
Food Quality Quotes

There are 1419 quotes

"Our quality of life is in direct proportion to the quality of the food that we put in our mouth."
"Healthy food doesn't need to taste like cardboard."
"Eat fresh natural bread when you can, mostly because it'll taste noticeably better."
"Five Guys has a global cult following. Five Guys burgers and fries, it was banging."
"Eating foods that are really drugs masquerading as foods, that have no life in them, is not the way to go."
"If we can start to slowly forget about counting our macros and think more about the quality of food that we're eating and eating them in the proper amounts, then you're going to find that you are thinking and stressing less about food."
"The food was like 99.9% as good as the food he ate in Italy."
"We had the classic which had the caramelized onion in it. It was elite."
"Eat real food, eat it in a more natural form, don't overcook it, don't kill it, and eat it while it's fresh."
"Don't count calories, just sit down and have a nice meal. Look at the food, look at the color, look at the consistency."
"We never compromise on taste, but we prioritize health."
"If it looks good but doesn't taste good, it's going to be some B.S."
"It's good, it's very refreshing, very orangey."
"My goal in canning is to have a superior product than something I could buy canned at the grocery store."
"It tastes like pizza, but like fresher. The tomatoes are fresher."
"I think I would eat here again. The ambiance is great, the food is really good."
"The food wasn't necessarily award-winning, but I really do appreciate the fact that the airline isn't trying to be cheap."
"Everything tasted so much better than anything I'd ever had before."
"I'm here to recruit you in the war against bad food."
"It's way better to eat grass-fed, pasture-raised beef; infinitely better for you."
"The strategy is to improve the quality of the food rather than restricting the quantity of the food."
"Love a good portion size... The chicken itself, very moist, has clearly been brined because it's still moist all the way through."
"The quality of meat, the cheese, everything is just Perfecto."
"The bun is soft, the meat is such good quality, cheese melted on, WOW."
"This is like the type of gravy you would not be embarrassed to have at your Thanksgiving because it was not basic."
"It's not just that our food lacks things we need; it's that it contains things that act on us like drugs."
"We shouldn't call it food; we should call it food-like substances because it doesn't resemble food."
"Brown eggs are local eggs, and local eggs are fresh."
"That's delicious, really delicious. Lamb is just melting in your mouth."
"This is the driest pastry I've ever eaten. There's not even competition."
"The food was amazing. The pretzel... it's crazy."
"You can tell the difference between just a farm fresh egg and one you get at the store."
"We are losing self-identity at the cell level because we are eating a chemical that breaks our self-identity at the cell level."
"Groceries are usually cheaper... in most European countries than here in the U.S... but regardless of the prices... the amount of weird additives and chemicals... in most Foods you buy here is just alarming."
"The size of a tomato is not important to me; it's the taste."
"The food at this festival is shockingly elevated."
"The moment you pick corn, the sweetness starts to deteriorate and get lost."
"Beef tends to be the highest quality meat that most people have access to in their supermarket."
"I am not gonna stand here and watch this kitchen send you food that is a) cross-contaminated, b) reheated from frozen."
"Overall, boathouse... I've had good experiences there. The food's been good. So I'm gonna give it an 8.5 out of 10."
"Kerrygold salted unsalted, super good price here. Pure Irish butter, grass-fed."
"This has no right to be as good as it is. We're sitting in the middle of a theme park and I'm eating delicious Carnitas."
"The point is that do the best you can right now with what you have, and do intermittent fasting, which means you'll be spending less money on food, so you can afford a little more money to invest in the quality of food that you eat."
"Wise man once told me... the best hamburger always begins with the bun."
"Pros: affordable, quick, fresh, and satisfying, and breakfast options on the go."
"Pros: fast, fresh, and tasty Irish-inspired dishes and good portion sizes."
"It's not a race, customers will wait for good food."
"It's hearty, then you've got the giant meatball in the inside that's juicy and bouncy and very smooth in texture."
"It's like both rich and light and fluffy all at the same time."
"Just shred your own cheese, you don't have to be eating wood pulp."
