
Long-term Strategy Quotes

There are 542 quotes

"That's the advantage of doing the long-term right thing; people will swing around behind you if you can withstand that initial trial by fire."
"The most predictable way for anybody to become a millionaire is through long-term investing."
"The establishment of a permanent base represents a more long-term and proactive strategy."
"Short-term chaos equals long-term gains, five to eight X gains in 2025."
"True leadership means being able to make the hard decisions that may sacrifice short-term gains for long-term viability."
"Keep doing it the authentic way. Keep building your followers in a real way, because that is what's going to pay off in the long run."
"Putting your money in the S&P 500 and not touching it... 20 years from now, you'll have returned more money than the smartest people on Wall Street."
"These are long term engagement systems that we're building and they will require care and nurturing."
"We have to look to hold these stocks for at least one generation if we really want generational wealth."
"Long-term investing allows basically anyone to become a millionaire."
"Investing is a marathon, not a sprint. It's a long-term game, and the people that understand that are the people that win over the long term."
"Investing is much more about that regular amount you invest and just watching it grow over 10 or 20 years."
"I'm a long-term investor. I like to look at values. I want to find a company that's undervalued, buy it, and own it for a long time."
"The philosophy behind investing is that you buy something now, and that something makes you more money over time."
"If you directionally move in this way over a long enough period of time, you will get there as long as you don't stop."
"You just hold on DCA long term. You're going to make a lot of money. It's just that simple."
"My strategy, my philosophy, is always focusing on the long term... I'm never in it to get rich quick."
"We need to have the fortitude to persist, to be patient, and play the long game."
"Building passive income is a marathon, not a sprint."
"I'd much rather invest with a higher degree of confidence that over the long term, I'll be right."
"The best money in the market is made by investing over the long term."
"Winning in trading looks like consistently making money over a long period of time, doing 100-120 trades a year, and keeping doing it every year for a very long time."
"I'm holding Cardano very long term. I do see this as one of the safest bets out of the top 10 for highest return on investment in the long term."
"You're buying businesses and if you get your money's worth in terms of future earning power over the next 10 or 20 or 30 years, you're gonna make a good investment."
"Stick with the good coins that you believe in and love, that you're investing for the long haul. Dollar cost average and HODL."
"Corporations don't have to stop pursuing profits for their shareholders; they only need to shift to a longer-term perspective on their organization and its mission."
"Success in business and in life is not a sprint, it's a marathon. Your ability to keep putting one foot in front of the other, no matter how difficult, what the weather is like, what the other people are saying, or how you feel each day, is what will get you to the finish line."
"Reduction of leverage is always a long-term strategy that works."
"It's not about optimizing a particular trade; it's about optimizing the process. Over the long term, that process yields the results."
"I think content marketing is super important these days for any business if you want to do well on the internet, especially in the long term."
"The right answer for investing is...have a diversified portfolio, blindly invest in a set of index funds...and only invest the amount of money that you can leave in for 20 years."
"Outside pressures too often tempt companies to sacrifice long-term opportunities to meet quarterly market expectations."
"For most people, the right advice is to buy a low-cost index fund and hold it for 30 years."
"Long-term community building is what built this website."
"It takes these extreme periods of time to create life-changing opportunities for investors."
"It is much better to find a way to work with somebody than work against them because if you're going to try to work against somebody, the negative wins the short term, but the long game is won by the people who can make results produce results."
"Understand that this is a long game of change."
"What would happen if you just bought one property every single year for the rest of your life?"
"Maintaining that trust long term is a better business proposition."
"It's gonna take some effort, but it's probably going to be easier for you to make money over time."
"Dividend investing to me all goes back to, the longer you're going to be able to hold the stock, the more sense it makes."
"The person who is in it for the long term wins no matter what."
"The key to winning long term is to help first and not ask."
"If our population knows that we're at war and knows what we're at war against, that's gonna help us better in the long run."
"Long-term crypto investing has the potential to create generational wealth for you."
"The probable lifespan of civilization is much greater if we are a multi-planet species."
