
Reality Check Quotes

There are 1807 quotes

"And with that, I think we can successfully say that World of Tanks has gotten itself a reality check. But hey, that's just a theory, a Game Theory!"
"If it seems too good to be true, folks, probably is."
"When the tide goes out, that's when you see who's been swimming naked."
"It's weird how you can have this idea about somebody in your head, and then they turn out to be so much different when you actually hang out with them."
"But no one should forget that we are talking about a real conflict with real people, it's not just memes, it's real."
"You're not going to get rich overnight; the rags to riches story is one in a million."
"Remember to appreciate the shit that you have because it could just like that, you're in jail."
"Feelings of community, of comfort, but also a reality check that life is fleeting and everything can disappear in just a moment."
"Don't doubt yourself, trust your reality, and when in doubt, go get a reality check from people who actually love you and know you."
"To suggest that this system can be broken through individual will is not just optimistic, it is delusional."
"There's too many people out there that...want the lifestyle. They don't actually want to do the hard work."
"Remember, they don't build casinos with winner's money, they build casinos with loser's money."
"Survivorship bias means that... if you're only looking at the survivors, then it can look glamorous... but what's being left unsaid is that... left on the battlefield, left in the graveyards... are many more victims."
"If we're out here talking about how powerful we are as beings and how we have the power to manifest and all this kind of stuff, and we can't manifest a light bill, then we're not applying that knowledge."
"Passion without the work isn't a whole lot; it's a dream, it's a wish, it's a fantasy."
"Don't believe everything you see on social media because clearly, it doesn't always add up."
"I've been frankly alarmed by several encounters I've had with very smart people, which have revealed a mismatch between what I think is true and what many smart people believe."
"We are delusional online, and I feel like we need to kind of come back to ground zero and really remember what it is we're doing here. We're just entertaining each other."
"You are not unworthy; where is it? Show me where you're lacking something in reality."
"I'm here to tell you, it's not going to be what you want it to be."
"It really is sort of meant to shock you awake so you can realize the reality of our situation."
"It is more probable that someone is either deceiving or be deceived than the fact which he relates should have actually happened."
"Everybody has a plan until they get hit in the face."
"Something about how there are no heroes, just disappointments and disappointments to be so be careful what, or who, you idolize and remember that holds true for more than just video games."
"Did you really think everything was going to be so easy?"
"This mystical world of elite colleges and elite college admissions is not as sunshine, rainbows, and perfect academics as they market themselves to be."
"If someone still thought it wasn't serious, it is time to wake up."
"It's a brutal reality check, but it's that awareness that does allow you to move to the other side."
"Sorry, I just needed to make sure you were real."
"It's very, very helpful to every day, a few times a day, come back to solid ground. Otherwise, you get lost."
"If you're going to look at all of that and say it doesn't matter because that does not correspond to my own personal... my own personal experiences, then you're silly."
"Hate to break it to you, Gandhi, but when you're knee-deep in a war zone, it's anything but worldwide."
"But not all that glitters is gold, and with gloom on the horizon, the veneer was about to be tested."
"Being a starving artist is cool until it's not."
"Do we love ourselves enough to honor ourselves? Is this the reality check we might have needed to show that maybe we're all in this together?"
"You should always be careful what you wish for because the grass isn't always greener on the other side."
"Not Everything That Glitters turns out to be gold."
"Don't judge the book by its cover because none of these experiences were close to what the review said."
"Everybody wants it, but statistics prove that most of us are not ready for it."
"Freedom is it real or is it a slogan? It's real, okay?"
"Pain is the touchstone that makes you wake up to reality."
"Make no mistake, this proposed legislation, everything mentioned in this video, is very real."
"Does it have wings? Can it fly? No, it can't fly."
"It's all just a prank... Wake up, everybody!"
"Facts and logic are precious rarities in this crazy world."
"It's easy to list the things I wanted, but it's not easy to live it."
"Turns out that it was fake, the video is fake."
"It's [ __ ] crazy, so we'll have to see the rest of this to see truly if the other claims are [ __ ]. But, uh, yeah anyway, that's about it. See ya."
"To become a lot better, you have to first admit that you're not as good as you think you are."
"Life is not a Marvel movie; there's no big bad guy at the end of the tunnel."
"This isn't real, not yet. I don't have everything yet."
"This is actually insane, I can't even believe it's true, but just watch, it's actually real."
"You just have to recognize this is not normal."
"Trump's resurgent isn't a fantasy, it's a statistical and political reality."
"I got so many success stories like listen everybody on Instagram is capping."
"Nothing's gonna ever solve the problem. So if you're looking for that oh, this one thing is gonna solve the problem, then you're an idiot."
"Every single time I look into the positions you guys hold, they're utter fantasy."
"Everybody's entitled to their own opinion but you can't have your own facts."
"Let's see what Chef Pigster looks like in real life, oh, ew, look at his little hands!"
"Time to wake up...seriously...you can't fix stupid."
"It's a real thing that's happening and it's bad."
"You are always behind where you think you are."
"Watching that video just brings me to reality, it's cold."
