
Superpower Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Taking responsibility is like the ultimate superpower."
"If you do the work and you close that gap and time collapse, you will have that superpower."
"I was really drawn to the idea of a young woman having her superpower be her mind."
"Attention ends up being like you said a superpower in that it moment by moment can transform the way that our brain operates."
"If you could have any superpower, learning how to learn is the closest thing to being a real-life superhero."
"Being able to focus without interruptions is an absolute superpower."
"There is an absolute superpower in being able to process pain, rejection, loneliness, disappointment, embarrassment, and survive and remain resilient in the face of them."
"If I could have any superpower, I would want to be able to read minds."
"The real superpower is to be truly indifferent to a good thought and a bad thought."
"I think his superpower is how he's the 'I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say about me bounces off of me and sticks to you.' He embraces it and then accuses you of it."
"Forgiveness might be the greatest superpower of all time."
"Europe should work toward becoming a third superpower instead of following the US."
"China is doing everything right to become the new global superpower."
"The United States is indeed a superpower, especially when it comes to its military might, which is unsurpassable in its strength, technological superiority, operational capabilities, and power projection across the globe."
"Vulnerability is something that we embrace and we look at it as a superpower rather than being a hindrance or a weakness."
"Echolocation is a true biological superpower."
"This is the army that took on the greatest superpower in the world and refused to be beaten."
"Black Bolt's most formidable power is his voice, and this is what makes Black Bolt so iconic and so ironic in Marvel Comics."
"If you could have any superpower, what would it be? I would love to teleport anywhere so I can see the world."
"With the right challenge, ADHD can become a superpower."
"If I were to choose a superpower, it would definitely be teleportation."
"I could have any superpower, it would be to read minds... that way I could know more about you and become the perfect friend."
"The single most important political development of this century will be the emergence of China as the other superpower."
"That was AMAZING! I can't believe you have super speed!"
"If you want a superpower going forward for the next decade, if you want a superpower that very few of your peers have, it is nuance."
"We will emerge as a superpower without the trappings of a superpower, without the coercive arm of a superpower."
"He's addicted to intensity and that's his superpower."
"China wants to unseat us as a superpower, not mutual."
"Her greatest superpower is her bottomless compassion."
"His superpower is making other people happy."
"Saitama annihilates the gigantic beast with a serious punch."
"Your superpower when it comes to language learning."
"His superpower is faith, that is the difference between him and everyone else on that battlefield."
"China is important because China is emerging as a global superpower that is rivaling and challenging the U.S."
"If I could have only one superpower right now it would be the ability to crawl through this camera and give you a big hug."
"Following World War II, the US will emerge as a dominant superpower."
"Innovation, it's really the big super what makes us a superpower frankly."
"Empathy is a superpower, and it's the only one that any human has to offer really."
"The desperation I heard from some people... I can't separate that from a context in which you have the world's largest superpower making it really difficult if not impossible for their country to survive."
"Being an earth-shaker is just such a good superpower."
"Black Bolt's biggest power is also his biggest weakness; he can't turn off his destructive vocal cords."
"Multiple Man's duplicates sometimes don't want to rejoin, taking arguing with yourself to a whole new level."
"Nightcrawler's teleportation comes with the risk of merging with objects or appearing where something already exists."
"If I had a superpower, it would be to pause time so I could take a nap."
"A superpower is defined as a state with the ability to exert influence or project power on a global scale."
"The United States- currently the world's sole superpower- fits this description."
"It is not a question of if China will become the number one superpower, it is always when China will do this."
"Invisibility: being invisible is a popular power as we've all felt like just disappearing at one point or another in our lives."
"Super strength: it's much easier to stand up for someone and stand up for justice when you know you can easily defeat the person you're facing without even breaking a sweat."
"Invulnerability: it means that they can't be hurt at all and it is literally the perfect ability to have in a fight."
"Mind-reading: this power could actually be pretty useful; you could find out if a girl likes you, find out someone's pin number, and if you used it in conjunction with the police you could actually help them find and stop dangerous criminals."
"Sebastian Shaw has the ability to absorb energy... build up and store this energy and release it whenever he chooses."
"Controlling time is a pretty impressive and powerful ability to have."
"Seeing dead people as a superpower instead of a crippling curse."
"This is about China taking the world stage as a sole global superpower."
"He's so good at hand-to-hand fighting, it's considered his superpower."
"Seismic sense: perceiving surroundings by feeling vibrations through the ground."
"Lightning generation: guiding a bolt of lightning from fingertips."
"Lightning redirection: absorbing lightning into the body and redirecting its path."
"I used my Mutant breath and converted all the citizens into mutants."
"I'd like to give a superpower to every member."
"In 100 years, we will live in a world with a dominant Chinese superpower."
"Sage is a super genius with a brain more powerful than any computer in the world."
"This is Griffin Turner, he's gonna run very fast and very speedy."
"Either way, he would still be one of the most powerful mutants out there and is easily one of the most powerful beings in Marvel as well."
"Saitama's punch was so powerful that it creates this like universe-sized explosion."
"Jean Grey can siphon psychic energy to power herself up, even from Galactus."