"Every one of those is gonna use low-quality eggs sausage processed oils."
"This came out so so good it had so much great flavor."
"The gravy that they have here is seasoned so fantastic."
"When you compare that fresh-caught deep-sea Alaskan salmon to store-bought salmon, even the good stuff, you're like, that's not the same."
"The quality of these noodles is pretty evident."
"Food is medicine, and quality matters. It's not just calories; it's information, and it literally can upgrade or downgrade your biology with every bite."
"Chris Forsberg will undeniably be your winner."
"People who have served in the military and seen conflict tend to be the most anti-war. My point is just that I think one thing that we fail at as conservatives very often is we use the language of the left."
"Wow, that thing just really melts in your mouth. Always good to eat, like, all the time."
"Everything about this pastrami is so good, like the pastrami itself is so nice and crispy and full of flavor."
"The Publix chicken tenders sub is like the best of the best, it is delicious."
"A properly cooked hamburger is a beautiful thing."
"The quality of your food is a separate conversation that pertains to your health. You can lose a lot of fat and be lean and not healthy. You can also be overweight and be way healthier."
"Homemade bacon is literally ten times better than store-bought."
"I'm telling you, I'm not the greatest cook in the world. I think I'm okay, alright, but I would honestly put my Brussels sprouts up there against almost any restaurant."
"The Cheesecake Factory to me is really, really good."
"A good burger can't go wrong, especially when they're really good."
"Consistently rated among the best fast-food restaurants, Chick-fil-A has become a legendary institution of sorts..."
"When it comes to the pure simplicity of making a burger absolutely delicious, Five Guys scores very high..."
"Wendy’s made a big effort in recent years to make its food look and taste more rustic and 'handmade'..."
"I love olive oil so as long as it is a good olive oil I'm always ready."
"Olive oil is the juice of the olives... they press the juice from the olives."
"Stunning food doesn't have to be complicated. Keeping it simple produces amazing results and keeps costs down."
"Simplicity doesn't mean food can't taste out of this world incredible."
"Of course, you want the food to be delicious."
"The secret to making my food the tastiest it can be is starting with the best ingredients I can find."
"Real fast food should always grab your attention with big gutsy flavors, fantastic aromas, and be immediately satisfying."
"His food is incredible, the best they've ever eaten."
"Zaxby's also gets things right with its breaded fried chicken fillet that's topped with a top secret Zack sauce."
"The solid foundation that David and James built with the Whopper earned Burger King the reputation for high-quality, tasty, and affordable food."
"I found french fries in between my seats. How is there no bacteria on these fries? You know how bad of a food you have to be for mold to be like, 'I don't eat that.'"
"Made with real cheese. Like, what is not made with real cheese?"
"Whole, real, natural, unadulterated forms of food help avoid added ingredients you don't need."
"Taking a bite of either of these burgers will never leave you disappointed."
"You'd think going to a poor country you get worse food, you actually get better food."
"They are homeless, but they ate better than me."
"This was phenomenal, it was buttery, it was rich, it was fresh."
"A lot of chocolate from the UK tastes like calendar chocolate like it tastes like a advent calendar."
"The food is just insane. It's so good, it's too good actually."
"Tonight it's all about fresh food. Everything we prepped this morning, we cook tonight. Fresh, yes, yes, fresh!"
"There's nothing worse than a cheap steak, period."
"Is it moldy? Yes. But is that blue cheese finally aged, delicious? Is it a high-quality product?"
"It elevates it without being snooty or pretentious or reinventing it it's just a better version of it in a way that you can't really understand until you try."
"This is good, this is honestly better than Smart Pop. This is good, wow, it really tastes like butter, premium quality, minimally processed with butter flavored coconut oil, calories whole bag, how do they do it?"
"I don't care where we go as long as the food is good."
"That is probably the best food that's ever come out of that kitchen."
"It's an insult not just to the Greek cuisine, but to the vegetable itself."
"I want to kind of keep the granola together... I just taste-tested this granola, phenomenal, probably the best granola I have ever made."