"The peanut gallery will always call it lucky though, this is what we call the long-term mindset."
"Continue to accumulate some gold for the longer term."
"Businesses can scale with patient capital, stay long-term thinking."
"Slow and steady wins the race. Consistent investing pays off."
"Total oligarchical control is the end game here."
"Investing over a 20-year time period has never once produced a negative result."
"This is the time to be a long-term investor and to think five or ten years out."
"City skylines 2 is one of our long-term engagements and one of our most important franchises."
"This provides me with an edge, this provides me with a money-making strategy over long periods of time."
"Think long, think long term, think macro. I'll go absolutely insane, I'll drive myself crazy, I'll probably lose all of my money if all I do is look at a six hour chart, an hourly chart."
"Putting in the work now is going to set the table for the next 30, 40, 50 years of your trading life."
"A strong economy is the best way to protect public health in the long term."
"I'm very bullish on a number of these assets over a three, five, seven-year period."
"Never accept a deal that's going to sacrifice the long term."
"All the five stocks that I shared with you, these are for long term."
"It's not about winning one session or one day or one week. Over time, the superior player wins. That's what poker is all about."
"I think both of them are going to do very well will they stay in the top ten I don't know but I think they are great investments for the long run."
"Real estate should ideally only be something you buy if you plan on keeping it at least seven to ten years with a fixed interest rate locked in for 30 years on a payment that you could reasonably afford."
"Whether you think bitcoin's going to hit a million or half a million or a billion, you probably want some allocation towards it if you're thinking long term."
"If you buy into this set and forget it for four years, you're gonna walk away very, very happy with the potential of this company."
"This is going to be a decades-long fight for American preeminence and for the protection of the American way of life."
"If you want to just play this game on the long enough timeline, the people who are gonna win this game are the people with the most amount of money..."
"Playing the short game is always detrimental. It's actually advantageous to play the long game even in the short term."
"We want to see him hold it for a long time, we want to see him pay dividends, and we want him as retail investors to go along for the ride."
"I'd rather win ten years from now than lose forever."
"I think long-term you have to put the consumer first."
"It's not a sprint but a marathon when it comes to MMOs."
"We are also designing Halo Infinite to grow and evolve over time so we can continue to deliver experiences to our players well beyond launch."
"It's like a lifelong game of Survivor... depending on how you navigate that together is probably key."
"Bitcoin is just one of those things you just hold long term."
"You should be fundamentally investing your money for the long term."
"Thinking of YouTube as an infinite game, I focus on decisions that contribute to long-term enjoyment and value."
"Long-term investors are looking beyond the short-term volatility for long-term returns."
"Long-term investing has never been the attractive thing to do... This is one of those things that can make you money over the long term."
"What you want to do is get rich slowly, not get rich quick."
"We've got to start planning 20-30 years ahead."
"This has been the long game and only now half a century later are we possibly seeing roe v wade overturned."
"My infinite game is to develop entrepreneurs who stand out, scale up, and make a positive impact."
"Endure the current volatility to win in the long run."
"If you aren't willing to own a stock for ten years, don't even think about owning it for ten minutes."
"We need to be laser-focused on our selected businesses' performance and we need to stay focused on the long term."
"Tesla is a long-term stock, not a day trade stock."
"The average holding that I have in my funds is about six or seven years."
"Stocks provide the best rate of return over the long term."
"Being more thoughtful about financial decisions is key to making the right long-term choices."
"If you're a long-term buyer, that's when you get some pretty extraordinary opportunities."
"Invest in a low-cost broad index fund and hold it for the next 30 to 40 years."
"A great growth stock should see its stock price appreciate massively over years and years and years."
"Imagine what can happen if you just publish one piece of content per week or even per month for the next 10 years."
"Stocks aren't your mechanism to get rich quick."
"It's going to be a very big deal. As far as V Friends, I think what I did differently was the things I did the 15 years leading up to the launch."
"The ability to build wealth is available for anybody that can avoid eating marshmallow for today and can play the long game."
