
Game Theory Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Game Theory really got its start with my love of Mythbusters. I wanted to create a show where I could put to the test all the things that I was seeing in video games here in real life."
"And with that, I think we can successfully say that World of Tanks has gotten itself a reality check. But hey, that's just a theory, a Game Theory!"
"Small things add up to one big thing. That's how League of Legends works, in my opinion."
"It is a situation where the outcome does not depend on what you do, but it depends on what others do, and what you think that they think that you think that they will do."
"The game always favors its creator. No matter what game you're playing, the house always wins."
"This is where the game is set up! This is where the rules are written and once you write the rules, you gotta follow the rules."
"Some of the moves that Alphago made... were truly surprising; people were using the word 'creative', 'inventive moves' because some of the moves defied well-established rules that human players typically respect."
"You've watched every PewDiePie video, every Game Theory about Mario or Nintendo or whatever. That's something I've always wanted to do."
"John Nash is a famous American mathematician who became famous for his work around game theory."
"There's a wonderful man by the name of James Carr C, who wrote this wonderful little book called finite and infinite games, and in it, he defines these two types of games: finite games and infinite games."
"An infinite game is defined by known and unknown players, the rules are changeable, and the objective is to perpetuate the game, to keep the game in play."
"When you pit a finite player versus an infinite player, because finite players are playing to win and infinite players are playing to keep playing, they'll make very different strategic choices as a result."
"We are surrounded every day of our lives by infinite games; we are all unwitting players in these infinite games."
"It's not about a money mindset; it's about mastering the game. Money is a game."
"You never really want to go behind by two games in a best-of-seven."
"To me, the most important thing about the game of life is that it focused for me what it meant to have free will or not."
"Every time you move something in chess, you've got to think: what does it do and what does it not do?"
"Chess mirrors life. You're supposed to put pawns in the center, knight and bishop, and castle, right?"
"In chess, the two most important things are material and king safety."
"Isn't that fascinating? You don't take the pawn because if the king gets to the corner, it's the wrong color corner to draw."
"Matt Pat released his final game theory, closing a chapter on YouTube history."
"The Monty Hall problem...switching doors is good if you initially chose a goat, which happens nine-tenths of the time."
"You need to learn the rules of the game most people are losing in the game of money because they don't understand how the game of money works."
"How can that possibly work if you're going to bring people together and they're going to be and they're going to exist together in harmony they have to be playing a game that everyone plays that everyone knows the rules for."
"Using a simple equation, Shannon established a lower limit to the number of possible chess games, determining that after only five moves, there are approximately 70 trillion possible games of chess that can be played."
"Radiant and Dire are two parts of a celestial consciousness, which is basically the left half of the brain and the right half of the brain, but they hate each other."
"If you want to be great at poker, you have to be able to read people. You have to look across the table and know whether someone is weak."
"Maybe 95%, I know it's subjective measurement of Nash's fame is due to game theory and his work on the so-called Nash equilibria."
"A strategic situation is a setting where the outcomes that affect you depend not just on your own actions, but on the actions of others."
"The lesson is--comes from this game--that a great way to analyze games is the ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes."
"Game Theory is a method of studying strategic situations."
"Your life doesn't change from two million to three million... it's a game, and you want to level up."
"It was very brave for Alex Foxen to sort of be the first guy to say like look at this hand."
"Good things happen when you centralize your pieces and make it a priority to play through the center."
"This all stemmed from Andrew Ryan's views of how he could not interfere with virtually anything and that the market would sort itself out."
"If you want to change the world, you have to play a different game than the game the world is playing."
"So, what does this mean? That the pokerus is inviable? That it's not a virus and it couldn't exist? Oh, absolutely not."
"The new maker theory: based on the real-life story of Candice TRL Moore."
"If you're petrified of the objectively less advantageous version by your opponent, the answer Dennis is yes, yes you should."
"The single most important desire in all beings is to have a game, it was necessary to not know certain things so certain perceptions were negated."
"Once your games get sufficiently complicated where you need game theory to figure out things, and you're working on things on multiple levels, it's probably too complicated for someone to actually solve it intuitively anyway."
"This game broke Kasparov and showed one of the weaknesses we humans have."
