
Self-image Quotes

There are 3521 quotes

"Many people think they're ugly when they actually aren't; they just have bad fashion."
"You are a magnetic energy. See yourself as being attractive, worthy, and energetically compelling."
"Jen Z has put such an emphasis and importance on self-image to the point where it's literally making them miserable."
"You'll never rise any higher than the way you see yourself."
"If I am what I eat, I want to be noble. I want to be of the highest degree."
"Authenticity...by definition striving for some idealized self-image is incompatible with being authentically who one is."
"I never imagined myself to look exactly how I do now because the way my mother always made me feel like I was handsome and really smart, no matter what."
"We have to start romanticizing our life. You have to start thinking of yourself as the main character."
"Your self-image is made up of your judgments; it's not the real you."
"Any girl can be glamorous. All you have to do is stand still and look stupid."
"The more time we spend among people who aren't using clothing to cover up what they perceive as their own flaws, the more we realize that bodies come in all shapes and sizes."
"The words that we say are powerful. They are powerful in the way our kids think about who they are."
"Mute the people that don't make you happy. If you see someone who makes you feel insecure or post things that just make you not like yourself, put them on mute."
"The secret to being a hot girl: deciding that you are one."
"This world teaches you immediately how to be unhappy with yourself, how to compare yourself, how to be ungrateful for the things you have."
"Because I'm healthy, I have a great relationship with food, and I know I can make myself look good, so clearly there are no reasons I have to change myself or how I look to fit into society’s standard of what a normal body should look like."
"The more that you use an app like FaceTune, the more that you tweak your face or tweak your body, the worse it's going to get."
"As soon as you go to the gym, you can feel like you're the type of person who doesn't miss workouts."
"By disneyfying ourselves, we become exactly what we need to be to become happy."
"[She] has created this idealistic perfect version of herself in her own mind that she loves to be and bases her self-worth on the approval of others."
"Self-image is our own conception of the sort of person I am."
"This mental picture we have of ourselves turns out to be a kind of life governing device."
"If you don't have a reputation with yourself, you don't have self-confidence."
"You know the message you’re sending out with those sweatpants? You’re telling the world, I give up, I can’t compete in a normal society, I’m miserable so I might as well be comfortable."
"See yourself as a symbol of divinity, the divine masculine or feminine or both, and allow yourself to accept new opportunities and new people in your life that can see this power."
"Compliments allow you to update and up level your self-image."
"Your self-image is central to everything you think, everything you do, and everything you feel."
"Your income will always be at whatever level your self-image is."
"It's cool to see something of myself represented in a character who wasn't a monster or a freak."
"I was supposed to come out of my mother as a monster...I came out damn near perfect."
"We can use this tool to work directly on our subconscious and to start shaping and working with our self-image."
"Self-image is very important because feeling good about yourself is prosperity."
"Proportion in clothing is to accentuate the things you want and hide the things you don't."
"Image not ego. Image and ego are two different things."
"When you actually start to change your self-image, you start to create lasting changes that are sustainable."
"The key to lasting, massive change is working on your subconscious and self-image."
"Self-image is such a transformative idea, it has the potential to completely transform the quality of your life."
"Understanding and utilizing the concept of self-image can lead to ridiculous levels of transformation."
"The self-image is a subconscious framework for how you see life and yourself."
"The good, the bad, and judge accordingly, and as a piece of fan of myself, an because I have a business suit, I shall represent the fandom today."
"Your self-image profoundly influences your life experiences and outcomes."
"Your self-image is a story in your head of who you think you are, but it's not real."
"My shiny teeth can twinkle, just like the stars in space."
"We aren't born with insecurities; we are taught, we are told, and we are sold to be insecure."
"As a kid, I was obsessed with perfectionism... I wanted people to seem to like me for something."
"I bought it new. New, yeah. Wow, that could have fooled me. And I'm feeling sexy."
"I don't just want to look female; I want to be beautiful, desperately."
"Putting myself out there. Like, I had a photo shoot done, and a lot of these pictures are actually being used for my album, and they're like, I look hot. Like, I had no idea that I could actually look good like that."
