
Escape Quotes

There are 5130 quotes

"Getting in shape was like one of my escapes. It was the thing that I did to make myself feel significant."
"This Max security prison is about to explode, now me and my brother Milo have to build an underwater secret prison to keep all the inmates safe."
"The time to think about how to flee your country is before you have to flee your country."
"During the horror, Krylancelo witnessed Azalie, who suddenly transformed into a giant dragon and tried to escape from the Tower of Fangs."
"It's interesting because people will probably look at streaming like an escape, but I'm not hearing that it was an escape. I'm hearing that your truest sense of reality is actually when you're streaming."
"You thought you could trap me. I'm too quick. They can never trap me."
"Gentlemen, you will always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack."
"You make me forget about all the negatives in my life."
"I spent the rest of the night digging a tunnel system so I could make a break for it in the morning."
"I got out of there before I could get abducted."
"We learned a way out. If we get out and don't go back and tell other people that you just got to go this way to get out, then we're doing a disservice to our community."
"Get away while you can, because a happily ever after should never involve pain."
"The joy of all of those movies is watching them get into those situations. I mean, the reason why Pirates of the Caribbean works is simply because we watched Jack Sparrow get in over his head in a terrible situation and then get away by the skin of his teeth."
"It is really a time to like get away and unwind."
"I decided to run away... I packed my school bag, folded my clothes there for the first time, the remnants of dinner, and my toothbrush, and jumped out the window at night."
"It turned out that dad planned his escape from the family himself."
"Trying to escape the spawn region of the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft is not always easy."
"Let's get out of here, move, move, move, go, go, go!"
"Cold winter is coming," said the swallow, "and I am going to fly away into warmer countries. Will you go with me? You can sit on my back and fasten yourself on with your sash. Then we can fly away from the ugly mole and his gloomy rooms, far away over the mountains into warmer countries where the sun shines more brightly than here, where it is always summer, and the flowers bloom in greater beauty."
"The appeal of masochism is trying to escape from self-awareness."
"I knew he could sense the urgency in getting out of this place."
"Arya grabs him by the arm, and the two leave immediately, the woman flying off into the sky like it's a piece of cake."
"You guys are going to go out the back to the car; I'm going to distract it."
"All I wanted was to get out of the simulation."
"I ran away as a boy. My friend and I. Away from that place. We came upon a small farming community. The people were dead poor but this woman, she took us in."
"Usually when you first open those doors and you walk out, that fresh crisp night air, just compared to the scent of liquor and smoke inside the club, it's refreshing. But Gustavo didn't really feel that tonight."
"I could drive home right, but all I want to do is get home. It doesn't matter how. I just want to get home and take some painkillers like Advil, and then everything's going to feel better in the morning."
"Evils which are patiently endured when they seem inevitable become intolerable once the idea of escape from them is suggested." - Alexis de Tocqueville
"All I do is play basketball. That was my escape, I think. Dealing with the trauma, losing my father, basketball always was a space where, when I'm doing that, I'm not thinking about anything other than basketball."
"Legend has it there's a way to actually escape the digital circus."
"Escaping personal or ideological abusive environments isn't always a straightforward matter of recognizing the situation intellectually and making a logical exit plan. Sometimes, rational rocket thrust alone isn't enough."
"Our imagination and limited capacity; the way we escaped that limitation was through an imaginary world which we could create."
"Sucker Punch is an epic action fantasy that takes us into the vivid imagination of a young girl whose dream world provides the ultimate escape from her darker reality."
"It’s dark, the air is cool, and the sounds of the city that surround the park disappear, offering peace, quiet, and a small reprieve from the busy world."
"Our hopes were kept up, and surely we could figure out a way to escape and get out of here."
"Mortification is the narcissist's chance to escape the shackles of his taskmaster, the false self."
"The name's Gage. I'm busting you out of here."
"Running for my life, literally, trying to escape from a grown man in a pirate-themed water park."
"Imagination as a child was really the ultimate escape."
