feel more important than you really are."
"Love does not possess. It can't be stated any clearer. And the mind that is freed of the ego, the ego is the belief in possession and so when you're freed of that there is absolutely no attachment, no desire, no value placed on the belief in possessions."
"A bad day for the ego is an awesome day for the soul."
"The ego formation of consciousness, which is what allows us to objectify the other and allows us to objectify nature, goes away or it gets more permeable."
"The default mode network is in is involved in things like self-reflection, theory of mind, the autobiographical memory...so to the extent the ego has a home, it seems to be in that set of structures."
"Ego builds walls. It isolates us from other people. It isolates us from nature."
"It's only in the attachment that we create resistance and it's also the ego's attachment. The ego's attachment wants to control the way things happen, wants to crave that sense of certainty."
"Your ego gets in the way, and that's something that you have to really be real with yourself about."
"Ego is a great thing in business. Show me a titan of industry, and I'll show you somebody with a big ego."
"Ego is not only individual but also collective."
"Ego is just a self worth, a feeling of value."
"You have to promise yourself that you're not going to tie your ego to the outcome; you're going to tie it to the sincere pursuit."
"Be a sponge. What are you like when you're trying to get your ego out of the way?"
"Acknowledging that in yourself hurts; it's very because it's basically a huge slash to your ego."
"You're a slave to your ego, I'm a slave to my creator. And that's a massive difference because your ego will fool you and trick you and want stuff, but when you're a slave to your creator, it doesn't matter what the ego wants."
"Authentic awakening only comes to those who are willing to surrender their ego."
"Ego and the super-ego play into practical personal development...how do we actually apply these old-school concepts...to help us today in our own lives to improve our self-control and our ability to be happy and successful."
"A really good analogy...is like this: imagine...there's an old buggy...you've got the horses...the rider...and his old father...the horses are the id, the rider is the ego, and the father is the super-ego."
"When you relax and let go of all your definitions, like 'Who am I?' as an ego, you become suddenly expanded out through that whole thing."
"Embarrassment is ego. Who gives a [expletive] honestly."
"I operated out of my ego... but now, I don't need you anymore. I operate out of love."
"Culture is our largest like collective egos, and of course, a collective ego also exists within every individual."
"Our ego was highly tied to our startup. Our startup failing was our life failing... therefore we just couldn't really conceive of giving up."
"Love arises naturally through the practice of overcoming the ego."
"Die before you die. So whenever you take identification away from the egoic mind, it is a kind of death, but it's quite a nice death."
"Self leadership to most people is rulership by the ego. But when we shift this rulership from the personal equation... we then realize that this leadership is always vested finally in the pious part of our own natures."
"Have I been mad cuz it's like man, they ain't praising me like a god? Ah, that's ego."
"Society is a collective ego distraction. That's its function."
"The ego has many defense mechanisms because they're needed to keep the illusion of the ego alive."
"What is best for you arises out of fate, which brings to light those aspects of yourself that your ego has suppressed."
"Ego is a big deal, and if you can check your ego and create a culture where one checks your ego... that's when you really win."
"Our egos defend us; they do a lot of good things, but they're also harsh rulers."
"Confidence is a sense of self-worth that is based on you, and ego is a sense of self-worth that is based on other people."
"There is a tendency after things work to create a narrative fallacy because it feeds your ego and you want to have been the person that saw it coming."
"Thank you for letting me know that I don't have to have my ego first."
"The ego does not know the difference between transformation and annihilation. It doesn't know that outside of the known, in the realm of the unknown, there's so much good, there's so much power, so much abundance."
"Ego is the success inhibitor. You have to do your best not to make decisions based off of ego."
"Watch out for letting your ego try to climb the ladder at other people's expenses... Instead, learn how to empower others."
"There's no limit to what a man can do if he doesn't care who gets the credit."
"The solution is this: to realize and accept that your ego is an illusion that you consider as yourself, that is not real. It prevents you from finding your objective nature, your God self, which is the creator of true meaning and purpose in our life."
"Sometimes, you're so deep in the mire of wanting to be right that you forget it's not about what's right; it's about who's right."