"All of this sounds like a conspiracy theory... but is it?"
"Just because you want something to happen really, really, really, really badly doesn't mean it's gonna happen."
"If something seems too good to be true, it is."
"You’re going to die someday. Sorry we had to break it to you."
"Facts do actually care about your feelings, but your feelings, they don't actually care about facts."
"I'm tired of all the coverups and people being afraid to talk about extraterrestrial stuff and you know alien life like I'm I'm tired of it I want the truth."
"Accepting reality, that's really what it is."
"As bleak of an answer as this is, we have to commend your honesty."
"If something seems too good to be true, it usually is. It definitely is."
"You really cannot believe anything until it's actually signed and happened."
"If you suck at shooting and fighting today, you're gonna suck at shooting and fighting when you go home on Monday morning, just a little less."
"Perception should not be a substitute for actually making improvement."
"So ladies and gentlemen, this is a sad, frustrating reality."
"This isn't The Bachelor, this is the job interview."
"I had heard it was like no lead in it was until we had to drink wine and saw it on the thing."
"It's not a no to getting started, it's actually a no to that overnight success that maybe you had hoped."
"Please don't think that this is easy because it's really, really not."
"Let's talk about the realities of what's happening in the political space."
"It's not simple. It's not a game. It is terrifying."
"The last time I was here, everyone was saying, 'Oh, don't worry, we'll be back in two weeks,' and it's 413 days later."
"Actions speak louder than words. A woman will say actions, right? But when you talk about being [expletive], you ain't got to do nothing to be you."
"You're gonna find fraud. It's like going to the beach, you're going to find sand and seashells, right?"
"You live in a delusional world and it's up to us to be like well how do we how do we react in a world that is delusional I don't know exactly what the answer is to that I think if you just kind of remain sane that's pretty good."
"Straight up, this was the opposite of what I thought was gonna happen."
"Disappointment lies not in what you get, but what you expect to get."
"Are you delusional? Do you suffer from a mental illness?"
"Thank God Facebook is there to let us know what's real what's not even though most of the stuff on Facebook isn't real."
"But if something seems too good to be true, it probably is."
"Oh, it's real. Ready? One, two, three... Fake!"
"Just because you're passionate about something doesn't mean you won't suck at it."
"Your thoughts are not reality. You are not your thoughts, and just because you think something does not mean it's true."
"Do not expect to spend an hour and return thousands of dollars."
"This isn't a real business. This isn't a business predicated on making money drawing money selling tickets. That's what it was sold to me as." - CM Punk
"Follow the money, and you'll find out what's really happening."
"People don't think about you as much as you think they think about you."
"This is not hypothetical anymore, it's happening."
"You gotta sit back and look in the mirror like, 'Oh this [ __ ] real.'"
"If this stops spinning, we're still dreaming."
"If that's not corruption, I don't know what is. Absolute insanity."
"Sometimes I just have to take a second and remind myself that this is real, this is the thing that is actually in the game."
"Enough of this everyone can break out of the Matrix [__] because not everyone can and not everyone will."
"You’re still going to have days when things go off course. It’s a guarantee."
"Just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they ain't out to get you."
"If you're gonna target people folks, maybe target them based on reality, not based on your sick twisted fantasy."
"Can you do oil guys? Quick reality check... can we do oil paint over acrylic?"
"I can't believe it! You better believe it 'cause it's right here in black and white." - Portia
"We always say that we have this saying internally I like to repeat a lot which is you know it's never as good as it seems it's never as bad as it seems."
"This is the real deal. We're not playing with these people."
"It's exciting but it's real with you guys, it's a hundred percent real."
"Dislikes make people pay attention and yank them back down to earth."
"Here are parents who have spent 18 years grooming their kids with what they perceive as advantages, but they're not."
"Expectations should match reality in the industry."
"It's so crazy to me that to make this world run we have to do dirty dirt like dirty dirty dirt."
"He's over it, not leading to anything in real life."
"The big question here is gentlemen, is it unreal or not? Yes, I'm gonna say yes, okay, we're all on that page."
"The grass wasn't greener on the other side. Guess what? Lesson learned."
"Even affiliate marketing is not a get rich quick scheme, so just like any other online business model, it requires patience."
"The answer may shock you, you know, the answer is what we kind of don't want."
"This is not a financial thing, this is a real thing."
"Be careful when you meet your Heroes because they often turn out to be a-holes or bastards."
"The world is in a state of profound turmoil, and I don't want anyone to sugarcoat the situation because it's far from easy."
"You think you were the greatest in the world and you were at the height of everything. You're absolutely not a god and you're going to be cast down to the underworld."
"People are really getting sick... this is real."
"What actual survivor of domestic violence wants that?"
"Anyways, let's get back to the real world, Mason. [__] awful game. Genuinely terrible. Really good. No, the worst thing that's ever happened."
"It's a toxic and destructive idea that there's going to be someone who will come along and you'll just have an effortlessly good relationship."
"It's somewhere between a lack of entitlement, humility, and waking back to reality, breaking out of the neurotic hysterical mass media controlled idea of what the world is supposed to be about."