"It took me like five years to process it, but that was the first time I started thinking maybe I should get out of here."
"We're safe, we're safe. We did it. We're out. Yeah, that was probably the most intense escape I've ever had."
"For the Romans, the only escape was over the rooftops."
"The fighting would continue until the sun had set. Many Germanic chieftains were injured or killed, and Arminius only barely managed to escape under cover of night."
"No wonder then, that nobody has ever escaped from Pyatak."
"Nature in Ranchi, with its picturesque landscape and serene surrounding, helps me to unwind and stay away from the bustling of the city life."
"Reading is my all-time favorite way to just forget myself and completely unplug and relax."
"If you commit suicide, you're immediately reincarnated. It's like you don't get out that easily."
"We should keep heading up, I say we put many, many bullets in that junction box to make our way out."
"No woke M virus on this plane, my ass is like, I don't care what I'm doing, I'm punching the windows until my knuckles are bloody to climb out."
"We are slaves of corporations. Get out of the cities and live simply."
"They're running from something, and whatever they're running from, it isn't us."
"I've chosen bodybuilding because I'm not going to make it in the world out there." - James
"Fumbles practically collapsed in relief when we turned the first corner."
"I don't think you're allowed to murder someone. All right, well, if you're gonna get away from the police, then probably drive away from the police."
"Well, this is a shitty prank I can't get out of it."
"You're looking for a way out of your situation."
"Survival is knowing when to get out alive while you still can."
"Hurry, escape for your life! Do not look behind you!"
"I've never wanted out of the backwoods so badly in my life."
"Feeling it was free, the deer quickly ran away."
"This penguin escaped a herd of angry orcas by jumping into a tourist boat."
"During this final escape section, you'll be pleased to know that there is not a single coin on your way."
"Dance with Me: This perk is fantastic for escaping chases."
"Decisive Strike: Escaping the killer's grasp is game breaking."
"Chaos was an escape from pathological tyranny."
"Once they're out and about, the probabilities that they're ever arrested or brought back are very low."
"These places are masters of illusions that use fake cities to offer an escape."
"Starting over completely with no trace is very, very hard to pull off."
"I just think it's interesting that Emerald is the one in this movie who she kind of constantly wants to leave the farm."
"We're getting out of here, we're getting out of here, let's go!"
"What kind of mayhem will ensue when he escapes the battery and I'm not going to stick around to find out."
"Luckily, I was able to escape. They almost turned me into a vegetable."
"We've got to run like hell, you understand? No dilly-dallying, nothing. We gotta go."
"I was fleeing on a boat... would have thought you were completely deranged."
"Fundamentally, I am always happy to hear when someone escapes either an abusive religion or an abusive marriage."
"If I get out of here, I'm going to be so frickin' happy."
"Just chill bro [ __ ] smack some other [ __ ] ass and then get in your car and drive away."
"Protecting this UFO and I can literally just drive away, you know what I'm just gonna go to drive away, see you later buddy."
"Mary loathes the three girls into the family minivan packing nothing save for socks for the baby. Mary flees the house and drives to Jackson Mississippi."
"Some think that this could be a lost soul of a poor slave attempting to escape a cruel master in a bygone era."
"What happened that made the burglar flee before finishing his work?"
"Before the slime-coated figure could catch me, I stepped out of the room and slammed the door shut."
"Is this the exit? Let's get the hell out of this place!"
"It's just thinking like, okay, I gotta get out before my opponent consolidates everything."
"We need to get out of here, no matter what it takes."
"Claude has just escaped a successful bank heist with the loot and his gang when The Masks ambush them."
"Everything that I deal with in life goes away. Literally. I can be going through the most craziest crap that nobody ever know about but when they lock the octagon, for some reason, that's the only place that everything goes away."
"These are the things she tried so hard to escape from, they always turned eyes on her."
"You can't hit your husband, you can't kill your husband, you just need to get out of the relationship."
"The siblings make their way out of the basement and into the second story of the house."
"Outside the city limits, the Impala hits 90 miles an hour."