"AlphaZero used an entirely new approach... had only been taught how to play the game."
"Life is a game where you set a goal and arrange your actions. Responsibility gives meaning to the game."
"It's merely a game of probabilities, so what do I need to do is increase my probabilities by knowing how the game is played."
"Understand that the game is going to be played whether you like it or not, and you better get your bag secured by understanding how the rules of the game work."
"The only way to win this game is to stop playing."
"Now we have an algorithm that from zero being completely agnostic as to just what the game is, in a matter of four hours recapitulated all of human and computer knowledge and bested it."
"The point is to stay in the game, to keep the game going."
"Learn the rules of the game so that you can break them properly."
"To win the game you have to invent a new game."
"Your ability to understand and adapt to your opponent's game plan... is at its core what makes Arms' metagame so intricate."
"So much of it stems from others believing you have it, and that it's not just about winning the stated game but making up the rules that define winning."
"Games about sacrifice teach us that compromise and disempowerment can actually focus us on what really matters and drive us much further than the ones that offer no resistance at all."
"The game is the game, and anyone is free to play it, but that doesn't keep it from being rigged, corrupt, or having severe consequences."
"The game has not changed every single day. Some days the game does change, but not every day."
"Game theory is a method of modeling decision-making. It helps you break down very complicated decisions into simpler, more understandable methods."
"The classic example of game theory is the prisoner's dilemma."
"Sound reasoning can make for crazy plays that are correct even though to amateurs they may look like donkey moves."
"Even when we've got the full size of the pot, we only need to win 50% of the time and 67 percent of the time our opponents miss."
"For flop play, our fold equity should be the first determinant of our action with our pot equity coming to close second."
"We just rattle the cages and reset the game board."
"Stop trying to play their game, the only way to win is to not play."
"You don't lose if you get it right, wow, I think Professor Plum did it!"
"It's sort of like the prisoner's dilemma in game theory where it's like no matter what you think the other person's going to do, here's what you should do with the vaccines."
"Synergistic ideas gas players to think from an interconnected macro perspective."
"In the world of solos, there's no such thing as a fair game, only winners and losers."
"It's just very hard for me to have a bluff here when I check all the turns that size bet and I think my play works if he doesn't have in groupings I like my play time Ariane's it's a little bit wild but that's sometimes what you got to do."
"But the theory just doesn't hold up when you actually examine the lore of the series."
"The theory crafting that you can put into it is so cool."
"Being able to be a macro thinker in order to actually create robust strategies is necessary to elevate your game in any capacity."
"Finite players play to beat, infinite players play to be better than themselves."
"The infinite pawns have formally joined the golden alliance, which isn't golden, it's black and red."
"The better the AI is at estimating how good or how bad any particular game state is, the better the AI is going to be able to play that game."
"At the end of the day don't play the game if you're gonna cry about it cuz then the scenario where okay so it says he made this Richard made an attempt increasingly offer."
"Meta's AI Cicero achieved something terrifying: winning at diplomacy better than humans."
"You have a choice as to what game you're gonna play."
"The bot aims to approximate the Nash equilibrium and that's actually what a lot of expert poker players aim for as well."
"Gambits: Sacrifice material early for faster development."
"This is a lot of lines on maps, but it the end it is just a complicated way of arriving at the classic game theoretic model known as a prisoner’s dilemma."
"Thank you all for watching all the way through to the end."
"So is game theory a tool for us to hack our lives? To get what we want when we want? Or should we be cautious of how the games we play can change us to the core."
"Why do we play these games? They look so nice and neat on paper."
"Poker is a game of infinite solutions. You always have some percentage assigned to some answer."
"No one Ghana's respect among people more than more than people who play the same game and know how difficult the game is."
"Pawn structures determine maneuvering between your pawns."
"The only winning MO is not to play the game."
"Once you proper threat assess do something about it don't just complain somebody's deck is stronger than yours yeah be ready to answer their stuff more than other people's which awards into action players."
"All of this has already happened from our perspective; we're just watching the events of the game unfold."
"Play life like it's a game. When you let go of fear and play life like a game, the world is at your fingertips."
"My definition of game really is just an understanding of human behavior pattern."
"The real Squid Game was inside us the whole time."
