
Social Circles Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"Your boyfriend should not be your only friend."
"Changing your circle can be one of the biggest steps towards changing your life."
"We are all influencers in some way in our own spaces and circles."
"I need friends outside of my work, an environment that really calms me."
"I think if you're someone who's for relationships, go do it, but be aware that there are consequences to not picking the right people around you."
"I only surround myself with people smarter than me."
"When you get to be acknowledged in the same circle with your friends."
"Nobody should interact with chip chan... realistically the only people that can interact are chip chan's inner circle chip chan's closest friends and their support network."
"Surround yourself with people who align with your goals, even if they have different opinions."
"To surround yourself with positive, healthy, friendly, generous people."
"If you have a nickname in our group, you are in."
"Your income, like Jim Rohn said, will be your closest five friends you spend most time with."
"It's not good to be around people that are always like yes men, you know?"
"There's always gonna be better people out there who can be around you. So if you're around very crappy people and there's better people out there, find the better people."
"If you can't find your circle of friends, you're the person to start that group."
"Many of these celebrities are in the same circles, they know the same people, they know the same surgeons."
"Friend groups are forming, they want to impress each other."
"Keep your circle small, keep your crew small, keep your nakama amongst the people that you have."
"It's all about your circle guys. If you don't have the right people around you, it's impossible to elevate."
"When you get older, you will have fewer friends, but those friends will be quality friends."
"I have two other boys at school at the time who were gay... but all my other friends were having their first kiss."
"A man's circle is always an indication of his level."
"Not everybody in your corner needs to be in your circle."
"Everybody can't go, in order to elevate you gotta separate."
"You're as good as the people you surround yourself with."
"There's no such thing as peer pressure when you have many friends in many places."
"Your friends friends are not always your friends."
"One of the most important emotional development skills for men is to be very careful who you surround yourself with."
"Change your circle. Get around people who are going in the direction you want to go."
"It is better to have fewer loyal, really, really close supportive friends than knowing a hundred people who don't really care about you that much."
"It's cool that all your friends in the mob are so that you don't talk about them."
"The company you keep are the people that influence you."
"If I can't celebrate the victories I have around you, I don't want you around me."
"People you're gonna take out of your life, people like that, you've got to really start looking for the people you want to keep around you."
"You can play life like an RPG... and people who are interested in playing that game with me are my company."
"Surround yourself with people that give you good energy."
"Are you gonna be hanging around with snickle doodle dandy we don't want those snicker frits no and you know what i did scorpio hanging out with anybody that's a dandy or a [ __ ] doodle not up in here sorry not up not gonna happen."
"You gotta like nice things when you grow up."
"When you're 30, you usually have your set group of friends. I'm all set. I don't need anymore. You don't need more friends, yeah. Actually, everybody, yeah. Get less friends as a matter of fact."
"In our circle, there's always gonna be someone outside that's just in their own lane."
"Get around the people that represent the new identity of you."
"Forgiveness, yeah. I don't know too many. That's why my circle's so small, man."
"It's important to keep people around you that are good."
"Don't let nobody talk a good game uh right now because you're in a relationship with them or you connected with them or you're trying to relate in good favor or you might be this individual right now so be careful."
"If you are around people that make more money, you have the ability to see what options really are."
"Surround yourself with positive people and eliminate energy vampires."
"You just have like a lot of friends when you're in high school in college and then it starts whittling down to the people in your life who are like no these are yeah like I don't have time like I don't have time to have well he had 12 best friends."
"These guys are not your friends, and if you're allowing people like this in your circle, then it says a lot about the people that you choose to allow in your inner circle."
"I don't fuck with nobody that I don't know. My circle is very small."
"My friends are pretty talented, so many pockets."
"My circle is so small it's like not even a circle."
"By the company you keep, I can tell what life you lead. If your circle right now in this season of your life is not filled with people who are a reflection of who you say you are, then it's time to make a change."
"So it's all about your circle your circle is important so maybe it's time but if those friends from your past don't align with what you're trying to do now you got to cut them off."
"You have got to surround yourself with gallon-sized people."
"Life is too short to surround yourself with unhealthy people. It does matter."
"You are the average of the five people that you hang out around with."
"You've got to start putting the right people around you who is in your inner circle here's what it has to be it has to be the kind of person that if you broke up with your significant other wouldn't try to go hook up with them."
"Too many squares in my circle, you out of shape like a oval."
"Intelligent people tend to have fewer friends and are happier with having less frequent contact."
"Be very cautious of who you choose to be in your circle."
"You become the sum or the average of your five closest friends."
"Jupiter in the 11th house... can give you everything."
"Your success is based on who you surround yourself with."
"How many best friends do y'all got?"