"I got so nervous when I clicked run away I was like you know if I can't escape Star Lee's gonna die right now star Lee is going to die right now."
"Winston's rocket has finally been finished and he can make his escape to Earth."
"I need to go, need to run, the storm, oh my god."
"Sunny, if we can escape this place, we'll never have to come back."
"I actually defeated it... I'm getting out of here before anything else spawns in."
"Lara takes the box, and the floor immediately crumbles below her, dropping her into a body of water beneath the tomb."
"We've got all of this, hearing about other people's lives in other people's worlds, to help them escape the nonsense of their own."
"She stands up, no longer able to be near whatever it is that she's seen, and then she runs to her mom for protection."
"Leaving an abusive relationship is so dangerous."
"He escapes with the teleporter, that was pretty slick."
"So did we just witness one of the most epic and smoothly executed getaways ever caught on camera? It would appear so."
"She's saying she had to leave you. She had to orchestrate an escape from you to protect her child from you and your cult and your cult leader best friend."
"Hope and glory and just one day being away from all of this."
"I'm getting on that train, I'm getting out of here."
"Life is precious, and there's always a way out."
"For years he got away with it, but it's almost nonsensical as to how that occurred."
"Run! I decided to listen to the Knight that called me over and evacuated Atlantis while I could."
"Nature is the place we've created to escape what we consider our greatest invention: the society we live in."
"Sometimes we just need to get away from the stresses of daily life."
"For there is but one escape from eternity's trap and I stand upon its precipice. I need not even jump, I need merely to finally rest."
"It's just mind-blowing to think how small of a window there was for this person to murder Missy and then escape."
"The feeling I get when I'm on a skateboard is the same - it's my escape."
"Run, Jack! Leave me alone, I didn't do anything!"
"Let's get out of here, we made that fight a chance."
"So, yes, if they can prove that the parents somehow hid Brian, at one point or helped him get away, yes, absolutely."
"Even amidst the roaring fires of judgment, the path of escape is carved for the righteous."
"Once they stopped chasing, I didn't have to run anymore."
"We escaped from Barry's prison, hit that like button and subscribe."
"Are we really gonna do this? It's open. We could just leave. Not after that. We don't deserve to leave."
"Forget the necklace, just look for a way out. I can't stay here anymore. Jump over the balcony and get out of here."
"The best way to avoid purge night? Just leave the country altogether."
"I could feel the heat behind me as I ran down the stairs."
"Right, I'm going to activate my TTD and get the hell out of here."
"Finally they're getting out of there like they should have done all along."
"Your job is simple. Let's hear it. Has left the city so you can get into the house, find a trinket, and get out. That's it."
"It's time to leave Laban's house, Laban's place of control."
"There is no other way for a human to escape the confines of this reality."
"Get the hell out of that godforsaken white supremacist cult known as Christianity."
"Humor, like horror, is a vacation from the real world. It's where we let out what we can't in polite society."
"Snake escapes with Holly aboard a chopper and right into the sunset, ending his mission on Zanzibar Land."
"We have to get out of here, live with everything you've got or it's gonna kill us."
"Please I'm sorry I'll never come back... please just let me go."
"What okay I know I heard somebody coming down these stairs I'm out."
"These things really get out of dodge folks, uh you saw there it went straight up and it cleared the pad."
"Version 3 of the vanishing point allows Gwenale to vanish his existence from his opponent's minds, making them forget he even existed entirely."
"We're gonna run away... We're gonna go to California."
"Let's get out of here before more of the critters show up!"
"We are literally in the worst place ever. If there is any chance of getting out, I would take it," they'll said.
"Being able to just get away from that situation is the great equalizer"
"She somehow triggered a huge explosion. We have to get out of here."
"Fisher Tiger, the badass Chuck Norris Rambo Fishman, managed to escape and get back into the ocean."
"Cottage core offers us a way to escape to a natural, cozy, welcoming, self-sufficient home away from all the hustle and bustle and artificiality that underpin nearly every aspect of modern life."
"Liminal land: where you can press the pause button on reality."