"Margherita pizza is just like the number one way to see if it pizzas actually good."
"This is as fresh as it gets. These fish were legit swimming around 40 minutes ago."
"Meat is by far the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet."
"Food was often monotonous, poor quality, and lacking in nutrition."
"The MRE was the first ration that was specifically developed with taste and variety in mind."
"That dinner was absolutely amazing. That is probably some of the best food I've ever had on a train."
"If you start making your own homemade granola you're never gonna buy store-bought granola again."
"The better choice is always going to be the healthy whole real foods over the refined and processed foods."
"The audacity of this sauce being this good. That's amazing."
"The food at the Cocoa Beach Club might be worth the cost of admission. It is that darn good."
"I'm very impressed with how well all this food tastes."
"But if they have toast like this all over Texas, I'm moving to Texas."
"What we're really trying to do is that holy grail: it needs to satisfy meat eaters, it needs to taste the same or better."
"Oh yeah, that's really good. Way better. I mean it's still a little bit dry at the end but it's sweeter."
"That food has such a good flop to it like you can see the weight of like the meat and like the little like the physics of everything yeah so hungry."
"A tree ripened avocado is probably gonna be your best bet."
"Their french onion soup, dude, it's the best in the market."
"Homemade french fried onions are a hell of a lot better than anything you're ever going to get out of a can."
"What does it profit a man to have all the money in the world, but eat shitty food?"
"Don't forget my burrito bowl is better than theirs, all right? You can end it there."
"Just finished a fabulous first meal at the Tusker House. I absolutely loved it, enjoyed myself immensely. I thought the food was great, all your breakfast classics cooked to perfection."
"Super light, delicate, crispy crunch on here."
"Anyone who raises their own meat birds know that they have better taste than anything you buy at the store."
"Food that's fast, it doesn't have to be fast food."
"That's spectacular! I would pay a hundred dollars by the pool for that one right there."
"Let me tell you, the burgers are phenomenal here."
"This food can be so insanely delicious that it's just crazy."
"This is so good it has a ton of fresh tasting flavor."
"Absolutely fantastic chicken over rice with white sauce, hot sauce, pure perfection."
"These meatball subs are some of the best meatball subs I've ever had I promise the meatballs are packed full of flavor and they're not dry at all the bread is perfectly crisp and you can't go wrong with mozzarella cheese."
"Dumpster diving was more shocking than I thought it would be. It wasn't that I was finding rotten meat and moldy vegetables. I was finding perfectly good unexpired food."
"Healthy soil equals healthy food equals healthy people."
"Everywhere we go, the food has just been so good."
"Guests enjoyed a Sumptuous dinner of steak and lobster."
"Terrace 16, that is so much better than airport food."
"Trust me, the food here is amazing, it's definitely worth the wait."
"That Nashville hot seasoning on the outside is delicious, oh my god, it's so good."
"That's good like a little sweet chili salsa on it. That looks great."
"Do you want to serve quality food that's expensive?"
"Oh, wow, that is really good! So good! Short rib is awesome, short ribs are good, it reminds me of some moms to make. The new menu is amazing, I love it."
"Your voice really does matter, so I hope that you use it to speak up for a food supply that doesn't make us sick."
"Everything was absolutely delicious, the fries had time to absorb the sauces."
"Oh my God, it is so moist, it is so juicy, it is just falling apart."
"These really aren't probably some of the best wings on the planet, tender, crispy, whoa juices."
"If you eat sick animals, you create sick people."
"When people go to a diner, they're not expecting award-winning Canadian maple syrup, hand-cut potatoes, organic eggs, artisan bread, European butter, third-wave coffee, and house-made vinaigrettes."
"People are definitely going to want to come here because the food is just amazing."
"But this one overall the juiciness the tenderness yes and letting the beef shine for what it is she's a star she's a star look at her look at that lady."
"Every element of this pancake is done so perfectly."
"When we're cooking kebabs, why don't we cook them on the skewer? It's so much more juicier."
"I'm a fan of eating at home, like you just can't compare that to food you get outside."