"good investing should be boring and simple just buy and hold it's that simple"
"Apple is a no-brainer buy for the long term because of its durability, reliability, reputation, and ubiquity."
"I care more about having a long-term relationship with some of you than a parasitic relationship with all of you."
"That's what we actually fighting for. Is that one entry on each of these great coins that we never have to sell again."
"My game wasn't about being better than you at 13, it was to be better than you when the chips are really on the line."
"President Trump, who everybody dismissed as a rube, he's actually taking the long view."
"Developing the proper plan is absolutely crucial to long-term investment success"
"Stay away from penny stocks, buy stocks that have longevity."
"This strategy is implemented well, you can absolutely get rich over a 5, 10, 15 year span. It's life-changing."
"Season 1 was their first, best, and possibly only chance to save this game. If they came out hard with lots of new content, missions, and modes, they would be able to prove that they're serious about supporting the game in the long term."
"Game is rigged, but we can't beat them at their own games, it's a marathon."
"Time in the market is a little bit more important than timing the market."
"I've got Harry Kane as captain, do you know what? I might just make Harry Kane captain for the rest of the season."
"Just take it slow because you'll end up going the distance."
"Hold for a five year period, that is the minimum time frame you need to hold if you want to get rich."
"Efforts should focus not only on solving the current crisis but also maintaining long-term peace and stability in the region."
"Halo Infinite: Building a long-term community for iterative development."
"Losing a battle doesn't mean you have lost the war, of course."
"United need a reset. What I want to see from Manchester United over the next few days is Carrick gone, McKenna gone, and a manager in who's here to sort this out long term."
"Long game not short game... plays trillions of dollars here."
"Investing in the stock market is risky and you could lose all of your money at the drop of a hat, but that is only really true if you're investing in the short term."
"I always believe in long-term, there's only medium long term and a lot of hard work and passion in what you're doing."
"If you're planning to buy this house and hold it for 5 years or more, you're gonna do fine."
"We never do investing for the short term. That's not investing, that's speculating."
"It's a long-term play right, this is something that's going to take two or three years to play out."
"Stay clear and that's for the long term. And have fun."
"We're building a legacy that is prepared to last for centuries."
"Think about mindset what is your mindset towards bitcoin towards bitcoin and cryptocurrency are you looking to just make a ton of money really quickly are you looking for overnight success or are you looking to be patient."
"This is a Republican party that's been doing this for quite a while."
"It’s these catalysts you find and the competitive advantages that make for great long-term investments."
"This is a marathon, not a sprint. Maintain optimal risk-adjusted exposure."
"Focus on creating healthy habits for the long haul."
"People see this game in terms of the returns that they're making today and overnight, but that's not how we should be looking at this game."
"This is a long play. This is about growing a new business."
"You have to have a long-term mindset if you want to succeed in the stock market or any asset class because over the long term the people that make the most money are investors who invest for the long term not just short-term Traders."
"You're gonna have a potential for long-term growth financially, historically the stock market has provided higher returns over the long term compared to other investment options such as bonds and savings accounts."
"Well two two responses one if if you're a person that's going to be having money to put in every year the next you know the rest of your life that's that's a you you could you could have more in the market and you can be wrong."
"Making a customer is more important than making a sale."
"Investing in crypto's a long game, you have to have patience."
"It's not about the quick wins, it's about building the fundamentals and improving your long-term chess."
"Inflation is still with us and for a long time, and so real assets are going to do well in the long, in the super long run."
"Mithril is a long-term play for Cardano inclusive accountability."
"Almost any person can build wealth with enough time."
"I want to be riding with the three companies that I think have the biggest opportunity long term, the biggest ROI opportunities."
"Long-term and user-centric metrics versus short-term, operational, and more transactional metrics. You probably want to optimize on the first one more than anything else."
"Long-term solutions involve addressing the root causes of displacement, diplomatic efforts, development aid, and conflict resolution initiatives can create conditions that allow refugees to return to their home countries voluntarily and safely."
"To be successful in 10 years, we have to be known for more than just fried chicken."