"If you love spinning your own theories, like this video, then a game like Scrabdackle is going to have huge appeal to you!"
"The game of trust: Will they betray each other?"
"You can't win, you can't break even, and you can't get out of the game."
"When you can warp reality itself, it lets you change the rules of the game."
"No one has any incentive to change their behavior, is called the Nash Equilibrium."
"It's a game of life or death which can have only one winner, that's all there is to it."
"I believe you do know what that's like. You're here with me in the Night Mind office. Welcome back."
"Our hearts are heavy today, our prayers are with his family."
"Numbers and designs mean things in this game."
"The best way to deal with a situation like this is to do it back to the people who started. Do it well, do it for a little bit, and then in the long run, it all evens out in the Nash equilibrium."
"Rock, paper, scissors is not only a game of strategy, but also of psychological wit."
"It's not about money with me, it's about can you win the game?"
"The truth is Gonta and I work together. We formed a duo to end this killing game."
"While I do think that there is something to be said for getting rid of your enemy to make sure that he can never strike you again, in the game I think the merciful ending is the best one because it heals the most people."
"If the thought of playing a death game doesn't excite you, you'll never win."
"The most dangerous move you can make in this game is trust."
"There are more than enough clues that support the possibility of this endgame."
"Deconstruct each goal into smaller steps or levels. Goals should be tackled as game levels."
"This simple yet powerful rule is all about managing risk versus reward based on your team's numbers in the game."
"It's kind of funny how the game works, right?"
"What I'm getting at here is the thought process for fans of this being connected to an Arkham game was very, very exciting at the time."
"Games are their own specialty; they deserve their own theories."
"But heeey, that's just a theory. A GAME THEORY! Thanks for watching!"
"We either work for a positive sum game or end up having a negative sum game."
"We can all agree at this point that Ultimate Custom Night takes place in hell... But specifically, the one we should not have killed."
"Pawns are the skeleton of the position... if you understand the pawn chains and what pawn moves should be made you will already be an excellent chess player."
"Most people's plans get worse with time; you want to play games where if you wait, you win."
"People you trust and defend will ultimately betray you. This is a game of suspicion."
"He could have easily improved with hands like six five or maybe even Jack 10 that calls with a gut shot on the Flop and of course sets better two pairs Etc."
"Monopoly's been horrific, but it really pervades every aspect of our life."
"The only way to win this game is not to play."
"American politics now resembles a game of 'Prisoner's Dilemma' more than finding common ground."
"Baneslayer Angel... widely considered to be the strongest creature ever printed."
"Well played E, well played. E has now elevated to the Cersei Lannister level."
"In-game adjustments are critical for success."
"What makes these moments special and last in our memories is more than any other factor their gaminess."
"A move that is bad in one position could be good in another."
"With Game Theory, all AGIs would be incentivized to cooperate."
"Minecraft actually skipped all the way up the ladder to party system democracy."
"Recognize your opponent's vulnerabilities and start hitting."
"Reciprocity is a very, very strong mechanic."
"You might have to think of more creative ways to win the game."
"Invent games... turning it into a game will always bring you higher levels of energy and motivation."
"It's a trump card to Trump another trump card, that's the whole explanation and reason to be behind this tier."
"The lesser evil paradigm is just simply broken. It's not game theoretically stable."
"It's not going over so we just gotta play it. You gotta make sure you're playing the right one. Got to play, that's a fact. Learn the rules, play the game, that's a fact."
"Remember, it's not just something is a game or isn't a game, but there are all these gray areas in between those two places."
"If you're serious about playing a more frequency focused game..."
"You want to lean towards betting to get value from your opponent."
"If we all fought ourselves out of the game, then they have won."
"Potential meta-theory of a game that I literally started five."
"Provocatively, the solution to our dilemma might lie in a thought experiment from game theory."
"If Hearthstone had like a million different cards and they were all great, this card would be like the best card in the game because there's no downside."
"I really appreciate and is why I am here again today to continue asking that question and explore possible Regional variant evolutions for the starter Pokemon."
"One theory is that this next game may end with thor kidnapping loki."
"Chimps were actually more adept than humans...closer to reaching a Nash equilibrium."
"Without rules, there is no game; without a game, there is no winning."
