
Involvement Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"This is about putting parents back into their children's lives."
"If you're not at the table, you're on the menu."
"We don't agonize, we organize... the antidote to that is to organize, is to get involved."
"Parents love their kids and parents want to know what's going on with their kids."
"Something good is about to happen to you. It's not only gonna happen to you, it's gonna happen in you; it's not only gonna happen in you, it's gonna happen with you."
"We need intelligent guys like you with integrity to come into the playing field and not be spectators."
"The world needs you now more than ever, and you've got no excuse not to get involved."
"It's been great to see all the various organizations really kind of getting involved and trying to keep some semblance of people's everyday normal life running."
"You make a difference, not just by showing up but by stepping up and making an impact."
"Please get involved, please try to make a difference, please try to turn this country around."
"You're either part of the solution or you're part of the problem."
"The difference between involvement and commitment is like the difference between bacon and eggs: in bacon and eggs, the chicken is only involved, but the pig is committed."
"We're at a real pivotal time in humanity where this is not something you can be a spectator to. You have to get involved, you have to understand this."
"I want you to meaningfully distinguish. Tell me why obviously just not associated with the community by like doing things that are associated with the community."
"Men have to get more involved and we have to be talking to each other and educating each other."
"It's a beautiful feeling to know that we were part of this just a little thing that others wanted to get in on."
"It's exciting to be part of something that's a vehicle for good."
"The show just hits different when you know that the star of it also played a role in creating it."
"I talk about that in the book, less impressed, more involved."
"It’s something I wanted to get all my friends involved in, all my family; I wanted everyone to feel this feeling."
"You're part of this story, so buckle up—this is going to be a wild ride."
"If you really want to keep the love alive, then let them see your involvement and your investment in the relationship by you taking the wheel sometimes."
"I much rather be in the trenches... than sitting on the sidelines wasting time."
"I'm learning to really appreciate haters because a hater is a person that is emotionally involved. They care."
"The best thing you can possibly do is get involved somewhere. Every little bit helps."
"It's not just about voting; it's about being part of the process. Voting is important, but getting involved is just as important."
"I am an active citizen who got tired of just sitting down and watching the country being run by all sorts of charlatans."
"It's not about talking; it's about demonstrating and being part of the change."
"I've never been involved in a sport where there was so much passion on the part of the people involved."
"People are involved every single day. I believe it's going to happen, but I don't want to give any details."
"Not all is lost though. Alex actually plans on being a very, very, very heavy part of this child's life."
"We have to be paying attention... Nobody wants to deal with anybody, but you have to care about the people who live in your community."
"You willingly involve yourself in matters which engage your sympathies."
"It's a player that wants to win. It's a player that wants to be involved in the game."
"Finally conservatives are willing to step up and speak up."
"This is what it takes to take our country back."
"I'm a firm believer in I would want to record the thing, I want to track the overdubs, I want to mix the thing."
"I want you in the gym with them, I want you on the plane with them."
"I'm glad that people are standing up, taking action."
"They need to be there. They need to be present. They need to be part of the conversation."
"Some of us are gonna be over here trying to fix it."
"To be a part of something that was important to someone is an awesome feeling."
"The parent should not only be involved but should in fact be in charge."
"Children are the domain of their parents, and the government doesn't get to decide where and when you get to be involved in raising your children."
"I'm so happy to be a part of what's going on here because of the effort to create culture."
"We should encourage parents to be involved in their kids' lives."
"Say something, do something, just be a little bit involved."
"Look at just this image, how can you not want to get involved and not want to be excited?"
"What can I do to help? How can I get involved?"
"You definitely had a talent for it and you were like right in the mix."
"Everyone can do something. Get out there and reduce the chances of their doing so by hastening this work."
"It's been a real passion of mine to involve the community as much as possible as early as possible."
"I'm not necessarily involved in politics. I'm involved in prophetic preaching."
"Enough to have a lone wanderer from any vault potentially draw a bit of attention and get pulled into the wider world's plots."
"Don't just watch football, play at the highest level."
"Angels are very much involved more so than we even realize in our lives."
"Hey, the community is all you guys. You make this community, I'm just here."
"A dad needs to be present, I don't mean he just needs to be there, I mean he needs to be invested."
"Become involved in victims advocacy laws in your area."
"He seemed to have had his foot in the door in the world of underground art trade."
"Now is the time where you have to get really, really involved."
"Just a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart for getting involved in today's stories."
"Designing ships is an involved process, but if you don't care for it, you can absolutely ignore it and still have a good time."
"If you won't get involved in protecting your families what's it going to take?"
"I think we have to form some kind of a collective process, and yeah, I'd like to be involved in that."