"When I look good on the outside, I feel good on the inside, and I just reflect better vibes off."
"The whole purpose of all of this is to help people look as young as they feel and bring that confidence and vibrance back to the surface."
"Durability, naturalness, don't look like you've had anything done, and to look like yourself."
"I think there's unrealistic standards going around and I think it's partially because of social media."
"I'm not the pretty hopeless princess in distress; I'm pretty powerful and ready for success."
"The world is a reflection of you. If you view yourself as someone who's susceptible to money getting stolen from them, then that's exactly what your worldview becomes."
"She'll look better obviously, so it's going to help her self-image. She's going to be able to eat better."
"The whole concept of 'I'm sweet and feminine and pretty but also will beat your ass if you break my heart' is how I aim to live my life thus far."
"Instead of making it about the way you look, make it about the way you feel and your strength."
"I was always the fat, dumpy caterpillar... now I get to be the beautiful butterfly."
"The beauty industry kind of teaches you to completely hate yourself, and honestly, it works."
"Why do I feel like I need to be completely hairless in order to be desirable not only in person but even in the minds of others?"
"Mirrors were made to just show us our reflection, not to be a weapon of self-destruction."
"The idealised vision of yourself on an autumnal campus with a clothbound copy of a classic novel in your hands has a uniquely heady appeal."
"It's impossible to maintain a curated image in real life purged of inconsistencies and flaws. We are people, not Pinterest boards."
"I intended on being the best-looking person in this region, and now I'm worried I have competition."
"We need to put that mind and put your self-image where you want to be and see yourself how you want to be, and that's when things will follow."
"It would be like, I would be like the boss baby."
"Social media can be quite narcissistic... It's like we've become so consumed with how we look online."
"The way that you view yourself is always the most important view of yourself."
"Narcissists typically have a fragile self-image and are highly sensitive to criticism."
"Physically manipulate our bodies and alter them is to say I don't want to be in your image; I want to be in my own image."
"Look at these little noodle arms. How can you look at that and go, 'Well, he's gonna punch me in the face and it's gonna hurt?'"
"And daddy, why are you so ugly? What do you mean why am I so ugly? I'm scary. I'm a withered skeleton."
"You try to be cool, you look like a fool to me."
"I've always had a bad habit of telling lies, and I wanted to be the heroine of a tragedy. Something beautiful, something fleeting."
"It's not your responsibility to try to change the version that somebody has of you in their head."
"Sometimes, you know, we're not all blessed. Just got to let it go, man. Don't be like Kevin Durant, just go bald, man. Just let that shit go."
"If you're bored and you don't have a beard, then you're kind of just screwed. You just look like a baby."
"Sometimes Evelyn thinks that the difference between an actress and a star is that a star feels comfortable being the very thing that the world wants her to be."
"As you get closer this Alpha this giant this this lion you know this god-like figure per se starts to grow and grow and grow and grow"
"Feeling empowered and sexy and beautiful and strong."
"Flynn looked at herself in the mirror with astonishment, although her facial features hadn't changed, her whole Persona had clearly been elevated."
"People should look at me as a symbol of strength."
"I'm feeling amazing. I'm more lit than I was before. I like being bald man."
"Bro, anything is better than that Vegeta [__] I had going on."
"When girls have pictures of themselves as a lock screen, something's wrong."
"Uppermost in her mind was her image convinced that she was on the cusp of international celebrity."
"If you're a 5'4" virgin and you don't feel like you're a good person, and you don't feel like anyone will ever treat you well, you will actually pay money to someone to reinforce that idea with you."
"To be born again means to change from a negative to a positive self-image."
"Your Biscuits has changed the way I look at myself."
"Older women running around trying to look like teenagers... who do they think they're kidding?"
"I got a scary face. I'm holding, I'm wrinkled. But uh, good point there about that because it does seem very... it just seems very gray."
"I don't think I'm this giant controversial character that people are portraying us to be."
