
Sun Exposure Quotes

There are 167 quotes

"Optimizing sun exposure may be a possible public health intervention."
"Ninety percent of premature aging within the skin comes from sun exposure alone."
"Sunscreen is so important because ninety percent of premature aging within the skin comes from sun exposure alone."
"UVA creates aging within the skin, and 90 percent of premature aging in the skin is due to sun exposure alone."
"Regular exposure to sun is extremely beneficial to looking younger."
"Every time that you get a tan, you actually have DNA damage."
"It's like I just got back from vacation, like I got nice and bronzed by the sun."
"The Sun is your best friend. Don't get a sunburn, right, but please get a healthy tan as often as you can."
"The Sun is probably more beneficial than Vitamin D."
"Any part of your body in the Sun is going to be good for you. I think that's one of the most underutilized medications we have."
"Healthy sun exposure is really, really beneficial."
"Sunscreen protects people from harmful UV rays."
"If this relationship was causal, it suggests that optimizing sun exposure may be a possible Public Health intervention."
"Remember, anytime you tan, you're basically saying, 'I'm gonna lay out and age my skin today.'"
"Sun exposure has been a way; then there's the other group where somehow like their mom told them hey you know what be careful son can do this and that to your skin be aware of it."
"Reasonable sun exposure overall, just in general getting it out in the sun is a healthy practice."
"The fastest is through your butthole and people are sunning their body."
"Being burned, yeah, we've been outside like all day today so I kinda got some sun."
"Too much sun is terrible, no sun at all is not good for you either."
"You can't absorb that vitamin they're telling you if you go in the Sun... if you don't go in the Sun you're gonna get wrinkles."
"Sun exposure in the morning is great to literally have energy flow into your body and make you feel good, energetic, and motivated."
"I always say, 'You are beautiful, you're perfect.' Like, who wants a replica? Who wants a knockoff of something else? You always want the original."
"That's the only thing that has to happen, we get a disease the [ __ ] mosquitoes bite us or cause complications of [ __ ] sun like God."
"Hydration keeps your skin like the easiest way to explain it is that when your cells are hydrated they communicate with each other better."
"Sun exposure accounts for up to 90% of all skin aging."
"Prime Minister's week from July 10th to July 17th is going to be very, very interesting."
"We're human beings and the Sun is the Sun. How can it be bad for you? I don't think there's anything natural that can be bad for you."
"You really have to be diligent about protecting your skin from the Sun."
"Sun exposure and vitamin D during the day... turn off melatonin so it can recharge."
"This is to make you understand, take the [__] sun, take it seriously, respect the sun, enjoy the sun, don't abuse the sun."
"Sun exposure may actually help lead to weight loss through correcting vitamin D mechanisms."
"Boy is it good to be back after roasting in the Florida Sun for a week straight while trying my best to stay as disconnected."
"Isolate a particular thing... something like 90 percent across our species of our vitamin D synthesis happens from exposure to the sun."
"The sun beats down on the quarter of a million people."
"When a tire is not in use, it is critical that they are covered from the sun or the sun will dry out the tire."
"If you have fair skin and you're going out in the sun a lot, then you can increase your risk for DNA damage and skin cancer."
"Be mindful of your sun exposure when you're spending time outdoors."
"Be really mindful of how much sun exposure you're getting."
"The sun isn't bad for you. People are anxious, they're depressed. I'm telling you, it's lack of vitamin D."
"She literally said that the sun is protecting you from cancer. We're on different planets."
"Sun exposure is 80% of your skin aging, so really it isn't about your genes, it's about things that are under your control."
"The higher your chronic sun exposure, the lower your all-cause mortality and risk of cancers was."
"We protect the RV from the Sun better than we protect our own skin."
"Our bodies really do react to the Sun."
"It's the reason I started my channel... I was like, 'Oh my god what have I done to my skin by roasting it in the sun for the last 45 years?'"
"The bottom line here is that if your hair has changed color from sun exposure, you've gotten enough to do damage."
"Prevention is key. You don't want to have to treat something that was caused by the sun if you can stop it altogether by avoiding the sun."
"When you're thinking through your garden design or even if it's just your outdoor patio where you're adding pots, really make sure to watch your sun exposure and how the sun arcs over the space throughout the day."
"I never thought in my life that I would say I'm tired of the Sun."
"Even though you feel like you shouldn't be doing anything, the sun just like exhausts you."
"I always get the comment that my body is tanner than my face."
"Why? Because you've been out in the sun so your face is like evenly tanned and you look so cute like a beautiful mermaid. Thank you, thank you. Am I a merid or B mid? A fi mermaid."
"So I wanted to show you this one it is a succulent as well and it thrives in really good sun and the windowsill here facing south."
"Numbers bounce around and if you don't go into the Sun no matter where you are you're not going to change anything."
"I'm literally just doing it for the sun exposure too... gotta do it for the skin..."
"I had a splendid skin from the Sun and the excitement like a rose."
"You get all the vitamin D you need within about five minutes of sun exposure a day. It doesn't take much."
"You want to pick up a good rash guard. You're gonna be out in the sun for a long time and you want sun protection on your skin."
"The sun here is super intense we are on the equator so you got to be really careful i mean you're going to get burned very easily."
"Too much sun can turn a plum into an old prune."
"That's how we were designed to live, at least how we're designed to eat and be in the Sun and be outside."