"Cersei sneaks past them and both the Hound and the Mountain allow her to leave."
"The rougarou might not let him escape for a third time."
"Mr. Nichols was able to get away from these officers, and they found him again at another location."
"Did Hitler actually escape like so many of his Nazi allies?"
"When you get separation is when you escape it."
"I don't think Joe or I have ever climbed a fence that fast in our lives."
"His actions bought time for Piso, the deputy Emperor, to escape to safety."
"Ultimately, the only way to get fully healthy is to find some way to exit."
"Your show and streams are a wonderful escape from the everyday."
"This is a spot where if I wanted to get away and not be found for a little bit, this is where I would go."
"So, they made it through those guards and then they got out of there and got on the train."
"She was in fear of her life and that's what got her out of the back of the truck and running into the bush."
"Get yourself out of that loop, get yourself on solid ground."
"She wanted to take her son and leave... to escape the confines of their rural life and her abusive husband."
"You're releasing yourself, you're escaping a situation that may have kept you stuck."
"You're never trapped in it. If you know, there's always a way out."
"Sarah gets in a truck, showing she's going as far away as possible and will most likely never return."
"So you need to flee to the galactic rim ahead of that expansion wave."
"He didn't get away by the hairs of his chin but he got away by the hairs of his head."
"God wants you lifted up and he wants you strong and healthy and he wants you empowered with anointing from on high."
"I probably would just build my own Island and fuck off and disappear."
"When it breaks you, when it puts you on... it'll finally be able to leave this place."
"Our gardens offer an escape from the chaos of the world."
"Bitcoin is seen as a way out from the US dollar hegemony."
"We fled from London and crossed the sea to reach the frozen north."
"When a man has the courage to put his family in a plane and make a daring escape like that, you have to have the heart to let him in."
"Kate fought off the entity's claws and escaped its grasp."
"He fled and took the church's money. So it wasn't like they let him go, it was very clear that he fled."
"The ultimate goal of the game is to escape a labyrinthine dream facility by finding a door to the waking realm."
"They're turning around, going the wrong way just to get out of there."
"Madness is the emergency exit. You can just step outside and close the door."
"Escape the matrix and taste Financial Freedom."
"I don't know, listen, I need to get out of here. I have to be proud of what I'm doing. I am not proud of this."
"She did take close to 500 million dollars with her."
"If you have that kind of money, you're just not gonna be found."
"Leaving behind challenges, stepping off the hamster wheel."
"It's important to some of us, it's an escape mechanism, comedy."
"It's time that we break out of this prison and get out of here once and for all."
"What options does an otter being hunted by a killer whale have? Luckily for this one, becoming orca lunch wasn't the only one."
"He manages to escape and eventually he is apprehended."
"You're the key to everything. Without you, we have almost no chance to escape this hell."
"This fugitive penguin made his escape and was on the run for a long 82 days before he was finally found."
"They hurled themselves inside the helicopter using the plastic gun to force the pilot to take off despite her henchman's pathetic struggles all officer officer could do was stare upwards in awe as her master plan went up in smoke."
"Brian thought back he had come such a long way since digging through walls with plastic spoons in Center perks Freedom this time true Freedom beckoned."
"It's not only to kill the person, it's how he can't get away."
"Get away from the city, ground yourself with nature."
"It's just people looking for a way out, for an alternative."
"This escape was simply an impressive and frankly miraculous thing to pull off."
"Staging a prison break where the characters are imprisoned or need to free somebody from prison is going to be cool in any of these prison locations."
"Brazilian gang leader has been caught trying to escape from jail disguised as teenage daughter."
"Let's get out of here, man. Finally, freedom!"
"Don't give up, you're close to the exit from the maze now."
"For now, we're gonna have to duck out of this store and back into Downtown Disney."
"Fight or flight kicked in and we turned and sprinted full speed out of that park... never looking back to see if they were following us."
"They're gonna be using Big Mom to bust out Luffy from the prison."
"The Outlaws won the titles running away to their parked car after the match."