"I feel like I'm superman, spider-man, batman. I'm a superhero."
"I feel sexier and more confident in my own body than ever before."
"You will always follow through on who you believe you are."
"Trashy living versus classic living—which version of yourself do you want to be?"
"You can look sexy at any age but there is a difference between looking sexy and looking trashy."
"I've always been very focused on my looks because I don't think I'm good at anything else."
"I feel like a completely different person once I have brows on, okay?"
"In order to achieve your greatness, you've got to be willing to look ridiculous."
"More powerful than that is our self-image and our identity, and that's why people will self-sabotage."
"It is easy to just brush me off as a redneck, you know, in Tennessee."
"The core of who I am hasn't changed. I have a beautiful silk dress on, but I do have sweatpants underneath."
"If I've been honest with you guys, I feel like a bum today. Like, I feel so ugly today."
"Sarah's body is like the movie powder. It's like everything I'm working with was donated."
"I might seem intimidating, but deep down I am a nice soft person."
"He sees himself as above all of those he interacts with."
"When we try to look younger, we end up looking clownish and foolish. When we try to look modern, we actually look a little younger."
"I am a man of high standards and reputation with myself."
"I think they're pretty much all insecure losers."
"We have to stop categorizing ourselves as less-than and greater-than."
"Regardless of whether or not they are going the length to say you should be ashamed and feel guilty for not matching the standard you are putting out there."
"Photoshopping your appearance or asking someone else to do it is never a good idea."
"Physically if you got your full hairline, you got a lot of hair, you got a beard or you got a nice ass like, you know you used to play football or something."
"I don't think that you're ever going to be able to wear enough makeup to fundamentally change your face."
"This idea that you can look at yourself and just see everything you're hoping that you would see as you see on social media is so dangerous."
"The word simp is wielded as an insult against someone who's seen as humiliating himself for female attention."
"Pretending to look in a way that you don't actually look is now empowering."
"We teach girls to shrink themselves, to make themselves smaller."
"I feel flawless, the colors after it's taken time to kind of settle in."
"As you start to see yourself becoming the person that takes action, you build the skill of confidence and courage."
"Focus on your values, not just on looking good in front of others."
"I ain't never claimed to be tough... I'm the baddest [ __ ] alive, like Michael Jackson bad."
"Live your life the way you want to live. I don't need anybody to tell me I'm a man or not. But if someone wants to call me a lady, I'm like, dude, I'm an ugly lady. You go right ahead."
"10 minutes ago they were like no take your fat ass home."
"Everyone has the radiance and the radiance, the way I describe it at the project I said imagine this beautiful glowing orb."
"I've got status now when I meet a girl like that."
"Is there any part of you that when someone says, 'Yo Bert looking skinny,' where you're like, 'Yes, but also don't know where I live?'"
"No problem child, why'd they call you that? 'Cause I'm a problem for people in the ring."
"Something nice instead, I want you to go for like hot dad, hot dad look because that's what you are now, okay."
"I am the good guy here, and everyone's dying all of a sudden."
"Sending nudes is not empowering, it's degrading."
"I feel like the most unbowed superhero like I'm right like I could go take on the road but like I'm gonna get laughed at."
"I look taller at this angle, and I'm so happy that for the first time on the internet, I look tall."
"You got them big boy draws on, right there. Some of y'all need to take them panties off."
"I think the biggest struggle besides relationships with me is personal image like self-image and just insecurity."
"You are what you eat because I don't remember eating a sexy beast."
"Fashion should enhance life and how you feel about yourself, not detract what others think."
"Take your skincare seriously but don't take yourself seriously."
"He was very vain and considered himself as a fashion icon."
"Ridicule and harsh comments from others can lead people to consider getting some you know alterations to their body to better conform to the ideal."
"I just wanted to look like my best self at 68."
"In a way, we were kind of like young deities."
"We're given these windows into this world that makes us think that we are failures on one part and also participating in another."
"You are a beautiful, charismatic hero type person that people admire."
"Yo, do we look cool? We look very, let's say, interesting."