"I like to stay humble... the second you get a little bit of ego, then your whole life can just change like that."
"Stop looking for steps. Find your own path to winning. Those steps are infinite and they're constantly changing."
"Take a step back and deflate the self-importance and ask yourself why do I use these words. Why is it always I, me?"
"The problem with talented people is they know they're talented, and because they know they're talented, they develop an ego. And once the ego is controlling your life, you're gonna lose."
"We are all slowly falling in love with ourselves, with the true self, not the ego."
"Many will mess up their blessing because pride and ego always get in the way."
"The best work actually happens when you're free of ego, when you remove yourself from the equation."
"Isn't the 'I' which stands for each of our individual egos, really the thing that separates us the most and isn't the 'I' therefore the most overrated letter?"
"Zuckerberg is tech shield night, incredibly talented incredible team but his ego will lead to the misery of that company."
"When ego gets in the way of your treatment of other people, that becomes a real problem."
"This isn't about ego, this is about how we save a country."
"Everyone has this big ego about what they deserve. It's not a loss if you're willing to be a student and get paid for it."
"Allow your ego to drive you to prepare, allow your ego to drive you to have big goals and ambitions and dreams, allow it to drive that big thinking and those big actions, allow it to drive you. That's okay."
"Stay in your lane, ego is the biggest killer of motorcycle riders."
"We're not here to get rid of the ego, we're here to transcend it."
"Look up when you're in the world. We can all learn a lot from realizing how beautiful this world is."
"We should aim to become better but not so that we can inflate our egos as tempting as that may be."
"The world's gonna regret giving me this much attention, man."
"The tragedy of Elizabeth Holmes is a combination of unrealistic ambition and unrelenting ego."
"Forget him, we're talking about me, me, me, me, me, me. I'm the hero!"
"If ego wins, then geo spins into a grim oblivion."
"Not loving yourself is egoistic thinking and is what keeps you from being whole."
"When things aren't going your way, you're getting annoyed and confused like, 'Why isn't it working out?' A lot of it is that, for a lot of guys, it's the male ego."
"Recognizing that for some reason our ego is damaged by a point/topic is a powerful virtue."
"It's okay to have an ego. We've been taught that having an ego is bad but it's really not."
"Never put your pride and ego into your decision-making."
"Ego has literally blocked out your essence, that's not good, that's not cute."
"As you come up to death...the ego lets you go."
"I remember a quote: 'Your ego arrives an hour before you do.'"
"It's actually a very concurring hierarchy, isn't it? It's not about wealth, it's all about titles and ego and rituals."
"Maybe it was fame, maybe it was his ego, but Walter refused to admit lobotomy wasn't a good thing until his dying day in 1972."
"If you suck at shooting and fighting today, you're gonna suck at shooting and fighting when you go home on Monday morning, just a little less."
"He really taught me about having an ego... that ego and humility aren't mutually exclusive."
"It's better to let your ego take a back seat and appreciate what you have."
"You gotta push past your own ego and your pride."
"It's definitely fascinating repeatedly seeing how fragile such a rich, powerful, and influential person's ego can be."
"If you can park your ego at the door, have the funds and the open mind to match, I think the HTA9 from Sony is freaking awesome."
"You are not meant to struggle and fight your way through. Drop the concerns of your ego and watch imaginary walls crumble away. You've already won."
"My ego is not my enemy... my only enemy is when I choose to see my ego as my enemy."
"Ego's hurting you. I make this better and it's coming from a good place it's you know sometimes he goes a bad word but like it's not that bad but it is what's happening here."
"It's ego and pride that gets in the way of greatness, it's ego and pride that gets in the way of love."
"Realizing that you are not the center of your own universe, that it's not all about you, is fundamentally the heart of the encounter between the ego and the self."
"The one that is doubting is the ego, not who you are."
"Once you start getting money, you start having to really try to check your ego."
"Embrace the purification... A bad day for the ego is an awesome day for your soul and your primitive genius."
"Everyone will be okay, you might... have your ego bruised a little bit but it's not permanent damage."