"It's an amazing time to be involved at Liverpool."
"There's no more time to hang back or sit on the fence."
"Thank god this person took it upon themselves to get involved."
"So if you're not paying attention, you will be invested in a game where when you walk off the court, no one cares what the score was."
"Keep the artists involved because the artist is the one that's really pushing the envelope for creativity."
"What can I do to help? I actually have a number of friends and relationships in Georgia."
"This free Robux thing, it's sponsored by the Duck Squad, so in the Duck Squad, make sure you join, dude."
"Sitting on the sidelines... is not really an option anymore."
"If anything at any time 24 by 7, full-time job, if anything in this world appears to affect what's going on inside of you in that way, don't get involved and think about what to do about it."
"The only way we're going to fix a problem is to go into the problem."
"The act of observation is itself a form of participation."
"Deep divine passions involve the entire universe, not just yourself."
"Our prayers, whether in times of joy, uncertainty, or distress, are always heard by a God who is intimately involved in the details of our lives."
"You best start believing in culture War Stories; you're in one."
"Thank you for being involved every single day."
"Those people that can't be bought today, they need to get a little louder and get a little bit more involved."
"I've inserted myself into drama that made a huge and positive impact."
"It was right up there, I've truly never been involved with something like this at this level."
"The most important thing is that you have to get plugged in somewhere."
"For all the talk about how we weren't involved in the fighting anymore, it turns out that we are involved in the fighting. We're just now losing."
"A lot of people... were so reluctant to get involved but... they could see that change could really happen."
"I'm probably gonna get these folks into star citizen."
"You are part of a movement now. There's no avoiding it, there's no evading it."
"This isn't one of those times where folks can sit on the sidelines and watch how things can play out."
"You don't want to miss all the cool things that you can be part of."
"Let's make people a little bit happier and allow them to get more involved."
"What kind of dad is in their daughter's relationship? Well yes, what kind of dad is in their daughter's relationship like you are."
"You are the sponsors, you are the owners of this program, and we're out there to make history for you."
"I think there's tons of us out here who are ready to help you and jump on that bandwagon if the time comes."
"There should be no question you need to be involved or you have no room to complain about the state of this state or the country."
"Our houses, our lives, we're right in there with them."
"If you care about the climate and you want to get involved but you're not quite sure how, I can help."
"I had a significant role in this and it's it's it's cool to see."
"Clarity comes from being detached. The greatest thing you can do is be detached from your own life, totally involved and detached at the same time."
"Seasons it's always there whether you're playing it or not."
"It's not about being absent, it's about being involved."
"If you want to, you can be a big part of something big, something grand, something majestic." - President Russell M. Nelson
"Lady Ningguang's rebuilding the Jade Chamber? This is a huge deal. Let's get involved!"
"I'm just excited to be involved in whatever is going on at this point."
"It's not us doing the toy drive, it's you guys doing the toy drive."
"Thank you guys for all being involved in all of this."
"Apathy has no place to play in this scenario. There is something you can do."
"That was just really, really amazing to be a part of it."
"You have to actually be part of the neighborhood... engage people where they live and find out what it is they need."
"The best metric for a child's success is the parental involvement."
"They're playing to win, so we have to get involved because what we're doing is not a spectator sport."
"You should remember I am not the only one involved there is another person here."
"So, you guys are part of history. You guys are indeed part of history."
"Mandy Moore... Moore has appeared at a bunch of UFC events has worked with the promotion in several different capacities over the years."
"The system is broken and we're a part of that system."
"I'm in it... okay I'm done but also I'm still in it."
"We have to make sure that we are involved at every single level."
"Be a part of the solution, not part of the problem."
"We're not here just to be spectators, we're here to get in the game and get involved."
"I'm about to get packed out in our own Community merch."
"Everything has to be shown to be what it is and the Congress party is itself in a position to help us in it."
"I do like how he kind of inserted himself into it."
"They're executive producers of the new Schultz special."
"Speak out against this discrimination and hate... to be a part of this movement."
"Try to get involved in whatever you're on or doing, try to get people to be interested in you so you can leverage it different ways."
"You can't just stand back and throw your hands up and say we didn't have anything to do with it."
"You gotta be hands-on with what you're doing if you want it to reflect you."
"George Martin is actually involved in the show."
"President Trump was directly and personally involved in this effort..."
"If you ever want to pass three days of your life, get involved."
"The more notoriety they get, the harder it is to deny their involvement."
"This is the only little way that I can give something back to our community."
"I think it's the fact that the people doing it are completely engaged with it."
"I didn't just slap my name on it. It's not something like that. Actually was a part of this whole process."
