
Buddhism Quotes

There are 1675 quotes

"The single biggest way to turn off the ego, the ego's about want, it's about emptiness, it's about what the Buddhists call Hungry Ghost."
"Jizō’s role as the Buddha Amitabha’s attendant and intercessor in the world, postponing his own buddhahood to help others achieve enlightenment."
"If there's any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs, it would be Buddhism."
"The path which leads to the cessation of suffering is the Eightfold Noble Path."
"The Buddha taught the middle way, letting go, renouncing, giving up."
"Aware of the suffering created by fanaticism and intolerance, we are determined not to be idolatrous about or bound to any doctrine, theory, or ideology, even Buddhist ones. This is the lion's roar."
"The Buddha, 2,500 years ago, talked about the interconnected core rising of phenomena...nothing exists on its own."
"Between eternalism and nihilism, between Asti and Nasti, that between language is peculiarly Buddhist."
"I teach that there is suffering and there is a reason for suffering, a cause, and there is an end to suffering, and there is a way out of suffering. The four noble truths."
"The Buddha said, 'You only lose what you cling to.'"
"I wanted to focus on the big subject of your emotions and how we deal with them, especially in Buddhism."
"The path to enlightenment hinges on our attitude to things."
"One of the fundamental ideas in Buddhism is that you're supposed to detach yourself from desire."
"The fourth noble truth is that there is a way to go beyond suffering, there is a method to it, that is called Marga, the way, the well-known Eightfold Way."
"All craving fades away; when the craving goes away, the sorrows also go away."
"Buddhism above all is a path of self-effort; there's no God to appeal to, at the most a Buddha can inspire you, but you have to make the effort yourself."
"The Buddha himself made clear that my followers should accept my teaching not out of respect, but rather through your own investigation and experiment."
"All Buddhas of the three times are Buddhas who were initially ordinary sentient beings who, through their journey, became fully enlightened."
"The Buddha taught that suffering must be understood or recognized but there is no suffering to be understood and recognized once you have attained the result."
"The Buddha's teaching on no self becomes crucial because it is only by cultivating the insight into the true nature of self, which is no self, that one will be able to undo this fundamental ignorance."
"The Buddha was attacked by self-doubt... and his response... he put his hand on the earth and he called on the earth Goddess, the whole living web of life – this is the divine feminine – to bear witness to his goodness."
"Right livelihood, right speech, right action — these are about working for the benefit of others, which is where the Buddhist thing is leading."
"In Buddhism, souls are reincarnated over and over again... Once you live a life free from desire, attachment, and ignorance, you can escape the cycle of reincarnation and reach nirvana."
"Buddhism is a path without fear, that's our goal, that's on offer here, how to live with no fear at all."
"The hand which is raised with the open palm is called in Buddhist art 'the attitude of fearlessness,' the Abhaya Mudra."
"We seek refuge in the Buddha, we seek refuge in the Dharma, and we seek refuge in the Sangha."
"A Buddhist is someone who has gone for refuge to the three jewels: the Buddha, who teaches a path out of suffering; the Dharma, the Buddha's teachings about reality; and the Sangha, the community of Buddhists all seeking a path out of suffering."
"The Buddha argued that human life is marked by dukkha, a term that's often translated as suffering but really means something closer to stress, unsatisfactoriness, or even dis-ease."
"The Buddha claimed to attain deep understanding of reality that allowed him to finally blow out or eliminate the problem of suffering."
"The Four Noble Truths: life sucks; here's why; you can fix it; here's how."
"All things are impermanent, meaning that everything is changing all the time."
"Because all things are impermanent, all things are interconnected."
"To study Buddhism is to study ourselves; to study ourselves is to forget ourselves."
"The Buddha Dharma doesn't ask us to give up control; instead, it acknowledges that we never had it in the first place."
"When we can see this, the desire to control naturally begins to wane."
"Your mind is yours, no one gave it to you. It's a very bizarre concept, kind of part schizophrenic idea in Buddhism that someone else kind of created us."
"The Buddhist deal at the deepest wisdom level is nothing has an inherent nature as good or bad."
"Nothing holy, working on their minds, changing the way they interpret what's right in front of them."
"Being a Buddhist means getting our minds in touch with reality."
"Honen posed a simple question: Which is a better example of Buddha's compassion, practices reserved for elite men, or practices that are easily accessible for all beings, regardless of gender, marital status, or ability?"