"It really comes down to intentions and how this way of eating makes you feel about your body, food, and your self-worth."
"Feeling good in the clothes that you wear is such an important part of having a positive self-image."
"This was me last year in September, this is where I looked the best I've ever."
"You're not ugly, you're just broke. It's just really comforting, I think."
"You are not just one mere flip away from being attractive."
"You gotta be beautiful with that being said."
"I would rather be called a narcissist a pain in the ass arrogant strange or whatever anyone else wants to waste their time thinking of just don't call me a murderer which I am not."
"I don't see myself like that. I literally see myself as someone that's like irrelevant, like a past, like no one likes, like you know what I mean?"
"I'm still a samurai warrior. I don't feel like the old guy that you just need me on the team for. They don't want it with me."
"I just didn't feel pretty and like I just didn't feel beautiful, even though I loved myself."
"Mirror, mirror on the floor, give me a more manly jaw."
"I feel like it would be so great to have a way that you can be weighing yourself if you want to but not feel bad about yourself doing it."
"Make myself look big? Apparently I've been overeating my entire life."
"Visualize yourself as the powerful superhero that you are."
"For all those years, nothing ever changed except how big my ass cheeks got."
"Personally, I can't wait to be MILF passing."
"Just because you're a mom doesn't mean that you can't be sexy anymore. You don't have to... you know, you're not a granny. Like I'm 31, I'm still young, so in my prime."
"Do I look better with my shaved head than I did when I had hair? I like it better."
"Through learning how to do makeup, I've also been able to feel beautiful and comfortable with no makeup on, which is amazing."
"I was a hard footballer and you know I was a tough scrapper as a kid and it almost like I felt as though I was always having to do something to prove who I was and to prove the next thing and impress someone."
"Be a superhero, be a genius, be a charming handsome billionaire playboy philanthropist comedian, be a pretty cool guy. Oh wait, I'm already all of this!"
"Everything falls back to how it makes a man feel about himself... very egocentric."
"What would you want your spirit to look like?"
"We're like the modern-day knights templar, ready to mobilize."
"I feel really gross, I feel like I'm really ugly."
"Your flaw is not supposed to be your identity."
"I remember being such a badass when this game ended."
"We're gonna be super popular and super weird all at the same time."
"All she does is imitate me... her imitations are an insult to her as well as to myself." - Marilyn Monroe
"I'm an okay astronaut at best and kind of a ridiculous pirate, but together I've become something even better: the legendary Star-Lord!"
"I'm feeling like a champion, I woke up this morning dueling like a king."
"You aren't attractive enough for online dating yet so it's pointless unless you like dating land whales."
"Can you guys add like the disney people tell me i look like a young kurt cobain played by an average looking sketch comedian"
"She's sitting there like, 'I haven't showered in two weeks' and thought it was cool."
"Vanity is released giving a [ __ ] about what other people think."
"Do comments online about your body make you insecure?"
"During this time, you're definitely transforming what you believe about yourself."
"I prefer my face without makeup. There's certain lighting and certain angles that make my face look like this."
"Declutter the imaginary self associated with those items."
"I don't want to just stay like the front because I'll be like an excommunicated loser."
"When I look at this just by itself I'm like yeah that looks good but then when I look in the mirror in front of me I'm like [ __ ] man this looks like a really nice little primed canvas."
"This body is just a vessel, it's a temple that's carrying you through life."
"Being attractive is... a combination of everything about you."
"Just being nude by yourself can affect how you see your body and how healing it can be."
"It's always better to wake up in the morning and like what you see in the mirror."
"Your reflection is divine and that is what is being reflected at you."
"I'm not missing some damn lashes but I think I still relatively with the same way I look 10 day."
"Social media often portrays perfect lives, and it can make you feel really bad about your own life."
"Sam Keith, one of the most self-deprecating, defacing, and insecure professional artists."
"The secret to confidence is don't have a mirror in your house."
"I'm a nice guy, I'm helping out the community."
"It's illegal to be this cool is not a crime."
"I'm trying to be badass for my goddamn community."