"It's not the happy thing to do but it's the real thing to do."
"People ain't the best but that nature and [__] that's about it man, you go see anything like probably within like four hours."
"Toughen up, cupcake. The world is not a nice place."
"Don't be distracted by The Matrix, we need to unplug ourselves from the Matrix."
"You are not the center of the universe. Things go on just fine if you're not there."
"When there's smoke, there's fire. Guess what? The house is burning down."
"Everyone I think people have a perception that once you're successful once you achieve a certain thing that your life will be perfect you'll never have a complaint you'll never have a down day that is not the case."
"Illusions are being shattered, and that is because of Mercury retrograde Scorpio energy."
"But if you're an X-fan or supporter and you still think he's a good guy in spite of the facts, maybe you need to take a closer look at who you are."
"When you see somebody give it a shot and then they figure out that it was a lot harder than they thought it was gonna be easy, that could be a good feeling."
"It's fine to be disappointed. It's fine to see this and be like, 'Wow, that's really not what I was hoping for.'"
"Never believe the words. Just watch what they do."
"We're living in a time where it's pretty hard to avoid or deny that things are about to get really, really bad."
"If it smells like a duck and it looks like a duck, that means it's a duck."
"Sometimes friends, the high road is under construction, and therefore we take the low road."
"This ain't that. This is a whole different reality."
"Just because you feel it doesn't mean it's true."
"Sorry, you're a scroll yep hate to break it to you, Nick."
"All the technicalities and media spin in the world are not going to fix this reality."
"This is not a world that is puttering along. The situation is not fine. This is not a matter of perspective or looking at things the right or wrong way."
"All that glitters is not gold, a lot of people have a lot of issues going on."
"It makes you realize everything you thought you knew maybe wasn't true and it makes you realize how precious the people that matter really are."
"Just because we don't question it doesn't mean it doesn't suck."
"We all want a positive outcome. We don't always want to get what we want, however."
"When you don't have to do those things, you lose reality fast."
"If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention."
"We're being catfished by garbage cans okay and we can see that they're garbage cans but then we hear that sexy voice and we're like well maybe."
"The red pill diagnoses accurately some problems that exist in society."
"If someone tells you the sky is brown and salt is sweet, do you accept it immediately?"
"I think that's a deflection and a denial tactic. That's delusion in that moment."
"Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming I'm persecuted whenever I am contradicted."
"Things never quite go the way you expect them to."
"I guess in my own head I was like well this is gonna all interconnect and it didn't need to."
"I think it just goes back to what I was saying before and that's just the problem that we can't avoid with expectations."
"Even if you stay, at least you will do so with your eyes wide open and not believing that this is going to change."
"Things never quite go the way you expect them to, do they?"
"Thoughts are not always truths, and feelings are not facts."
"It's real, it is real, it is real. I'm watching it in real time, it's right here."
"Not really sure how it can be fake news if it really happened."
"Don't ever believe a magician. No magicians are um, yeah, it's just a trick. It's not real."
"For those who seek discomfort and Chaos like I do... it is not all roses and fairy tales."
"If reality doesn't change your life, what does that say about your life?"
"Real life is not like Louis Vuitton all day and traveling and you know all this stuff you see on Instagram in social media because it's just not it's not real."
"Click off if you're not ready for the honest truth."
"I'm so frustrated and it's like what did you think was going to happen."
"You don't have to imagine; it's happened in reality."
"That empirical view will sort out what's real and what isn't."
"No one has your set of opportunities and limitations. The comparison just isn't real."
"Bad ideas can have a very long run, but eventually reality reasserts itself."
"There are no great answers here, there just aren't."
"There are no conspiracies but there are no coincidences."
"Intention without surrender can be a fast path to delusion."
"Never become so deluded and so committed to a political belief that you can't see what is in front of you."
"Players on a cricket field are cricketers not Heroes."
"Black Americans face systemic racism in a variety of areas, let's be real about that."
"No one prepares you for success, you know why? Because people don't."
"Reality bites, but we should never lower our expectations."
"Every Vegas trip is the same. You're like, 'Yeah, we're going to Vegas, we're going to make money, we're going to meet girls.' Eight hours into day one, 'Yo bro, give me the hell out of here right now.'"
"Legendary status and trophies... it's not always the case."
"Just because you believe you can do something doesn't mean you're going to be able to do it."
"Some of them will inflated claims that people make from time to time are not necessarily true."
"Reality has a way of getting in the way of people's dreams to centrally plan a society." - Austin Peterson
"It was like I had been living in a dream world and then kind of the real world hit."
"I almost feel like sometimes you have to be tested in a way whether you hit some kind of hardship some kind of setback your ass failing and all of a sudden that's your reality check."
"Stop living in fantasy and make your life better."
"Everyone feels like a main character until you get to the NBA."
"It's not what you thought you were going to hear, but it's what you need to hear."
"True objectivity comes when you see it yourself or when you do it yourself."
"What I know to be true, what I know to be false... Almost 99.99% of everything we believe will fall apart upon scrutiny."
"Things are never as pleasant as they seem on paper."