"From the perspective of a fully enlightened being, like a Buddha, this world and Nirvana are really one and the same."
"Now Dr. Hairfield has much knowledge to share, but for today, he will tell us his experience reading 2,000-year-old Buddhist scrolls about the life of Jesus."
"I love to talk about master teachers, and we have so many in the Buddhist tradition."
"Buddhism is a philosophy; it's a way of being. It's not about power and control."
"I remember when I first learned about Buddhism and the laws of the universe, my mind was on such a high, and I just felt so euphoric."
"Teachings on no self is a unique feature of Buddhist tradition."
"The Dalai Lama is an incomparable Buddhist teacher. In every aspect of his life, he embodies the principles he teaches."
"Buddhism is not a religion but rather a science of mind."
"The Buddha is said to have reached realization of the nature of reality, and consequently enlightenment, while deep in meditation under the Bodhi tree."
"On the 13th of every month, we cook the food my son used to love. We offer it to him to comfort his soul as part of the Buddhist ceremony called Mein-Ichi."
"Buddha wanted to specifically tie the monks and lay people together."
"A man seeking out Buddhism as a way to atone for violence."
"Nirvana is the Buddhist term for liberation Nirvana literally means extinction and it refers to the extinction of all craving an extinction that allows one to become liberated."
"Ja has starred in several martial arts movies but in 2010 he took a break from the film industry to become a Buddhist monk in the temple he used to train as a kid."
"Hinduism, rather than purging the Buddha, enveloped him."
"Buddhism, more than a religion, is a philosophy or a path whose final and only aim is to reach nirvana, the negation of all causes of suffering, dissatisfaction, and illness."
"How beautifully it portrays Aang practicing what the Buddhists call the middle way."
"The influence of Buddhism in Korea reached its apex during the Goryeo Dynasty."
"Right speech, right action, and right livelihood constitute ethical conduct and is considered as the indispensable foundation for all higher spiritual attainments."
"Right understanding is the understanding of things as they are, is seeing a thing in its true nature without name and label."
"The basic idea of Buddhism is that awakening, Buddhahood, can be attained only from the human state."
"Nirvana is the sigh of relief, the expiration or desperation, in other words, the giving up of the attempt to clutch at life."
"Buddhism spread rapidly starting with the reign of Ashoka Maurya."
"Zen Buddhism is a totally independent outgrowth of Mahayana Buddhism that's very different from how Buddha probably imagined it, but Zen is one of the most beautiful things ever made."
"People change, people you know? There's Buddhists and, you know, people who become Buddhists in jail, learn to meditate, you know? They have people who have done a lot of rough things and have turned themselves around." - Michael
"In this moment, Buddhism would begin its journey in human history, challenging and changing the course of religious, social, and philosophical orthodoxy forever."
"It confronts the suffering and darkness of life directly and does not keep us in the palace of ignorance."
"Self-mummification was a rigorous and disciplined practice undertaken by certain Buddhist monks."
"Lisa explores other religions and settles on Buddhism."
"If you're trying to get into Buddhism without a biased mindset, definitely read Buddhism without Beliefs."
"Every man for himself is not the message of Buddhism."
"There's some continuity between Buddhism and Taoism."
"As the Buddhists say, 'Nothing ever goes away until it teaches you what you need to learn.'"
"There's nothing wrong with admitting that you had a less than gracious moment. It's part of Buddhism."
"Can you even begin to imagine how the Buddhists ever managed to carry out all of the materials to build those original temples up that sheer edge of a mountain?"
"Could Jesus have been taken to India as a child and taught as a Buddhist?"
"Buddhism in the 21st century is a world religion because the first steps to spread it to the world were made by Ashoka himself."
"I love Buddhist people, they're mad, bro. Ultimate discipline, lad."
"Merit helps to purify our minds, eliminate anger, greed, and delusion."
"Sharing the dharma and teaching others is the highest gift."
"Desire leads to suffering, and sin in Catholicism."
"Appearances are not what they seem. Understand this Buddhist wisdom that nothing exists as it appears."
"The reason why this is is because it's based on Buddhism, where you must overcome 108 temptations in order to reach nirvana, which is a really deep backstory with real-life aspects that makes this Pokemon very intriguing."