"What did he do to contribute to the murder? Quick answer: everything."
"You guys are going to want to be around for this."
"Don't get too involved to the point where your emotions are caught up, then you're lost in the debate."
"I'm letting you know that I'm still in the play but that's just my opinion."
"To do something to support the NHS is just pretty, to be able to get involved, you know, brilliant."
"This is the last chance to get involved with the historic Hidden Colors series... We've already etched our place in history."
"Look, I can't tell you what to do, how to do it, but what I can say is if you're not in this game, what comes out on the other end of it, it could be very ugly."
"Kids need to know that I'm in the arena fighting alongside them."
"This is a movement, a huge movement that we're involved in."
"So it's a very involved and very interactive easter egg."
"Trust the plan and your role in the plan and your cue to enter stage when it comes and the form that cue takes is that you care about something."
"I lived the []... I was there, I made the [], I did the [__]."
"But this time, as a Commonwealth nation, we likely would have been eager to get involved."
"They were so shocked... maybe he was involved."
"I want to be involved in eSports and what they're doing. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing."
"If you really want an opportunity to be there, you need to ask yourself how am I being proactive in this? How do I play a role in this?"
"It's good to be on the right side. Also, I'm coming."
"Now hold this for a second, I want to look at it. Yes!"
"Politics should be treated with tenacious involvement, understanding its broader effects."
"It involves and absorbs your entire way of life."
"It's like, anything that you're not involved in, you might have the wrong idea about it."
"Systemic problems need systemic solutions that we can be a part of."
"This group of people is unlike any other organization I've ever been involved in."
"Don't be fooled to think that they're not really involved or they're not really shook up over this, they are believe me."
"You gotta get in the dance, I mean, don't you want to pose a threat?"
"It's a little heartbreaking because you see just like how talented and how committed and how involved they can be."
"We all have to take action. Something has to be done."
"This isn't my story to tell, but I want to speak a piece on this."
"It's about enjoyment, it's about involvement."
"The best thing you can do for your children is to have two present and involved parents."
"I'm so happy to have been asked to be a part of this project."
"This person ain't all in. They're only halfway in and this is all they care about."
"Let's participate in it, let's control the narrative."
"We're called to get involved. We're called to make a difference."
"It's history repeating itself... We are heavily involved... There's something huge going on here."
"Could Dolores somehow be involved in the robbery?"
"If we want to see unity happen, it's gonna take every single person in this room saying, 'I want to be a part of what God's doing.'"
"People are joining the Genoa, Lübeck, and Venetian trade leagues."
"Hawkeye is once again about to be dragged into the fight whether he wants to or not."
"It's time to get off the sidelines and get on the field."
"Unselfishness: become immediately concerned with a cause larger than yourself."
"I'm interested in having you be a part of that if you'd like to be... It was a Candid Camera kind of moment."
"If there's a crusade going on, you absolutely want to be part of it."
"The young people of the Commonwealth are demanding to be part of the conversation."
"It's definitely one of those games you gotta hurry up and get on the grind for."
"I'm part of a study, and I'm very proud to be part of it."
"Unbelievable, I did not expect the father to have involvement in defeating this demon at all."
"It's like we're almost a part of an album being made. It's crazy, man."
"Despite Manchester United's ongoing struggles, manager Eric tag is actively involved in the transfer planning."
"We're getting crazy, hey she wanted it, no not me whoa definitely got a little skin in the game huh Riders start wondering about some of these decisions they're not just their decisions those are artists we got money."
"I think it's common i don't know in what form or in the digital era could be very different we have an international uh community that could be more involved."
"The best thing is to pick a couple of causes that you believe in deeply and find organizations that you can get involved in."
"We all have a voice and we all have a role to play in this, big or small."
"If you're gonna change any of this, you've got to be involved."
"Other nations are already jumping into this ugly situation."
"Dee Dee was known to be that mom who would never miss a little league game."
"Maybe this is what I've been waiting for, maybe I'm finally part of something bigger."
"Spider-Man's highly acclaimed filmmakers duo Phil Lord and Christopher Miller jumped on board once they caught a glimpse of the movie."
"If we're not part of the solution then we're part of the problem."
"I'd love a car that I can get involved with beyond just aesthetics and enjoy as a hobby."
"We the people are necessary in whatever way our heart leads us to serve."
"Following the count in that conversation, Papadopoulos continued to correspond with campaign officials."
"I always want to be part of something bigger."
"Visibility is key; step up, step in, lean in, and use whatever metaphor you want to be part of this."
"Every father should take the steps necessary to be in their child's life, to the best of their ability."
"We take tremendous pride in being a part of this website."