"Domino's probability manipulation lets her make impossible shots with effortless accuracy."
"Shadowcat can blend in with shadows, making her fantastic at sneaking."
"Bishop's resistance to psychic influence makes it harder for telepaths to get into his head."
"Kitty submits to the power of the black vortex, her newfound power enables her to use her powers to phase all of Spar-Tax out of its amber casing."
"Taking a human being, growing a human being in your body, pushing a human being out of your body, and being able to feed the human being with your body — that's a superpower, man. That is unbelievable."
"Franklin can warp reality and make any thought or desire come to fruition, even up to a cosmic scale."
"He embodies one of Spider-Man's most powerful abilities: his will to always get back up."
"Hulk theoretically should be the most powerful because he has kind of an infinite power score because he meets whatever challenge he faces."
"Captain Universe isn't really a person it's much more of a cosmic being, a force that bonds with people granting them immense amounts of power beyond that of mere mortal men."
"Flight is like the best power somebody could have."
"Having that ability to be in the silence... is actually a superpower for you."
"I hope my superpower is giving out as much love as I can to people."
"Superman, Far and Away the most powerful member."
"Poland seemed to have been destined for superpower status."
"He can be considered one of the most important and powerful mutants around when he combines his powers with that of the five."
"Kate Cha aka Duplicate can duplicate herself as much as he wants or at least we're not quite sure how many of hers she can create."
"Doc Seismic's main power is called geokinesis or terrakinesis, pick your favorite, this makes him able to move and manipulate the element of earth in any form be it rocks sand mud or to some extent of magma."
"Your ability to communicate is your superpower."
"My superpower is falling asleep, not the shiest of powers but I'll take it."
"The inherent ability to just repel any sort of magnetic object, insanely useful in battle."
"Asta's new anti-magic power is so broken that it can defy the laws of magic itself."
"USSR or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: This is not a dead country, it's a dead superpower."
"Is there something you want to work on that could become a superpower in the future?"
"There really is no ceiling to the Flash's potential speed; he can go as fast as he wants."
"When you look at China, China has a partner in Russia. Why? Because China wants to achieve Global hegemon and at the expense of the United States, replace us as the global leader in the world."
"You have some sort of gift, a superpower, and you're meant to help people with this power."
"I understand women, and that would be cool, that would be a total superpower."
"Before Rome took political and economic control over the basin of the Mediterranean Sea, there was another superpower - the city of Alexandria."
"You are super powerful; you have a superpower that is maybe unnoticed by others."
"Invisibility might not be a superpower, but it sure feels like a curse sometimes."
"Batman's one true superpower is his indomitable willpower and compassion for human life."
"He can't make a mistake this time; now he's finally sure that he has a superpower."
"When America is not a superpower, let's say it's China, you're going to miss the American superpower."
"Common sense is so rare now it's like having a superpower."
"With the help of Eri's Rewind quirk, Deku uses 100% of One For All's power."
"Being an empath is about learning that you have a superpower."
"I'm so persuasive, it's my superpower."
"If I could have a superpower, I think it would be teleportation."
"It's a story about being abandoned and finding a family, a story about the responsibility that comes with a superpower."
"That's how you turn ADHD from this negative thing into a freaking superpower."
"I found out a couple years ago that I have OCD. It explained a lot of things about my personality, both, and I found out you have it too, 100%. I feel like it's a superpower in a way."
"It is, I have this Clarity I have this superpower where I could see [ __ ] where it's not cloudy or nothing like that."
"The Phoenix Force has the ability to bend reality to her will."
"Transform matter into any other matter."
"He's died a lot of times, but it's never stopped him from coming back because he has the ultimate superpower: popularity."
"Indifference is a superpower in attraction."
"Indifference makes the difference. It really is your attraction superpower."
"China's rapid development and its potential to become a superpower"
"I think it’s a superpower to be truthful and candid."
"Where's America in all of this? We are still the reigning superpower on planet Earth at the moment. Where are we in the end time scenario?"
"The reason we cover the American election for so long though is because it's fun to let them pretend they're still a superpower and that we care."
"Sabrina's ability Fetch allows her to retrieve anything her ball touches, reflecting her loyalty as she often retrieves anything Chloe needs for her."
"It is about love. It is about our superpower, kindness."
"I know it sounds like a boring power, but the guy can basically control the multiverse with it."
"Miles Morales Spider Sense is far more powerful."
"His superpower and equally amazing is just his nearly insane humility."
"uh so this character is uh uraraka she's another student and uh her ability is actually gravity so if she touches something it becomes zero gravity so it becomes very light wow."
"The United States is a global superpower."
"I'd like to think my core competence is storytelling, but my superpower, Donnie, and I actually know this is true of you too..."
"That's just the best Quirk to ever exist."
"The United States had all the hallmarks of a superpower except for one: a willingness to participate in global affairs."
"The United States still possesses all of the traits of a superpower, but some areas are starting to weaken."
"She has the superpower of being meat."
"Funny is one of the invaluables in this life, like if someone can walk into somewhere and just make a joke out of nothing, no one like, you can just... I don't know, being funny is like a huge superpower, no, it is 100%."