"The Lost Buddhas of Afghanistan: Gigantic relics of an ancient faith."
"For Buddhists, it represents Awakening and mental strength while for Hindus it embodies luck, Fortune, protection, and blessing."
"Come join Buddhism, oh please, we're all about the middle path my friend."
"Compassion for other people is like a deep-rooted belief in Buddhism and it's it the posture is like it it's the best way to live is to make the suffering of others and alleviating the suffering of others your responsibility."
"Borobudur is a place not too many people have heard of, yet it's one of the biggest and most complete collections of Buddhist reliefs in the world."
"I was a Buddhist, I don't think you're supposed to have regrets and as a person, I don't really have regrets. I just try and do as best I can, I try and enjoy myself and try and make the most of my life."
"Buddhism arose as a critical response to Zoroastrianism."
"Buddha's teaching is fundamentally at odds with the immortality of the human soul."
"The great Stupa was built by none other than Ashoka the ruler of the Mauryan dynasty in the 3rd century BCE."
"We were practicing a Buddhist meditation called Vipassana, basically Insight Meditation, using the breath to get one-pointed."
"Buddha continues to be a source of light and peace for humanity."
"Albert Einstein saw Buddhism not just as a spiritual doctrine but also as a philosophy of life, a comprehensive approach to the universe and human beings, reflecting a harmony between science and spirituality."
"The parable of the poisoned arrow is often used to illustrate the Buddha's lesson that 'those who are concerned with the origin of the universe and other topics are being distracted from the purpose of religious practice.'"
"The purpose of studying Buddhism is not to study Buddhism, but to study ourselves."
"Mountains, trees, flowing water, flowers, and plants—everything as it is—is the way Buddha is."
"...traditional culture built on thousands of years of Buddhism, humility, respect, and timeless cultural practices."
"The teachings of Buddhism provide a comprehensive guide to overcoming habits that make us mentally weak."
"We began to imagine that we were separate individuals, what is called in Buddhism the view of separateness."
"The core doctrine of Buddhism is that material comfort doesn't make you happy in the long run."
"Buddhism's core philosophy is to remove the self to ease suffering."
"Anatta is a concept from Buddhism saying that there is no soul as we understand it, instead, you are simply an amalgamation of the universe's energy around you."
"Cultivating non-attachment requires a shift in mindset and a willingness to let go of deeply ingrained patterns of thinking and behavior."
"As Buddha said, there is no self. There are just sets of phenomena happening. Don't take yourself so seriously."
"By letting go of all desires, the Buddhist achieves nirvana, the extinguishment of all desire and clinging."
"Self-reflection is a crucial practice in Buddhism as it leads to greater self-awareness and understanding. By examining your thoughts, actions, and motivations, you can make positive changes in your life and command respect."
"There are some things in Buddhism, especially the nature of consciousness, rebirth, and karma, which are truths that science will eventually discover."
"...from the Buddhist perspective, consciousness does not emerge from anything; it simply has no beginning."
"The goal of the Buddhist path is to stop it."
"Permanent separation from these states is the goal of the Buddhist path."
"Although the religions of Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism differ from each other, they share some key beliefs. One of them is that the vajra is the chosen weapon of the gods."
"The key to success often lies with a more spiritual approach to the game. Buddhism and meditation allow me to look inward in some depth to my own workings."
"Perhaps Buddhism recognized the benefits of limiting caloric intake more than nine centuries ago."
"In Mahayana Buddhism, this sacred jewel is believed to be possessed by those on the path to buddhahood."
"Impermanence is a central concept in Buddhism."
"Greed for joy is the Cause of Suffering."
"When there is joy without greed for it, then there will be no grasping, no attachment to it."
"Wisdom recognizes Greed, Hatred, and Delusion as the Cause of Suffering, as dangerous, not beneficial as the delusion of ordinary beings."
"Therefore, in Buddhism, we talk about two types of ignorance, or avidyā: ignorance regarding the law of cause and effect, specifically the law of karma, and ignorance about the absolute nature of reality."
"The truth of Suffering, the truth of the Cause of Suffering, the truth of the Cessation of Suffering, the truth of the Path to the Cessation of Suffering."
"Craving, desire, and longing, appearing in many forms, give rise to all forms of suffering and the cycle of birth and death."
"The entire message of the Buddha is to be aware."
"Emptiness is not outside, emptiness is inside."