"A tan is a sign of ultraviolet exposure and indicates that the skin is being damaged."
"I think the scarring is fading just because I'm getting a little bit more sun."
"The sun causes over 90% of aging."
"There is no downside to obtaining sensible sun exposure."
"Do not be deceived by the sun; the rays are very dangerous, so you want to make sure that you are wearing your sunscreen."
"There is such thing as a healthy level of sun exposure for humans."
"This is quite important if you are out and about traveling and adventuring in the hot sun."
"It's really important for us to stay out of the sun, stay hydrated."
"The UV index is a forecast of the expected risk of overexposure to UV rays from the sun."
"The higher the UV index, the stronger the amount of UV rays reaching the earth and the greater the risk of extreme sun damage and sunburn."
"If your shadow is shorter than you are, that means the rays are more intense."
"Your yard is full of microclimates based on where the sun moves across your property."
"Whenever I'm on vacation, whenever I'm in the sun, my skin is clear, it looks good."
"Once I figured out what the sun was going to do to me, I stopped."
"The sun is bad. Sun will age you."
"Eighty percent of the visible signs of aging on your skin are from accumulated sun damage and exposure."
"We're throwing shade on sun exposure myths."
"I don't look like I'm gonna be 53 next month, but I like to think my face isn't all wrinkled up because I pretty much stayed out of the sun."
"Don't be afraid of the sun. Make sure you cover it up, get some sunscreen on, enjoy the planet while it's here."
"It's kind of a mean trick, like this catch 22, where you're supposed to get some sun exposure but if you get too much you're at risk of skin cancer."
"The sun is very intense and you can and will get sunburned if you are not careful."
"80% of the visible signs of skin aging are caused by sunlight."
"Only two people go out in the midday sun: madmen and Englishmen."
"Natural Sun, you cannot beat natural Sun."
"Go out in the sun and get a tan... getting a sun in your skin every day actually increases the amount of vitamin D in your skin which is very good for skin health."
"Just get out in the sun, do it in a safe way, and there is a way to naturally build up your solar protection on your own skin."
"Having safe sun exposure actually helps with anti-aging."
"Being exposed to the sun does increase your mitochondria."
"I'm very particular about my scar getting any sun."
"Most of the mutations can be linked to sun exposure, which can predispose you or increase your risk for melanoma."
"Make sure you bring some sunscreen, the sun here is relentless."
"We have a delicate balance with the Sun."
"Be careful in the sun, melanoma is so scary."
"Treasure the sun on as much of your body as you can get, don't get burned."
"What kind of harsh planet is Earth that your own Sun injures you?"
"It becomes obvious that the Dow's Somali crew is in need of assistance as the scorching Sun burns off the fog patch."
"Make sure you wear your sunscreen because the sun here is no joke."
"There are so many benefits to sun exposure that the more you're blocking this sun effect, the more you're undoing a really health boost."
"Always avoid exposure to the Sun; wear sunscreen and protective clothing anytime you are outdoors."
"The seasons are driven by sun exposure which influences precipitation patterns all over the world."
"It's moisturizing because, you know me personally, and I'm sure a lot of you too, are in the sun a lot more during the summer."
"My skin feels so hydrated; it was pretty dry after the Bahamas from just being in the sun."
"I would willingly follow your advice and not go in the sun if I could help it."
"If your freckles get darker, if your skin gets darker, it's a sign that you're getting too much UV radiation."
"The bottom line is food supplements and incidental protected sun exposure will give you all the Vitamin D you need."
"25 minutes of full body sun exposure during the middle part of the day significantly increases testosterone levels in men."
"They are much more susceptible to things like sunburn."
"The majority of skin aging is related to sun exposure."
"The tongue has got some melanistic elements in it because on most occasions it's usually exposed to the sun."
"Just be careful not to spend too much time in the sun."
"The move indoors is what hurt us; it is not just being exposed to the sun."
"Sun damage is the worst damage you can do to your skin."
"The sun really is like the best thing for your body."
"Excessive exposure to UVA and UVB light from the sun or sunbeds can potentially lead to melanoma."
"We live in Southern California and we are in the Sun all the time, so I have to really make sure I'm hydrating my skin."
"Go enjoy the sun all you want, right, for its mental benefits, but wear your sunscreen and get your vitamin D from a pill form."
"Darker skin... can stay longer in the sun naturally without having a sunburn."
"I have been trying to get outside every day and really expose a bunch of my skin to the sun."
"Sun exposure is cumulative so every little bit adds up and it's a good practice."
"It's absolutely no secret at all that the Sun is not good for tattoos."
"Do not stare at me because I am dark, because I am darkened by the sun."
"Being exposed to the sun can speed up aging, give you lines, worsen dark spots if you have acne-prone skin."
"Wavelengths of UVB are those that are responsible for sunburn and for burning our skin and also cause direct DNA damage and are responsible for skin cancers."
"Sun exposure is simply not a safe way to get vitamin D."
"Please make sure you hydrate yourself because it's easy to dehydrate, especially in this sun."
"The number one cause of aging in our faces is exposure to the sun."
"I don't want to get a Sun Tan; it's very dangerous for the skin."
"While I am happy to age, I obviously don't want the alternative; I would prefer not to accelerate my skin's aging by baking in the sun."
"A little sun won't hurt you was the most damnable lie ever told in the history of mankind."
"Always get your skin checked, especially if you are in the Sun or use tanning beds."