"He can lock any object down, that's so fire, that's such a fire Quirk, that is true, that's a fantastic Quirk."
"Their thick, oily fur is hydrophobic, meaning it repels water. That's right, the wolverine is waterproof, talk about a real superpower!"
"Her superpower is talking with plants."
"You're one of those people. As soon as you have a superpower, you do bad things."
"It's like a superpower when it comes to writing apps."
"Being able to tell someone you love them and show and give and receive love is a [__] superpower in today's world."
"Your superpower requires you to be in an automatic state of receiving and giving."
"'What's wrong with scared? Scared is a superpower. It's your superpower.'"
"Cletus Cassiday grew into a serial killer, a superpowered killer, the likes of which the world had never seen."
"Here's a great example. Reading is a superpower."
"A man's greatest superpower is his ability to raise a woman's interest."
"His superpower is that every time he dies, his mom gives birth to him once again."
"Curiosity is key. I think of it as a superpower."
"Create inner harmony and discover your superpower."
"That's a real strength, a real superpower if you think about it."
"Enhanced strength, enhanced stamina, enhanced taco consumption. Uh, how is that a superpower, mate? Uh, how is it not?"
"Some people are like, 'I don't have a superpower.' You have a superpower if you have the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit doesn't want you to leave your house without a superpower."
"The thing that makes us all different is our superpower, and if somebody disagrees, you have to say it louder."
"Syndrome is actually a super and his power is intelligence."
"I love how Poison Ivy's superpower is just horny breath. She just blows at people and it makes them horny. It's very interesting."
"A superpower of the question why not, on and off the field."
"The CRM wants to not only be the strongest superpower on the planet but the only superpower as the alliance of three collapses."
"He just has suits for every type of occasion you can think of. It's almost like having a superpower with this level of versatility."
"She can compress the air to make it heat up to six times hotter than the surface of the sun."
"Tailgate gained super strength as a result of background radiation generated by Quantum travel."
"Thermal is really sort of like having a superpower."
"Oh my gosh, it really is a good superpower. I mean, I knew that already, but now I'm thinking about how like when you craft and then you find glitter like on your face a week later. Hmm."
"ADHD is a hundred percent your superpower. It's the reason why you're so energetic and creative."
"If you can have superpower, you can help the world and you're not doing it, you're a villain."
"Lean into your listening because it's your biggest superpower as an introvert."
"I see notetaking as my personal superpower. It's how I stay organized and it's how I'm able to add so much detail to my videos."
"True femininity is about celebrating our superpower as women, which is to bring life into the world."
"Making student relationship building student relationships is my superpower."
"I do believe the superpower I have is transparency honesty accountability and uh putting my money and my mind where my mouth is."
"Your superpower is in receptivity and feminine energy."
"Ben can manipulate reality in any way he wants with no potential limits as Alien X."
"Your uniqueness is your superpower."
"God gave me the superpower of folding."
"God gave me the power of jumping."
"If I have any superpower, that one I put is the power to cure cancer."
"I literally cannot do it's like a superpower thank you."
"Learning AI prompting can really become a superpower."
"Being able to just take some photos and then after a few minutes get a pretty good looking 3D model... that's a super power."
"Josuke has the ability to repair organisms and objects with his stand, Crazy Diamond."
"Josuke's ability is about repairing."
"Your ability to learn, that is the superpower."
"If you learn how to do it, you kind of have a culinary superpower."
"Would you rather be able to speak to animals or speak every language? Speak every language."
"He is Invincible, he is the strongest esper in Academy City."
"The Energy Beam is Cuphead's most versatile super."
"We are completely and utterly unique, and that is your superpower."
"Deku actually has the Speed Force, they classified it as a quirk, but it's not really a quirk, it's kind of just the Speed Force."
"ADHD can be a superpower and it's certainly being a superpower you know for me through successes and whatever sport and business so um yeah celebrate ADHD channel that ADHD."
"Daughter, a mother's heart feels everything. It's a superpower."
"My child has autism. What's your kid's superpower?"
"If I could have any power, it would be that one. Anyone's mind. Are you joking me? That would be sensational."
"...he's strong enough to punch people through solid walls and smash through a sheet of ice from underwater..."
"Your powers are pretty amazing, you know that?"
"Wally possessed perfect control over his own individual molecules."
"Because All Might was born worthless, the strain of one for all didn't kill him at a young age."
"If she could basically just control people with her singing, that's a pretty crazy superpower."
"The superpower is relaxation, that is the superpower."
"...the true superpower of Captain America."
"My quirk literally causes explosions, Deku," Bakugo deadpanned.
"His quirk is that his default state is that he's thin but over time he grows in energy and then once he reaches max he just punches and the energy just goes where it feels like. All Might but fat. All Might but fat and out of control. The One for All is stored in the fat."
"Happiness... the one superpower you'll never lose is the power to be the best BFF ever."
"It was the first time that he saw his superpower in action."
"If you can have a superpower, what would it be? Unlimited farts."
"It's your super speed, my friends."