"Wow, onion rings, how do you have bad onion rings?"
"There's so many restaurants, not just dedicated pizzerias, that offer pizza on their menu that you can simply get better quality food at discounted low prices at other places."
"Magic Spoon tastes like actual cereal again."
"The food is outstanding, the variety is outstanding, it's perfect."
"I did think that the standard of food would be incredible."
"Damn, that kybi is good, and the samjung is good too."
"The quality of cuisine matters; it can affect morale."
"The food was absolutely amazing, I ain't gonna lie."
"In Jannah, there's no ambiguity about what you eat. It's purely from the sources of Jannah, purely organic and of the best."
"There's truth to if it fits your macros... but quality of calories is important."
"Pickle B is the more artisanal, higher-cost one."
"HelloFresh meals taste absolutely incredible."
"I hope you like it. The night is going very well. A lot of people are enjoying the new food because they think it's really fresh."
"Absolutely delightful! It's soft on the inside, crispy on the outside, spicy, beautiful!"
"You want to get incredibly high levels of phytonutrients into my body, and it just so happens that things like grass-fed butter... so the grass-fed is so much better than the grain-fed, that's a key principle."
"Wow, that melts in your mouth so fatty, so tender, super delicious."
"The world's best spicy chicken, in my opinion... It's very crispy, it's super greasy, it's juicy, it's hot."
"Better for you higher quality ingredients... then it's just a net negative."
"We'll know if it's hotter in the center than in the edge then we're good."
"This hack for reheating french fries will make them (almost) as good as new."
"What does it mean when something is cold-pressed or extra-virgin? It's the first press with zero heat, high in heart-healthy polyphenols, this stuff is so darn good for you."
"Visually, this kind of under promises but when you bite in taste and texture wise it totally over delivers like way over."
"What we're making is way better than what you can buy at the store."
"Probably some of the best tacos I've ever had."
"It's so much better to actually know what's going into your food."
"Can I just say that the textures are on point? Shatteringly crisp on the outside, tender and doughy and kind of chewy on the inside. Mushtastic on the filling."
"I'm gonna move one restaurant from s tier to god tier it could be literally any restaurant except McDonald's."
"Five Guys is legit. Honestly, I will defend Five Guys. One of the best fast food in the UK."
"It's absolutely tender inside and crispy, so spot on perfect. The dumpling, this is restaurant quality, this is something I would love to serve in my restaurant."
"Not only are you not compromising taste by eating vegan food but that vegan food can actually be the best."
"There's absolutely no denying how good this broth is."
"The sheer quality of the ingredient, this is not just your standard food court sushi."
"This dish, it's beautiful, the lamb is cooked perfectly."
"That brisket redeemed itself, the first one was not even edible, this second one, really good."
"If I get the Pat LaFrieda's here, they're better, everyone with taste buds agrees."
"Whole hog is like the holy grail because it is very easy to mess it up."
"Totally worth it, you can totally taste all the flavors."
"Those crispy crunchy wonton chips on top really make that big of a difference."
"I think we got it right, it's one of the best dosas I've ever had too."
"The Aromas is really good oh my gosh this is that beautiful basmati rice it's a long grains vegetables tons of meat all mixed together this looks incredible."
"It's so tender, it's delicious. I mean it's been grilled so there's little crunchy bits on the edges but still inside not dry at all."
"The food is really good. The scavenger hunt was really fun."
"These are going top of the shapes we've tried today, I'm going 10 out of 10 for those."
"En mi casa yo no permito quesadillas duras y feas." (In my house, I don't allow hard and ugly quesadillas.)
"The guinea hen egg is shiny and the white is quite firm."
"So if the big game is coming up and you didn't plan ahead, you're probably due for a mediocre spread."
"Food is not a trivial thing. It's an important basis for health of all kinds."
"That's freaking delicious, that is a tender piece of pork."
"The chicken was juicy, flavorful, and moist."
"It's the juiciest and it has such an interesting texture it is like the stickiest and the least sticky at the same time."
"I've not had a gingerbread man in years, and the Tesco ones are all bendy and this."