"I think this is a great long-term hold stock the charts look absolutely beautiful."
"There's a lot of noise in these quarters but the long-term signal is still very clear."
"Being patient and playing the long game is essential for success."
"For the CCP, seizing power was only the first step in the 10,000 mile march."
"Longevity is key in this market if you're looking to make a million dollars in 12 months."
"Lock it up, forget about it for 10 years, and come back when you're a multi-millionaire."
"Nothing happens fast, nothing happens overnight."
"It's hard to get successful, but harder to stay successful."
"Fourteen meaningful updates to this game from a Content perspective over the course of three years."
"The way you make money is planting good seeds in your garden and tending to that garden, and over time, it will bear you lots of fruit."
"Our job... is to try to buy companies that will literally never want to sell."
"List every single day, slow and steady. It's not about hitting your goals in a one-week period, you just want to put in a good amount of work each and every day."
"Leorio is in the nen game for the Long Haul."
"You're not in it for the short term, you're in it for the long term."
"Crypto's gonna be big five to ten years, you guys just need to keep on investing and keep using strategy, keep loving."
"In the long run, I think we gained more fans than we lost."
"Playing the long game, anticipating more success."
"The main goal with drop shipping is you want to make sure you have a long-term business model."
"The longer you lock them up for, the more interest you get paid."
"Invest in something you're passionate about because holding is the best method of making money in cryptocurrency."
"I think this project could do very well long term. You're probably not going to see it under a billion dollar market cap because of everything that's involved."
"Save in bitcoin terms. In 10 years you'll be really glad you did."
"Cardano is shaping up to have an absolutely excellent next few decades."
"The war is not one month or one week or three months. The war is a year, five years, ten years."
"I think a lot of United fans are resigned to the fact there's an acceptance that we look at it and go it's going to take us four years to just get back anywhere near competing."
"Ape just feels like a relatively safe Long play if that makes any sense to you guys"
"Manage your team throughout multiple seasons and all seasons in your quest to create a dynasty for the history books."
"Disney is a company I'm bullish on over the long term."
"Give away the best advice you have, forever, for free, for as long as you possibly can."
"Don't let short term thinking control your business."
"This is not a get-rich quick scheme overnight. This is diligence, being determined over a longer period of time."
"You just sit there and wait... patient for decades."
"A lost decade is only lost for the people who only invest once and then never again."
"Name of the game is to just buy and hold for life-changing wealth."
"If you take that long game and you do the right thing, that stuff will come back to you."
"Finding your voice and presence online is a long journey, so better get started on it today."
"80 percent of your investment should be long-term Investments."
"Solving a problem will definitely make you more money in the long run."
"I think one two and then I think understand why it is that you're buying it so again if I was buying amazon a decade ago I believed it could become this e-commerce leader I have to wait for that to happen."
"The only strategy is to stay around long enough so that we get smart enough that we invent the technology and then we can find the signal."
"I buy NFTs that I'd be okay holding even when the inevitable downturn comes because I have a thesis as to why those NFTs are going to perform well over the long term."
"The only way that we win short and long term is if we've got Partners year-round and long-term all across the country."
"Tesla under 500 intriguing valuations for anybody that has a longer term outlook."
"You're seeing this behavioral shift in the market... people are just holding their bitcoin for the long term."
"Remember, buying a stock, you are an owner in that business. Stocks are not to be traded, they are to be bought and held for 10, 20, 30 years."
"In a price war, you may prompt a few more people to buy it from you today, but you'll be sacrificing millions of dollars in future sales."
"This is the kind of stuff that's really important if you want to play the long game."
"The way that you win as a passive investor is you invest for multiple decades."
"Holding bitcoin for the long term is the highest upside, lowest risk strategy we can pursue." - Michael Saylor
"If you wouldn't hold it for 10 years, you probably shouldn't hold it for 10 minutes."
"We are 100% committed to the long term growth of apex legends."
"Tesla stock... just one of those stocks you put in the filing cabinet and don't look at the stock price for the next five years."
"We are in this for the long haul, you're going to have to practice isolation."