
Treatment Quotes

There are 5086 quotes

"Once you see someone exhibiting dementia, you could do things to lower inflammation, deal with their symptoms, and you could try to slow it down."
"Because only through properly understanding the patient and what symptoms they're experiencing and why they're experiencing them, can you make the right diagnosis then come to the correct treatment."
"The best measure of any society is how we treat our most vulnerable citizens."
"We really should just place more emphasis on mental health treatment."
"The demonization of any mental disorder is a negative thing, pushing those affected away from seeking treatment."
"Treating others like you would want to be treated is something you really want to apply to your wife."
"People are starting to treat you in a way that you deserve because you're loving yourself."
"You are showing the world how to treat you based on what you believe and feel about yourself at a core foundational subconscious level."
"The early diagnosis of cancer is really valuable in maximizing the chance of successful treatment."
"What she did for me was she sat me down in this chair and talked to me as a person, not an illness."
"It's an incredibly effective treatment for depression and anxiety and it changed absolutely changed my life."
"So when you think about it like that and just isolate ageing from its cultural sort of context, then of course you want to treat it, you want to save these very unfortunate kids."
"We teach people how we want to be treated at every moment in time by what we tolerate."
"Science tells us a lot of interesting information that's helpful in terms of treatment."
"It really raises this question of mental health, mental health treatment, and then awareness of mental health."
"The good news is that depression can be treated with therapy and medication."
"Personality changes over time, and even personality disorders are treatable and changeable."
"You're to be treated, above all, as an individual."
"This is a phenomenal result. This is a profound game-changer to have an oral pill that had this kind of effect, this magnitude of effect, in patients who are at high risk, who are already symptomatic."
"Something as simple as light could make such improvements in a disease that was so frustrating and difficult to treat."
"I think it minimizes it to say that, 'Oh, it's just a chemical imbalance in the brain, take a pill, and you'll be fine.' I think there's something much deeper and more serious going on."
"Don't let the person you're with disrespect you or treat you badly."
"The best way of treatment of depression, they found from the clinical trial, the most effective way, was meditation."
"Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia must be the first line recommended treatment."
"I am so ready and so excited to start this treatment... going into it with such a positive attitude."
"I'm not solely relying on the accutane medication... it's a combination of taking this medication, changing my diet, and changing my lifestyle overall."
"It's a personal issue and if anybody has problems with it, they should be getting treatment, they should be getting rehabilitation, they shouldn't be locked up."
"We gotta respect each other and treat each other like... kings."
"Exercise could be the first line of attack in mental health treatment."
"Anything that reduces depression should be regarded as an antidepressant."
"If you treat the bipolar disorder first, many of the hypersexual things just start falling into place."
"The more purposeful you are with your cues, the better people will treat you."
"Curcumin can help with treating the symptoms of depression."
"How you treat yourself tells people how you expect to be treated."
"Treating others not the way we want to be treated but the way they want to be treated."
"Medicines can help that, but we have to have some flexibility around their conception."
"Nice guys do not finish last. To be honest, including myself, I'm pretty sure a girl will prefer to have a guy that treats her right."
"In addition to addressing symptoms, it's crucial to understand and treat the underlying issues rather than just the manifestations in the present."
"It's so nice to be treated well and appreciated."
"Default to your mode of treating this person like a friend."
"I treat everybody with a certain level of respect. I'm not going to treat a person better because I know them."
"Treat spiders the way you want to be treated: killed without hesitation and quickly."
"I don't want to blame the doctors... but I think they have to change that standard of care to find the cause of the problem and not just medicate the symptom of pain."
"For hyperpigmentation, hydroquinone...is by far the most effective."
"You must treat you the way you wanna be treated by other people."
"The treatment is not telling somebody to drink less alcohol, the treatment is support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, family help, social work, friends, church, religion."
"The cure for a malaise or the treatment for a disease is more powerful than the malaise or the disease itself."
"Even if you start treating everyone the same... there is still an inertial impact of that inequality on today."
"Everyone is worthy of being treated like they matter. It is not hard to be kind."
"One day, people will wish they treated you differently."
"Puberty blockers and hormone therapy had 60% lower odds of moderate or severe depression and 73% lower odds of suicidality."
"You can't say some medical conditions deserve treatment more than others."
"Bipolar disorder is can be a difficult illness but it also can be treated, you can still live a good life."
"We spend a lot of time in treatment talking about the damages that alcohol has caused us."
"Treat women in a reciprocal fashion as to how they treat you."
"We're making headway in a number of cancer treatments."
"It's our position that a person's right to safe and humane treatment does not change based on their gender identity."
"Marijuana is a literal medicine... it's serious for literally saving people's lives and healing people every day."
"You always know a measure of a good man by how they treat their wife."
"The under eyes is something that is very hard to treat... so the first route of defense is a good eye cream."
"He inspired so many people to get mental health treatment."
"My goal is to return the agency to them so that not only do they not need chronic prescriptions for life, but they also don't even need me."