"The Buddha eliminated everything else and retained only the essential part: witnessing."
"Compassion lies at the heart of Buddhist philosophy, emphasizing kindness, empathy, and understanding toward oneself and others."
"There is something blasphemous in talking about how Buddhism is perfect as a philosophy without knowing what it actually is."
"Gratitude in Buddhism transcends mere recognition of external circumstances; it entails acknowledging the capacity for inner transformation."
"I absolutely love this, the themes behind this bankai, the way it's really steeped in Buddhism. So much of Bleach actually is, but this bankai truly encompasses all of that, I think in perhaps the most direct form and I love it, I think it looks so, so good."
"Life can be fast and sometimes hard, but finding inner peace and staying positive is really important. Buddhism teaches us valuable lessons that can help us deal with life's challenges."
"By embracing impermanence, we can free ourselves from the grip of attachment."
"Non-attachment signifies a freedom from the grip of clinging and craving that leads to suffering."
"That's our business, Buddhist business."
"The fundamental teaching of the Four Noble Truths is to first recognize suffering at all levels."
"Patience is a virtue highly esteemed in Buddhism. Patience is a key quality that can earn the respect of others by demonstrating your ability to remain calm, composed, and understanding even in difficult situations."
"Gratitude is a powerful lesson from Buddhism that can transform your life and earn the respect of those around you. It involves acknowledging and appreciating the blessings and opportunities in your life, no matter how small they may seem."
"Buddhism teaches the importance of forgiveness both for oneself and for others. When you can forgive past wrongs and let go of grudges, you free yourself from the burden of resentment and anger."
"The practice of self-love aligns well with the middle way as it involves taking care of oneself without falling into extremes."
"Seeking wisdom is a core principle in Buddhism, reflecting the belief in the transformative power of knowledge and understanding."
"Cultivating joy in Buddhism involves training the mind to focus on positive experiences and qualities rather than dwelling on negativity or discontent."
"Cultivating gratitude in Buddhism promotes a mindset of appreciation and thankfulness for the countless blessings in our lives, both big and small."
"Embracing change in Buddhism reflects the understanding of impermanence as a natural and inevitable aspect of life."
"Forgiveness in Buddhism is not merely an act of letting go of past grievances; it is a transformative practice that leads to inner freedom."
"To forgive in the Buddhist sense is to release oneself from the burden of resentment and anger, recognizing that holding on to such negative emotions only harms oneself."
"Generosity in Buddhism is not limited to material giving but encompasses all forms of giving, including giving of one's time, attention, skills, and even forgiveness and understanding."
"Self-reflection in Buddhism is essential for personal growth, insight, and liberation from suffering."
"By turning our attention inward with mindfulness and insight, we can cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us, leading to greater peace, clarity, and freedom."
"Equanimity is the ability to remain steady and undisturbed by external circumstances, whether pleasant or unpleasant, and is considered a key factor in achieving true happiness and liberation from suffering."
"Letting go of ego in Buddhism involves recognizing the impermanent and interconnected nature of all phenomena and experiencing true liberation from suffering."
"Is it possible under Buddhist religion when you said you're reaching your highest human potential? Yes."
"So we wake up to that, that's the first Noble Truth of Buddhism, life is dukkha, life is suffering or unsatisfactory in the way we usually live it."
"He's one of the people who popularized Buddhism in the United States for a mainstream youth audience."
"Forgiveness in Buddhism isn't always easy, particularly in cases of deep betrayal or trauma."
"Living with intention in Buddhism means consciously directing our thoughts, words, and actions toward what truly matters to us."
"Being a Buddhist, don't just believe in a sky daddy. Believe in kindness, because sometimes you'll be that sky daddy helping somebody else."
"The mind in Buddhism is not a fixed entity but a process, a flow of thoughts, feelings, and perceptions."
"Buddhism teaches us to cultivate a mindset of non-attachment, acknowledging that everything in life is impermanent."
"Buddhism emphasizes the value of forgiveness and letting go of old grievances."
"It's actually one of the four top sacred sites for Buddhists in the world."
"Chamnen, or Ancestors Day, is a profound Cambodian Buddhist Festival honoring deceased ancestors."
"Everything flows which is not quite the same as the Buddhist idea that everything changes it includes that that it makes an important distinction between the large spread of the idea of change and there are other specific idea of flow."