"Black draws the game using a brilliant defensive idea: stalemate."
"End games are worth studying both from the perspective of becoming stronger and also from the perspective of appreciating a very unique kind of beauty."
"Show me a woman who stayed with her man for 20, 30 years even though she could have taken half his stuff, and I'll show you a man who has game."
"The best thing to do is to understand the rules of the game and find a way to win."
"Most of the people in the house, they didn't understand that the only strategy of this game is just following heart. This is the best lesson for their life."
"The strongest pieces are those not on the board."
"It's my view that those things do not really exist specifically because of how 40k is constructed."
"Even when you can't understand it, that's why game theory exists."
"This is just such an innovative, interesting strategy."
"Stands are like chess; the stand user is your king."
"I never know how dumb you're gonna be on a given day I typed in the exact opposite of like okay if I say scissors he'll throw out rocks so I threw out paper and rock fail me."
"That is how we take a game and figure out what the best move to make is."
"If there is a moral that you take away with that there's certain games in which the only winning move is not to play."
"Giving your autonomous robots my heuristic imperatives is the best way to enter into a positive beneficial Nash equilibrium."
"My definition of game really is just understanding of human behavior pattern."
"The good games are a series of interesting decisions." - Sid Meier
"I'm going to feel so goddamn stupid if there's no traitor in this game."
"Don't settle for the Nash equilibrium; it's not a true human equilibrium."
"Kawamatsu has now changed these odds quite a bit. I personally think it would be just like Oda and very clever to sort of hide that you're dropping this game-changing information."
"Bitcoin is a game that plays by its own rules."
"There is no more middle ground. You either play the game and game the system or you let it control you."
"To assume that there is a good and an evil or a positive and a negative is to set up the parameters of a game."
"Mechanics and strategy are almost the same thing."
"If you don't make the rules you don't run the game."
"Compensation for the pawn means you've got stuff going on in the position that gives you enough."
"You're not playing the same game if you honestly thought that this was avoidable."
"This aspect of the strategy was a total Game Changer."
"We've got to sort of see the whole game and how it's being played."
"Minimax algorithm is called minimax because we have two players each trying to make an optimal score."
"Everybody wants to be the robber now and not the cop."
"Life isn't a game; it's a set of games. Never sacrifice Victory across the set of games for victory in one game."
"In a game where trust is fleeting, to have a partnership with someone, an alliance with someone that you can trust, that's huge."
"Like the pawn can be a very powerful supporting piece, which can open doors for your minor pieces to jump into squares that they otherwise couldn't access."
"Every opening has its spirit, and this is what I'd like to give you: what is the spirit of the Sicilian defense."
"Early expansion should focus on securing a trade node, as not all trade nodes are equal."
"If you're looking for a different result we have to be playing in a different game."
"Game theory and game design is a very important thing to me because it allows me to do the systemic analysis of what's happening around the world."
"Geopolitics is a game of go where the Americans in the west they don't understand how to play this game."
"Jewelry and flowers have a game theoretic value precisely because they show genuine sacrifice, not just possible disguised self-interest."
"Gregor is a robot, first FNAF Theory and look how well received it's been, look how good that's gone for all of us."
"I'm just saying, you know, my goal was to get rid of Matt right away because he's freaking... he's a freaking friend. Get rid of the smart people, keep the sheep."
"The most important decision you can make at a poker table is whether or not to play your hand."
"Bone works back end is the only thing preventing true death it's an infrastructure protecting its users but what if your consciousness were able to bypass the bone works and just exists here down in the void."
"Donald Trump just played their game better than they did; he understood the game; he was better at being an oligarch than Hillary Clinton."
"Breath of the Wild 2 is creating a split timeline now."
"A few things will happen. You will win the plaudits of Sudoku enthusiasts everywhere, you'll win a million dollars, and you'll have proven that P equals NP, so you'll have changed the world."
"Altruism is actually sometimes a winning strategy."
"He follows game flow much like some top-level poker players play people rather than logic."
"11 years after the game's release there is still a group of people so dedicated to the game that they play it nearly every day looking into the code and crafting theories for new ways to break and play their favorite game."
"I'm not sure of anything, but I hope that perhaps the game and this essay can give you an insight, and an understanding of what living like this is like."