"Azelaic acid not only treats dark spots but definitely treats acne, and we have a lot of data showing that it's safe."
"Hydrocolloid patches...can help extrude the inflammatory contents from within the pore, helping to facilitate healing and recovery."
"You should choose to associate with people that are going to treat you well."
"Many people with schizophrenia are able to enjoy life and function within their families and communities with treatment."
"We talk about anxiety like it's monolithic, right? Like, 'I have anxiety. You have anxiety. We all have anxiety. What is the treatment for anxiety?' But what I really love about today's discussion is that it's not just about a clinical diagnosis and a medication; it's about a whole spectrum of origins."
"Your next big life change is somebody treating you finally how you're supposed to be treated."
"You deserve it. They always treat you wonderfully."
"Most of these people deserve to be treated with humanity."
"The key really to the whole process is the insulin. This is the really the key player."
"Suboxone both counteracts an overdose and undermines the craving that people have."
"Well, we just want the police to have another option to take somebody to treatment."
"No human should be treated this way; it's disgusting."
"Treat them as they should be treated, each other."
"Train like an athlete and be treated like an athlete."
"Treat people the way that you want to be treated."
"And how we treat people is based on who they are and not what color they are."
"Getting your depression or depressive mood symptoms treated becomes an essential First Step at a minimum that needs to happen so you have the energy and the focus to start dealing with healing from narcissistic abuse."
"Things you can consider besides hydroquinone."
"You gotta slow down the bleeding so you can make it into surgery, and you can't just treat the symptom, you gotta treat the disease."
"Lithium is tried and true first-line treatment for bipolar disorder."
"You have to advocate for yourself, demand the proper treatment."
"Treat her like a celebrity and she'll treat you like a fan."
"It's actually so disgusting to see how James treats his daughter."
"Let's work with this person so that we can treat the cause of what's causing them to behave in a way that may be causing pain, damage, or distraction to the rest of society."
"Please don't be dissuaded about getting treatment that could help you."
"You gotta watch the way you treat people because you never know when you're gonna need them."
"This is really good news that we've now got a treatment that almost every patient can take and they will get benefit from it."
"Sexism, yo. I try to treat everybody the exact same."
"It's really important that I be treated this way, and I'm not being treated this way, and that's not okay for me."
"It's all about treatment over punishment and really learning how to help people."
"It's about really providing a system of treatment and an actual recovery plan for them to heal."
"They use things like science, they offer medical treatment."
"It's very easy not to abuse them, you know how? Just treat them exactly the way you would want to be treated."
"I don't think I've done anything wrong by showing the reality of what this looks like to cut off your family."
"If you take that there's a good chance you'll beat it."
"If your goal is to actually correct the diabetes you have to correct the insulin resistance... mostly to the point where they can eliminate the need for medication."
"Combinations of treatments tend to give the best results."
"Just treat people how you would like to be treated. As Jesus freaking said it on some other thing."
"It's the most important thing is to go get treated, go get help as soon as possible."
"Everything in my life changed when I started treating my wife like a queen."
"We may not be able to fix it, but we definitely can treat it."
"There's few things more powerful than treating a person who despises you with such calm politeness." - Narrator
"They are treating you like dog crap yeah it's crazy it's crazy."
"Now you're treating me bad because you don't need my money."
"Addicts are all too often forced to hide their addiction... comfortably seek treatment."
"We should be treating those mental health difficulties first."
"We just need to refer you straight to treatment and counseling and not to a prison cell."
"If you want your relationship to last, treat the other person that you would want to be treated."
"Treatment is available and often if you get treatment soon enough, you don't have to get to that moment of complete crisis."
"Providing fair and ethical treatment to people even while they are incarcerated."
"Educate adolescence and to prevent and to treat. If you have trouble, you can't stop, and you want help, stop it. I can help."
"Recovery is not only possible, it's not only probable, but it is the expected outcome when the appropriate treatment and recovery support services are made available."
"Treat people how you want to be treated. I don't know, you know why? Because for me, that's putting the expectation on somebody else."
"Dogs are the best dog's the best you treat them well they'll treat you better"
"It's just baffling how they've treated some of their most beloved titles..."
"This person definitely does not like the way they treated you, they really, really know that."
"In this video we talked about the treatment, the prognosis, and precautions."
"Feminism just got in there because women generally were not happy with the way they were being treated."
"It's just the Golden Rule, it's just about treating others the way that you'd want to be treated and disrespecting them and you wouldn't want to be hurt and you wouldn't want to be exploited."
"Azelaic acid: helpful for acne, hyperpigmentation, and safe for pregnancy."
"Tranexamic acid: potentially helpful for redness and hyperpigmentation, but formulation is key."
"Side effects of ACE inhibitors and ARBs... angioedema."
"Guys like you will treat her like disposable pleasures."
"Advancements in science have meant that there's now treatments that can combat the symptoms of hair loss and help you keep the hair that you have."
"If you didn't get it in writing, the next thing that's gonna happen is they're gonna start treating you cruelly."
"You were the only one who didn't treat me like a monster."