Alignment with Buddha's view: "Getting ourselves aligned with the way the Buddha saw the world... that is what this path is really about."
"What started as conversations about Buddhism soon shifted to talks about their creative lives and eventually a collaboration between the two."
"...we want more passion we want to desire God we want more desire not less and the Buddhist is trying to achieve less desire not more."
"The main thing Buddhism offers is a lot of guidance in terms of not what, but how."
"But if your mind is still filled and motivated by greed, ill will, delusion, would we Buddhists want to say that you are free? In some important sense, you are not."
"Ananda, good comradeship, good friendship, good Sangha is the whole of the spiritual path."
"There are multiple paths to enlightenment, one is the Buddhist and one is the Greek."
"Why we practice Buddhism? The main goal is to remove the confusion."
"In the Tibetan Buddhist world, they talk about three 'befores' and 'afters': Padmasambhava, Atisha, and Tsongkhapa. Lama Glenn Mullin reflects on this by saying, 'Everyone agrees there's Tibetan Buddhism before Padmasambhava and Tibetan Buddhism after Padmasambhava.'"
"...but it certainly doesn't appear to have trickled down as broadly in Western Buddhism..."
"The basis of all Buddhist schools of thought: the Four Noble Truths."
"...Buddhism doesn't fight about metaphysics like we do about the nature of God, the shape of God...they try put all their energy on changing the seer, not telling you what to see."
"There's no hint in any Buddhist Sutra that monogamy is a desirable lifestyle over any other kind of sexual relationship."
"A bodhisattva in Buddhism, then, under this theory, is a human being who cultivated a connection to that universal consciousness in such a way that they can have an impact on things of this world."
"Buddhism teaches that human life is unsatisfactory."
"I do however believe in a higher power and spent a good portion of my time at a Buddhist temple where my maternal grandfather is one of the head monks and tomb keepers."
"The wisdom of Buddhism reminds us that there are times when silence is not just golden but also profoundly transformative."
"Buddha's teachings or Dharma are like a helpful guide for living a good life. They give us tips on making smart choices, being kind, and finding real happiness."
"Buddhism's teachings help us see that life has tough times, but that's okay. We can learn to deal with these challenges calmly."
"According to the Buddha, human suffering originates from ignorance, stemming from a discrepancy between the way we perceive reality and its true nature."
"The Buddha asserted that only by abandoning misconceptions about the 'self' and deeply understanding our true nature, can we reduce suffering (duḥkha) and move towards a more peaceful, harmonious life."
"On balance, life isn't good. First noble truth, life is suffering. And so, armed with this estimation, what Buddhists try to do is to free you from attachment to these goods, so that when you lose them, the loss is minimized."
"The essence of Zen Buddhism consists in acquiring a new viewpoint on life and things generally."
"Our identity is body identity, mind identity. Here it's interesting. The Buddhists say there is no self, not about pure consciousness."
"If you stop there, it becomes Buddhism. One more step: to whom, what, to what are they appearing?"
"Through an examination of their lives, teachings, and the scriptures that document their words, this article seeks to uncover both the divergent and convergent paths of Buddhist and Christian thought."
"Comparing the teachings of Buddha and Jesus provides invaluable insights into two of the world's largest religions—Buddhism and Christianity."
"Gautama Buddha emphasized meditation as the core practice to attain enlightenment and understand the nature of reality."
"The strategy of negation has misled many into thinking Buddhism is pessimistic."
"His subsequent teachings, spread by his followers, laid the foundation of Buddhism, emphasizing the Middle Way, a path between severe asceticism and worldly indulgence."
"The Buddha or the enlightened one was named Siddhartha Gautama."
"The middle way or the Eightfold Path means that you don't indulge but it's now so not self-mortification."
"The message of Buddhism: seek joyful participation in the suffering of this world."
"In Buddhism, there's no idea of a Creator God nor any priest or an intermediary to interfere with the workings of anyone's Karma."
"Susie's grandma dropped some Buddhist wisdom on her, saying that saving a life practically guarantees you a long one."
"The Confession of a Buddhist Atheist by Stephen Batchelor is the best of his books."
"Self-reflection is a fundamental practice in Buddhism, essential for personal growth, insight, and liberation from suffering."
"Attachment and clinging are sources of suffering according to Buddhist philosophy."