"Sir, don't let your ego make your family suffer."
"Zach’s ego and theatrics were what cost him his life."
"That's not how it works, it's not always just about you Gabby."
"I find it so interesting here that she fixates on this idea of a death of an ego because through her wisdom through grief she has come to the understanding that you're not in control of anything when your time is up."
"He's got this god complex, I am the withholder."
"Love guiding you, ego just turns up the volume."
"The number one reason that people don't ultimately change or grow is because their ego prevents them from admitting that they need to change and grow."
"Abandoning the ego of the human face... connected me to my more deeper form of expression."
"Just trying to shed ego at the moment and learn as much about myself as I possibly can."
"Sometimes that ego comes back to bite you in your ass." - Steve Lacy
"He was good, but it's his ego that gets the better of him."
"The strong people who are driven by ego and extreme..."
"It was just a death of your ego, you deny me about yourself. So I felt something naked and afraid."
"The absence of ego is the clearest evidence of maximized masculinity."
"Hold your loved ones close Network yourselves to other light workers push past your ego and become a server of the light if you know it's within you."
"I'm no astronomer, but the world revolves around the Sun, not you. Duh."
"Learn the difference between your ego and your intuition... distinguish the difference."
"I'm one of those rare guys that don't have a fragile ego."
"It's time to let go of grudges. It's a blow to the ego that you need to let go of."
"Needing to be known, needing to be glorified for everything you do always is not necessarily good."
"The ego is probably the biggest problem in the whole sport."
"I'm the greatest president in the history of America."
"It's just how fragile is your ego? Very fragile, okay?"
"Vanity is definitely my favorite sin... I am the chosen one."
"It's a bunch of players without an ego who I think are going to be able to work together very well."
"Insecure people lash out as a way to compensate for their insecurities and their fragile egos."
"More people stay poor because of their egos than get rich off them."
"Ultimate agenda of fallen man is pride... ego says, 'I want what I want when I want it.'"
"Any kind of religion that I think is worthwhile is to do with trying to break down the power of our egos."
"My ego is the largest thing planets orbit around."
"You have to change... what worked before won't work now. You have to stay open. You can't let pride or ego get in the way."
"Die before you die, which means die to the egoic self, the conceptual identity, the narrative, the mind, and identification with the physical body."
"Your ego is tied into your family life, how your home looks, and how warm and inviting it is to people."
"We've got to remove ego from this and learn to work with others as partners."
"Clark, if you go and start thinking you're better than everybody else, well, there's nothing good can come of that."
"Shut the [ __ ] up or put your ego in your back pocket."
"You're dealing with the ego, you're separating yourself from the need to control things."
"They can't stand being made fun of; it crushes their ego."
"When the success came, man, it's hard not to get just inflated, impossible."
"There doesn't have to be an ego exchange here because I'm here to support this character in this story and tell the story to the best of my ability without my ego being in the way."
"I personally think it's one of the worst things that happened to women - over inflating your ego because women actually believe they're entitled to something that they're not."
"We have to let go of ego, find your common ground with your brother as opposed to finding the reasons that you disagree."
"A dead man does not respond, a dead man has no ego to protect."
"The voice becomes almost like an analogy for the part of you that has been protected by your ego maybe on a certain level but also punished by it."
"Choose kind... be kind and give up your need to be right."
"Do you throw it away? Do you let your ego come in? Do you burn every relationship you have?"
"Your instincts can never deceive you if you have access to them, and the only thing that obscures your instincts is your ego."
"Ego is about who's right, truth is about what's right."
"Avoid the most selfish one-lettered word, 'I', which stands for expectations."
"Eternity is far more creative than the rigid, constrained, and exhausted ego."
"Certainty isn't real; it's a construct of the ego."
"I was shot down within five minutes which was really bad for my ego."
"Guys just got too much ego... they cannot tolerate rejection."
"He's hooked, he's hooked, oh yes, this is going to stroke my ego."
"If you can lay your ego aside and open your heart and walk through these territories of the unknown, your days will be marked with splendor."