"Mental illness like depression is not a failure of character or willpower; it is a disease that has to be managed with treatment."
"You can judge a society by how they treat their prisoners."
"He was under the care of medical professionals and currently receiving treatment after testing positive for Coronavirus."
"We will come out of this, we will have drugs that treat it."
"I never tried to treat anybody like crap... I never did."
"He kind of got the treatment that Lyra got when he was on that EnVyUs team."
"Who doesn't want to be treated good in this crazy world, right? Who doesn't?"
"We need to find ways to get them the treatment they need."
"If psychedelics... are going to be part of the solution then we should bring it on."
"The treatment has been worse than the disease."
"When you act the way you want to get treated, you tend to get treated well."
"In the end how you present yourself to the world is also how you're going to be treated"
"Treat everyone how you would like to be treated."
"Nobody deserves to be treated like absolute shit every day."
"The world is treating symptoms, not the sickness."
"What causes it, then you can kind of know how to treat it."
"Regeneron's monoclonal antibody cocktail contract: a bioengineered version of convalescent plasma."
"Despite my issues, I don't deserve being mistreated so badly."
"A world with a cure or treatment for EB would mean I wouldn't have to worry about wound care supplies and I would be able to walk on my feet pain-free."
"Treat others right how you want to be treated."
"Some people are so mean, you'll have the same flesh and blood but the way they will treat you, you'll be wondering."
"Unprecedented achievement in the treatment of multiple myeloma."
"Huperzine A significantly improved cognitive function in patients with Alzheimer's disease."
"Treatment with 400 micrograms of huperzine A significantly attenuated cocaine-induced increases of bad effects and willingness to pay."
"I know you would treat me like a king or a queen."
"You are somebody that would be everybody's ideal, but some people just don't know how to treat you."
"The only thing that matters is how someone treats you."
"When a man is treated badly, it lands with a double sense of burning injustice."
"There is treatment, it's called DBT dialectical therapy."
"Micro needling can be super beneficial for scars and hyperpigmentation."
"Measure your starting point...everyone reacts to it differently."
"I do know that the way they treated her and the way they acted towards her and keeping her there for that long I do know that that was mental torture."
"If someone is horribly depressed, it's safer to medicate them while going through therapy than having them spend months in therapy just to never be able to medicate them."
"Mental illness: real physical biological basis."
"Treatments can alleviate symptoms, but no cure yet."
"Timing, timing, timing! You've got to start your treatment early."
"Treat the virus in the viral phase and treat the immune system in the immune phase."
"How about we start treating actual disease rather than risk factors?"
"The plague can be cured in over 90% of cases if caught early."
"You're the best person in my life. I never been in real love so I feel like this is like the excuse, you know, as far as their actions go and how they treated you, spoke to you, and made you feel."
"Despite the treatment, I can hear voices in my dreams."
"Pericardiocentesis for pericardial tamponade."
"If you're really messed up like I was a year ago, get medication."
"With cyanobacteria, I get any of the big clumps I can and then use a rifampicin to fight it."
"I try to treat people the way I want them to treat my wife."
"Pharma instructed medics to administer the drug to all patients."
"By standing tall and maintaining your dignity, people will treat you with respect."
"It's what's going to matter the most is finding someone that's going to help apply treatment to them."
"That was happening instantaneously like within a week people could come off of hundreds of units of insulin it was crazy."
"The best among you are those who treat their wives in the best possible manner."
"Reducing the protein in your urine should be the main goal of treatment."
"We've got effective treatments for borderline personality disorder."
"Now that it's endemic I don't think there really is a role for saying hey we should just prophylax people forever on Ivermectin."
"Actual people who are suffering and truly need treatment."
"Finasteride will stop it and minoxidil will grow it, and that's why using them in combination is what you need for a hair loss plan."
"The Jordans said that their company would be for distributors, and they wanted to treat others the way they wanted to be treated, yet the Jordans created an environment exactly like the MLMs they escaped."
"Oral contraceptive pills containing estrogen seem to be helpful in female pattern hair loss."
"Look at that treatment versus the treatment of Assange."
"Warforged exist on your planet. Are they treated like other sentient beings?"
"You treat us right, we're very loyal, and you treat us wrong, we're a problem." - Cube
"There's a chance here to treat every patient."
"Where and when it works it is Curative and magical."
"I treated everybody I met with respect as an equal because that's the way I feel about them."
"Even if you don't exactly understand the disease, treating the root causes can often dramatically improve or reverse it."
"You don't gotta treat bad kids like bad kids in order to correct the behavior."
"Treating yourself with respect sets the standard for how others will treat you."
"It's more treating the root causes than it is just the symptoms."
"The treatment was more harmful than just letting things run their course."
"I'd like to see this in every clinic and have it be available as a form of treatment."
"They're an [expletive] to everyone else but treat you like the king or queen that you are."
"Symptoms typically point to some problem or condition that can be addressed through mental health treatment."
"I don't know when we lost the idea that you just don't treat people differently you treat everyone the same to me that seems like a pretty good a pretty good way to live right."