"I feel like James does everyone. I mean, also all the Toronto gays know each other, like, of course. So, yeah, that's so funny."
"The best measure of success is the clique you run with."
"We're not talking about your circle gets smaller, that's not only a good thing, it's the only place for it to go."
"There's a lot of karmic implications when it comes to your friendships and your social circles."
"You become who you hang out with."
"Every time I'm with this person, I feel almost bad because why do I get to suddenly go to these cool things and meet these cool people?"
"I'm nowhere near famous enough to hang out and with the likes of those folks."
"People are the average of the five people they spend the most time with."
"You are the sum of the five people that you spend the most time with."
"If you really want to understand somebody, take a look at the company they keep."
"I ran through my life, I don't know everybody, but I know everybody."
"You will have better friends, some of you may not have the best of friends in your life."
"if I feel comfortable around your friends and they feel like they could be my friends"
"Galain Maxwell had no trouble at all navigating some of the most prestigious Social Circles in the country."
"I think it's important to note, like, find your people, that you need to go to."
"The quality of your life is always going to be in direct proportion to the quality of the people who you allow into your life and who you consistently spend your time with."
"I put him in my Christmas law too, and he went to school and a lot of them was like damn Tristan I know that was your cousin for real."
"You don't have to have a whole bunch of close friends. You can have different levels."
"The reason why we're having a winter solstice party is because we want to be really intentional with the people that we allow into our lives for this upcoming season."
"You will start meeting people that you would never have access to before."
"I just love how there isn't a really big threshold to becoming someone's friend and how it's also really easy to connect different friend groups with each other."
"Concentrate on the people in your immediate bubble."
"When you walk into every nightclub or every nice restaurant in the city, someone should know you there."
"You rather be alone than around the wrong people."
"If you can't move your environment, find those little pockets, those meetup groups or whatever it is that you enjoy doing."
"We become the average of the five closest people that we surround ourselves with."
"Life is precious and you gotta pick your circles."
"Your circle gets smaller as you mature in like a good way. Like you kind of start to weed out, like you kind of just like have less time for the bullshit of entertaining so many people."
"I didn't know anyone that didn't like him."
"If the pack that you're rolling with is destructive, it's going to destroy you."
"If you're with five guys who are absolutely killing it, you'll become the sixth."
"The more notoriety I got, it seemed like I had less friends."
"As soon as Sasha entered the Social Circles of the capital, she became the queen of society."
"Keep believing, keep isolating, keep being in solitude if it's not the right crowd."
"Birds of a feather flock together. You don't ever see an eagle walking around with turkeys."
"You are who you hang out with and you are a product of your environment."
"The older you get, the less friends you probably need to have."
"You gotta pick your friends carefully, cuz bad vibes, that's what it is. You know, you gotta pick your friends carefully."
"Thoroughbreds run around with other thoroughbreds, they don't hang out with donkeys."
"I don't like the friends that she hangs out with."
"Change your environment, change your circle of friends."
"When seasons change, so will your circle."
"If your circle's not working, then you need to find another circle."
"I'm not even looking for that. I don't even want to be friends with half of these rappers right now."
"Be careful who you keep in your company."
"You'll always look like who you hang with."
"When you're not anchored to one particular social circle or routine, you're more likely to step out of your comfort zone and discover new interests."
"I've been to all the parties, right? It's a certain type of woman that even knows how to get into those environments."
"My circle just gets smaller and smaller."
"Watch out for people that won't come to your party."
"In our world, there are gradations of friendship: you have your personal friends, your close personal friends, then your personal friends, then you have your social friends."
"I'm definitely becoming more one of those people who's like, 'Okay, I got my circles of friends.'"
"Your whole life getting better, you get out of certain friends."
"We're not the type of friends who are on the phone every day... but we've toured together, we work together, we run in the same circles."
"Your circle gets small, which is a good thing as you get older."
"You really do become who you hang out with."
"The truth is that on average your friends are going to be average as well."
"The smarter you get, the less of those people are actually around you."
"Being particular about your groups of friends is probably one of the most important social things that you can do as you get older."
"You should be thinking how can I put myself around people who are worth being around."
"Take some time today to think about who's in your circles and corners and if that's where they belong."
"It's all about what you're kind of into, and that's what your friend group will come from."
"The best people have small circles."
"She has a great friend group and I never had that."
"Choose which circles you'd like to be in, make a list."
"You can create a Utopia within your circle."
"You're who you hang around with, which is true."
"The people we hang out with very much shape us, for better or for worse."
"It's nice to have friends from different groups."
"I don't think I even know 150 people."
"Your circle of friends, the people you're acquainted with, are what drives you into gameplay more often than not."
"Lean into those odd friendships; it doesn't matter that you don't have a big group."